nrrni* fVuirt nf OranCG iSIFIED AD RATES IL™.„ o cents for each additional word tccn words $1.00 (this type) ur cents for each additional word ONE YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS 3445 Hillsboro—4191 I jit'Y STANDING I , land containing Lumber • Co.; | 8-4 tfc ■ cs E. Maddry .50 n Sale illsbaro SALE $1095 ip*six _ $1195 ip. eight $1 L95 Fnrdomatic White walls $1095 $1095»j $2195 1095 F> TRUCKS Motors, ln£rv lv Ford Dealer” ilkhirn SERVICES OFFERED 5-Tc'DADE RADIO & TV SERVICE" Day or night; dial 3T25 or-2403.' Located Libia Dairy Building. RELIABLE RADIO A TV. SERV ICE. Car 1st and supplies. Locat ed dt'fan-view. Phone, Hillsboro. , day (1338 or night 393't Own er. Robert Woods. - lb-6 tfc M KM1I L.itlVIDl.ALLY DEr. signed supports ■ for abdomen. ■ back and breasts. Mrs Lucille o. J lumas., Phone Hillsboro 4633. 9-22 tfc >iiALtTY TELEVISION SERVICE at loves*--prH‘es. Hillsboro-Ra dio & TV. Telephone 2255. tfc FOR RENT ,.O.ij...l(..A'l FLOUR -SANDER Edger and Floor Polisher . Smith's Furniture Store. tic - WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT—BY COUPLE' '. without children. 5 -or 6 room house.", Modern conveniences. References- furnished. Hillsbofo Vhapel Hill area Write Rox\247 Hillsboro,’ dr pKOne 4191 II 17 ltp The NOrth Carolina 4-H dairy callly judging -team finished fifth; rn-~thr-Ar»t4tnwi-J i id'iTii" T'onTCTt air; W .i. rloo. Inwa. on October 3. CHINCHILLAS j Why wait? Secure breeders now.-j Clean easy to raise. 1-ifter.guaran teed. Write for'tacts, price- list,, descriptive 'data and pictures.! Read and convince yourself. Re Ugu%c£,'!.if.jd3.sir$<L ;H*y« dived jn J-a(<e Charles all my life. ‘CORDON M. DALTON I>*- <)'. Box V06 Lake ( barter. La. ' CsEKft Get Rid cf Yeur Cold? I\en trv ( i’>. the wide-activily nwd -im., for «„;«<r,Hi_effectivenr.. Mhmt' aM ysytriptoms otBtt tim* at ’ids 3SQ5vivmbinM 4.t»elfeutwidely.* reocribed drugs and give* P»«'"' e rnbialic r.-sults ih a tpattnr of horn*. ttr-u.i..' ■" 1 )i--»ny -c,>vcr* 1, 6 «mar. of oil wM.»ympi0TO: :a,o:U!. ' T- i-hn' 3 ' j —4 HN FOUSHEE AGENCY ! AL INSURANCE — LIFE INSURANCE Call The NEWS numbers I Hillsboro it 8445 Chapel Hill i to Check The Ads On This Page Special Notice DISAPPEARED — FEMALE TOY terlier. white with brown spots and head, Answers to name, "Ikybbie" Children’s pet. Re ward. Cali Eflartd 5 2326 or 5 2344. Write C. B Poole, Eflaml, • N, " 1117 ltp FOR SALE USED ELECTRIC” !RONS7”$I.25 ..._ ua» -Western : A u t o . Associate Store. Hillsboro. HOMEMADE CAKES MADE TO order Fresh coconut our speci alty. Call Mrs. Clarence Hines 4847 or Mrs. Everette Kennedy 2555, Hillsboro. 10-13 tfc USED Oil. HEATERS PRICED . reasonably. Several makes and sizes. $20 to $60. Smith Furni .lure Company, Hillsboro. UOli SALE - TWO USEDREFHIG eratnrs. Good running condition. $29.50 and $39.50. Bivins Furn iture Co.. Hillsboro. 11-10-tfc FOR SALE —t ONE LOT |UXED dry (line and oak slabs.’ j. L. EiTand Sr. Efland. NiC. , . ll-10-3tf USED PERFECTION CIRCULAT ,.or m. emu! condition. Only $35 at ■ "BlPHrs'FWnit tfrc C5. HinshnytJC^c USED ELECTRIC STOVE , $69.50 *A Good Buy. Bivins Furnjturo VowRanyj Hillsboro. GOOD 5 ROOM HOUSE WITH city e tor (bathroom), nice 7'rTfrTlTes 3 rooms have horidwood .liooi';-' 5 acres land. Price $5,000. 1 mile west of city limits. W. B. Colomani Hillsboro. 11-17 tfc FIVE ROOM BRICK 'HOUSE WITH for 3 more rooms, with dis appearing ‘stairway. Lennox oil !):••! piped ter each room. City -—hath. Garage vith storage room. Lot 120 ft. „ .1 rt.n! r if^ni ..for another house. I.,I; ;.