f !a Recent Bride MRS. ROBERT W/yRRt N LINER before her marriage on Jan. was Miss Edna Frances Lloyd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George indon Lloyd of Hillsboro. Mr. Liner is the son of Mr. and Mrs. mry Liner of Cedar Grove. Mrs. Liner is nc\y employed with Hos el Savings and Mr. Liner is with Home Security Life Insurance Durham The couple are making their home in Chapel Hil). ; _ * » 9 % , *• • . _ , , ;— . - Our January Clearance Sale 'ontinues This Week DRASTIC PRICE REDUCTIONS STILL IN EFFECT V-- i; J. L Brown & Sons Hillsboro ^ r. Mrs. W. C. Brewer Is Hostess To Class Thfe Hester Caldwell Sunday School Class of the First Baptist Church met, in the home ot Mrs. W. C. Brewer last . Monday even ing. . i In the absence of the president Mrs. Brewer had charge of the meeting. Miss Betty June Hayes gave the devotional. Mrs. B. S. Carr had charge of the Bible Study "Which was taken from the 10th chapter of Hebrews. Reading of the November and December minutes followed with roll call. Mrs. Roland Scott ex tended thanks to the class for the cards and flowers sent her by members of the class at the death ot her father. Thfe class will be in charge of the nursery-this month. The meeting was closed with the singing of two verses of the class song. Refreshments of pound cake, peaches, whipped cream, peanuts and coffee were served to the fol lowing: Mesdames Randolph Park er, Nelson Arrington, Roland Scott, B. S. Carr, Frank Ray; Misses Betty June Hayes, RuthfjcL Erivitte and Betty-Sue Hawkins* Mrs. Earl Baird and Mrs. Alan Watkins were welcomed into the class as new members' and visitor for the evening was Mrs Bill Whitehurst. The February meeting will be with Betty Sue Hawkins. r .. BROWNIE TROOP NO. lt>6 Brownie Troop Number 106 met on Monday af»rnoon in the Scout Room atjhe library. After having refreshments we learned several new songs. The troop closed its meeting with the good-night circle. Pamela Ca'tcs, Scribe MOVE Mr—and * Mrs. Frank Curry of W. Tryon St. have moved to Chap •el Hill where Mr. Curry is em ployed. CHARLES S. LOCKHART. Mr and Mrs. John G. Lockhart of Route 2, Chapel Hill, announce the birth of a son, Charier Stan ford, Jan 22' at Watts Hospital, They have another sort, .Thomas Long, 21 months old. Mrs. Lock^ hart is the former Christine Cates 'of Hillsboro. • _.• • — --—-55^ C & M Furniture ^ (At ideation of Former Bivins Furniture Co.) + 4 • Cordially Invites You TO THEIR FIRST OPEN HOUSE .----- • *■ • ...... v Saturday Afternoon 5:30 to 8:30 P.M^ SEE OUR NEW LINES OF FURNITUR^E AND APPLIANCES . JOIN OUR STAFF AND GUESTsV^R REFRESHMENTS DURING THIS HAPPY OCCASION^ --~-^ FREE,DOOR PRIZES w Registration Throughout The Weekend-Thursday, Friday And Saturday i Drawing During Our Open House Period For ★ A MOTOROLA ★ UMWWSM RADIO ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR LAMP |... ^LTCH for Our BIG SALE Announcement Nexl Week j Engaged To Local Man MISS MARY BENTON ROYSTER Miss Mary Royster's Engagement To U. William. Lloyd Announced Miss Mary Benton Royster's en-< gagement to Lt. William Holmes Lloyd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Myron P. Lloyd of Hillsboro, is announced by lier mother. Miss Royster is the daughter-of Mrs. Thomas Benton Royster, qf Durham and the fate Mr. Royster. The wedding is planned for ^uly. I Miss Roister .is a student at Salem College in' Winston-Salem and will graduate in May With a bachelor of arts degree in English with,a ptfimary teaching certificate., Lt. Lloyd was graduated from Mars Hill Junior College in 1950 and the