I i t LLLI'I JOB '£ADIO 'CLOTHES MONfY ■ HOMI CAir FURNITURE JEWELRY CLASSIFIED AD RATES Fifteen Words 50c (this type) Two cents for each additional word Fifteen words $1.00 (this type) Four cents for each additional word Telephone Your Classified Ads DIAL 4191 HILLSBORO Telephone Your Classified Ads DIAL 4616 CHAPEL HILL For Sale LTY-FIVE ACRES, 35 cleared; L,m house, electricity; 4 acre lL allotment. Three fish pond 3 miles south University bion J. M. Cole, 2204 Wilson [Durham, N. C. 6-14:2tp ItES SCREEN SHOP—Screens l siZe; also cabinets and tables, ip" Gates, Owner; located West lsboro. SALE—Meyer’s Hand Pump. mplete with 55 feet of pipe. t M. M. Rigsbee, near N^w Iron church. 7-14 ltp ;es Offered CIAL NOTICE!! Well Cas (Soaked Joints for bottom of Is), Storm Sewers, Culvert Tile for larm drains and tic tanks. Free Delivery. Reasonable. Satisfaction [jranteed. Highway M across Coble Dairy. Page Concrete Co., Phone 2184. Yancey |e, N. C. tfc |R REPAIRS on radios, electric vacuum cleaners, toasters, plates, electric ranges and trie appliances, call 3121. Deman-Laws Co., Inc., Hills tfc For Rent bR RENT—Floor Sanders, all Jiber drums. 25c to $l hour. Icellent floor material and wax. iishers 75c per day. P. W. Igan, Phone 3614, Hillsboro. Legal Notices NOTICE OF RESALE Under and by virtue of an Order ] the Superior Court of Orange junty, made in the special pro dding entitled “J. D. Dawson vs. :"SgwseB. Rea(ai>~iet~-eflgi,??'jthg dersigned Commissioner will on SATURDAY, the 23rd day. of r of their recovery. All ref sons indebted to said estate ''ill please make immediate payment. This the 1st dav of .Tune, 1949. LUTHER TRICE, Administrator ’of -the Estate of Betty Trice’.' NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA ORANGE .COUNTY . . IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Eln.abeth C. Frederickson Plaintiff., vs. 'Hjalmar A. Frederickson Defendant The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Orange County for an absolute divorce betw'een the plaintiL and the defendant, and said defend ant, and said defendant will take further notice that he is required to appear at the office of the el of the Superior Court of Orange County in Hillsboro, North Caro lina'within 20 days after the 4th or demur to the complaint in said action or plaintiff will apply to t ie Court for the relief demanded in said, action. This the 12th day'of July, 1949. E. M. LYNCH, Clerk of Superior Court JAMES R. FARLOW, Atty. ' « 7-14 4tc NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA ORANGE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Audrey D. Neville vs Lawrence Neville To Lawrence Neville, the defend ant: The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Orange County for an absolute divorce between the plaintiff and the de fendant and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the Office ofthe Clerk of ‘the Superior Court of Orange County tn Hillsboro, N. C., within 20 days after the 21st day of July, 1949, and answer or demur to the complaint in the said action or plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de-‘ manded in the said action. This the 16th day of June, 1949, 'E. M. LYNCH, Clerk Superior Cour.t L. J. PHIPPS, Atty. . 6-23:4tc ADMINISTNATOIt’S NOTICE Having qualified as admini strator of the estate of Peter Ben ton deceased, late of Orange County, North Carolina, this is is to notify 'all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of June, 1950 or this notice will be ppleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. WALTER FARIBAULT. 