‘ -i oast of cotv ' limit's Tel. 2572 \V. B. Coleman, Hill*6byp7 11-17 tie ; . . . i i-iTTfr •051 PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE. New top,, B .&• 11., owner. Finan cing' arranged. Field. Hillsboro 4649. - . 11-17 2te ItY 1-1IOM OWNER AND SAVE (1 room brick venegr ranch-style. «. Owmee'chc Farm- Field. Phone Hillsboro 4649. 11-17 2tc. .DYLAN!) NOW OPEN. BUY now on dtp* Layaway Plan. West ern .Aula A-sociate Store, Hills boro. - - • Indications are that improvement in range feed conditions and a continuing trend toward enlarg ing farm flocks will lead to an increase, in sheep numbers next year. > ■ ■ -:> —. 7 LEGAL NOTICES ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Adininistra i tor of. the Estate of William J: j Champion, late of Orange County North Carolina, this is to notify’ i all’ persons having claims' against the Estate of said Deceased -'to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 13th, diy of October, 195(5. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said Estate Wifi please make lm | mediate payment. This the l^th. day of October, 19557 "!■ ' .1, W. Champion Administrator of the Estate of William J Champion Ht. 1, Efland. —— 10-13 OTP EXECUTORS' NOTICE h- The uridersigflecL having quali fied as' executors of the Estate of S. E. Tcer. deceased, late of Orange County, this is to notify all persons having Haims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of■,November, 1956, or this, notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. A11 persons in debted to said-estate, will please make im modi He payment to the undersigned. This the 3rd day of. November 1955. •' ’ -—CTTMTT.P1! K TFFT1 nnfl THOMAS E. TE-ER Executors of the Estate ■ _ of S. lie Teer L. J. Phipps, Attorney' NOTICE OF EXECUTOR t Having -qualified as Executor of I the estate of Cah n I.. Kenion. . deceased, late , of Orange County, North Carolina, this is to notify all p-rsons having claims againis: 1 the cstatcof said, deceased to ex | hib.t t h -m to ,hf undersigned at 1 West lli-tlsharu on ,or. before the i lot'll d.:> id Nicemher.-1956. or this j-noticO will hi" pleaded in bar, of I'heir recovery., All persons, in jdchted to said estate v/ill please I mal e immediate payment, i This the 1,0th day of November, 1955 zr'ZTiz: PAtd. a kentox rr. .zlr Executor. ’Estate of . CAI.VIN 1. KENION _±r„. Rt 1, McUoansvillc, N. C. 11-10-6TC NOTICE JIN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH -CAROLINA I ORANGE COUNTY ! NON,IE I’O WE LI, BURNETTE vs. CLYDE F. BURNETTE To Clyde F. Burnette: The defendant above niffned will take notice that an aeiion entitled; a- above has been commenced in ; R&H, 1953 BUICK 1952 BUiCK 1953 1952 DODGE 40, 1950 BUICK Spec. Dyno. R&H, 1951 FORD Convertible 595 1395 1195 1695 995 695 695 COLONIAL MOTOR CO. * _* : ■" . •' • USED CAR LOT: 701 W. Franklin — Phona 9-484 BUICK tGMC SALES A SERVICE CHAPEL HILL, N. C GounCy against himforan absolute | divorce between the plaintiff and (he defendant and the’ sajd de fendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the SuperibF Court of Orange County ,n Hillsboro, N. not later than January 3, 1956, and answer or demur to the complaint filed in the said action of the plaintiff will apply to the court for,the relief demanded in, said action. This the 8th day of November, SS55. E. M. Lynch Clerk of Superior Court of Orange County, £; 'Smih Carolina. >.