RETURNED Misses Joyce Boone, Margarel Andrews and Donnie Ward re turned on Tuesday of this week from a vacation trip Since last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pressley and family - in Tampa, Florida. The party of young peo ple report a wonderful vacation mid a most enjoyable trip. CIRCLES The meetings of the Anne Mc Dade Circle on Tuesday afternoon )f this week with Mrs. P. L. Sen der, and the Foy J. Farmer Circle I meeting on Tuesday evening with ; Mrs. Lloyd, Senter were well af ' tended and prograrps at both I meetings were well carried out. Other .circles of the Woman’s Mis_ | biopary Society of the Carrboro wiut ouiftcn * mi-UHtn niiuM ABAPTED FRO* TNI ORIGINAL "DISNEYLAND” TELEVISION PRODUCTIONS j Adults 65<-Children 25^ FRIDAY-SATURDAY Tt.-d MISCHIEVOUS Jays . and Two MI8BEHAS/lN’gafs mixing a million Lucies with a million chuckles...and music SUNDAY-MONDAY "THE BEST COMEDY TO COME FROM ENGLAND IN MANY YEARS!" . —N. Y. Mirror "TRULY FUNNY!, IT'S A CARRIER OF CHUCKLES AND BELLY LAUGHS!" —N. Y. Time* "RICH IN COMEDY " —N. Y. Journal American ---—. .I r oa-6 f* -A I DOCTOR/’ . If S r I Tkt J. Arthur Rtak OrgMiirittoa preterits •DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE" -MURIEL PAVLOW • KENNETH MORE • DONALD h» TWIRRCHMR * * REPUBLIC RELEASE I'*:.-.- v •T --T :'■*&** Baptist Church were postponed ji his week because of the fourth of ( All circles will come ! together on 'Tuesday evening of | next week in a dinner meeting in ithe church basement. A covered dish will be brought by each mem ber I a. the together at ;ha. '.ime. sicx 1 W^ Rjbe.*s;:n of Carrboro has been a pat.ent in Watts Hospital, Du. ham for the past ten dayfc. His -ondition is improving at this ime, arid he hopes to be home by he latter part of this week. MOVED \ Mr. .arid ’ ’Mrs.. ,P. D. Chambley, their s n Freddie who is fifteen, i.heir daughte-f Jackie, 12 and their twin daughters Date and Gayle who are four years old, have -rfiov ed into the former C. R. Williams home On North Greens bor0 Street. Mr. Chambley is connected with construction work at U.N.C. "The family moved here from Cary. -sr“- *i ,.■* ATTEND WEDDING Mrs Melvin Pendergrass of the Greensboro Highway, attended- the weddj5^(|kiiirt'Saturday of her neic'e Miss Toby Gray King of Graham o Raymond H. Babelay, of Tenn. The formal wedding was soleniniz. ad at 4:30 in the First Baptist Church of Graham on Saturday afternoon. - dEV. HENRY STOKES The Rev. Henry Stokes, pastor of the Carrboro Baptist Church CHAPEL HILL THURSDAY JANE POWELL-EDMUND PURDOM DEBBIE REYNOLDS • VIC DAMONE LOUIS CALHERN FRIDAY j Three of the Year’* Finest Screen ■ Performances! I BING CROSBY GRACE ) KELLY ' WILLIAM HOLDEN ta A PERLBCRC SEATOH P» THE AIM. ■ ■ tMUatiinuAMntum: Written le» the Semen and Directed by GEORGE SEATON - Frew the play by CliMord Odets A PummmI Picture jHk SATURDAY SUN. - MON. - TUES. ! [Doris Day- James Cagney ! Xove Me Or Leave Me_ -V- IN COLOR AND - - - ■ =kGlNEMAScOpe ■'■== WEDNESDAY ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S GREATEST THRILLER "THE 39 STEPS" with ROBERT DONAT MADELEINE CARROLL •• “■ . f Mrs. Stokes and the children left Sunday evening for a 'roomth’s stay with Mrs. Stokes pamrtr'dear Louisville, Ky. The Rev Stokes will be enrolled at the Southern Bap ! tist Theological Seminary in Louis ville for a short course during his stay in Kentucky, j The pastorate at the Baptist .Church here will be filled at each I service by emminent ministers while the pastor and his family are away on vacation and for study. HONORED Mr. and Mrs. Ben Williams who jihave made their home in Can boro for some time were honored j at a house warming shower on uaat Wednesday evening at the I home df Mrs. E. J. Roberson in ! Carrboro with Mrs. Numa Womble serving as co-hostess. Games were enjoyed by th§ group and at the close of the evening the honorec opened and displayed the many | beautiful gifts showered upon her Mr. and Mrs. Williams have pur chased a new home in Durham County and will leave this com munity. At the cidse of the even ing delicious refreshments were served the large number present for the curtesy. VISIT * Mr. and Mrs. Benson Ray and *iop Michael and Mr. and Mrs. j Starnes Weaver left last Sunday ifor Boston, Mass. The party will visit Mr. and Mrs. James Wright and family in Boston, and expect to return to their homes here, the latter part of this week. . INJURED IN DRILL