PERSONAL NOTES FROM < •% Chapel Hill By ELOISE FOGLEMAN In Asheville Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Koon an< son, Michel, of Strowd Hill an visiting Mr. Koon’s family ii Asheville,' N. C. -o Returns Home Mrs. Arthur Bridgman and son Art Jr., returned home Sundaj from Stemberger Hospital ir Greensboro. -o Visits Sisters Mrs. G. Maurice Hill is visiting her sisters, Misses Nelle, Agnes, and Ola Andrews, on Rosemary Street. In New"Orleans Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lloyd of North Street are vacationing in New Orleans. -o Take Trip Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Alexander are in Lumberton on a business trip. - - - .■ - Vacatiolng Mrs. B. L. Smith of Patterson Place and Mrs. Ben Pritchard of Cameron Avenue are vacationing at Wrightsville Beach. -0— -T—rjV Return Home Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Teague and daughter have returned to their home in Guilford after visiting Mrs. Teague’s mother, Mrs. Ber tha Smith, on Pritchard Avenue. -o—— Visits Mother Mrs. Margaret Crumpler and children from Raleigh are visit A-, ing Mrs. Crumpler’s mother, ?drs. P. B. Burke, on Rosemary Street. -#■. ; On Vacation Rev. and Mrs. D. P. Rudisill and children, Paul and Barbara, from Hickory visited here ever the weekend. The RudislRs are for mer residents of this city and Mr. Rudisill was pastor of the Lu theran Church here. o ■■■ Attending Summer 8chool Mrs. Mildred M. Mooneyhan, principal of the elementary school, is in New York attending summer school at Columbia University. 211 Pritchard Ave. Visit Cambridge l Mr. and Mrs. J. Minor Gwym > are spending the summer in Cam i bridge, Mass. -o Visits Greensboro Sol Lipman visited the Masonii and JEastern Star home in Greens ’ boro Sunday. -o Drive to White Lake Mrs. Ruth Thomas and Mrs Margaret Webb drove to White Lake last weekend to bring home some Baptist campers who spenl the week there. -o Parties Honor Bride-Elect Miss Carolyn Buice is engaged to James Edwin Taylor of Far rington. The wedding will take place the latter part of this month. On Wednesday, July 6, Mrs. Dot Boger and Mrs. F. C. Blocksidge, Jr., entertained Miss Buice at a ! bridge-shower at , the Graham Court Apartments, Ginger ale', ice cream, nuts, and mints were served to 16 guests. Wednesday night, July 13, Mrs. F. C. Blocksidge, Sr., entertained Miss Buice at a dinner party at her home at the Graham Court Apartments. Approximately eight couples, attended. Wedding Announcement Miss Jean Farrow of Durham will be married to Billy Holleman of this city August 13 at the First Baptist Church in Durham. Visit Son Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dobbins from Louisville, Ky., are visiting their son, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Dobbins, in Victory Village. ' Return* Home Miss Pearl Bass has returned to ! her home after spending two weeks visiting friends and rela Sampson County. -o Visit* Parents Mrs. George Scheers will spend the next six weeks visiting her parents in Missouri. ——o In Hosptlal Nick Watts of Rosemary Street is in Watts hospital undergoing j treatment. Modal NA-I FOR CITY N UBURBAN AND FARM USE X . V $319.00 Whether you live in the dty, town or country, you can enjoy frozen food any time you want it. Just reach into your spacious General Electric Home Freezer and choose what you want. Imagine having delicious strawberries in January or food any time of the year ... freezing fresh fruit pies and other deli cacies many months in advance. Meat, frozen when fresh, re mains fresh and flavorful for many months. The delectable fresb , “*** ** retained, “d « ssfely protected at ZERO temperature, A General Electric Home Freezer is a time-saving convenience, with fewer trips to the market or to your locker plant: is a labor-saving convenience because frozen food Js so easy to pt» pare for the table. -- 7 v ... two Models TO CHOOSE FROM ' The NA-4, four-cubic-foot model, bolds up to 140 pounds of frozen food. The NA-8, eight-cubic-foot mod el, bolds up to 280 pounds, ^ • Kandy wire baskets provide storing of frozen • A warning light on the NA-t In dicates a current Interruption or • Positive action latch, *TsuewAauluelseaewsf llji uHlmVlDaiailvM llBe » I _ • Interior depth whUn im* of •vM short persons. • IU:1 dial position Is sot for sor* dogroo r. lower tompontom may bo selected. | • Flbetglas insulation far *IM«t •forage and economy. .. " * "■ "V"01" •"*"**— « Johnson-Strowd-Ward FURNITURE CO. 422 W. Franklin St. Chapel Hill ' * New Hope By ELIZABETH KIRKLAND . . i Successful Camp The Orange Presbytery camp at New Hope beginning June 21 with the senior young people and clos 1 ing July 14 with the last group of ' Pioneers was a very great success from every point of view. Dr. Henry Patterson, executive secre tary of Orange Presbytery, and : Mrs. Patterson were in charge of the camp. Rev. John Whitley of Leaksville was director of the