* ., L. .1 Phipps, Attorney ' • , ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the, Estate of William R. Uink, late of Orange County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having 'claims against the Estate of said Deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the I7th. day of November, 1956, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery.-All per sons indebted to said Estate w.ll please make immediate payment. „ This the 17th. day of November, 1955. William G. Link Administrator of the Estate ot William 11. Link Box 516 :: . 'Arc:'. Hillsboro, Nf. C. U-17 6TC NOTfCE OF RESALE AFTER UPSET BID Pursuant to an Order of Resale in a' proceeding in the Superior Court of Orange County, North Carolina entitled, "IN THE MAT TER OK: Martha Lane Mordecai, a Minor, ekv, et al." The under signed commissioner will offer for sale at the Courthouse door in Hillsboro. Orange .County, North Carolina, at.twelve o’clock • noon on the 28th day of November*, 1855,. to the highest bidder for cash,, the bidding -to begin at ^10,5.50.00, certain lands and prem ises in Orange County, North Caro lina, described* and defined as fol lows: FIRST TRACT: Containing 15(1 acres, more or less, and known, as the northern half bl the MprVtocV traet, being bounded on th(> South by the lands of J. P. Ilassefl, on the East- hw-t-he Kreoiamd. Jand.. lit l ex owned by Jonce Freeland, on the oy me lands of VV. E. Oasi: y, on. the West by tin1 lands formerly owncddby TtKrfftoldeh Estate later by James and Pearl Whitleg, and being lots Nos. -3 and 4 of the "Turner-Murdoek property 'according to the plat ol the survey made by James-O. Webb.on February 4 and 5, 10F8T~ and being the lands conveyed to -AhmuiB t>_li’itheis. Iiv <)ced ol C. Bjvms and wife dated Sep- * tc mber 2,. 1937, a nd - recorded the office ui • the Register of Heeds ot Orange County in Book 107, at page 82, and being the lands described in deed from James P Withers and wife* to K.. W. Mordecai dated March 10, 1 :M; and recorded- jn -Book 113, al page 292 of the Orange ‘ County Registry, to which deeds - *and-registry thereof reference-is hereby made for a. detaild de scription. SECOND-TRACT: ■Wintaining 170.38 acres, more or less, adjoining the above de scribed First Tract and adjoin ing Hie Holden lands, the J. L. Biown lands' the Mars {fill Church lot, the Freeland lands and others and being the lands conveyed to Joe P. Hassell by Ch'bster D. Turner dated Septem ber 11, 1920, recorded in Book 78. at page 153 of the Orange County Registry, and the same* lands described in a deed from A. H. Graham and S. M. Gattis, Jr., Commissioners, to Edwin .Vv.. Mordecai dated November 18, 1938,.and recorded in Book 108, registry thereof reference is hereby made for a detailed de scription. The two tracts are those de- I Farm Loons Repay Any Time Long Term low Interest. FEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS Contact B. W. Parsons, Sec.