CARRBORO Social and Personal SHOWER A bridal shower was given last Tuesday evening at the home x)l Mrs. Lindy Sparrow, on the Air port Road honoring Miss Joyce Boone, bride elect,Whose wedding to Donnie Blake Ward, will be solemnized on Saturday evening of this week at the Carrboro Me thodist Church. Co-hostesses with Mrs. Sparrow at her lovely new home were Mrs Tom Lloyd and Mrs. Buddy Thom as. Upon her arrival the guest of honor was presented a corsage of "info" flic' living ■’room ' Which' whs,, tastefully decorated with arrange ments of chrysthemums and other fall flowers. Bridal games were enjoyed by. the group, and novel prizes awarded, alter which guests , were invited into the dining room j where the . dining table was cen ter'ed with a colorful umbrella with 1 streamers attached leading to the many bridal gifts showered upon I the who,opened and dis played -afl gifts to the assembled friends Many lovely gifts- were r silver’and' chrystal. in her chosen patterns. At the close of the even ing fruit punchr-bridal'cake squar es, home made mints, and delicious nuts were served to the niore than /forty guests present for the even : ing. CIRCLE MEETINGS The Ella Keller Circle on the Woman’s Missionary Society of. the | Bethel Baptist Church will, meet on Monday evening at the home of Mr?. Bcadie Lloyd. The Jeffcoat Circle of the socie ty will also meet in Monday even ing with Mrs. Duree Lloyd, at her home. The topic for both -circles will be "Medical Missions in Mexi co" and both meetings will begin at the same time e^ch evening gjl evening of next week NbV.- 9th at 7:30 at the Bethel Church. Both circles come together at this.time oi a general meeting of the intire Missionary Society and, also the iSunbeam Band, the Royal Ambas sadors and the Girl s Auxiliary j of the church. Mrs. John Martin ; president of the Missionary Socie tv will preside at the meting. BIRTH Mr.'and Mrs. ftichard Bone of Carrboro announce- the birth of a son. David Richard in Watts Flos pital on October 7th. Mrs. Bone has been a patient this week since Monday in Watts Hospital with pneumonia. Her condition at this tune is much improved. ATTEND REUNION Those from this area attending the annual Sturdivant Reunion held last Sunday at the Ebeneser I Church in Chatham County includ ed the following: Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sturdivant and famify, Mr. and Mrs. Grady Sturdivant. Mr. and Mrs. James ‘ Sturdivant, Mr. and Mrs. William Sturdivant and 1 family and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cole. ifohiCr Ehttt'1 vvtln -sflenl /four weeks in N. C. Memorial Hospital Kas" the result of, an accident on a truck at the Fitch Company in Mebane, is getting along just fine -at his home here now. - .:: — - ■; ..... — •* I BENEFIT The Men s Bible Class, taught |by~R. I’. Baf-bour. Of the Carr born Methodist Sunday School, will [hold- a Barbecue Supper for the benefit1 of the- church here on : .next Saturday afternoon at the | church Tickets are on sale for ! the- sgpper by members' of the I class, who will greatly appreciate youf patronage. , Co-starring \ MARY MURPHY-WARD BOND ■i RAYMOND BURR • ARTHUR SPACE LEE VAN CLEEF • ALAN HALE • DOUGLAS SPENCER Screen play by iOHM TUCKER BATTLE * Story by MORT BRISKIN • Directed by R. MILLAND ..... A REPUBLIC PRODUCTION ■; Late Show Sat Nite \ v Reg. Showing Sunday-Monday biggest bargain Warm Floor Heat "travels” to every room without costly furnace pipes or registers to install! v"'." 