CARRBORO Social and Personal BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. J. fii Wijson o Carrboro annuonce the birth o a son on June 19th in Memoria Hospital, Chapel Hill. BlfcTH ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Thelton Allen oi Durham announce the birth 01 a daughter June 17th in Watts Hospital, Durham. Mrs. Allen is the former Miss Royce Farrell daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. R Farrell of Carrboro. DISKS 'SCHOOL - .... , .... ' The Anatlfci -Dtffiy Bible School heldfeall last Week ■ at the Orange Methodist Church near Chapel Hill for the McDuffie Memorial Baptist Church and the Orange Church presented a lovely program, for their closing exer cises on last Sunday Morning at ten o’clock in the Orange Church. Much "Bible study work was ac complished in the school as well as fine hand- work for the smaller as well as the more ad vanced pupils. Mrs. Walter Everett, „ served as principal of the school, she was ably assisted by the fol lowing corp of Sunday School workers: Mrs. B. V. Pearson, Mrs, J. B. Holland, Mrs. D M. Sneed, Miss Lucille Sneed and Miss Helen -H^gan. fevery one is invited to the series of revival- services being held each evening this week at the Orange Methodist Church-Be ginning at 7;30. The pastor of the church the Rev. Donald Roetteng er, is being assisted this week by the Rev. R. J. Futch, of the Duke Divinity School of Durham. He is at present serving as pastor of the Sylvian Methodist Church of Dur ham. ' ■. . ’ HONORED Mrs. Caswell Johnson was honor ed at her home on Hillcress Drive in Carrboro last Saturday» even : ing when she was honored at a : lovely miscetleneous shower. Co ; hostesses for the occasion were Mrs. J. T. Johnson Sr. Mrs. Melvin Pendergrass, Mrs. Vernon Asbill, and Mrs. Sterling Sykes. The hon oree was presented a lovely cor sage upon her arrival, and most interesting games were enjoyetf by the group, after which the fol lowing were awarded prizes as winners: Mrs. Shelton Sparrow and ’Jiss Betty Andrews. Out of town "guests included Mrs. ^Earl Jones, Mrs.- Ozzell Beaman of Gpa I tym)*JWnv TruHf ' BJPckwootr and Hirst ddiftoti, j Rapids, and Mrs. J. T. JPhnson I Jr. of Newport News, Va. The j honoree was the recipant of many j beautiful gifts from the thirty guests present for the curtesy. At the close of the evening de licious refreshments consisting of fruit punch, potato chips, home made cup cakes and pickels, nuts and mints were served: BRIDE ELECT HONORED Miss Jeanie Cooke, bride etect was honored on Tuesday evening of this weeh at a lovely bridal curtesy at the Carrboro Civic Club. Hostesses for the party were" Mrs. I Donald Peninger and Mrs. Frances Freeman. The honoree was pre sented a lovely corsage upon her arrival at the club .which was made lovely throughout with arrange ments pf summer flowers in the bridal colors of green and white Many delightful games were en joyed by the large number of friends present for the * evening who showered the honoree with most lovely and useful gifts which she graciously opened and dis played At the close of the even ing . delicious , refreshments .of j fruit punch, angel food cake squares, nuts and mint's'were' served by the hostesses. "Suppose we could float a car loan at the DURHAM BANK & TRUST COMPANY HILLSBORO UNLIMITED Facts on Tarheel IND US TRIA LIZA TION— jH»ii|g|g||g While we continue to -be top-heavy in the three industries of tobacco, ^ furniture and textiles, which sr~’i:''':accpun1- fb/?¥% Sf W ‘fhdhWcrthjfTrfgr '^Wcpi'ls there are definite trends toward diversification.' of our non-agrieultural employment is engaged in manufacturing as compared with 33% for the U. S. as a whole. Busy people are happy pe„qple —all con tributing their share in making North Carolina a better place in which to work, play and live. Another contribution to more plebsant living for North Carolinians is the brewing industry's self regulation program where brewers, wholesalers an retailers—in counties where malt beverages are per mined under State control — cooperate to maintain wholesome conditions for the legal sale pf beer and ale. North Carolina Division UMITED STATES BREWERS FOUNDATION, INC. it t. Ut IV1 O L> t H A I I U N £ l V : til*.;* SHOWER GIVEN Mrs. C. R. Farrell of Chapel Hill was entertained recently at a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Clarence Farrell in Carrboro, with Mrs. Clyde Whitt, and Mrs. Bill Butler of Chapel Hill serving a sco-hostesses for the ocassion. Thirty five friends were present for the courtesy and enjoyed interesting games to gether, after which the guest of honor opened and displayed the many lovely gifts showered upon her. The home' was lovely with, arrangements of rose-buds and •other Mhtriaier Rowirr, at the* of. the ey^nmg lielj^ous xe Jreshmejits of fruit punch, cake squares, potato chips nuts and mints were served. *' 79TH BIRTHDAY Paul T. Farrell of near Pitts