-Treas. j Your NATIONAL FARM LOAN \ ASSOCIATION Box 245, Henderson, N. C. or at Hillsboro Agr. Bldg, every 2nd & 4th Friday [ ~—M8 -to 2:j)0 - prm. scribed as “Exhibit A" in the Petition in the proceeding under which this sale is made. A deposit of 5. per cent of the highest bid will be required of the high bidder as a guarantee of good faith pending the confirmation of for sale! This sale is mad* subject to confirmation by the Court. THIS the 9th. day of November, 1955 Henry A. McKinnon. Jr. Commissioner Address Lumberton, North Carolina 11-17 2TC NOTICE OF RE-SALE NO III NORTH CAROLINA ,RANGE COUNTY Under and by- “virtue of the power of sale contained in a,cer tain Deed of Trust executed by Chert** JCTismi James' Long, of Orange County, North Carolina, dated the ,17th.' day of October, 1952. and recorded in Book 118, Page 474, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Orange County, North Carolina, who have defaulted' in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and ,>aid Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclo sure, the undersigned Trustee will offer for re-sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at l(M* CuuiUiouse door in Hillsboro, Orange County, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock Noon Saturday, November 2G, 1955, the property conveyed in said Deed of Trust, the same lying and being in the County'of Orange and State of North .Carolina, in. llfllshoro Township, and more particularly described as follow^: BEGINNING’ at a stake on *a Public Road, the Southeast corn er of Lot No. 21, on the plot hereinafter referred to, running ti.^ncc North 88' 10' West 450 feet to a stake, in the line of Lot No. 17; thence South 3° 50' West 150 feet to a stake in the Northwest earner of-Lot No. 25; thence South 86“. 10' East 450 feet to- a-slake in -the , Public itua.l; thence Northward- with said Hoad lotj feet to the begin- 5 ning, the same . being Lots No. 22, 23; an.d 24 of* Block "C” of the Eairview Subdivision, ac cording to survey and plot of S. • M. Credle, C. E. This lot or any part thereof, or any Interest therein shall not bd leased-, sold, or Otherwise dis posed ot-to,or be occupied by any person other than a , person of the white race, or any other person, firm or corporation for the~lJSe irf-any -person except,.a person of the white'race, within ninety .years from May 13* 1939. - This provision shall not apply to servants in the employ ot own ers or occupants of the property Who may occupy rooms on the premises. The above restrictions are part - of a general scheme of dcvelop ment and the same applies to all lots’ .embraced in . said subdivL SloTT.--—---— Reference is hereby made to Decrf from C. 'A. iriv arer WA May Bryans, to- Charles, Y. Long , and wife, Blannie James Long, dated February 4, 1943, recorded in Deed Book 117, Pifge 208, Orartge County Registry. This property is sold subject to ill. unpaid ISxes, and a dupositrof I0‘; will be required at the high ■»«!< bidder ('ll 1.h-n rta'v of , with the balance due .and payable upon continuation, in.s o re-sale with an increased, bid, bid ling will begin at $5,725.00. . This the loth, day of November, 1955, ‘ ~ ‘ .... S. W. Hughes . Trustee ' ; 11-17-2TC Commercial hatchery, production in North Carolina during August was the highest .number, for the month An record. r County Court The fol lowing eases were heard in Hillaboro Recorder’s Court on Monday: v v Daviu Wagoner, reckless driving, sia and casts, one month suspend - i cd for 18 months if he not operate an automobile in any manner with : irt one block of either side of Hills boro H gh School property; j" aosepn Long, publ.c drunk, costs; [ Dewey Williams, public drunx, Losts, John Henry Thompson, no ■ operator's license, $i5 and costs, ) two months, suspended for 12 months; Beitrum tester Branson Jr.,- speeding, $10 and costs; Earl uraosiier, assault with deadly weap on and, damage to property, s.x nun.ns^ E«.ga* Ray Hedrick, im proper equipment, $10 and costs' oeurgC Wilson William speeding, ■cu-sLu.