CHAPEL HILL • By Mk. Dorothy Dashiell Smith Chapel Hill Telephone 441S Literature Group Meets The afternoon group of the lit erature department of the Chapel Hill Community Club will meet this afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. G. Privette on Vance Street. The program has been planned by Mrs. C. W. Shields. Mrs. George B. Cutten was hostess to the evening group yes terday. -o—— Addresses Faculty Club Charles J. Sisson, a visiting professor at the University from the University of London, ad dressed the Faculty Club of Chapel Hill at the luncheon meeting Tues day. Mr. Sisson spoke on “The English Universities.” -o Gillin AAUVV Speaker John Gillin will be guest speak er at the meeting tonight of the ChapeT Hill chapter of the Ameri can Association of University Women. He will talk on “Exca-. vat^ng in Guatemala,” showing colored slides as he lectures. The meeting will be held in the staff room of the University Li brary at 8 o’clock. -o . Personals — Howard Gdtmv-has - received the Master Breeder Award for 1949 from the American Jersey Cattle Club of Columbus, Ohio. Dr. Odum raises Jersey cows on his farm near Chapel Hill. -o Bill Perry will be in Salisbury tomorrow presiding at a meeting of the ^forth Car61ina Vocational Guidance Association .> Dr. Perry | is vice president of the organiza tion. o Dr. Lillie Antonoakos has won the Georgia Poetry Society’s an nual award for her poem, judged best of those submitted for the past year. -o Mr. and Mrs. Kai Jurgensen became the parents of a girl, thfir first child, a week ago Sunday at Duke Hospital. She is named Karen Margaret. -o..... Altrusans To Durham The Chapel HiU Altrusa Club were guests of the Durham club last Thursday in celebration of the fifteenth anniversary of the Durham Altrusa Club. A dinner meeting was held at Harvey’s Cafeteria. Mrs. Edith Nelson of Richmond, district governor, was guest speak er. She was entertained by the Chapel. Hill Altrusa members Wednesday evening at dinner in the Monogram Club and at tbe Playmaker production of “The Little Foxes.” . Dames Hear Mrs. Foushee Mrs. John Foushee was guest speaker at the Wednesday meeting or-'ffie "CaroTma" Ddnres "ClQb, " tr Chapel Hill social club for wives of University studentst Mrs. Fou shee spoke on “Home Decorating Problems. ” - —.—o The U. S,. has accounted for almost one-third of the world’s apparel wool consumption for the past six years. WALLPAPER LUCAS PAINT KEM-TONE,WALLPAPER WALLPAPER LUCAS PAINT KEM-TONE WALLPAPER WALLPAPER LUCAS PAINT KEM-TONE WALLPAPER WALLPAPER WALLPAPER WALLPAPER WALLPAPER WALLPAPER WALLPAPER WALLPAPER WALLPAPER Blake 8 Herndon W. Franklin St. Chapel Hill Tel. F-5341 (Next to Milton’s Cupboard) WALLPAPER WALLPAPER WALLPAPER WALLPAPER WALLPAPER WALLPAPER WALLPAPER WALLPAPER WALLPAPER LUCAS PAINT KEM-TONE WALLPAPER WALLPAPER LUCAS PAINT KEM-TONE WALLPAPER WALLPAPER LUCAS PAINT KEM-TONE WALLPAPER The Robins are Back Fast-Cutting •5-Blade 1 "WESUINE MASTER” Precision. built. Quiet. smooth operating. Big 10" easy-rolling wheels. Carefully machined to give long, satisfactory service. Easy Terms.xmt With Rubber Tires.., "Excello" Self-Propelled POWER LAWN MOWER With Full 18" Cutting Width $99.50 S self-sharpening blades that cut fast and clean. Quiet, variable speed % H.P. gasoline motor. Rubber tires and grips. Light; easy to operate. Westline - $1.55 Tempered steel blade for hard serv ice. X3I2S XI563 * Easy-Action HEDGE SHEAR $1.52 Precision 8" tem pered blades for better work. X3110 Westline GARDEN RAKE $3.69 14" head. 5 ft. hardwood handle. Ta pered teeth. Many Other Gardening and Lawn Tools Pruning Saws Pruning Hooks Push Plows Garden Spades Hose 8 Nozzles Fertilizer Spreaders and Seeders Hillsboro Tel. 2521 Caldwell News MRS. ELIZABETH «. MURRAY &X MRS. ELIZABETH C, MURRAY The Women's Society for Chris tian Service of the New Bethel Church held a quilting party last Tuesday in the home of Mrs. Min nie Miller. The group completed two quilts for a donation to the Methodist Orphanage in Raleigh. Mrs. Eva Kirkland and Miss Mar garet Gates served the group luncheon. -o Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gates, Jr., have returned from San Di ego, Calif., where Mr. Gates has been employed for the last sev eral months < The young couple will now make their home with Mr. Gates’ parents, Mr. and Mrs! Harvey Gates, Sr. -o William McBroom left recently for Louisville, Ky., where he will attend a veterans’ training school in television and radio mechanics* Mrs;.;McBroom, the former Doris Kiger, will leave soon to join him. Mrs. Fannie Cole spent the weekend with her sister-in-law, Mrs. John Riggs, of 'Durham County. