nEWS every w-k than ««> Orange County M*w.|»*|»«r jUBSCRIBI TOOAY. *OUT Home Newspaper Serving Orange County and Its Citizens Since 1893 _No. 47 (Published Weekly) HILLSBORO AND CHAPEL HILL, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER *3. 1950 Price: $2 a Year; 5c Single Copy Eight Page* This Week _ Plans were made IL annual >’MA county and inunity committee elections at; Ceting of the Ortinge Cbunty f committee here Monday. I meeting was scheduled .for | community af which time in unity committeemeii will be Enated and delegates will be C, to the county convention. the six nominees chosen, L will be elected later in the1 fcion on December t*-. Delegates fee County-wide meeting will fee the County Committee | fei directs the: program of the, ■Suction and Marketing Ad listratinn in this countyi v* . he • schedule o f community Lint's follows: Lrrboro: November 28 at Far h Mutual. 7 p. m., W. R. Wom I chairman. few Hope: November 27 at L. [Hogan’s home, 7 p. m., L. A. < tan. chairman -j (i Mary’s: November 23 j at St. iry’s School, 7 p. m., W. A, Crab e, chairman. ■ - - ■ "7- j )range Grove: November 27 at* M. Snipes1 Store, 7:30., G. W. iley, chairman. Hland: December 1 at Bill Dor fcaldwell: November 27 at Cald El School, 7 p m., Claude A. fcy, chairman. j , Cedar Grove: November 27 at |M. Long’s Store, 7 p. m„ Coy W. fa. chairman, - ——"— fcarr: November 27 at Compton’s bre, 7 p m., L. J. Rogers, chair [White Cnofes: December 1 at j rn Bradshaw’s store, 7:30 p. m.,' C. Atwater, chairman, phe meeting for the Hillsboro tamuni]^ has rot been arranged I ict dates will be announced later. | :hool Attendance fltows Increase rer Last Year perage Ihite chools. — Increases in th e daily attendance and in ool enrollment in both the and negro schools of the >unty have been evidenced in ports made by Glenn Profflt, su rintendent of Orange County j hools, for the second month of school year. .■■■--■ ••• ••• — ■ j The mesTTnarked increases *9»c od in the white elementary .. In enrollment, t h e s e ools showed an increase of 92 j ver last year’s figures and in ttendance, there -was an increase - 105. Other* groups showing in eases include, white high schools, enrollment, and 10 in attendance; legro elementary 4 enrollment,! 17 in attendance^ decreases ere shown in both attendance nd enrollment for the Negro high chools over last year, a loss of j 1 enrollment and 15 in average! aUy attendance. Five teacners were added to the ! ounty school system this year ^®fore school started because of Creases in attendance last year! nd 2 were added after the year ^rted. On the basis of increased hendanee this year, provided it continues, more . teachers may be a ded to the schools next year. Hearings On Mew ®os Route Hay Continue All Week Chapel Hill* — State Utilities mission hearings oij a pro t new Raleigh-.Gheensboro |J <. rou,t|- -in which Charnel Hill j* ‘^e f(>cal point-began Monday !n RV.ei.rh_' n T^e a oplicatdoE of the Durham ‘‘nn Co. for the franchise r ~new mute between -H^Vgojgities is being contested b; ’ Carolina Coach Co. which now ‘ ~.s a faos between the two towns, ISnwwnBarmrsornfr* he S2me roads as those on the < Pr°Posed route. | 1 is believed that the hearings I < ,, e matter will continue j: wreek because of j( serous witnesses for both com- ' names. *. t ____ .. ' „ , rg=£z~ Ai Old Tom Turkey, the traditional symbol of American Thanksgiving andthe boy most tn the flews today, has little to be thankful for, from the loo'cout Leaders m the twelve coun ies comprising the Occor.eech e ( Vrea in central North Carolina.; [■here will be the usual keen com - i jetiticn among 'the Districts'. ?, lave the largest delegation 1 ,t the meeting from their ps.rtieu- | ar county. Man-miles arc com-. jute:’ from, the several cour..> eats to Durham'. jjON SERVICE HELD, rhe annual Union Service of iairicsgivmg.-MasL^4-We:: -hU“November -2. af ei-mt -P, m. the Hillsboro Presbyterian rfWt nf the Me/hpdis^^hnrch^ urch. CT^i.oho.cL •ached the seirn-u * ted in The service by »h» Re\. tith, and I. E. Birdseye. The apel Choir of the Pr-bytenan, urch sang "Creation by J. Hay- ( Chapel* Hi!C" — Chapel ITill’s Community Chest Drive, conduct ed went mterthe top byexceeduig Its $13,500 goal, Dr. Rex Wyislow, chairman, announced yesterday. Total contributions as of Novem ber 18' were . $44,014., Of this amount $2lT was^pledged for th* 1950-budget and $13,?96 for the 1951 budget. Cash contributions were $11,26.0 of the total. Further contributions are being sought to set up an adequate reserve against pledges, Winslow stated- : The residential team of 185 solicitors, headed by Mrs. E. C. Markham, increased the number of contributions by 25 percent. The business division, headed by John Foufhee, also made outstand ing gains. Its number of contribu= tors- increased by -100 percent and its contributions by 94 percent. 