OF CHAPEL HILL Thursday BIG BEYOND WORDS! VICTOR HUGO'S THE HUNCHBACK | OF pN0TRE r.DAME . Friday “OHver Twist” Starring Robert Newton Alec Guineas John Howard Davies Saturday Late Show Sat Sun. • Mon. 'j.:,i. HERBERT J. YATES prMwitt I DREAM OP JEANIS 5 ' (WITH THE IIOHT MOWN HAIR) ^jjjjj.ii.) m'jwB Hi— p Morring * RAY MIDDLETON ^ BILL SHIRLEY * MURIEL LAWRENCE EILEEN CMISttX > „ REX ALLEN^itrrereS^^ % Tuesday "Four Feathers” (Technicolor) June Dupree - C. Aubrey Smith Wed. - Thur. Watch That Fat Man With A Gun! CHARLES McGRAW MARIE WINDSOR 1AGQUEUNR WHITE Over 200 - Attend Vacation Bible School At Carrboro More than two hundred students have 'been in attendance at the Daily Vacation Bible School that, has been in progress at the Carr- I boro Baptist Church each day_ for the past two weeks from nine un,- | til eleven o’clock each morning. ' Refreshments for the school each 'day have been furnished by dif ferent circles of the Woman’s Mis sionary Society of the church. The closing of the school will be on Friday of this week and a picnic will be held on that day at the noon hour on the .grounds of the Carrboro Civic Club. On next Sun day evening at 7:30 a Commence ment Program given by the Bible School students will take the place of the evening worship period at the church here. Exhibits of hand work will be shown by all depart ments of the school as well as a, most interesting program. Every one is given a most cordial wel come to this service. Mrs. R. B. Studebaker has served as princi pal of the school, and, has been, ably assisted iby the following | church workers: Mrs. W. L. Up church, Mrs. J. W. Clark Jr., Nfas- | Carol Ellington, Mrs. Troy Jones, , Mirs. J. R. Wright, R. B. Stude baker, the Rev. Troy E. Jones, Miss La Verne Riddle,_ Mrs. H. D. Maynard, Mrs. Aubrey Howard, *Mr«. James Yates Jr., Mrs. Eu * gene Petty, M!rs. Billy. Williams, Mrs. Bynum Riggdbec, (Mrs. C. T. McAdams, Mrs. Herman Lloyd, Mrs. Sidney Wall, Mrs. Thfmas Pendergraph, Mrs. Luther Bullock, Mrs. C. C. Beal, .Mrs. Eric Riggs - bee, Mrs. Stacy Ne>lle, Mrs. Hathway, Mrs. Ernest Neal, Mirs. Alice McKnight, also others have assisted from different classes of the Sunday School. BIBLE SCHOOL HELD AT NEW SHARON CHURCH The annual’ vacation, Bible School of tihe Now Sharon Metho dist Church was held the week cif June 1,6, under the direction of Mrs. Mildred C. Thompson. There were 87 children on roll , with 73 attending 4 or more days. A most efficient group of church workers including: Mrs. Mary Lena Macon,, the Rev. W. L. Man ess, Mrs. Nannie Cole, .Miss Laura Watkins, 'Mr?, Mildred Roberts, Mrs. Estelle Miller, Mrs. Billie Walker, Mrs. Mildred Walker, Mrs. Mae Smith, Mrs Mae Smith, Mrs. Dorothy Tilley, Mrs. Martha Wal ker, Mrs. Elizabeth Overman, Mrs. Evelyn Walker, Mrs. Lucille Lat ta, Mrs. Helen Gates, * Mrs. Ro mona Overman and Mrs. Velma. Wagoner, was present to help with the teaching. ---o LAMB SALE Hillsiboro—The North Carolina r Department of Agriculture, coop erating with county farm agents, is holding a lamb sale for coun ties iin this section of the state at Haw River on Monday, June 30. Ail Orange County sheep farmers having lamlbs for sale at this time are requested to notify their coun ty agent, Don Mathespft, For Rent FOR RENT — 4-ROOM HOUSE, 4 miles from Hillsboro on Ch/pel Hill road. Practically new. ’With electric lights. $30 per