Editorial and Opinion The Right Direction Frequently, an accident occurs involving a school bus. Sometimes, as fn the case in Nash County over a year ago, several children were killed. Immediately, the public clam ors for investigations; charges and counter charges are made. ^ It is unfortunate that a tragedy must occur before the general'' public becomes aware of existing conditions- The average citizen fails' to reali/e that officials constantly are striving to Improve conditions, remove hazards, and make the highways safer. ' The Department of Motor Vehicles announced last week that 3,600 school bus drivers in the state are eligible for one year safe driving pins and 530 are to be awarded two year pins. A teen age tkiver to be eligible for these-school bus driving awards, must have at least 120 days of safe driving to h^i credit. Also considered is punctuality, clean liness of the bus and attitude of the driver in and out of school. 1 It appears that school and Motor Vehicle officials are - making a step in the right direction toward teaching our ^ teen agers to recognize and accept responsibility. Not Without Honor..... Rumors still persist in the nation’s capital that frank Graham will be appointed Secretary of Labor after Secre tary Tobin resigns to run for the II. S. Senate. There are many people in the state who are-beginning to realize that they might have been sold a bill of goods when they were talked into defeating Frank Graham in the second primary last year. They are beginning to see that Dr. Frank Graham is considered one of the country’s most out standing thinkers and leaders. It is hard to explain to a person not a citizen of the state, just why the people of North Carolina refused to return a man of his caliber to the U. S. Senate. What is that time.worn phrase about a prophet who is ' not without honor save in his own country? 4-H Church Sunday On April 29, 4-H clubs all over tjie country will observe “4-H Church Sunday.” The club members on this day will - go to the church of their .choice and participate in the services. • This year’s theme, “Working Together For World Un derstanding” comes at a time when people everywhere need to understand each other; and before we can understand others we must understand ourselves. At no time in the history of the world has there been a time when there was , a greater need for a better and more sympathetic under -standing of each other. ; ■ ' ■ ’ ] The 4-H Church Sunday program provides'an oppor tunity for 4-H Club members to make a greater contribu-— tion to the community life where they live and at the same tim esecure experience which will enrich their spiritual lives- I he rural church provides the medium through which ~ the organization’s objectives may be reached. The church is, or should be, the life center around which axe formed ideals, traditions, and spiritual guidance for understanding. , . - ' -a ’ • - Guest Editorial Fverv now and then it would not hurt if the people of Hillsboro, or any community for that matter, would ex press their appreciation for the fine services rendered by those of our number who offer their time, energy, and particular abilities as volunteer leaders in many community :—. projects. We owe an expression of thanks to those who are — actively serving’as Girl and Boy Scout leaders, those who energeticly participate in the'Parent-Teachers Association, and who willingly serve our community in some other way that requires a sacrifice of time and hard work. Yet, recently much has been said by those who benefit or _ whose children benefit by the leadership these people have offered as though the full weight of the activities were ___ their responsibility. We want these programs to continue yet we offer only criticism, we want our own children to have the advantages the Boy and Girl Scout programs offer as long as we do not have to shoulder some of the leader ship. These volunteer workers need our support and en couragement rather than the brutal assaults of well-mean . big parents, who want the program improved and more adequately supplied with leaders without assuming that responsibility themselves. These volunteer leaders have been doing a fine piece of — work -^without much parental support or encouragement. —A-fe-w--words- ofcommendation and -some expressions -~of~ - willingness to assist them are very much in order. Irving F. Birdseye • THE NEWS of Orange County Published Every Thursday By THE NEWS, INCORPORATED x Hillsboro and Chapel Hill. N. C. Edwin J. Hamlin i.Editor and Publisher ~ "subscription rates 1 Year (in North Carolina) ............ $2.00 0 Months (in North Carolina) .*. $1.50 1 Year (outside North Carolian) .... $2.50 6 Months (outside North Carolina) .... $2.00 Entered ae Second Class Matter at the Post Office attHIUsboro, N. C under the Act of March 3. 