boro observed his 79th birthday last Sunday which was Fathers Day, at his1 home in Chatham County. This celebration for Mr.1 Farrell who was formally of Carr boro has been an anmM cele bration now for many years. A number of relatives and friends from this'area attended the birth day dinner last Sunday and carried along picnic baskets of food. These included Mr. Farrells son Clarence Farrell, and family of Carrboro and hl$ grand-son C. R. Farrell and Mrs. Farrell of Chapel Hill. , Mr. and Mrs. Scales ‘Roberson and four daughters Misses Jane, Pat; Ann and Beck Roberson, left on Tuesday of this week for their home in Houston, Texas after a visit here for the past week with relatives .The Roberson’s who are former residents of Carrboro purchased the former-W. H. Park er home on Linday Street in Carr. expect to returt' "here to" ltveTas' boro while they were here, and soon as they can wind up their affairs in Texas. They will rent the home they have bought here for some time however while they are away. -■ j .-A i RETURNS HOME Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Lanning who are spending some time ip the state of Maryland, returned to their home here for several days last week. On last Sunday their relatives arranged a picnic din ner on the lawn at the home of their daughter Mrs. Harry Carr away and Mr. Caraway in cele bration or MX. “Larinlng’s birthday and the birthday of his father-in law l. A. West, of Carrboro. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lanning and four children came'over from Mebane for the celebration, but all other guests were from this area. Fif teen guests were present, and all Brought picnic lunch ^baskets, and the two honorees were the re cipiants oX.many.birthday gifts. Mr. and Mrs: Lannhng-muraed to I Maryland on, Monday of this week. , -— ul_ MfoVED IN NEW HOME i-..--.;—• Mr. and Mrs. Lindy Sparrow and their small daughter Lisa, moved into their new hortie out on the Air-port Road on last Monday. -On- Wednesday «v«aing-Mrs. Spar, row was honored at the home of Mrs. Jesse Hackney in Carrboro with Miss Joyce Boone serving as co.rhostess, at a lovely surprise | .miscellaneous shower. Upon her j arrival the honoree was presented I" a lovely corsage and invited to’ | take part in tjie games arranged | for the evening. Prizes were awarded to the following guests: Mrs. Burroughs Hogan, Mrs.’ Bes sie Clark and Mrs. Imogene i Crowder. The honoree then open ed and displayed the many lovely gifts showered upqln her by the sixth guests present for the most enjoyable evening together. BDBLE SCHOOL HELD held all last week at Belhiel li tist Church Route 1, Chapel 1 held a most delightful closing i gram on last Fj-iday evening at church at 7:30. The largest nu ber of pupfts making a one hi dred per cent attendance w recorded, than ever before in 1 school was one of the high recp attained. Mrs. Robert Gains, se ed as principal, she was assis by the following Excellent c of church workers: Mrs. 1 Beale, Mrs. 6. J. Brockwell, Mrs. J. M. Pendergrass, Mrs. Mike, Mrs. John Martin, Mrs. ' Cheek, Miss Mary Beale, Miss Neville, Mrs. Arthur Lloyd, J Isaac Morgan, Mrs. David Durb Mrs. Charlie Lloyd and Mrs. < Bare. TRAINING UNION BALLY An Aksociational Training Un ion Rally for Group No. 6, com posed of Antlbch* Bethel, Garr boro, Chapel Hill, Mount Carmel, McDuffie Memorial, and Merry Oaks Baptist Churches will be,held Sunday June 26th. at 2:30 pan. at the Carr boro Baptist ChurCh. The Theme of the program is “The Association Working To gether.” The DeVotion will be led by Miss Deha Neville of the Bethel Church. Rev. Tom C. Williams, pastor of 4nti°^l> Church will be the inspirational speaker. Special music will be rendered by Mourit Carmel Training Union choir, uh der the direction of Mrs. Henry A. Morgap and . also a special 'number from the ChapeHHiU Bap tist CJwrcJh, vupdef, U>e.^rectio air one-oi tbe-Union Leaders, j Barbara ‘ dine’ ’ Three Attendance Banners will be awarded by the Association for*, the largest attendance from any church, the highest per centage of Training Union members from any church attending, and the largest attendance from the churches without a Training Un ion. Mrs. R. B. Studebaker of Carr boro is the Group Leader for this i Group of churches and is ini charge of the meeting. Mr. C. D.L Gattis of Burlington is the Mtf Zion Associational Training Unioii' Director. There will be six of these group meetings held at the sanie time throughout the whole Asso ciation. . r PERSONELS Mrs. J. T. Johnson Jr and .small daughter Betsy, left by plane on jjonday of this week for a visit with, relatives in Asheville. The (Sinily have^ been spending sev eral days hens with relatives. Mr. Johnson has treurned t0 his home yi Newport News, Va. But young Johnny, will be here with relatives for two weeks. j7 Mr and Mrs. Robert Gains and '.Linail daughter Marcia, of near /Bethel are spending two weeks 'with Mr. Gains