University of North Caro* iina in 1952 jvith a baehelor of science degree and a teaching cer i trficate He is now stationed at , Ramey Air • Force Base, Puerto' Rico, as an aircraft performance gngiiieer. , . n; *'1U' lfl ■■ ;-i •HERE : Mrs. F. C. Frostiekhas returned ■ tp her home in Maxton after spend Ss last week here with her daugh ter and son-in-law, Mir. and Mrs. ; BillWarren of King St: VISIT ' Mr and Mrs. Ben Johnston and 'grandson. Ren, spent Sunday in Greensboro visiting wtth Mr. and M.Jack Snipes. \ HERE Mr. and Mrs. Bob Babcock of North Wilkesboro spent the past weekend visiting here. ►;..- ——— MRS N. L MAURONER HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB On Wednesday night, Jan. 18, Mrs. N. L. Mauroner was hostess to the bridge club. Guests for. the evening were Mrs. Ted Smith and Mrs. Clyde Irwin. High Score went to Mrs, Robert Strickland and low, Mrs. Hank Rhcw. MENU The Menu Ter the Hillsboro School Lunchroom for next week -is as'follows: +* \ ' v Monday—macaroni and cheese. tuna fish salad, eary June peas, apple cobbler, bread ,and milk. Monday—fish sticks* slaw, rice and tomatoes, doughnuts, corn-; bread, bread and milk. ^Wednesday—Mihk sausage, dried ltmas, tossed salad, rice pudding, bread and milk*" Thursday—hamburger and bun, creamed potatoes, slaw: and Onions, slewed aprjeots,;,bread and milk, i* Friday—vegetable soup, crack ers, sandwiches, ice cream and, nnlk. - _ __ AWA3f -Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Whitaker ac companied by Mrs Wilnier Hogan ( ..Burlington we re weekend ciiosts of Mr and Mrs William Nlorlino of Portsmouth, Va. Wlvi'e there they visited Mr. M. McQuade who is a patient in a hospital there ; Specials This Weekend ■■fenyi hWPVWHVIVVIHRH; C & M Furniture Co. M. L Cates, Jr. and N. L Mauroner ■■ : ( UPON THEN SEtECTtON AS . -3 Motoi tor Hillsboro and Vicinity m i • '•••• *>' iSHTl Jrl ; • •• . ■ IfiS Hi P@ PS 1C* '-J jfe SI , • A MOTOROLA Radio Will Be Given FREE As A Door Prize Dur ing Our Open House Event. ..i ' J- "T GREATEST TV VALUES EVER AT C & M •_ • ■' ' •'. :""r' ' .. • ——nr Furniture Co. ' . ./ ■' THE FINE S NEW . MOTOROLA*^ EYE-CONDITIONED TV We hove o terrific selection of new Motor-, ola TV sets—finest ever shown! Handsome wood consoles, new turn-table TV, shelf - size models in most any size or color. All with Right-Up-Front Tuning! This trim console, for example, shows a big 21" screen—- with the sharpest, clearest picture you’ve ever seen. New Power Panel *>■ inside makes if stronger. New Glare-Guard picture unit makes it more restful. New Ac* corashade gives picture more depth. World's easiest viewing—world’s easiest tuning. ^ Tuning ✓--a U Not A Table Model. A' I 21" Full Coniolo. / (Wood With Alumin iied Tube.) X ~ $199.95 AU NEW TABU MODELS IN Decorator Thriftiest 21-inch Motorola TV In smgrt-House t Cardan colors. Compact, shelf-size metal cabinet — finish won't ' chip or mar. New 4-stoi Power Panel . . . Right-Up-Front Tuning ... many top features u ^ mm Mod.. 2,m, $1/9.95 Pennies a day'the Motorola way I —-- ~ ’ » cirrlu'S fail year +*rr*i**t mi picfwo »wbd —90 dan oa f ***** peiU fried* incladd fodorai fox SPECIAL StLtCTION, TOO, OF THJ GKtAT NSW MOTOROLA RADIOS For the fined tone this side of the microphone—and the smartest in radio design! " Motorola makes dock radios that do most anything . .. table radios that match ^ jm any decorating scheme . . . portables that play anywhere. We make them avail- I lll*\ _ oble at low, low prices. Furniture Co. Teh 2155 (Formerly Bivins Furniture Co.) 1 Hillsboro - \ - _ ■ ■■ ■-/ . .