COMMUNITY SOFTBALL LEAGUE STANDINGS Hillsboro — The Methodist Church with eight wins and no losses was in the lead in the local boys softball league at the end of play Monday night. The High School girls team led the girls’ play. The standings: Boys Teams Won Lost Methodist Church . 8 0 Eno Owls . 5 4 American Legion . 5 4 Exchange Club .4 5 Belle-Vue . 3 5 Eno Cards . 3 6 White’s Furniture . 3 7 Girls Teams Won Lost High School . 5 4 Eno Chevrolet . 4 4 Eno Canaries . 4 4 Belle-Vue .'.... 4 5 METHODIST SOFTBALLERS LOSE IN TOURNAMENT BUT WIN TWO HERE Defeated 5-0 by the Young Men’s Shop of Durham in the Softball Tournament at Durham Athletic Park Sunday, the Meth odist Churchy team nevertheless hung two defeats on the local American Legion team during the past week to take a firm grip on the league leadership. In Tuesday’s game here the Legionaires led until the last in ning when the Methodists cap italized on errors and wild pitches to push over two runs and win the game, 3-2. Last week’s game was won 7-5. The score by innings: FIRST GAME HRE Methodists ill 001 x 5 7 2 AROLINA THEATER H Chapel Thursday Hill Friday Even tfie Wave* are Roaring/ VttOMA Saturday John Carradine HARRY LANDERS -On, ■ m4 HrwM h JOSEPH lERNCIt * iiw#w fufcw ux CJMTOH * iw—phi t> mm m ' ' 1 Imtt Filai Pnlntlll • *' Xu~4*tt, Film ClaSS.fiS. Inc". —-——-:- - ——. Sunday - Monday Tuesday Humphrey Bogart “CASABLANCA” Ingrid Bergman, In Wednesday TERROR his only companion at the Window Who* did this boy see iir|*|^ ° rii"i"iiU?ii- ** • - .. . was it something real or just imagination that held him horror-stricken? presents DARINGLY FILMED ON NEW YORK'S TEEMING EAST SIDE! I by UbmM, * • Ovmat by R* MU • Sb*** siastei 7 5 4 Legion OOi €12 0 SECOND GAME Methodists 000 00 L 2 5 3 2 Legion 100 001 0 3 2 3 Next Week’s Schedule: Tomorrow Eno Owls vs. Whties Eno Canaries vs. Chevrolet T uesday Exchange Clyb- vs. Owls Eno Cards vs. Methodists Wednesday Belle-Vue vs. Legion Belle-Vue vs. Eno (girls) -o Prizes To Be Given For field Events . Chapel Hill—Special prizes will be awarded the winners of the trap and rifle shooting contests and the fly and bait casting con tests at Hogan’s Lake Saturday afternoon. This was announced today by Dr. E. M. Hedgpeth, chairman of the sports program for the Orange County Wildlife Club, which is sponsoring the event. There will also be a barbecue supper, .entertainments, and life saving demonstrations by Ellis Fysal of the Red Cross. The pub lic |s invited to - come and take part. Public admission 25 cents. Participants are asked to bring their own guns and tackle, but rifles, ammo, plugs and flies will be provided. The program will begin at 2:30 p. m. Obie Davis is president of the local club. The following committees - in charge of various phases of the program were announced: Food, Will Hogan and Clyde Hornaday; Ground^, Jack and Curtis Hogan;' Trap Shooting, John’Manning and Bob Logan; Target Shooting, Ser geant Baker, USA, and Stick Webb; Fly and Bait Casting, Art Jensen and Walter Rabb. To Get Hospital Bids September 2 Chapel Hill—September 2 has been set as the date for receiving bids for the construction of the new hospital at Chapel Hill, it was learned this week from Col lier Cobb, Jr., chairman of the University’s building committee. Bids will be received at Gerard Hall on the University’s campus by Comptroller W. D. Carmichael at 2 o’clock. The new hospital to be operated in conjunction with the medical school will have 400 beds and is expected to require an additional 400employees»to the state’s pay roll. ---O “Mars” Show Nearing End At Planetarium ~ . Chapel Hill—“Invasion from Mara,” the Morehead Planetarium show which has been -viewed by more than 11,000 visitors in the : past, three weeks, will be present ed for the last times this week-, af 8:30 every evening and at 3 p. m. Saturday and Sunday, Dr. Roy K. Marshall, director of the More head Building, annouftced yester day. On-Tuesday, July 19, the program , will change to “Pictures in the Sky.”.