Carrboro By MRS. IRA MANN Telephone -5502 Personals Miss Bertha Wright is recu perating at her home here after undergoing an operation and spending ten days in Watts Ros piMr and Mrs. Walter McKnight and family and Mr. and Mrs. Taft Teague were visitors at White Lake at the weekend. Gerald Farrell is spending this week in Durham with Mr. and Mrs. David Hayden. Mrs. Florence Sharpe of Waynesboro, Va., has been spend ing several days here with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Wall. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Watts re turned last Sunday from several days stay at Ridgecrest. Mrs. Taylor Fowler is recu perating at her home on Oak Avenue after an operation * at Watts Hospital./ Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pleasants moved from Carrboro back to their old home in Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Pleasants are par ents of Mrs. Rupert Squires. Mr. and Mrs., W. T-JBell were visitors at- the weekend to Mr. Bell’s parents, Mr. and Mijs. Har. oid J. Bell, in Charlotte. Mrs. Jesse West, Mrs. I. A. West and Mrs, Ernest were visi tors in Greensboro last Tuesday. ..They, accompanied Mrs. Mamie Beck and Mrs, Margaret Bryson who spent the week in Greens boro with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Clark Sr. and Miss Joyce Clark have been visiting Mr. Clark's brother, the Rev. F. B. Clark, of Brevard who is a patient in the Baptist Memo rial Hospital in Winston-Salem. He underwent an operation on Tuesday of this week. William Clark of Oak Avenue is a patient in Watts Hospital, Dur ham. Mrs. Clark who has been a patient in Watts Hospital has. only been home a few weeks. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Evans and son, Kent, Billie Bruce *Page and Miss Sandra Mann were weekend guests at White Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence* McFar land and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Perry are spending this week at Carolina Beach near Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hobby of Burlington have been spending several days here with relatives. Milton West of Camden, N. J., left on last Tuesday after spend ing the past two,weeks here with his father, I. A. West, and other j relatives. Miss Sharon Smith of Rich mond, Va., is spending several*, weeks here with relatives and her friend, Miss Opal Wright. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Creed and were visitors at the Weekend to really big! It’s newl It’* loaded with exclusive fea tures and gives you more food storage space than ever( before In the same kitchen [' area. Has Meter-Miser mecK-! anism,, large Super-Freezer; Chest, Full-Width Hydrator../ Qnd many other features. ■*? BENNETT AND BL0CKSID6E 'hapel Hill Tel. 6161 family"*1 MrS' °Uie Glark and “r;.and,Mrs- I- W. Durham Jr. and their daughter, Miss Sarah B Durham, are leaving on Friday of W^k u° Wsit Mr- and Mrs. James Michner in Edenton. They will visit in Manteo and attend the pageant of “The Lost Colony” be fore returning home. Miss Doris Lindsay, Misses Josie Mae Hardee and Priscilla Elling ton Lloyd Eefidergrass, Russell Bullock, Billie Watts and Howard Heame are among those who have been attending the Baptist Assem bly at Ridgecrest this week. Little Miss Phyllis Bowden of Haw River is spending two weeks here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cheek. Miss Bertha Wright has been a patient in Watts Hospital for the past two weeks. She is improving after an operation and is expected home this week. Mrs. L. D. Petty of Saxapahaw has been spending several days here this week with Mrs. P. c. Teague and other relatives; Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Ray and family were visitors at the-week end to White Lake. Miss Edna Earle Womble en .ered Watts Hospital on Monday af this week for an emergency operation for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Poole, their laughter, Beverly, and Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Poole of Raleigh were visitors to White Lake at the weekend. —— Birhtday Party Jack Squires was honored on lis birthday last Sunday by a family dinner party at the home )f his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R, M. Squires, on Oak Avenue in Carr )oro- Special guests included Misses Eloise and Ann Fogleman >f Chapel Hill. -o Honored By Associates I. A. West, who was retired from his duties with the Depart nent of Bacteriology at U. N. C. he last of June after almost ten mars of service, was given a party iy members of the department leaded by Dr. D. A. McPherson ind Dr. T. L. Rights. A fine cake vas cut in his honor and he was iresented a large leather chest of ■igar.s that was hand carved in :ide the lid with* the inscription ! ‘To I. A. West, from the Depart- j nent of Bacteriology, U. N. C.,.| 'une, 1949.” Mr. West, who is the J ormer mayor of Carrboro, will be ! 2 in August. He- says he has horoughly enjoyed working in he laboratory with all .the fine loctors and other workers in the lepartment and that he is sure hey will mean much to the Uni erjdty. . ^ ——o Shower Honoree Mrs. Max Brown was honored n last Friday evening by a sur J-isa mi-S-reJlarieons shower at the ome of Mr. arrd Mrs. R. G. Cheek a Carrboro.' Upon entering the ving room, Mrs. Brown was pre erited a lovely shoulder corsage, nd after games and contests were njoyed she was showered with ively and useful gilts by the 35 uests present. The guests were len invited into the dining room diich was lovely with arrange-" lents of summer flowers. A large owl of snapdragons centered the ining table in pastel shades car ying out the color scheme of pink nd white. Punch, cake, mints nd nuts were served. ——o Attend District Meet A large number of mergfcers of the Youth Fellowship of the Carr boro Methodist Church attended a district meeting of Youth Fel lowships in the Mann's Chapel Church in Chatham County on Monday evening of this week in their regular monthly meeting. The churches represented includ ed the< Mann’s Chapel Church, i Orange Church, Mtr ,Pleasant, ' Bynum, Pittsboro and Carrboro. ——o Birth Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fitzgerald of J Andrew, Texas announce the birth of a son, in Duke Hospital I July 7. Mrs. Fitzgerald is the for mer Miss Annie Mae Rackley of Carrboro. Bride-Elect Feted Miss LeNoris Tripp, bride-elect if July 15, was honored on last \ .the home of her grandmother, Jrs. Harriet Tripp on Weaver itreet in Carrboro with Mrs. IhaHie Cannady as co-hostess, ifter games and contests were njoyed by the guests prize win ers included Miss Ava Thrift, Irs. Richard Horner, Miss Eunice [unt and the guest of honor Miss 'ripp. who was showered with iany useful lovely gifts from the 6 guests who were present and large number