1879. Exclusive National Advertising Representative G REATER lifE EKLIES Ne* York • Chicago • Detroit • Philadelphia Thursday, April 19, 1951 PRESS COMMENT Negroes At University THE HIGH POINT ENTER PRIES: “For any person to argue that the legislature should throttle to death its university just be cause the courts say- it-must-do— in lessor degree—what is done at Harvard and Yale and the Uni versities of Texas and Virginia and at most universities through out the country presents a new low in common sense.” THE LEXINGTON DISPATCH: “It is a familiar story that only a relatively small per cent of those who apply at our three medical, schools in North Carolina are ac cepted. Since much fewer Ne groes than white will apply, the law of percentage will certainly reduce the number accepted to a minimum. A few may clear the barrier in other schools cif the three branches but these* will really have to be high steppers.” WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL: “On this educational level a de parture from the principle of se gregation does not Involve the difficulties which would arise on low4r levels. The students onvol ved are much fewer in numbers and their presence on the campus brings highly intelligent Negro students in contact with white students of similar-, intelligence and educational background. In this atmosphere a broader spirit cf tolerance and mutual under standing prevails to preclude friction and untoward incidents.” DURHAM MORNING HERALD: “The consideration that the com mittee has had to bear in mind above all others is that it may no longer be the privilege of North Carolinians to decide for them selves whether or not they wish to live up to the provision of their State constitution that there must be equal educational facilities for the races ... In view of these considerations and' others, the committee came to the conclusion that the decision they have made was the only practical one to make.” Letter To The Editor Chapel Hpl, N. C. April 12, 1951 Mr. Hamlin: I am not a veteran of any war, but have been in this world since 1899, I feel the rulers of this country of ours has gone the lowest in history. Maby they can’t find any money . Cor a poor Vet, hut thiy seem tb"iKave foflfip' over' a million for a show place for the' ones who are able to show off. Please stop your paper tio my address. Thanks, H. A. Bennett --o 4-H Council Elects Officers Hillsboro — The 4-H County Council was held at the court house last Saturday, and the fol lowing officers were elected: President James Hogans, Morris Grove School; Vice President Fra zier, Jordan Grove School; Sec retary Bettye Jones, Morris Grove School; Asst. Secretary. Fred White, Carr School; Treasurer Victor Hughes, Jbrdan Grove School. It was voted that 4-H Chwch Sunday be held at each end, of the county at the following two churches: Hickory Grove, Mount Zion. Man Consumes Barrel Of BAKING SODA - One man -told us he took bak ing soda for years. Claims, he has used over a barrel of it fQ#i stomach gas, but got only tem porary relief. , Recently he quit fhe soda habit and' took CERTA-VIN. This new medicine is bringing REAL,, last ing relief to many Hillsboro gas victims becapse it is taken BE FORE (not after) meals and thus works with your food. It helps digest your meals faster, so your food doesn’t lay -there and fer ment. Besides relieving gas, CER TA-VIN also contains Herbs with • Vitamin B-l and Iron to enrich your blood and make your nerves stronger. Weak, miserable people soon feel different,, all over. So don’t go on suffering. Get CERTA vin-t ; , i -JAMES PHARMACY! Garden Time By Robert Schmidt 1 i ’. The crop that you produce will be no better than the seed that you plant. Use only the best you can get. Failure of 'seed to germinate when planted is not always due to low viability. Often when seeds — especially beans and corn - - are planted in wet and cold soil they will rot in the ground, even i-fthey have-passed a good germi nation test. Also, germinating seeds may be killed when they co-me into direct contact with strong chemical fertilizers. Be very j careful in applying concentrated fertilizer. Do not allow them to come into contact with the seeds. Jf. is now safe to plant all warm season crops in eastern and cen tral North Carolina - - such crops as beans, cucumbers, muskmelons, watermelons, okra, tomatoes, pep_ pers and eggplants. Collard seed may be sown for an early crop, but the best collards are produced! when seed are sown in July and I August. Have you tried'the “Han over'’ collat’d? I'll be glad to send a few seed on request. -* Some gardeners believe that cucumbers and muskmelons will, cross if planted near e^ch other 'and that the melons will taste like cucumbers. This is a mistaken Idpa. Cucumbers and muskmelons will not cross in the field and, if the melon is tasteless, it is due to too much rain at ripening time or to soil conditions. Different varieties wf-muskmelons will cross with each other but will not af fect this year’s crop - - only next year’s crop if you save your own seed. If you plant yellow and white sweet corn varieties near each other the resulting cross will show up in the present season, and you wil have a mixture of white and yellow kernels on the same ear. Substantially more dairy pro lurts moved in international1 trade in 1949 than in any other year sinie the war as larger supplier became available from rehabili tated European countries that were important in dairy trade be fore World War II. Farmers! v ' * < Are You Interested In BEEF CA TTLE? “Beef Cattle is proving to be one of the farm er's most profitable investments. State farm specialists are showing farmers how idle land - land unsuitable for other crops - can be put to g * • .