___ Through the cooperation of the Walt Disney studios, a lighter touchh will be given, “as we see some modern legendary creature^ put in appropriate poses among the stars. Pluto the pup, Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck and the Reluctant Dragon, as well as characters from ‘Fantasia,’ will appear briefly on the scene, in each dempnstration of the two week period when ‘Pictures in the Sky’ will be presented,” Dr. Mar shall said. -o STUART CHAPIN, JR., JOINS FACULTY OF UNIVERSITY Chapel Hill—The appointment | of F. Stuart Chapin, Jr. of Greens i boro, to the position of associate professor in the Department of City and Regional Planning was ! announced here today by Chan | cellor Robert B. House. i ----- Negro Community Hillsboro More than a hundred people enjoyed the annual “Holt and Payne” family picnic, Sunday at Holt’s farm in Mebane. The guests were served by choice of barbe Spe, pork, chicken or fish with garden salad, rolls and s del as, ex pertly prepared by Arthur “Cot” Nichols, assisted by the host Da vid “Buddy” Payne. The Hillsboro churches will sponsor their annual picnic Thurs day, July 14, They will “picnic” at Chavis Park in Raleigh. -o Burroughs Rites Mrs. Emma Burroughs, a well known citizen and missionary of this city, was buried Tuesday, July 2, after a lengthy illness. Fu neral services were held at Mount Bright Baptist Church, where Mrs. Burroughs had long been an active member. The eulogy was delivered by Rev. A. B. Johnson. She had served as president of Foreign and Home Missionary cir cle and Sunday School teacher for many years. Survivors^ are two daughters "and one*son. --o- • Call For Help A building has been purchased by the library building fund com mittee from Camp Butner tb be torn down and brought here to be reconstructed on the north corner, of the high school gounds, to be/ used as a library building. Mrs. Marinda McPherson is calling for ‘50 men or boys over 16” to meet at Warner’s Soda Shop Thursday, July 21, at 7 o’clock a. m*,. to go to Camp Butner to get the build ing. • A big noon-day dinner will bd served. As many trucks as pos sible to Obtain is needed.’ Trans-" portation for all will be supplied. -Lotus. hot. forget, this. is", a step. to “advancement.” Personals Fred Harris has returned home after convalescing at Lincoln Hos pital from burns* he received durT ing a recent fire which destroyed their home. j Miss Thelma Foster of Peters burg, Va. spent several days vis iting friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Alston. >> Mr. and Mrs. Wylie Russell and children, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Wyche and daughter and Mr. Willie Tinnirr all of Detroit, Mich igan’ are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mitchell and other rela- i tives. Miss Margie Lipscomb of Mill Grove visited her cousin Miss Laura Collins, for several days. Masters Gilbert and Wilbert Parham of Durham, sons of Mrs. Thelma Elliot Parham, are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Johnson -and other relatives. Job Whitted of New York is visiting his sister, Mrs. Mamie Latta. Rev. and Mrs. Andrew Cha-1 vious. pastor of the Efland Baptist Church, attended services at Dick erson Chapel Sunday. He took | part in serving communion. Master Johnny Jefferies, son of i Mr. and Mrs. John Jefferies, spent a week visiting fils grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Jefferies, of Ala mance County. On Sunday, July 10, Miss Mary Alice Mebane of Cheeks Crossing became the bride of John Henry Wells, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wells. Mrs. Lillie Bullock Harrison and Mrs. Sue M. Bullock have re turned to Durham after’’spending three weeks enjoying the country air with Mrs. Bullock’s sister, Mrs. Martha Long. , Dr. and Mrs. Cathcart have moved into their new home on Highway 70. On Sunday, July 3, Miss Lila Morrow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lacey Morrow, was wed to Fred Turk of Chicago, HI; Edward Loften of Newark, N. J., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. June Loften of Efland. ‘ card or thanks*-? ' I wish to thank all the neigh bors and friends for their kindness shown me in my bereavement over the recent death of my hus band. MRS. MARY WHITE. (Advertisement) ltp I BASEBALL SHOES $7.85 Shoes NOW $5.95 $4^5 Shoes NOW $3.95 Sizes For Men And Boys Baseball Cleats . 