month. C. C. Thompson, Graham, N. C. It® Osbunn Theatre HILLSBORO / Today - Friday “The Wild Bine Yonder” With Wendell Cory - Vera Ralston Saturday “Wild Horse Ambush” Michael Chapin - Eilene Janaaen Comedys Serial Sunday • Monday “Steel Town” With Anne Sheridan • John Lund Tueaday - Wednesday “Lady Possessed” With Jam** Mason • June Havoc Exhibition , Of Swimming Set For Friday CHAPEL HILL—An interesting swimming exhibition is slated for Kessirjg outdoor pool on the University of North Carolina cam pus here tomorrow afternoon at 6 o’clock. ’ • Coach Ralph Casey will put on display his quartet of Olympic hopefuls, their last exhibition be fore the Olympic trials at Flush ing Meadow, N. Y., next week. Since good crowds have turned out to watch the swimmers per form earlier, a .public address system will be set up to introduce the competitors and explain their races. The program shapes up this way: 1. Bob Brawne-, Princeton University star and world’s record holder in the 200-yard breast stroke, will swim in the 220-yard breaststroke. He will go after his own American record of 2:41. Last week he barely missed lower ing his previous best. 2. Jimmy Thomas, former U mversity swimming- great and a three-time national champion, will srwdrn the 50-meter back stroke. He will also swim the back stroke in the 150-yard medley re lay. _ 3. Donnie Evans, University varsity swimmer and former Southern Conference champion will try to crack Johnny Weis muller’s 200-yard freestyle mark of 2:01.2. He missed setting the re ^ Coming From Over The Hills To The Big Hillbilly Jamboree Starring Judy Canova Ernest Tubbs Fri. - Sat. - June 28 - 29 Midway DRIVE IN fHEATRE cord last week. 4. ■Thomas, Barry Wall and Buddy Heins will attempt to low er the lime on the 150-yard med ley relay record held by a U niversity of Iowa trio. Wall and Heins are members of the Tar Keel varsity swimming team. Even if the'time is better than the old record, the new standard will probably not stand as all .three swimmers do not have the same A. A. U. „ . PARKVUE * MILES WEST OF CARRBORO ON GREENSBORO ROAD Drive In Theatre TONIGHT ONLY MONDIE “fiCOUEGL ► SINGLETON • AnUw LAKE m ' ___ Cash Award Tonight $80.00 Friday ■ Saturday A Sweeping, Surging Epic of the Lone Star State!; WILLIAM HOLDEN GLENN FORD JCLAIRE TREVOR Sunday - Monday ADVENTURE RIDES THE BURNING g{ /&y>wcc?/or ».liarring P Maureen O'HARA Tuesday - Wednesday 25% OFF All Living | Room Furniture Special Value In Two Piece Living Room Suites $99.00 Up BEDROOM FURNITURE *5% OFF ON Ail Bedroom Furniture Bivins Furniture Co. Phone 2155 “Better Furniture For Better Homes" Hillsboro * G.C.F * STEWART r \ VIVIEN LEIGH' GRANGER CAESAR and (CLEOPATRA' rrRODUCED AND DlKCTEO BY tiafaiet ‘Ptecal with CLAUDE RAINS . J Flora Robton • Franc!* L Sullivan j S *By Arrangement with DAV10 O. SEIZNICK rlt'i a Temptation in TECHNICOLOR ft*l«os«d thru United Artiotl — P and Yvonne DeCARLO too' I RUNVI RAN' uSSRNuATiflN prtSIOIS “Hotel Sahara" Sensation^,of «*«'*? r.^,,"m"QUOWIS co*itdrring YVONNE PETER *-— DAVID DE CARLO • USTINOV • TOMLINSON Produced by GEOROE HAMBLEY BROWN Directed by KEN ANNAKIN Original story and screenplay by PATRICK KIRWAN A GEORGE H. BROWN hsnlin Pint,-i! Hills hub A Tower films Production Released thru United Artists 6 M ^yJACK BUETEL- MAUroWERS-BILLW^I Sunday Mondav Tuesday • Wednesday “The Outcast Of Poker Fla* Anne iv,i Mu'1-j ““«■ Robertson ' H°