Jesse Hackney accidently broke his ft wrist- and his right leg last Tuesday in a fine dfiH as ■the Carrboro Volunteer Firemen Were executing a fire drill dear the Carrboro Methodist - Church | Mr. Hackney was treated at N. C. < Memorial Hospital and is now at j home but in a cast, and is still' going back to the hospital for treatment. . - PERSONALS Miss Gerry Andrews, daughter1 of *Mr* and Mrs. Avery Andreevs J of the Hillsbor0 Highway has' been spending the past week with relatives in Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Clark of Che Durham Road and Mr. and i Mrs. Bobby Clark of Burlington have returned from a vacation Crip .of several days at.. Buggs Is land. Mrs. Paul Childress Sr. and her sons Paul* Childress of Greensboro and Richard Childress of the U. S. fXavy were visitors here at the weekend to Mrs. Childress parents Mr. and Mrs. J; W. Clark Sr. Wrenn Davis has been a patient at N. C. Memorial Hospital for i he past two weeks. Mrs. Carney Clark and son Jimmy, have returned from a visit With relatives in Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Owens, Al bert Owens Jr. and Miss Lois Davis left on Monday of this " week for a weeks stay at Manteo. Clyde Squires has returned frpm a visit to the mountains in the western part of the state. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Asbill and small son James have been spend ing seyeral days on a fishing trip at Sneeds Ferry, near Jacksonville. Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Braxton were visitors this past weekend to Mr: and Mrs. Julian Braxton and family in Durham and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Billy Mangum and family in Creedmoor. Mr. and Mrs. Karol Mason and family, Mrs. Reid Neville, and Mrs. Milliard Jones, Marie, Eddie and Nancy. Jones spent Monday of this week on a picnic at the Aberdeen Lake at Aberdeen. Mrs. Bobby Durham and small daughter, of Mebame are spend ing several days here this week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Yancey and family. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Tempesta and 2 children who have been spending the past ttvo weeks here as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Squires and family left last Sun day for their home in Brooklyn, N. Y. On Saturday evening Mrs,. 1 ^Tempest*. waft ari&fc party... by. iher former school friends hepe. EASTERN STAR j In a lovely setting of beauti ful summer flowers in the Masonic (Temple In Chapel Hill on last Tuesday evening, two new mem bers were initiated into the Uni versity Chapter No. 264, Order of the Eastern Star of Chapel Hill. The new members are Mrs. Jean Wait Harrig, and Miss Roxada (Martha Lucille Harward. Mrs. Mae C. Mann Worthy Matron and J. Ira Mann, Worthy Patron presided at the meeting and welcomed the large number of members and « - ' \ ’ COUNTY > David Roberts Becomes Fireman David B. Roberts, former cnapei Mill and Carrboro policeman, will join the Chapel Hill Fire Depart ment as a fireman beginning to morrow. His hiring was made possible through the board of aldermen’s recent approval of a re-organiza tjon of the volunteer and regular departments, whereby Assistant Chief J. S. Boone was taken off of his three-man shift and flut on a regular eight-hour day as full time fire chief. The two three man shifts will continue to work 24 hours on and 24 hours off. Mr. Roberts' will be on one shift with Bill Ray and Eric Crabtree and the other shift'Will be Philip Andrews, Mebane Durham, and G. S. Baldwin. A corps o£ 10 call men is .now being organized by Chief, Boone to assist the regular - ‘ ' 1 « *» ■ j: ' firemen in responding to all alarms. Mr. Roberts, a veteran of World War II, is a native of Hillsboro DAVID ROBERTS and served on the Chapel UUl police- ttc later took' a -job with Duke Power Company at Eno, and more re cently has been a Carrboro police man. _ ■* Visitors present for the special meeting for thp, initiation cere monies. An enjoyable social hour followed the meeting. INFANT DIES Wayne Mullis Bumes, infant son of Patrie H. and" Jessie Mullis Burns, died in N. C. Memorial Hospital on Monday of this week after a brief Hlness. Surviving besides his parents are four sisters and five brothers of the home, and his maternal : grandmother Mrs. Annie Pearl Mullis of Sanford. ' Funeral services were held from the home in Garr-boro on Tuesday of this week with the Rev. J. Paul Edwards, pastor of the Carrboro 'Methodist Church in charge of the service. Graveside services were held in Jonesboro Heights Ceme tery at Sanford with the Rev. W. W. Hutchins of Sanford in charge. CLOSED NEXT WEEK Mrs. Willie Lee Lynch, of the local selective service office, an nounces that the office will be closed next week. Treatment will not help timbers once decay has started. 