Young People’s Conference and Rev. Russel Fleming was in charge of both groups of pioneers. Rev. Chester Alexander, pastor of the First Church, Burlington, conducted vespers Sunday, July 10, at 7 p. m. Pioneers from Granville Presbytery will be at l the camp jfrom July 14 to July 21 and a minister from Granville Presbytery will preach at New Hope Sunday, July 17, at 11 o’clcok. Personals Rev. and Mrs. John Ensign will leave August 1 for a two weeks vacation in Philadelphia. The Nannie Kirkland circle met with Mrs. W. A. Craig Monday, i July 11. Mrs. John Ensign led the , Bible study. The Viola Powell circle met Tuesday, July 12, at 8 p. m. with Mrs. Kenneth Straw horn. Mr. and Mrs. Carl ,Blackwbod and Mrs. York of Creedmoor vis ited at W. S. Nunn’s Sundav, July 10. Mrs. John Freeland has returned from a visit with her parents in Drexel. Qn Vacation Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Coker of North Street will be avcationing at Myrtle Beach for the next six Repeat Performance By special demand, the begin ners department of the Baptisl Church will give a repeat per formance of the Tom Thumb Wedding Saturday, July 16, at 7:30. Visits Here Mrs. M. H. Jennings and Miu Madeline Jennings from Roanoke, Va., have been visiting relatives and friends here for the past week, Mrs. Jennings and Madeline were former Residents of this city. Thursday, July 7, Mrs. Jennings was honored at a tea given by her old neighborhood friends on the back lawn of Mrs. Nancy Mumpreys. The serving table, covered with a lace cloth, was centered with a floral arrangement of gladioli, zinnias, marigolds, gaillardia, and calendula. Fruit punch, cheese biscuits, and cookies were served by Mrs. Lossie Packer, assisted by Mrs. June Packer. Those who atteded were Mrs. Bertha Smith, Mrs.Womble, Mrs. Leila Tilley, Mrs. Maude Neville, Mrs. Virginia Fogleman, and the hostesses,—Mrs.—Lossie—Packer, Mrs. Nancy Humpreys, and Mrs! June Packer. --o-*—■ - - . Leaves Town Mr. and Mrs. James Fesler and children will, leave here soon for Minneapolis where Mr. Fesler will teach at the University of Minnesota for the next summer school session. He will teach at the University of California dur ing fall, winter, and spring terms and return here next June. -o Return From Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Fred Edney have returned to their home on Vance Street after vacationing at Atlan tic Beach. -o _ Visit Here Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bowen from Greensboro are "visiting their son, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bowen, on Pritchard Avenue. „ —,—o Leave Today Misses Joyce Williams and Eloise Fogleman will leave today for a weekend at Whiteville, N. C., visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Boger and family. -o In Golf Tourney The following men from this :ity will participate in the Herald Bun golf tournament which starts July 14 at Hillandale golf course in Durham:: Bob Smith, Oliver Sapp, Alex O’Brien, Pep Younce, Herman Fogleman, Dave Breecher, kaughlin. LENNOX ' MM'S LAMEST MANUFACTURER MO ENCINEEOS OF «MM NO REATM SYSTEMS W. B. Glenn Oil Co. Carrboro 'CL S' ' \ CMHtad U$n+*;mu, U4mr Mr. and Mr FV. M. Snipes Entertain Governor Scott, Other Guests At Dinner Governor am Mrs. W. Kerr Scott, Mr. and1 Mrs. A. K. Me Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Stanford and T. W. Lloyd were dinner guests of Mr. and Mi's. W. M. Snipes at their home at Orange Grove Sunday evening. 1 Carolina Drapery Shop Save On 1 Drape and Slip To Covers and j 2 Dress Material Buckles, Belts, and Button Holes We Also Make Buttons, WE ARE HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE: THAT MRS. GEORGE HORWARD NOW HAS A DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS DEPARTMENT IN OUR SHOP Summer Sale REDUCTIONS Suits and Sport Coats 25% to 33% Shirts 25% to 33% Shoes 33% Sport Shirts 33% Trousers 33% Great Redactions On Most Stock Items Jack Lipman CHAPEL HILL four) FOOD h TOPS \ \ OUR PRICES HNE a MEATS Pork Chops, Center Cat.Lb. 69c Bacon (Sliced). .. . .... Lb. 49c. Stew Beef, Boneless...Lb. 59c Fryers (Table Dressed)_...... Lb. 45c Wieners, Piedaont...Lb. 39c Chuck Roast..Lb. 53c Chuck Roast, Roued 8 Rolled, Lb. 69c Sausage, Piedmont.Lb. 48c Liver Pudding.. . ..Lb. 35c Super Store Coffee ^ §*>l9 COFFEE Tea Uptons Hunt’s Catsnp 14 0®> ®ot* ^ Can 45® •—*'«•* to***™*■ „ . i Cans «c Dash Bog ? ®°4 i a. 1 Lb. Jar »c Welch Grapelade Jewel 4 Lbs. 77c . Crisco i Lbs. 92c Qt <4c Morton Salt 2 Pkgs. 17c Perch Fillets, Lb. 39c Haddock “ Lb. 39c ftoniider . “Lb. 49c 0!eo (All Southern)..Lb. 20c Qieo (Colored) in Quarters.Lb. 39* Sutter, Creamery ... Lb. 71® HUNT’S , Fruit Cocktail.No. 2*,i Can 35* Corn Flakes, Kellogg’s.Large IS* Jells .. .. 2 Pkgs. 15* FRESH VEGETABLES Lettuce.2 Heads 25« Do*. 4?C String Beans, 2 Lbs. 25c ^ 2 Lbs. 19c ^ Cucumbers 2 Lbs. 19c „ Fowler’s Food Store Franklin Street Phone F-416 Chapel Hill