g iOS gAOSO CLOTHES MONET • HOMI • cAS EURNITURE - JINimV classified ad rates fifteen Words 50c (this type) Two cents for each additional word Fifteen words |i.oo (this type) four cents for each additional word Telephone Your Classified Ads DIAL 4191 HILLSBORO Telephone Your Classified Ads To BATTERIES now back tock at attractive prices. West Auto Associate Stores, Hills Far Sale TURKEY* •u-Dressed. Ready tor sale r Hens about 12 lbs., Toms ‘ 20 lbs- Telephone 2735 or J EL.Latta Farm, Hillsbbro. Visitors Always Welcome - 11-2 3 TOP ■gALFFIVE BURNER PER on Oil Stove and Maytag der. Both for $35. Walter a, Hillsboro. 1 TF SALE—WARM MORNING heater and regular heater in condition. Sacrifice priced. Liner, Hillsboro, N. C. 11-2; TFC ; SALE—ONE 20-GUAGE, 3 Remihgton birdgun. Reason Price. Call 4191 between 8 I. and § P- M. Services Offered .ZZIZZI——I ON CRETE PIPE SERVICE. orm Sewers, Culvert Pipe, Tile r Farm Drain i and Septic Tanks, ell Casing (Soaked joints for rttom of wells). Free Delivery, ponable Prices. Satisfaction uaranteed. Page Concrete Pipe Telephone 2184, Yanceyville, C, Highway 86 across from obie Dairy. ' TFC IE. CAN ELECTRIFY ANY D.usehold sewing machine. Equip lent $16.75 installed. Carolina alvage Co., West Hillsboro. TFC Help Wanted EUABAJ2 MAN WITH CAR ranted to- call on farmers in ortunity, $15 to $20 in a day. No (range County. Wonderful op xperien.ce or capital required, feimanent. Write today. McNESS XMCPANY. Dept. C, Chandler Hdg., Baltimore 2, Md. 10-26 2tp Wanted WANTED TO BUY—GOOD USED Hjtt chair. Call 2700, Hillsboro. 11-2;1 TP Special Hotice CARD OF THAHK^^ We wish to thank our friends »nd neighbors for the sincere Tcind* Bess and sympathy that was shown to us following the tragic death 0 our husband and father. *®S- RALPH NEVILLE AMD children. legal Notices w"UfcR Au7SS?rE7SS"T» ?£H00L building bonds WHEREAS, on October 16* 1950, e Board !i°rS bas carelully examined daw: u lnd has determined and it hailtreby find a* a fart that Board i'i^e the duty of said ^ Commissioners, acting as W rn^istra«ve agent, of the of n J? providing a State system for tko u scbools> to provide funds »choni . ^nce °f the cost of such niaint,. ^Provement in order to ten,, r1 six ftionths’ school tion- ^uired by the Constitu ^ now. therefore, VEnv^^^EfiED AND RESOL 'S fn>y4k5a°*rd °f Commission 1, th* County of Orange: ers -uuuiy or urange: typin, ^ Pursuant to The Coun mance Act, as amended, bonds [of Orange County, North Carolina, shall be issued in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $15,000 for the purpose of provid ing funds, with other funds avail able for such purpose, for erecting and equipping an addition to an existing school building in Hhe Orange County Administrative Unit in order to maintain the six months’ school term in Orange County as required by the Con stitution. 2. That s a f (T " $13,000 School Building Bonds are in addition to the $1,000,000 School Building .Bonds authorized by an order fi nally passed on October 17, 1949. 3. That a tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest, of said $15,000 bonds when due shall be annually .levied and collected. 4. That a statement of the debt of the County has been filed with the Clerk and is open to public inspection. 5. That this order shall take effect thirty days after the first' publication thereof after final pas sage, unless in the meantime a petition for its. submissicVn- to the voters is filed under said Act, and of the County at an election as provided, in said Act. The foregoing order was finally passed on the 30th da.y of Octo ber, 1950, and was first published on the 2hd day of November, 1950. Any action or proceeding questioning the validity of said order must,be commenced within thirty days after its first publica tion. (s') .T, K. LAWS ] Clerk of Board of Commissioners. 