88 Per Cent Of Tar Heels Favor Quotas Preliminary reports show that 88.6 per cent of Tar Hel farmers voting in, the recent wheat referen dum favor marketing quotas for the 1956 wheat crop, Clyde R. Greene, chairman of the State ASC Committee, announced today. Preliminary reports in the na tion, he said, indicate greater in terest shown' by'-farnidfs.^the1’ per centage voting in favor: was high er this .yfcar than last. Greene says this is significant in view of the fact-that support rates for 1950 will be reduced to 7G percent of parity as compared with the support rate this year of 82‘^ percent. "It*looks like the farm ers are really beginning to realize the important part that these pro grams play in the nation’s econo my.’* These are preliminary, tabu lations;’ however," the’final tally is not expected to show any sig nificant change. This strong expression of ap proval by the nation’s wheat growers will provide price sup | 7000 Names... | Jaycees Are Circulqf Petitions On Recreai i Members of the Chapel Hill, Jaycees are circulating petitions locally calling for the setting up of a recreation district in which a vote would be held on a bond issue and tax to support a public 1 recreation program. The petitions, to the county com missioners, ask the board to set up the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Rec reation District of Orange .County, and submit to a public vote "the levying of tl) an annual tax of not [more than $.10 per $100 valuation j for maintaining a supervised rec reation program in the district and (2)the issuance of $250,000' in , bonds, to. .hujjd facilities for^the ......—."■. ;,i - ft,. port of at least $1.81 per bushel in 1956. The rate will be about 20 cents higher in North Carolina be cause of freight differentials. If the referendum had not caried, the minimum national support would be set at $1.19 a bushel, and in the state, $1.39 a bushel. The referendum as well as the wheat quota and support programs are administered by ASC state and | county committees. Greene urged j any farmers who have questions! regarding ASCs- quota or price support programs to see their local ASC committee or> go by their ASC j county office. recreation program The suggested ies, which inelu Carrboro, and an suburban area in surrounding the down in,the are subject to missioners after on suctfmatters Seeks 2,000 Siw Objective of the sigs paign, according t0 gob man of this phase of ( is to secure 2.000 f, names—well over the r per cent required* mlsioners to' grant the ^ Cox -aa-id-te"-torpeij f),e( wrould be ready.for pre* the commissioners alter' with the idea that th, might be held nest |aif Persons who wish to petitions and who may in the club’s housetop paign are asked to tele Cox. He said he hop# plete the signing-up thin club membership has k ed intoteams in vaiidt* the community for m completing this step a# tion circulators are n answer questions on thi recreation project, he $ajj BETTY SUE 6 nonmv havi you seen u UJCICLES NEW EVENING , GOWN? PgSffi P Wtum PiACtS tft A BiT LIKE \ It makes no-difference what .yog're looking for in the | line,. •• you'll find what you want. v.and at a price you can p you shop at the SMITH FURNITURE CO. R.J. SMITH, PROPRIETOR HILLSBORO. NX. No other premium gas gives you the Amoco .OCTANE BONUS! Extra, energy on the road, where it counts! , ,.0tl??rfla|,ol“es fet their highjataratory octane ratings bv ajfeo^ne fromworking. Then some the mUv nSlhV^33 0<5fanf ? the. oniy-octane that mh'tters-it’s the Jas you £yd ^ the value of the octane3g Only the new, unleaded Amoco-Gas giyes you a unique Octane BONUS no lead! Every ounce of octane-energyTn^hlnew A Srthat octane in your car. No lead deposits ran form on7n^ ?3\JS VSab e is wasted fighting them. engine parts. No octane Result? More octane is out tn wav-l any leaded gas you can buy. That’s what we‘cal/th thanrfor Octane’Bonus. e ca“ ^he big Amoco-Gas Try it it does % wonderful thing for . Bonus Mileage-because it contains no lead! JBAMERICAN Oil COMP AMY jgt a M:' ~ #■ ^ v Contain*