58c Set CHAPEL HILL N.A.A.C.P. Meeting The tegular meeting of the Chapel Hill chapter of N.A.A.C.P. will be held at St. Paul A. M. E. Church on Thursday, July 14th, at 8 o’clock. Cornelius Simons will speak! Fred Edwards will report on the meeting in Asheville, N. C., and Mrs. Lorenda Chapman will sing. -o , Program Friday Night The George White Night School presents Tom Shetley, typnotist, at.the Community Center Friday night, 3fuly loth, at 8 o’clock. St. Joseph Church Anniversary The remaining three nights of the program will feature the Rev. J. S. Alston of W1 ;.e Oak A. M. j E. Zion Church of Sanford. Thurs- j day night, spcr.sorec: by the Chil dren’s Choir and the Usher Board. Shirley Reavis and Wilbert Far rar. Friday night, July 15th, the Rev. R. H. Johnson of the Baptist Church, sponsors the Fragment Gatherers, president Mrs.'Anvey Reavis, and the. Beaut8 fixation Committee. 'Mrs. -A-nnie C'tes, president, Si nday a* 3:30. P.ev. -Wf Pi Williams of 'Youngs-'Chapel Church, Raleigh. Surprise Party The Children’s Che t honored Mrs. D. W. Ror‘on at a sr~p'ise party- at the hom? of M". end Mrs. Ed Fearhigi-on of Carrbaro. Guests were C^donia Atwater, Mary Baldwin, William Croker. Louise Fearington, * Or elia Fearington, Juanita and James Fearington, Ersell Gattjs, Matilda Morrow, Shirley Reavis, and Rev. and Mrs. iD. W. Roston. The Children’s Choir of St. Jo seph rendered a program at Browns Chapel. Greensboro. Ni C., on Sunday, July 10th,. and also ap-' peared as .guests on the regular ’radio program of Browns Funeral Home. i Legal Notices NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA . ORANGE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT „ Lucille Nordan vs. John Allen Nordan The defendant. John Allen Nor dan, v. ill take'notice that an action entitled hs' above has been com menced in the Superior Cor : t of .Orange C :...’ty, North Carolina, lev an . 'e- divoY^ on the ’ground.- cf two veai- separation; | and that- the n in def ndarit- vvili i further take notice that he is re- i quire:! to r, v.j a' the office of j the Cietk of the Superior Court, of said County in tire Court house in Hillsboro, North Caro lina, within twenty days after , the 4th day of August. 1949, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or-the plaintiff will apply' to the Courf for 'the TeHeTf demanded in said complaint. This the 13th day of July,-1949. E. M. LYNCH Clerk of Superior Court Orange County. ' '* "■ JERRY B. STONER Attv. __' 7-14 4tc AM IN ISTRATOR’s" NOTICE A. C. Davis,' having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of James A. Oevis, late of Orange County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of said De ceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 13th I day of July, 1950, or this Notice ! will be pleaded in bar of their' recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make im mediate payment. This the 13th day of July, 1949 A. C. DAVIS, Administrator of the Estate of James A. Davis, 414 Dixie Trail Raleigh, N. C. BONNER D. SAWYER, Atty. _ 6-14 6tc Osbunn Theatre HILLSBORO TODAY AND FRIDAY rjr/ft, l0ofl NASSOUR STUDIOS Abbott tPSreuo in HotVvXt^o t,ll llllpifell iflftHICgugy SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE p ^ A REPUBLIC PICTURE —Pius.— SUNDAY - MONDAY I MGM's GAY, NEW Technicolor **ANK ESTHER SINATRA WILLIAMS «Nt KELLY Take Hie Out to fheBaHGame’ "to BETTY GARRETT raw**0 ARNOLD • JULES MUNSHIN Tuesday and Wednesday yunbmf jin ^JMnKTj| V\r \\ \ SHE Couldn't uve Within the LAW.. SttL love? 4 ROBERTS PRODUCTION THOMAS GOMEZ J MARIE WINDSOR ' ‘"°™ BEATRICE PEARSON ' Presented bv **- . * ■ • the enterprise siub.os■ METRO GOLDWYN MAYFR -1 w ABRAHAM POLONSKY . BOA poreb^T * ^ ^ « u«a «uu;. Jtt iS icI0,^! Gem Theatre WIST HILLSBORO Your Favorite Theater THIS WFFK’S SCHE0nLr TODAY AND FR|Day wr ■' ^ AIDED ARTISTS Rimnti BjVDBOY - A PAUL SHORT Production St»f««t LLOYD JANE JAMES NOLAN'1- WYATT - GLEASM STANLEY MARTHA AUOIE CLEMENTS. VICKERS MURP8T SATURDAY JAM-CRAMMED S, ACT 10 SUNDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY 3 BIG DAYS W-"-. f A DAILY DOUBLE/ I «l LAFFS and HYSTERICS I m I ; bor j HOPE * LUCILLE BALL William J DEMAREST A CABOT ^ COMING: North Carolina Premiere July 24-25 “PORTRAIT Of JENNIE” Starring Jennifer Jones Joseph Cotttf

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