-Jerriies Breeze; assault on i.m':.!:'. iwd afuilfSff. Ruth Mae*. Moore, larceny, notN guilty; Dock Chappell, judgement entered in’this ease -on October 3.1. amended to read, p.ayer for judg ment continued on suspended on condition that defendant pay a fine and costs at rate of $25 per week; 1 rank Hubbard, continued to No vember 21; Fonz Martin, public drunk ‘and illegal possession, non lax whiskey, $5 and costs; Charlie Fuller., assault with deadly weap on, 18 months, suspended on con . difieri Ilial iieTcndant'pay •hospital and Dr, bills of prosecuting wit-,.'. 1 ness, Lawrence Breeze,, up ,to the _ time he is dismissed from Duke Hospital and pay* costs of case and , on food behavior for two years; lthori Eugene; Allison,’ failing”to yield right of "v/av, prayer for I judgment continued, to Dec. 19 on rconditloi) he- pay 815 and .ciisfs and make proper restitution to Mrs. ' Nannie ' Sykes Durham; Ben Eu gene Kenion, reckless driving, $10 and costs; Elbert Clarke Adkins, failed and failed, judgment abso lute on cash bond; George -Kelly Gilbert, nol pros with leave; ■c Jamies Richard’ Edwards, nol pros wilh leave; Maynard W)Silled, .called and failed, cap as to Orange ‘•county,. Ljhrinie Hudson, caffiitF’ f and laikv Tapia; to orange ('oun !jy; F, J. l. inegan, nol pros with leave; Arch Paul Boyd, coiled and ! failed, Capias to Onslow k’ountyt ® Buddy Medlin,. continued to Nov. 21; Victor Crabtree, nol pros with. | leave;’ Ed Davis, called and failed,, | Capias to Orange County, judgment ,\i Si, S • i Fa issued; ; jVelfs, called and failed, capias to j (TiSTlTei r;1 ‘ OoTTrif ' pros;" James ItirrfHl, called and ( faded, cap,as. to orange County; ll’ieslon Wilkins, public drunk. $5 ' arid, costs; Maxie A. Benmrig.oiTTI speedin $15 ahcD costs; William i m p roper - pass mg. - — . ...— .Kingden Craps’, $jT> a nd costs; ~ Earl .tones . Lal-ta, overload, $10 t ■ an t ’Costs; Ciiii'oi dv.IuykiSon- Davis, 1 .iP-Uiing, $10 and costs, Virginia l-Dafti Tippett, speeding, $15 and j .’ujjls; Sam Roavan Fink, speeding, | 515 and costs*; Thomas Ervin Stan ton. speeding, Rudoiph Vandmn n Tf" sot nisis; G.en John Duncan, following too Alien Jr., rU’kkcS driving; $15 arid cSsis; Janies rfilman, speeding-. -SiiS an-rl cos.s; BUI Dunaway, public, drunk, $5 and•-costs; H. R. Wicker. I.worihless clifltk,- costs and amount of click, Glenn K. Dochring ■ .c-panrH-iTT 1 »rn;,r 1 -y-‘|''ll n '-cy f'lilfi.iTi'V;;' sperccfmg;“1^1-h athl costs; Arthur lliiilon Hampton peeding. $15 and to., .-,. , KJvvln Eugene, .Markham, speed-.. ng, $10 an I c'ustg; Alonzo Hughes .a ley, improper, equipment.*costs; Glynn G oft IV, .speeiOhy, SMlT ,' ' (See COURT. I'agpi 8). FOR WORK GUARANTEED Summey Shoe Shop In Tha Dairy Bldg. Hillsboro John P. BaS:ard Phone 4694 Hillsboro, North Carolina Chapei Hill Insurance, Pioperty Management, Real Estate Telephone 9-419 Scott Building : ■ L CHECK THEM WEEKLY A BULL'S EYE FGi? 3553sxs&£g$gEd THEM, ^OR FROrn When you v^ant to buy or sell or rent, profit from tho experience of thousand* who have found, day after day -and year after year* that classified ads got re sults! I HERE ARE THE TO REMEMBER! FOR CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER! Phone 4191 Hillsboro 8445 Chapel Hill • ■'; "-t.: ■

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