7 A remarkable record was made by the Negro division which show ed an increase of 200 percent in number of contributors and 100 rPercent-Jn the.amoixnt contributed. I Kenneth Jones and Edwin Cald well were co-chairman for this division. \ Comunity Chest funds are used by the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, white Recreation Center, Negro ! Community Center, Negro Day Nursery, The Mary Pratt Chil dren’s Library, and The Humane ‘Society. I-'--'. ;--———o—— - P. T. A. MEETING --- '----*---•'_ _i . ~s j Hillsboro — Mrs. Dabney White, speech supervisor o f Durham County, spoke to the Hillsboro P. T. A. meeting held Tuesday night. John Midgett, president of the JP. T. A., announced at the meet ing that $261.75 was made from ithe Halloween Carnival held last I month. V . Work To Begin Soon On Durham, Chapel Hill Road Work will begin soon on the long-awaited Darfcgm-Chapel Hill highway, the -State Highway Com mission announced1 last week. The Commission will receive bids on the grading and structures contract for the new highway at its November 28 letting in Raleigh, j When completed, the project will provide a modem traffic facility for 8.35 miles at a new location between Franklin Street in Chapel Hill and University Drive in Dur ham and will not disturb, traffic on the old road. Bids- will be requested on 19: other' projects. The total letting calls for improvements On 177.84 miles of roadway in 25 counties. By December 1, 19J0 the Com mission will have let to contract more than $50,000,000 worth of highway projects during an 11 month period. This more than doubles the contracts let during a similar period last year, accord ing to Dr. Henry W. Jordan, High^ way Commission. Chairman. Exchange Club TtlbnrM Team At Sapper Hillsboro — Thb Hillsboro Ex change Club, dispensing with its regularly scheduled tneeting on lVW|lgi|*W Day, will ryjy tribute to members at local Hiah School Football team at a chicken-and pork barbecue on November 30 in the school lunchroom. -> It is expected that one of the Big Four coaches will ,be on hand as principal speaker. Tickets for the occasion are on sale to the general public and any one who desires to attend this affair is welcome to do so. Tickets may be obtained from~<3. A. Brown or B. P. Gordon Jr, for $1.50 through Monday, November 27. They vydll not be sold after that date. . . - -- — -i.,C K. F. A. CONTEST Representatives frym each of the seven schools that teach A;-' riculture it* Durham and. Orange counties met at the Hillsboro High School Agriculture . Department Tuesday afternoon. The tool and material identification contest was the purpose of this occasion. The Hillsboro F. F. A. team placed first. The team from the Bethesda School placed second and the Cha pel Hill chapter placed third. El I mer R.; Dowdy was coach qf the twinning team. *. ! . •• .... Orange County will celebrate - Thanksgiving In the traditional | manner tobay Mousinesses, of- ’ flees, schools, IndUotrial plants and government units observe' the national holiday. The majority will observe tha'| day at home around traditional i . Thanksgiving Dinners as fami- t Ilea gather from fat and wide. , Others will take advantage of | the holiday for hunting or attend the Duke-Carolina Freshman j game in Durham. Churches throughout the county will hold {. the usual Thanksgiving services, f either last night when a number , were scheduled or this morning. Industrial plants will resume operations Friday morning along j with business in general while schools will observe the remain- | der of the week. Drivers have been cautioned by Safety officials to be extreme- t ly ca refufr during^ tha holiday* j and the word of caution was also , extended to hunters, who gen erally turn out in large numbers with the opening of the season. Weather prophets say the cold weather will contini**' but no sign of rain for the holiday la in sight. Holiday ! I I Mad Ddg Killed Alter Kiting Two At Chapel Hill j Chapel Hill — A (log, whrh tests later proved to have been rabid, was killed here Saturday - after biting two persons. Owner of the black and w^ite bird clog, Fireman J. S. Boone, had kept the animal penned since Oct. 4, when it was bitten by a rabid cat that had run loose in the Oak wood-Glen Lennox community for several days. Boone-killed -the cat* and had his dog vaccinated against rabies. —•——p—-- -— . ] He reported the animal had ap peared completely normal during i confinement for the standard per iod of 30 days. Saturday ho said he brought the dog into town. lor worming treatmenTlirtKe~vetprl^ nariaji's, and momentarily tied him outside the fire station.. ‘ i i Tlie animal broke loose, and shortly thereafter bit 11-year-old Wayne" Poe~ son of Mr. and -Mps. George Poe on 108 Carr St., when ] the lad attempted to catch him.1 Boone led the canine back to the station, and was bitten as he was trying to load the’ clog into his cap to go to the veterinarian. He clubbed the animal to death when it attacked him. 1 . I ORANGE DISTRICT S C O U T ER6 were~itVeclecr"«T'"a'"BanquTiT-CWIMr ■H1tt~1aat--Prlrfa*-n«Ti»»,-«-y..o.:---g -T-1. ...