7. . ■ "' ~ ’ '*• , . M Discover the miracle of Siegler's exclusive “Traveling Heat” and live more comfortably this winter? A Siegler actually pays for itself with fuel it saves! You get up to twice the heat! You save up to half the fuel! Come in .. See Siegler .. . it’s the biggest bargain in home heaters today! GIVES YOU All THIS! • PATENTED HEAT TUBES that tree the hottest heat! ,/ • PATENTED BUILT IN BLOWER SYS. TEM forces heat down to the floor, “travels” it to every room! • PATENTED SIEGLERMATIC DRAFT prevents smoke, soot! • HEAVY CAST IRON CONSTRUCTION! • LIFETIME PORCELAIN FINISH I • U. L. APPROVAL! ' VMONEY BACK GUARANTEE! Smith Furniture Go HILLSBORO A TALL FEgriVAL. : . —■ The P. T. A of the White Cross School will hold it’s annual Fall Festival on Friday evening of this week at the school. Servings for the supper will begin at six o’clock. An attractive array of home cook ed foods has been arranged by the committees in charge including not, only a most delicious hot supper with all the trimmings, but home cooked cakes, pies, and many other items will be offered for sale at this time. .. IMPROVING HOME Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Hardee are adding four new rooms to their home on Oak Ave. and making other renovations and improve ments. " , , i csvrcdi'Hfy v~ 'The tifudsfr meeting-of HKe cdrr boro Civic Club will be held next Wednesday at the c1uR building near the Carrboro School. The urogram will begin as usual al 3 p. m. and will be in charge of Mrs. J. S. Gibson. The hostess for for the meting will he Mrs. John McLaughlin All members are ur ged to attend,'and all visitors are cordially welcomed. PF" SON AT, NOTES Mfs. Martha Clark, has been ill for the past .week a* the home of her daughter Mrs. B^nie Rig gsbee. Marvin Clark, of Asheville has been here for the past sev eral davs with his mother. Newton 'White, came from his honte Id A^ilmington on Monday of this week for a visit here of several days with his sister, Mrs Melvin Pendergrass, Mr. Pender - trass and family. Conductor Marvin T. Clark ami Mrs. Clark returned to their home Jt)/Wilmington on Tuesday of this week after spending .several days here with relatives. While they were here visiting Mr. and Mrs , Kenneth Clark, of Dogwood Acres he two families enjoyed a vaea-H 'ion trip-to the mountains in the . western part of the state and visit $3 Mr. Clark’s brother, the Rev Floyd B Clark, and family in Hen dersonville. Mrs. M. R, Eason, who has been lit in California with her daugh ter for the past several weeks has -eturned here to make her home with Mrs. Joe Sparrow. R. A. Womble became seriously 11 several days past and carried to N. C. Jdcmorial Hospital in Cha ; pel HTn.' is^now at Seme and much I improved. | Mrs. J. P. Ellington, who Ur derwent a serious operation in Walts Hospital on Monday of this week is improving. Mr, and Mrs. Marvin Smith and son of Salisbury were visitors at the weekend to-relatives in.this area. —-— Mr. and Mrs. Gary Coe, of Ra leigh were visitors at' the week end to Mrs. Coe's mother Mrs. T. C. Lindsay Sr. Mrs. Lindsay Sparrow ..and chil dren, Lisa and Van. Mrs. Jesse' Hackney and MissTTaTtie H-ick nov were visitors at the weekend to Mf. and Mrs A A. Walker, and family, in Asheburo. B’Mv B^uee Page came from his studies at East, Carolina College abethe ^weekend for a visit with his parents, Mr: and Mrs. Bill Page, and • family. Sammy Ray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bensbri Ray., carbe from his col lege duties in the Western part °f th° stato to be with'his oarents. and to attend the football game at Carolina at - the weekend. VISITORS Visitors at the weekend" to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Freeland in the Orange Church community includ ed iff. and Mrs. A. P. Beckman, ">f Guilford and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stevens, of Richmond, Va Mrs. , H.'H King, . of Orange Grove, mother of Mrs. Bob Wright is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mann and. Michael Clark. ■ together with Mr and Mrs. Marion