i?lP! JOB RADIO • CIOTHES MONEY HOME-CAS HJRN1IURE • JEWELPY CLASSIFIED ad rates Fifteen Words 50c (this type) Xwo cents for each additional word Fifteen words $1.00 (this type) Four cents for each additional word Telephone Your Classified Ads DIAL 4191 HILLSBORO Telephone Your Classified Ads DIAL 4616 CHAPEL HILL For Sale 65,000 BTU OIL CIRCU j Condition like n®w* ..rain $50. Western Auto As iate Store, Hillsboro. hR SALE—Six room hous® wi^ | conveniences, several out L 31 acres newly fenced . cattle raising. Known as The •aus Farm near Mebane. call (780 or see" Mrs, E. E. Pennington flOl Holt Street in Burlington. .STIC SEAT COVERS in ■rious color combination. $22.95. lestern Auto Associate Store, lllsboro. . .. SALE; Ford_tractors and inborn implements.' Also har fws plows, corn pickers, com etc. Let us know your Durham Tractor and lm lerrient Co. Sales and _ Service. FTJcn Avenue Road, Route, 3, lurham, N.’C. Phone J-5960. 0-tfc 3TBALLS, BASKETBALLS, ioals. Boxing Gloves,, Punching lags,'Tables Tennis Sets. Various ta°des and prices. Western Auto isociate Store, Hillsboro. SALE—Electric Walk-In Ice lox. Call 4654, Hillsboro. tfc. |OR GENERATORS, S T,A R T E R S jnd armatures for popular cars. Western Auto Associate Store, Eillsboro. ltc 'OR SALE—43 acres, 3300 feet, lard surface road frontage, good idustrial or residential property, ine mile of city limits. Price 1,600. W. B. Coleman Hillsboro, C. tfc. 13 faR SALE—GOOD USED FUR NITURE. Reasonable. Some an tiques. We buy and sell. Auction ale Saturday evening. Black burn's Store, Carrboro. 9-23 3tc i FOR SALE — Used Kelvinator. Bargain at $35. Call 3522, Hills boro. 3tc FOR SALE OR TRADE—Used Electric stove. Will trade for heifer, hay or other farm equip nent. R. R. Thomas, Calvander 3range Church Road. 2tp !’S A $20 GIFT. $79.95 GE Table Model Radio, FM and Standard Broadcasts. Now $58.95 at Smith Furniture. Co., Hillsboro. Wanted WANTED TO RENT—Three or Jour room house or apartment, near Hillsboro, by young married couple with no children. Call 1191 Monday through Friday North Carolina j™0018 and Academies 1790 10. Contact Florence Davis in o!fning- Telephone 9611 or write McCauley St., Chappel Hill. _. _ltp MALE HELP WANTElJ—Reliable witK car wanted to call on ^ 0range county. Won enul opportunity $15 to $20 in a Q •' ^ experience or capital re ELPermanent Write today. MdTOss COMPANY, Dept. C, Candier Bldg., Baltimore ?, Md! 10-6 2tp Services Offered §SF~xuur OWN FLOORS. Floor With our High-Speed man-Latnd^r’ InexPensive. Cole Laws Co, Hillsboro, N. C. 5-19:lt< SPECIAL NOTICE!! Well Cas wellsV cfd ioints for bottom o: Pipe t0rm Sewers, Culver SetJ e tor farm drains anc PrjCp~ tanks. Free Delivery Gua»„*z!?S0na,ble- Satisfaction trom rv^d' Highway 86 acrosi hot S* Dairy- Page Concrete Pipe P es> electric ranges and Wile n 2184* Yancey —-Li1- c. tft 18 million bulletins of the S^tecd to tarm' people a*Wculturiied ftetes ^ year by ■wtural extension workers. SHORT AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING. Call Carolina Produce Company, F-3406. */4-ton and 1 Mi ton trucks. Bricks, $27.50 per 1,000. tfc FOR RENT—'Floor Sanders, all rubber drums. 25c to $1 hour. Excellent floor material and wax. Polishers 75c per day. P. W. Hogan, Phone 3614. Hillsboro. GATES SCREEN SHOP—Screens any size; also cabinets and tables. W. P. Gates, Owner; located West Hillsboro. tfc FOR REPAIRS on radios, electric irons, vacuum cleaners; toasters, electric appliances, , call 3121. Coleman-Laws Co,, Inc., Hills boro. tfc Legal Notices - NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Admini strator-G. T.