Hillsboro Happenings Social And Personal Telephone 4191 I SUNDAY i n(j Mrs. Claude Phelps and Harriet and Ellen of Ra ent Sunday with Mr. and -E. Phelps. . e held Saturday night, July -10, sponsored by the Amer ican Legion Post 95 at' the Hills boro High School, and it will fea ture “The Dix^e Wangglers,” Myr na Howerton, and guest band. ■_ All talent are asked to be at the high school on Friday night Tickets for the show will go on sale at 7 o’clock. AWAY - — Mr. and Mrs. H. F Watkins arc at Mann's Harbor on vacation. ATBURNSVILI4-: Mr. and- Mrs: h^dgar Terrell spent the weekend in Burnsville. Their two children are spending this' week there with relatives. ENAGEMENT ANNOUNCED s Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Gattis of West Hillsboro announce the en gagement of their daughter. Da phne Dee Gattis, to Edward Allen Scarlett, United States Marines, son of Mr. and Mrs. R E. Sctuleit of Hillsboro The wedding is planned for July 23 at the West Hillsboro Pilgrim Holiness Church Mr. and Mrs. Foy Cole and son, Kenneth, and Mr. amt Mrs. B. If Beck and daughter, Pat-, ar? spend ing the week at Carolina Beach in one of the Godfrey’s cottages. AT NAGS HEAD Mr. and Mrs. Paul Collins and daughter, Elizabeth, are in Nags Head. They plan to return on Sunday, July Tt: Homemaker Hints Bv Ruth Current State Home Demonstration Agent SHARP KNIVES IN KITCHEN —A sharp knife is safer than a dull knife because it cyits more effectively and quickly without waste*or strain—be sure t*> han die it‘with care. Never put the knife in the dishpan as it might give you an underwater cut. After using knife, wash it and put it in a knife compartment.. You can prevent cuts by keep ing all sharp kitchen tools in their own compartments. OPENING JARS AND CANS— When opening jars or bottles, be sure that you have the right tyoe of opener. Knives should hot be used. A good can opener is one that makes a clean, smooth cut. The wall type which has a wide spread is excellent. However, to nmjrnt hugim n if VO UCSCl f, be prevent .uuiup t sure to use the kind' that can w 1 folded back against the wall when not in use. BROKEN GLASS — When you’ve broken glass, first sweep up the larges tpices into a dust pan and then use moist cotton to pick up each tiny particle. Dis pose of both the glass and the cotton by wrapping them up in heavy paper and placing in a'sate disposal container. Be sure to tie the bag before disposing of it. GOT A SUMMER COLD TAKE 666 for symptomatic RELIEF | CLASSES TO START Due to many requests, Mrs. Glenn Auman, vocational home oconomics teacher, is repeating the class in making metal trays in brass, copper and aluminum in various sizes, on Tuesday evening, July 20, at 7 o’clock. Any adult interested please contact Mrs. Au man at her home by mail or phone. Classes will be held every (Tuesday and Friday night. WESLEYAN GUILD TO MEET (The Wesleyan Service Guild of the Hillsboro Methodist Church will hold its regular monthly meet ing Monday night, July 12, at 8 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Harold Bivins. I! IN GEORGIA i * Mr .and Mrs. L. E. Jordort and daughter, Brenda, are in Georgia visiting with Mrs. Jordon's rela tives. IN FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. Claude McAdams are in Florida. AT BEACH Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Phillips and son Roney are sepnding theri, va cation at Pottsville Beach. HERE Mrs. Joe Mitchell is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mitchell. Tickets To UNC Grid Games Are Put On Sale To Public Football tickets for the 1954 UNC season went on sale Sat urday. Dp to now priority was given to members of the Educa tional Foundation and alumni. Individual or x season tickets for honie and away games are now available to all applicants. Orders accompanied by check with 25 cents mailing fee may be mailed or presented at the ticket office in Woollen Gymna sium. Season orders will be giv en preference. There are plenty of desirable seats on both sides of the field for all games. The home games, all priced at $3.50 except the Duke contest ($4.50) are with N. C. State, Georgia, Wake For est, South Carolina, and Duke. Games away from home are with Tulane and Maryland ($3.75 each), Tennessee ($4.00), Notre Dame, ($4.80), and Vir* ginia ($3.50). Group To Ask That 1*A| Bo Routed Locally President Kerb Wentworth at the Chapel Htll-Carrboro M«| chants Association la expected tp appoint a two or three-man earn mittee in the next lew Ian t§ Join with similar groups fran| other towns to ask the Stele Highway Commission to desig nate the highway from Hendef son te Oxford to Durham to Chapa Hill to Sanford as U. & Highly 1-A to- improve tourist business along thin route. The Durham Chamber at Commerce MONARCH BRAND r Salad Dressing (£1394 Fresh Produce FIRM RIPE COUNTRY TOMATOES, lb_15c GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS, lb. _ 15c NEW WHITE POTATOES, 101b» _ 39c Plenty of Cold j CANTALOUPES & WATERMELONS LIBBY'S 46 OZ. CAN Grapefruit Juice THICK WHITE Fat Back - 194 lb. 194 FANCY SUNKIST 360 Size-With Many Summer Use* Lemons - - dozen 354 I CARR'S i mw\n\VBk\ Bacon Potato Salad Broadcast: Jmly 10, 19S4 2 dice* bacon V* cup vinegar 1 teaspoon grated > onion Vk teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons sugar Gut bacon into small pieces and cook in a skillet until crisp. Remove from heat. I Take out crisp pieces and save. Add vinegar, onion, pepper, salt and sugar to fat in skillet Stir mixture into milk.' Jujt before serving, pour dressing over a mixture of potatoes and celery. Mix gently until vegetables are coated with' the dressing. Sprinkle top with crisp. bacon pieces. Makes 4 servings. 1 cup Pot ' ‘ Evaporated Milk i 8 cupa sliced, cookad 1 oyMsdr cut * FOR VITA M INS PROTEINS - MINEGALS aMCAtSi BEEF CHUCK LB Roast 37# RIB STEW LB. Beef 19# Horm*l VALUE LB. Bacon 53$ SWIFT PREMIUM Franks PIEDMONT 8 TO 12 LB. AVERAGE Tenderized Hams .v lb. 63f! ... ..... -- ye Monarch Strawberry 12-Oi. Tumbler 27* MARCAL 80 COUNT Paper Napkins .... pkg. 10* Clorox, qt. bot. .......... J7* 50 PACKAGE CARTON f Book Matches ..,.. ..... 14* Strongheart Dog Food Meadow Gold Creamery Butter 14-lb pkg. . 33< ■¥ Sun V«IUy Margarine 1 ■ ■ * CARR’S SUPER MARh HIGHWAY 70 - A "WHERE YOUR FOOD DOLLAR GOES FURTHER INSTEAD OF FASTER" .' . .. \ ;. \ ■ ■ . Ait Conditioned For Your Shopping