6-23:6tp ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Blanche Jenkins Honeycutt, deceased, late of Orange County, North Carolina, this is to notify all' persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Box 23, Fayette ville, N. C. or to his attorney, Victor S. Bryant, 111 Corcoran Street, Durham, N. C., on or be fore the 30th day of June, 1950, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 30th day of June 1949. GILBERT HONEYCUTT, Executor of the Estate of Blanche Jenkins Honeycutt, Deceased. ' .fi-30 6tc A D M l NIST RATRt X 'S NOTICE Having qualified as udministra* trix of the, estate, ,-nl Mrs'. Carrie -cU'ccasatL'^laUi ol Orange County, Nortli Cuiolnis, this is to notify alL pers- .ns having r-’aIm< against. the estale of said ’deceased to exhibit them' to the undersigned’ on or Txg’nre the 7th day of' July, 195(1. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted—to_ said estate will please make im mediate payment. This the 7th day of July, 1949. MRS. MARY T. CREECH, Box. 126, LaGrange, N. C., Administratrix, Estate of Mrs. Carrie Thompson 6-2:6tp ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administra trix of the estate of G. Worth Lynch, deceased, late of Orange County, North Carolina,; this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present, thern to the undersigned on- or before the 9th day of July, 1950, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to, said estdte will please make imme diate payment. This the 6th day of July, 1949. - MRS. ALBERTA LYNCH, Administratrix of the Estate 'of G. Worth Lynch, Deceased. THOMAS C. CARTER, , , louisburg college Founded 1787* Louisburg, North Carolina A Standard Junior College lor Men and Women • 1 include: Liberal Arts, *Ptc Curricula o c ^ Two-year Business, • Engineering, ( p )f ion^ • Associate in W l(ASAf Diplon-a and Business Certificate JUaFaHdSession Opens September 12, 1949 Expenses Reasonable For Catalog and Information, Write SAMIIF-L M HOLTON, Freshen! For your flowers, call West-WUliams -FLOWER SHOP Phone 9906 Carrboro •__» Bulldozer 7 For Hire By Hour or By 0*y CaI^F-3862^Ch*peMin^ ASK FOR : 666 malarial PREPARATION Why "WearT^""*"™ If It Does Not Fit? JERRY the Tailor Over Lee’s 5 Sc toe Store Chapel Hill Glasses Fitted And Repaired latest styles CREDIT TERMS Zenith - Cicronic • Leo De For rest Hearing Aids & Batteries City Optical Co. 523 Trust Bldg.—Durham 121 E. Franklin St.—Chapel Hilt _Tel. 3566 WALKER’S funeral H°me Uf«* Fir AutomobH*. Paul H. Robertso* Dr. William Koha OPTOMETRIST Phone 3686 Over Carolina Coffee Shof* Chapel Hill MondaV-Friday — 9:00-5:00 Saturday — 9:00-1:00 For best re*lifts, advertise In THE NEWS of Orange County. RAT’S BODY SHOP Painting and Body Work * ' HILLSBORO, N. C. CALVIN RAY TCL. 3535 The Lone Ranger By Fran Striker Y-VOU MEAN TO 5AY V -YOU'RE TD DUEL WITH THE LONE RANGER? Sj RIGHT. WE'RE MEET AT DAY BREAK. WHEN DID HE CATCH YDO CHEATING] HE DIDN'T HE. DELIBERATED/ v PROVOKED AT CARDS DUEL bi j id't-r' THUNDER MARTIN! WAVS THE TROUBLE?, COME, QUICK,1 SHERIFF! YOU’VE GOT TO MAKE am arrest; •WERE'5 A MASKED MAM INl, MV HOUSE.' WHAT'S THE MASKED MAN DOING IN YOUR HOUSE, THUNDER? VMi 00 YOU WANT ME TO ARREST HIM? j-g THUNDER MARTIN CHARGES VOU WITH BREAKING INTO HIS HOUSE. HE DOES. EH? WELL,THAT'5 A FINE WAV ’ TO TREAT A FRIEND/WE'LL HAVE TO DO SOMETHING ---ABOUT IT {a \nrr-rrj TELL THE TRUTH, THUNDER/ TELL THE SHERIFF WE'RE FRIENDS AND WT YOU WANTED ME ARRESTED SO I COULDN'T KEEP MY DATE AT PAY st«. a i" i '■ j. iK i.. i in? BREAK I'LL-see BOTH AFTER THE I QU6L!t—,-t-^ ■ww ,—E3-L—i—e* MNIW COME BACK )'A 'iV£'U. GET OUR HERE! HQREE6' nnL 1/ Urs l LL FIRE/ INW; INU: rvULLs M/ w SHERIFF/ m rKitavu: Hfs int LONE RANGER'! WANTED SOI TO TAIL HIM SO'S HE COULDN'T MEET "DEADSHOf ORAGO IN A DUEL AT DAYBREAK, j— "v r WE CAN LOOK FOR A PLACE TO CAMP, TONTO. THE SHERIFF FOLLOWING US^/-—jr THUNDER. DO YOU MEAN TO SAY THAT THE LONE RANGER IS GOING TO FIGHT A < DUa WITH DRAGON YEAH,' K ,-—-<1THAT'S H fRIGHT/, SHERIFF; / 1 HOPED TO PREVENT IT«ri— BECAUSE DRAGO NEVER LOSES A DUEL! — iT WILL BE QUITE A FEATHER IMW CAP WHEN I WIN A DUEL AGAINST r THE LONE RANGER i jr..=_-//L DUELING PISTCL SECRE1 ! THERE PISTOLS ON DESK/ v .1 THAT'5 THE MASKED MAM'S ^JNOANl FRI&ND/rjp (got yoU/ von snooperT