^ .. Chapel Hill was reelected District Chairman. Also seated are Welty V. Compton of Raleigh. Executive of Oceoneechee Council. left ana FiOld Executive Clarence Weldon of Durham. Other district, 1 eadera, standing from left to right. Include: Dr. Lee Rrooks, Chapel Hill, organization and extension; James Webb, Hillsboro, finance committeeman; Elmer Dowdy, Hillsboro, associate district chatrma n: Bill Roth, Cnapef-Hill, advancement chairman: and Dr. W. G. Morgan, Chapel Hilt, chairman of the nominating committee. Pho to courtesy Herald-Sun. . ■' ■ . . • '■ ' Vi. ' ■ ■r~~ Hillsboro — The Hillsboro Mer-_ chants Association is making plans tor a repetition of the outstanding Christmas Parade staged last year, which was described generally as one of the best In this section of the State. .! t ^ December. 15 was the date set fpr the event by the. Association at its November meeting. A home decorations contest and community sing are other events Set lor U*e * pre-Christmas season here under the Merchants’ sponsorship. The Association urges- that-ev«T „ organization, business, or 'individ ual. who desires enter ’a float 'in V&t the parade this year. Three cash prizes will be awarded to best entries, tirst prize of $15 being —| donated by the Durham Bank and Trust Company and second »prize of $10 and third poize of $5 being donated by the Merchants Associa tion. A limited number of trucks will be available for organizations not otherwise able to obtain one, but it is not essential.that a truck be used.* Some of the best floats here last year were mounted on jeeps, trailers pulled behind trac- - tors, and other devices. Plans now call for assembly of units on the Athletic Field at Hillsboro High School just before school is dismissed for the day and use of the following parade route from the west side of the school and thence East to the ?’ Library south on Ghurton street to the eastern corner of Court Square, around » the courfh'.v-e and West on King street to V\ Hillsboro and Betty Riley's store, across the railroad and back to Eno Cotton Mills, aoross the rail road and back to the Southern Depot, thence North to Highway 70-A and back to town. Due to the hazard of through traffic on the main thoroughfare, Highway ), 70. i; was not deemed advisable to proceed through Eairview. C. M. Walker Jr. is chairman of ti\e parade committee. Said he yesterday in commenting upon last year’s event and urging full com munity participation this year, “Everyone who entered the parade last year-worked hard bat it was evident during and after the par ■He that a good time was enjoyed by all. So, come on, everyone; and get anything that will move, enter the parade, have a lot of fun, and ff ) your nart in heloing to spread the spirit of Christmas thorugfa out the entire area.” . Entries may be listed with the , at Walker MilMng Co. r r with the other mefftbers, J. L. — Brown jfr. “at J. L. Brown & "Sons Store, or E. J Hamlin al the News of ‘ Orange County —rr ‘ -—-*-fV- —.■■■■■ ' ' Club Votes $159 To Pay Debt On Held Lights H'V shorn -7- The Exchange Club of Hillsboro voted to donate $150. 00 to the Hillsboro Recreation Committee to pay the remainder • * of the indebtness on the lighting ~~ sysiera of the High School Ath letic Field. . / It was pointed out that the Hii'h School had agreed to pay $400.00 i{ the two civic dubs in Hillsboro would pay the remaining $300.00. The Lions Chib has” al ready 'cried to take care of $150. >0 of this amount. Two new projects suggested at •his meeting were a fence for the 1 hletic field and additional blea chers. "These were refered to the project committee; Wade Key, new Secretary Preasurer of the Hillsboro^ Build ing and Loan Association, was a ue.n of the Exchange Club. CATHOLIC DINNER Ch "cl Hill —; The anm die Christmas Dinner will be held Dec. 7 at t> 30 at the Chapel Hill PaucXry .dub*.,according 'to""Mrs. Hu eh P F->rtesru>. Jr., publicity rhairman for the Wtsnag’s Guild, ..yamam'ing.,iUEganufltk>n. Tickets are on sole now for' $1.50 and may b« obtained from the members of the guild or from Mrs. Forteseue, No. 84. U. N. CL r C or phone MSS ■ I