parents in St. Au ! gustine, Fla. Mrs. Jake Pritchard and two children have returned • to their home, in Burlington after a visit here with relatives. Mr" and MVs. Rudy Tempesta and family of Brooklyn, N. Y. are here on a visit to Mrs. Tempesta’s parents Mr., and Mrs. Clyde Squir «s,axid family, ■ \( rs '* U.'il! Wonvhk* -ha* • .been .Ml, at her'home in the Smith Level community for the past Several weeks. ' ' J‘ Mr and Mrs. H. C. Champion >eaine from their home in Kannap olis at the weekend for a visit here With relatives. j James Horne S/Sgt. in the U. S. Army has been on furlough here with relatives from his base at Langly Field,, Va. After his^, fur lough here he will report for further duty in Seattle, Washing" ton. Visitors this week to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Durham are Mr. and Mrs Paul Doster and small- daughter Pat, of Greensboro and Tommy Leigh, of Rocky Mount. _ Mrs. Will Mbote, formerly of iCarrboro is recuperating at her home in Durham after spending The Land Of Orange “Thai thirty-six foot spillway isn’t a di\ too wide for my pond, said Wiley Perry, Orange Grove last week. “Water came through it about a foot deep in that three and k half inch rain we had about three weeks ago. It didn’t wash, but I’m going to get it sodded as soon as I can so that washing can’t get started.” John Hawkins and Bunn Pope, Cedar Grove, are following fescue with tobacco on one field this year, the fescue ilvill provide ad ditional organic matter .to make up for that consumed'’in SBr’frr tiw iwiWifafcMW, irrigation; „ A good terracing system and rows on the contour are additional ways they are holding water, soil, and fertilizer in place, not ortly for this year’s crop but future crops. C. A. Brown and C. C. Brown, are planning at, complete soil and water conservation system for their farm south of Ef’and.'Pas ture will be seeded on some of the land on which soil surveys, furn Mrs. Ira Ray has'returned to her home in High Point after „a visit here Of several days with relatives, several weeks as a patient in Watts Hospital, Durham. ished by the local Neuse River Soil Conservation District, show that permanent cover is needed Capability Class II and III land, on which erosion is less a hazard, will be used for crops. A water disposal system of meadow water ways and terraces, along with ■ a suitable crop rotation providing cover two y.eanTout of every three is to be established to provide the protection the land needs. Removing a hedgerow will per mit larger fields around the slope for more convenience on working the land. Although a state institution, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill did not receive state appropriations for almost a hun dred years after it first began operating, Ln-i395.. on HONOR Ro Honor roll achievem.,! stndenis at the With] have been announced b*I sie Perry Burgess, of Nurses and direi School of Nursing, * total girls maintainine averages of 90 or above, 1954-55 school year Miss Helen Mohler from Hillsboro tied for til with Miss aMry Moser 0f I both having an average j iDorothy Dabbs, a men Junior class and Joan •a senior, both made roll. The cornerstone 0f Building at the Univa North Carolina at Chapel laid on Get., 12, 1793. .-y:: « B ETTY SUE 6y R.J. SMll Step on it ladies . . . see the wonderful line of nationally furniture at the SMITH FURNITURE CO. We bring you thi less . . . guarantee satisfaction with every purcKni. XJRNITU RE^COmPA /?. J. SMITH, PROPRti TOR fr HILLSBORO. N.C. ' We’re "Sell-a-brating” with Leadership Deals on brand new gBMsmfeiSlg; a._■» Wlf AD year long we’ve been selling new Fords at a Leadership pace. Now “ “ "" "^M-a-bratipg” in advance what looks like the most successful *3?M'S' hwbcrfyi-: ^■■ Fords—so you share the benefits. * ; ■ -■ Why not hop on the Ford Bandwagon -join the big swing to Ford — get in on a deal that spells savings to you *-now while our summer "Sell a-bration” is in full swing—now while your is worth its top dollar—now while you can enjoy a full summer of fyn in America’s trend-setting, "GO”-leading, "worth-more” car—the brilliant ’55 Foard. Come in at your earliest—cotne get our "best” l Y'f r?S2" fr0m ,he leoder • • • W* what you get M tnl^'T 00 ,0ke'bffs- '* 9^s you a whole new feeling ofi* VEAR ° 5eCUrityin traffic or open road. line. For, this 55^? • • • you see it in every Thunderbird-msp^ ♦oo. yoJ see Lrl 1?* ** ^ "^nd-setter” Perhaps you've noticed costlier cars were parkedm°re *r0nt homes where formerly & t F.C.A. Sells irtore because it's worth more »MOOThbR ever, "•-t °nd <">-• son* For.!'* 7 7—"Tv" ' • • an<* you’ll go more places! The re0 ever For « ° ,,On0lf Bd,-Jo^ Front Suspension is better^ 55 spnng, ore tilted bock to absorb bumps from the front * a rinu/n a , . _ ; * / Ray O Neal Motors, I fit. fnur Friendlv Ford Dealer" A : 'Tour Friendly Ford Dealer" ---8’ GREAT TV. FC*D THEATM. WTVD. THUESDivi-la U8TSi #:30 P. m t,