11-2 2 TC NOTICE OF SALE Under and by -virtue of lhc_ power conferred fipon the -under signed Commissioner in a Special Proceeding entitled “Mary- T. Webb vs. Frederick A. HVebb, et al,” and under fhe—Judgment. of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Orange County'; the undersign ed Commisioner will ptfcT for sale at pub!ic auction to .the -highest bidder for cash at tjie Court Hoilse To Relieve Misery of U«MMtMUTl-WU F«T Eat your flou/ersr call West-Williams FLOWER SHOP Phone <*k>6 Carrboro, Special DESK ASSORTED COLORS The News, Inc. Hillsboro WALKER’S Funeral Home AMBULANCE SERVICE Dial 3161 Main vSt. - "—--— door in Hillsboro, North Carolina, at 1 o’clock p.m- on MONDAY, the 13th day of NOVEMBER, 1950. !the following described land, to i wit: v FIRS^ TRACT: On the waters of Morgan’s Creek, Beginning .at a I white oak; running North 12 i1 lains and 50 links to a rock, j Roberson’s corner; thence West 29 j chains and 50 links to a rock and (-pointers in Roberson’s line;-ttv?hpe South to H. C. Andrews’ Me, thence East 29 chains and 50 iSks to the Beginning, containing 36.5 acres, more or less, being the tract of land conveyed to Henry Hall by deed of William D. King and wife, dated September 1, 1893, and recorded in Deed Book V, Page 408, Office of Register of Deeds of Orange County. SECOND TRACT: Adjoining the lands of Mrs. W. D, Roberson, Nancy Nevilles, Henry Hall, and others; Beginning at a rock and pointers, the comer of Nancy Neville’s lot; thence with her line [South 89 1-4 degrees East 5 chains and 74 links to a rock; thence South 8 chains and 90 links to a rock and pointers; thence West 3 chains and 22 links to white oak stump; thence North 14 chains and 50 links to the Beginning, con taining 4.3 acres, more or less, being the same land conveyed to Louis H. Webb by deed of JI&A. Giles, Commissioner, dated June 21, 1926, and recorded in the Of fice of the Register of Deeds of Orange County in Book 84 at Page 293. This, sale will bo reported, to the Clerk Of the Court and remain open for upset bids or objections as prescribed by law for 10 days. L. J. PHIPPS —__ Commissioner -.-.I C " ~ " 10-19 4 TC -p— - - - . i NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA. ORANGE* COUNTY, Egbert L. Haywood. Administra tor, C.T.A. of the Estate of Agatha B Grabisch, Citizens Fidelity Bank and Trust Company, Trustee: James B. Bull itt: James B. Bullitt, Jr.; James B. Bullitt, 111:. William Marshall Bullitt;-Mrs Mirah B Rush; Stim son Bullitt; Mrs. Prieilla Collins; Airs_Harriet Brewster; Logan Bullitt; John M. BuliilT; Hospital -of -the Dying-. St. UltanV Infant (Baby)_Hospital: Rosina Walsh; Nora Connolly O'B: nan; Maurice fw o m e.v; Mrs,1 Kathleen. Two in ey ;* •Mrs.- 'Maria- O’Callaghan:' Kathleen MaeMahon; .’Mrs, Alice Ginnell; Mrs.'" Elizabeth Noble (Nobel); Annie- .Kelly; Frau Hdah Banner jea; and Dr. Karl Grabisch. •The defendants, Citizens Fidelity. Ln-mk .T-rirl Trust Company, Trus tee; James. R. Bullitt j James BT Bullitt. Jr.;.’James' B Bullitt, VI; William . Marshall Bullitt; Mrs. Classes Fitted . ;——; ~ -—• And - Repaired ~'---jjATBS-T-ST.YLE.8.U. CRFOIT TERMS Zenith • Clcronlc - Lee Da For rest Hearing Aide A Batteries City Optical Ce. 623 Truet Bldg., Durham (21 E. Franklin St.