Clark and familv of Hillsboro, had a most enjoyable trip at the weekend to the mopn tains in the western part of the state and went on lo se the heau ginia while they were on^lteMeijv treat ask for OLD GOLD N® America’s First Family of Cigarettes r K‘N° KINGS SIZE REGULAR R. C. MiNNIS & SON HIILLSBORO * - • . OtS Bazaar On Wednesday j On next Wednesday, beginning at 8:30 a. m., the annual Bazaar | sponsored by the University Chap ter No 264 Order of the Eastern Star wiil be held in the Chapel 1 Hill Curb Market on North Col umbia street in Chapel HiH. A real thrift sale by the chapter will be held at this time featuring the following items: Sewing, Handwork, Crochet, Gifts, Hone Made Cakes, Pies, Cookies, Flowers t o brighten, your home; Fresh Country Eggs; : Butter,.Vegtables, Home Made Pre serves, Pickles, Jellies, Good Books, ; Hand Made Novelties, White Ele Lah fats, kftd. Home* Made CSndy.. M V . . i' ; ■ a FRIENDS NIGHT "A "Friends Night" program was enjoyed by members of the Univer sity Chapter Q.E S. last Thursday .evening irt the Masonic Temple in Chapel Hill. A large number Of 1 members of other chapters from this, and other jurisdictions were present for the most enjoyable program and each officer enter tained a guest for each station , of the local chapter. At the close of the regular meeting a social hour was Tnjnyed with delicious refreshments served by the rg ; freshment committee. DAYE RE-ENLISTS t FORT JACKSON. SjC.^-PyIv. ktn ].woo'd Paye, Whose wife, Daisey, | !s a resilient of Route 2, Cedar j Grove, recently re-enlisted in the U S. Army and was processed in the 10 tet Replacement Company at Fort Jackson. H& attended the North Carolina College at Durham for two years, and. has been in the Army since i 195}. He formerly served in Ger ' many. ' - 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bucky Vickers. I ’ave returned totheir hohie where ; Mr. Viekprs is stationed at Fort ■ Story, near Virginia Beach. -Va. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hobby, i and daughters-Donna and Linda, of Winston-Salem were visitors fo relatives here at this weekend. - -.and takfe our word for it ^Oll wiif say "What Value'’ ’ When you see the New— 12-STAR UTILITY PANTS • y * With Shirts to Match Come in and examine these rugged, style-built garments. Run a hand in i' to the foot deep, wear-proof front safety pockets with their 7-inch open ing. Waistband that can't shrink out of size. Ten other features which make Anvil "12-Stars" the headliners of the year, foj- comfort end Jong wear. Pants _ 3.75 4.75 Shirts 2.65 4.25 J L. BROWN & 'EVERYBODY'S FAMILY STORE IN HILLSBORO' ft HILLSBORO Only in the'56 FORD. THUNDERBIRD POWER, ~ THUNDERBIRD STYLING and LIFEGUARD DESIGN In the low-price field v** And here s why. Ford alone brings you Lifeguard Design, a whole new family of safety features to giVe you extra protection in case of accident. 1 here s a new- Lifeguard deep-center steering wheel to help cushion the driver from the steering post; ★ new Lifeguard cl0f,li-8"P,‘1crs Tii and ,r’56 Ford inherited its beauty from the Thunderbird 1 1 low—a fine car in everv graceful line , lrcl Its long _■» \.Z. !ne' And >°u can have die Thunderbird s^hthing,: too. at no ext fa mt fhr'the n’C tu^ ,the bird Y-8 engine is the -.Wnrdeigh, ,], Fiirto«JSSSS*" models! Here s power that gives sou split-second n itatlon'^agon and hill-climbing “Co.” Come in for t/onr Test DnV abllit> You’re sure to find many more reasons whv von eah’n ' ,' ' t(ula> when you buy Ford, New luxury interiors "''l etter than . r a quality “feel” throughout . . . a//-'add iin m < x fr,or finishes Ford the fine car at half the fine-car price P *make '*“"1956 :i"- : X ' Ford Dealer" Hillsboro GREAT tv, ford THFATRf uu, ► WTVD, 9:36 PM, THURSDAYS