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. McKee and Mr. and Mrs. Billie McKee and their small children, Carol and Ricky Day, _ had dinner Sunday with Mrs. Hubert Yeargan.of Chapel Hill.' Mr. and Mrs. Beau Hawkins and their two small children have returned to the community to make their home with Mrs. Haw kins’ parents, Mr. and'Mrs. Frank Laws. Mrs. Hawkins is the for mer Frances Laws. . -----0 University' Woman’s Club Is Organized Chape’l Hill.—More than 200 faculty and administrative wives and widows and women faculty members turned out here last week for a tea at the Monogram Club at which the new University Woman’s Club was formally launched. Mrs. W. Reece Berryhill was elected president of the new or ganization whose members are limited to full faculty members’ wives—either active or retired— women faculty members, wives of administrative officials, and wid ows or former faculty members and administrative officials. Other officers elected were Miss Muriel McLauchlin, vice president, and Mrs. Herbert R. Baer, secretary-treasurer. Chai men of standing committees ap pointed ae: Mrs. Clyde C. Carter, hospitality; Mrs..R. D. W. Con nor, social;. Mrs. Flettcher Green, program, and Mrs. L. B. Roger son, publicity. ' Mrs. Roy K. Marshall, wife of the new Director of the Morehead Planetarium at the University, was introduced. Her invitation to the group to use’ the lounge of the Planetarium building as ar perma nent meeting place was accepted. Purpose of the club will be purely social, it was announced. Meetings will be held each month during the college year and one meeting will be scheduled for each summer term. They will take the form of a tea, reception, luncheon, bridge party or picnic—no busi ness meetings. All business, it was said, will be carried on by the executive board. Cedar Grove News Mrs. R. H. CUytor has re turned to her teaching position in the Ay cock School. -o Mrs. Harlton McKee, Orange County Bible teacher, delivered a most informative lecture to the 'students in Ay cock School last Wednesday morning. ——o Mrs. C. H. Pender chaperoned the eighth grade and several 10th grade students on a tour of Ra leigh Friday. While there they attended the morning session of the Legislature. Those who made the tour were: Peggy Caruthers, Patsy Tate, Polly Trim, Aldeen Cates, Jeanette Wilson, Louise Copple, Dorothy Cates, Shirley Burgess, Katy Sue Byrd, Jorleen Cates, Nancy Hawkins, Frances Horner, Ann Long, Lois Walker, Priscilla Wilkerson, Betty Tate, Mattie Tuck, and Joe Compton, Harry Compton, Carroll Wright, and Maurice Wright. Wright. Miss Rebecca Liner of Hillsboro visited Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc Dade and lit^je daughter, Martha Karen, and Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Liner and son on Sunday, Feb. 27. —-—o .. Several ladies of the community attended the Stanley party at Mrs. Hobart McCullock’s home in the Carr community Thursday night. Mrs. Claiborne Carr, Mrs. Allen Lloyd, Evelyn Lloyd, Robert Oli ver, and Miss Frances Walker were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Oliver and family during the weekend. -o- “ Rev. J. >-S. and Mrs. Cook moved last week to Harmony, N. C., where Mr. Cook will re sume his duties as pastor of two churches in that community. . Sam Boland and family will be moving soon to their new home near his father’s home. -r-0 Mr. and Mrs. Durell Jordan and family of Fayetteville, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Murphy of Leas burg, Mr. and Mrs. James Mur7 phy of Raleigh were guests of Mrs. Ella Murphy during the weekend. -o Miss Mildred Finley attended the Eastern Star meeting in Hills boro on Thursday night. Mrs. Curtis Nickles was con fined to her bed several days last week due to illness. The World Day of Prayer was held Friday night at the Cedar Grove Methodist Church. Allen Allison is recovering from his recent illness. Mrs. Lance Phelips has re turned to her home after being a patient in Watts Hospital. " —,-—o-*— SERVE TOGETHER Burlington. Two Alamance youths'ase serving together aboard the USS Saint Paul. They are Hetman E. Denny, son of Mrs. B. M. Denny, Burlington, and Marvin L. Hilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hilton of Route 6, Burlington. ^ TAXI Call 6611 HOLLYWOOD CAB CO. 406 W. Franklin Street Chapel Hill, N. C. All cabs equipped with two way radio telephone $299.75 * Model shown DJ-7 Other Deluxe Models In- 9 and 11 ft. size Liberal Terms— Trade-Ins See the New FRIGIDAIRE Deluxe "7” with larger / super-freezer • Famous Motor-Miser J mechanism • Exclusive puickube Trays • Aluminum, rust-proof shelves • 5-Year Protection Plan • Full-width, porcelain Hydrator — BENNETT AMD BLOCKSIDGE 105 E. Franklin Street , I CHAPEL HILL TEL. 6161 News Of Negre Comflronity ♦ Mrs. A. J. Holman was hostess at a delightful plate supper Wed nesday evening at her home here. Proceeds of the supper will oe used in helping to beautify the A. M. E. Church parsonage. Seaman James Young of the U. S. Navy is visiting his mother, Mrs. Maggie Young. A birthday party was given in honor of Pete Dunnigan, February 28* at the home of his sister, Mrs. Susan Bullock. The guests pres ent were: Mrs. Irene Whitted, Miss Ha^el Gattis, Mr. and Mrs David Payne, Mr. and Mrs. Da vid McPherson, Charlie Long Mrs. Martha Long, Miss Beatrice Norman and Samuel Mitchell. ■.—a -. Mr. and Mrs. .Leroy Whitted of Norwalk, Conn., spent several days visiting their parents and friends at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Anderson Whitted. Miss Ann Gordon of Tennessee, a student at N. C. College, was tl)e dinner' guest of Edward Mc Pherson, Sunday, March ft. -o—;— \ , The Deep River Jubilee Quartet will appear here in an outstand I ing concert, March 9, at 8 o’clock in the Negro High School Audito rium . The concert is sponsored by the P. T.< A. of the school. This quartet is famous for its mas tery of §opthern harmony, planta tiim songs,- spirituals, and - siirring modern songs combined with fa i vorites from the classical reper I toire. ... General admission is 65 cents and 35 cents for adults and chil dren, respectively. Advance tick ets 50c, now on sale at the school and local business places. Mr. and Mrs. James McPher son had as their weekend guests, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jefferies and daughter of Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. LeeRoy Kirksey and Miss Lois Mayo spent Sunday afternoon at Bennett College, Greensboro, visiting Miss Mayo’s sister, Eleanor, a freshman there. -o Miss Maria Cooper is very busy soliciting donations for the Negro i Library fund. Miss Cooper has reported a sizable sum to Mrs. Gem Theatre THIS WEEK’S SCHEDULE Your Favorite Theater TODAY AND FRIDAY “Badnen of Tombstone” BARRY SULLIVAN MARJORIE REYNOLDS Deadlier than the James Boys Wilder than the Daltons SATURDAY .JIMMY WAKELY ' *—In— - * “Outlaw Brand" • ■ —and— serial and comedy SUNDAY AND MONDAY - ¥\ w risks SO DEAR TO rsa. TUE8DAY AND WEDNESDAY Those Who Have Pets Must See “My Dog Rusty” —Starring— TED DONALO8ON M D. McPherson, the Library Finance Committee. All patrons and friends of Orange County are asked to five Ub^y to help erect a library building. The Baptist Foreign and Missionary Assoc.ation heid thelr monthly meeting TMaj «t the home of Mrs. Mary Mrs. Cynthia W ^g, vice-pr« ident, presided due to the Illness Osbunn Theatre HILLSBORO SUNDAY - MONDAY MARCH 13-14 S Jarring LINDA HAMEL i CORNEL WILDE’ ! RICHARD GREENE • GEORGE SANDERS i Directed by OTTO PREMINGER I produced by WILLIAM PERLBERG I From the Novel by KATHLEEN WINSOR 2a I TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY MARCH 15-1£ I A MEMORABLE FILM RETURNS Richard Llewellyn's HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY Produced by DARRYL F 2ANUCK Directed by JOHN FORD A 20th Century-Fox Encore. Triumph! THURSDAY - FRIDAY MARCH 17-18 Starring « VICTOR MATURES COLEEN GRAY ^ Directed by BRUCE HUMBERSTONE t.rjrjt FRED KOHLMAR SATURDAY, MARCH 19 DOUBLE FEATURE of the president, Mrs. roughs. But' Among the sick and shm are: Mrs. Cora Byrd, Little v* lyn Long, Mrs. Martha an Mrs. Lela Browder, Mas A Wrhrht: Mrs. Emma n. ” Wright; Mrs. nurrou*.' Mrs. Luada Benneham cissa CHAPEL HILL THURSDAY - FRIDa7 Ivegot to tell you ■ something about your A SATURDAY AI-6-M re presents » CLARK GABLE mm H&W m Jeanette LATE SHOW SATURDAY SUNDAY - MONDAY ' :•;•' ' 'TS && jr* A SAM WOOD PRODUCTION Produced by SIDNEY FRANKLIN In Association with in Association wim ■,? . GOTTFRIED REINHARDT wilt, MAISHAU THOMPSON • R'CHARD O CAMERON MITCHEU • CLINTON SUNOBEK • M» “ TUESDAY flwttQIYOt* WITHOUT COMSOWCBt £ntwpns« P'«W“S vozoruy lAMOUfj 6G/AA/ 00/ZtfW dA/Gs r/e£W&* *WHK« Sffff