-- A-. «f - the -Estate of Agatha B. Grabisch, who. died in Dublin, Ireland on the 2nd day of June, 1948,-this is to -notify all persons having claims against the Estate 5f said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned at 1220-111 Corcoran Street, ' Dur ham, North Carolina on or before the first day of September, 1950 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said ' estate will please make immediate payments.. This the 30th day of August, 1949. EGBERT L. HAYWOOD Administrator C. T. A. of the Estate of AGATHA B. GRABISCH JOHN T. MANNING Attorney at Law 111 Corcoran Street, EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of Adrian S. Lineberger deceased, late of Orange County, North Carolina,, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned at Chapel Hill, N. C. on or before the 1st day of September 1950, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 1st day of September, 1950. Mrs. Reba Howard Lineberger 2 Cobb Terrace, Chapel Hill, N. C. 9-1 fltc. NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA ORANGE COUNTY* IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK E. O. Hardee and Helen Hardee Petitioners vs. Joe Hardee Defendant The defendant Joe Hardee above named will take notice that a Special Proceeding entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Orange County, North Carolina, for the purpose of selling certain lands for partition and -division; and said defendant will further take notice that he is required to ap pear at- the office of the Clerk of said Court in Hillsboro, N. C., within ten days after the 6th day of October, 1949, the day on which, the service of summons will be the service of summons will bei tioners will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said pe i. is September 6th, 1949. _ E.,M. LYNCH, • ■ Clerir of...... • - RY W. WHITFIELD rney-At-Law 1INISTRATORS NOTICE ing qualified as adnunistra the estate of Charles R *an, deceased, late of i County, North Carolina, to notify all persons having against the estate of said ed to exhibit them to the Igned at Hurdles Mill, 1 on or before the 15th day tember, 1950, or this notice, . pleaded in bar of their re All persons indebted to date will please make iro e payment. the 10th day of September, W. E. DUNNIGAN, inistrator Estate of Charles R. Dunnigan »-15:6tp EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of M. Pearl Whitted, deceased, late of Orange County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Hillsboro, N. C., on or before the 29th_day of September, 1950, or thif notice wilTbe pleaded in bar 3* their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate wil please 1 make immediate payment. 1949^S ^ay of September, A. H. GRAHAM, Executor of the Estate of M. Pearl Whitted. 9-29 6tc notice of sale Under authority of a judgment of the Superior Court of Alamance County, in a proceeding entitled “L. L. Ward and wife, Doris E. Ward, Allie N. Ward, et al, peti tioners vs. Addie Rachel Ward, widow of S. N. Ward; Roosevelt Junior Ward, et al, respondents,” the undersigned Commissioners will, on WEDNESDAY, the 12th day of October, 1949, at 1 O’CLOCK, P. M., at the Court House door, in Hillsboro, Orange County,.North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction, to the Tiighest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described real property: A certain tract or parcel ^f- land in Cheeks Township, Orange County; North Carolina,'adjoining -the lands, of. P„ C. . Tuclc,—— Cob-le, a road and Albert Hall and others, and described as follows, to-wit: ’ . BEGINNING ’ at an iron ‘pin, corner in. the .Northern margin of High Rock Road and. said Coble; thence with the line of said Coble, N. 1 deg.. 31’ E. 139.3 feet to an iron pin, .corner on the ine of said Coble; thence with the line of said Coble, N. 4 deg. 10’ E. ^,400 feet to an iron pin, corner with the line of said Coble; thence with line of said Coble, N. 3 deg. 13’ E. 400 feet to an iron pin, corner with said Coble and Tuck; thence with line of said Tuck, S. 8314 deg. E. 623.3 feet to an iron pin in the Western margin of a road; thence with the Western margin of said road as it meand ers, S. 6 deg. E. 247.8 feet; 2114 deg. E. 1085 feet, S. 31 deg. 40’ E. 151.6 feet to an iron pin; thence continuing with the Western margin of said road as it meanders, S. 31 deg. 40’ E. 127.4 feet; 24 deg. 29’ E. 407 ft. S. 14 deg. 40’ E. 590”feet; S. 3 deg.. 29’ E. 235 feet to an iron pin corner; thence con tinuing with the Western margin of said road, S. 3 deg. 29’ E. 712 feet; S. 6 deg. 29’ W. 600 feet to an iron pin, corner with Albert Hall in the Western margin of said road; thence with the line of said Hall, N. 85 deg. 35’ W. 260 feet to an iron pin, corner in the Northern margin of High Rock road and said Hall; thence with line of said High Rock Road as it meanders N. 5014 deg. W. 54 feet; N. 34 deg.. E. 330 feet; N. 49 deg. 40’ E. 172 feet to an iron pipe, corner in the Northern margin of High Rock road; thence continuing with said road as it meanders N. 61 deg. 10 ’ W. 245.8 feet to an iron pin, corner in the Northern margin of said road; thence East with the Northern margin of said road, it meanders? H- 85 deg. 10’ W. 460 feet; N. 40 deg. W. 231 feet to the Beginning, and containing 106.3 acres, more or less, and embraces Lots 2, 3 and 4 of the W. H. May, Junior and J. S. May property or the Nissen Wagon Farm as surveyed by W. T. Hall, C. E., in October, 1944. The purchaser will be required to deposit ten per cent of his bid w^en the same is knocked down to him, and the balance upon confirmation. This the 10th day of September, 1949. J. S. COOK, Graham, North Carolina, THOMAS C. CARTER, , Burlington, North Carolina t - COMMISSIONERS LOUIS C. ALLEN, Atty. 9-15: 4tc EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE The: undersigned, Leola M. Ter rell,' having qualified as Execu trix *of s the “Estate of J. Frank ..nfi^nse^ la^ of Orange County, this is to notify afl per sons having claims against said Estate -to present them to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of September, 1950, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said Estate wiU please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 15th day of September, 1949. LEOLA M. TERRELL, E’-irofutiriy of.-the Estate of J Frank Terrell, Deceased Route 2, Box 211-A Hillsboro,N. C. BONNER D. SAWYER, Attorney. — _9-15:6tc Patriotism means looking out ir yourself by looking out for jut country. —Calvin Coolidge Glasses Fitted And Repaired LATEST STYLE8 --CREDIT TERMS Zenith - Cicronlc - Lee De For* rest Hearing Alda A Batteries City Optical Co. 523 Trust Bldg.—Durham 121 E. Franklin St.—Chapel Hill Tel. 356® I WALKER’S Funeral Bone AMBULANCE 3 E R V I C E Dial 3161 Main SL Say ‘I Saw It In The Mews.’ Thanks John P. Ballard Insurance Agency Complete Insurance Service Hillsboro Or. WSEia® Kota OPTOMETRIST Phone 5686 Over Carolina Coffee Shop Chapel Hill Mouday-Friday — 9:00-5:00 Saturday — 9:00-1:00 RAY’S BODY SHOP painting *nd Body Work HILLSBORO, N. C. CALV.N RAY TEL. 36S5 Why Wear It If It Does Not Fit? JERRY Ike Taiter - Over ' Lee’s 5 & 10c Store Chapel Hill For your flowers, call Wcst-WUfiaas FLOWER SHOP Phone 9906 Carr boro I INSURANCE Automobile, Life, Fir®— Any Insurance at Any Ttmc I Fail H. Rekertsoa wm mu A “hapel Hilt 1 I'LL SHOOT BEFORE I LET SOU TAKE ME BACK TO TOWN TO FACE A MURDER CHARGE. I'M INNOCENT' SORRY, BfFF. IPROMISED]/THEY'LL HANG I'D FIND VOU FOR A CRIME THE IMlL k MflllDiONT COMMIT' TU© 6 M THANM5 FOR SAWIN6 '/OUR LIFE, I SHOULD HAVE LET VOUPROWenT? IP.I'D KNOWN YOU WERE AFTER WE I'D HAVE LET, VOU DROWN • BIFF, I BELIEVE VOU'RE INNOCENT AND IL WHAT'S WANT TO HELP VOU. P^FORE I TAKE VOU/ TONTO TO THE SHERIFF, I WANT TO HEAR/(LOOKING -YOUR STORY. — w I WAS FRAMED FOR MURDER, AND--, hi/ | 5i |o SHERIFF, POSSE COME THIS WAV! THE SHERIFF! HEIL/TONID.DRQ GET AAE BEFOREjfONE END a YOU CAN HEAR i§YOUR ROPE: MY STORYAND HURRY! TMERE'S TVIE') P0S5EI ^ y yt WE'VE GOT TO "DODGE uthe SHERIFF TILL WE WEAR aPWrwk BIFF'S STORY.' IT'S BIFF SMITH, THE MAN WE WANT FOR MURDER! AND THERE'S A MASKED JH MAN WITH HIM! *■__^ \e) [ (BUT' yIK° MOUNT AND RIDE, DAN. I1L HOLD THE LAWMEN WHILE YOU AND BIFF GET AWAY/ WHAT ABOUT VOU? VOUR HORSE AND GUNS ARE « ON TOP OF THE CUFF' NEVER MIND THE BOY. GET BIFF SMITH AND THAT MASKED MAMI V ME TIE /THAT KILLER WASjlTHlNK VOU, A MERE WITH VOU.J SMITH THEM 1, VOU LET HIM/* IS , HELP ^tESCAPEVlNKOCERr/ MASKED" MAN. WE TRUSTED] I WANTED TO HEAR HIS STORV .yOU! y—Ax I TURN HI/A OVER TO THE LAW. GET-UM BACK!/ DROP CIIW< I X PIDNT WANT TO SHOOT, BUT THIS CHANGES THINGS/) |f/ ( J DROP GUNS-1-. OR ME SHOOT.', X ' LOOK OUT, SHERIFF, KES GOT YOU COVERED.' KEEP THOSE LAWMEN C0VERED> TCNTO. I'M GOING BACK DOWN/ HE'S COWIN' BACK/WHA-WHAT'RE VCXJ WITH GOIN1 TO DO? ' GUNS* ^SHERIFF; NOW THE FIREWORKS BEGIN!