-—Chapel Hill Tel. 3666 • Dr. William Kohn . optometrist 1 Phone 3686 \ . ‘ . . ‘Over Carolina Coffee Shop Chapel Hill , V ^ Mopdav Friday — 9:00-5:00 Saturday — 9:00 1:00 Bey RAY’S Gas and Save ' 26—t PER GALLON Next Door to Richmond Motor Co. For Dependable electrical CONTRACTING call floyd M. Ray M * TV ■ HILLSBORO TELEPHQNE 3532 Mirah B. Rush; Stimson Bullitt; Mrs. Pricilla Collins; Mrs. .Harriet, Brewster; Logan Bullitt; John M. Bullitt; Hospital of the Dying; St. Ultan’s Infant (Baby) Hospital; Rocina Walsh; Nora Connolly O’Brian; Maurice Twomey; Mrs/ Kathleen Twomey; Mrs. Maria O’Callaghan; Kathleen MacMahon; Mrs. Alice Ginnell; Mrs. Elizabeth Noble (Nobel); Annie Kelly; Frau Hilah Bannerjpa; Dr. Karl Gra bisch, and all known and unknown persons in being .and not in being, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenc ed in the Superior Court of Orange County, North Carolina by the plaintiff for the construction of the Will of Agatha B. Grabishch, deceased: and the defendants will taka notice that they are required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Orange County, North ..Carolina, in the Court House in Hillsboro, North Carolina, on oefore the 8 day of Decembelv 1959 ajr»d ans said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court fbrthcreUef demanded in said complaint. - This the 13 day of October, 1950. E. M. LYNCH ''v Clerk Superior Court NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as "administra trix of the estate of R. E. Jordan, deceased, late of Orange Counay, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Mebane, N* C., on or before the 19th day of October, 1951, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 16th day of October, 1960. R, E. JORDAN, JR. NOTICE OP SALE NORTH CAROLINA ORANGE COUNTY - that pursuant to^an order made NOTICE IS -HEREBY GIVEN by the Honorable Edwin M. Lynch, Clerk' of the Superior Court -of Orange County, North Carolina, in the proceeding entitled “W. O. WILSON, ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF MRS. MYRTLE WILSON, DECEASED, W. O. WIL- j SON AND WIFE, SALL IE P. | WILSON. INDIVIDUALLY, V CHARLIE A. WILSON AND WIFE, MARY D. WILSON, BIR TIE TERRELL AND HUSBAND. JOHN M. TERRELL, SALLIE J. WILSON, H. G. LAWS, DUMONT ESKRIDGE, TRUSTEE, AND A. H. GRAHAM, TRUSTEE,” the undersigned will offer for sale and sell for cash at the Court House door in Hillsboro, North Carolina, on SATURDAY, NO VEMBER 4, 1950, AT 12 O’CLOCK NOON, the following described j tract or parcel of land: Bounded on the east by land of Jasper Smith, C. W. McBroom’s estate, and the estate of George Smith, on the south by the lands • — _ ; ■■■ ~ of Jo* Webb, «f Charles acre tract), on ‘ Cedar Grove con tain tog 78‘i less; it being the W Horoeplace See deed from mo ther J. Anderson and husbang to Myrtle J. Wilson recorded in Deed Book 118 at page 4«5, Or hpnge County Registry. sale> is made by’reason of jh«-eased bid having been made on the purchase price of said prop erty which was sold on October 1950. Bidding will to make a deposit Of of the purchase of said Said to confirmation Edwin M. Lynch, periot Court of R. P. REAJ R. P. Ree** ••• By Fran Striker The Lose Raagtr •a* • • • • •a* • • kOU \ IVESTONTQ, ISAWHIS WCf SURE I lWHENHERKSSEPOURCAMR W LJ HIS DAUGHTER WILL marshalY, be killed unless vc can PARKER? J -r STOP THEM.'/ THEY1C COW FAST, MARY? PRILL ’EM BEICRETWYCATCH US! ^ . Tt» l««* Rmfrt. Ik ftitwnrst hy King Mtn WHY MARSHAL'S DAUGHTER FIRE AT US? WHY IS HE FLEEING FROM TOWN IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT? GIMME W GUN AN'TW! THE BRIDGE IS DOWN' WED HAVE BEEN KILLED IF THE MASKED MAN HADNT STOPPED OUR HORSES' 'WHO ARE YOU AN'] HOW DO YOU KNOW ME?, I KNOW MOST LAW MEN by sight: ESPECIALLY GOOD ONES. WHY ARE YOU RUNNINGAWAY? 'I’M LEAVIN' THIS PARTOF TfC COUNTRY] FOR GOOD! I CANT FIGHT AN ENEMY I CANT SEE/ fsOMt.ONE IN TOWN HAS WRECKED HALF A [DOZEN STORE5AN-BURNED ; DOWN MY HOUSE h IM LFAVfN'J >OU PONT WITH WHAT I HAVE LETT, DEFORE MY DAUGHTER IS KILLED.' “SET KNOW WH05 BEHIND ALL THIS? i NO* m OBLIGED TO YOU FOR STOPPIN MY HAM BEFORE WE WENT INTO THAT CANTON j I'll KEEP MY MOUTH 5HUTJ ABOUT 5EEIN A IHNOT AN’ MASKED OUTLAW. OUTLAW SURE IT DOES THIS SILVER BULLET MAY IDENTIFY ME MARSHAL.