tranga CauntY alth tha nawa tha eaonty by NEWS ol EE HILLSBORO ANO CHAPEL HILL, N. C., THURSDAY, AUOUST M, 1957 For Quick, pravon ro*u!t* call, buy, rani or gut a |«b by waing tba dawlfiaR it* an Paga It af Tba HEWS of Oranga County. j.$ ! ‘ .....-—H-i TWELVE PACES THIS ISSUE ..«. BOARI>S . . . North ially got a new regu st week with the ap f the Real Estate est pieces of lobbying anybody anywhere by one Hathaway ing this one through on of the Legislature, time the real estate pted to spt up a li to protect the pub ck real estate 'trad lc she bang collapsed . Let's -hope (his one week indeed around e licensing board or n't walk the headlines airlanes. We have a se bodies now— and the making to Pro ul. US . , . The recent oreign doctors in our itals threw the pub lit on the state Board Examiners. The San we may need we say—regulate Carolina needs to tral authority over all licensing boards. The iners. until they back emonstxated a failure their responsibility to II as to profession. We nt that tiie licensing some of the other pro d other trades are ow in outlook." JTEL . .Charlotte-, par-old Barringer Hotel ngest—and one of the the Caroltnas is slated with a three-millioiv [■ultra ho:cl-motcl build pr, promoters was in Ra hveek tnterestnjjT Jocaf li the enterprise. It will |ing room facilities ^foY people,, a landing port Jters. Cost is' expected neighborhood of $6,000 I hear more about it (eel develops. 1SHIPS . . The Travel .NottbiCaroLint* chests* other Hodges as spoii itj for. the Anti-Litter ^ign launched in July is memberships. ^I>ai«n -began August 15 dividual. $10; business, try or small essoeiation. Srger industries and as $100 per year. (more .of.. Southern PiiU's kt. with Ray Galloway of membership chairman, et, Raleigh newspaper pe rotary-treasurer. TO DUKE . . . We Igood authority this past liiat Duke University has land aggressively plead V' editorials and other If tiie late Santford Mar pat arrangements have pleted for Duke to have keir entirety. (regarded as quite a coup University, library offi-, I*w of the fact tiiat Mar in alumnus of Wake For Ige. Our information is f asked firsthand hardest. editor of the Winston burnal for more than 40 fd at the age of 70 last pe and the late J. M. and retiring Federal jnson J. Hayes were class jWake Forest 50 years ago. | SHOW . . . You olde; Uc-agcd and up. am j loo. for that matter, wil tnovie now making th< l,c: "An Affair to Remem pyers are Cary Grant and Kerr. no kin to the Haw Durham Kerr’s, but a t'ess . . Just the same. ! sentiment in the show, nen will leave it dabbing eyes a little with their ^hiefs. Some good times. of which, "Tomorrew »s top-drawer stuff. You ►y it. HOVNDVP. Page 7) Hundreds Attend First Health Fair In County Boy Scouts, Efland Troop, apply emergency first aid to an ac cident "victinv" Chief J. S. Boone, Chapel Hill £ire Department*, explain* the control of the three clashes of fire* likely to be encountered it* the h$me and on the farm. r.. t ■ ***—r'*/' . «—----- -- Dale Parry, son of Mr. and Mrs. WfTey Perry, Orange Grove', and Cynthia Walkpr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walker, St. Mary's, 4-H King and Queen of Health. Noah £wainey Passes Here Wednesday Noah .R. Swainey, 54. of Hillsboro died In Duk,e Hospital Wednesday morning at 1 o'clock. He had been an employee of the State Highway Dept, for a number ol years and a member of the West Hillsboro Baptist Church. gnndving. are his wife..Mrs.. Mary. Swainey:- two sons, C. M. Swainey of Abcrdale and Walter of the home: three daughters. Mrs. H. C. Osborne of Durham. Mrs Peggy Waddell and Mrs Ann Daklcy of, Hillsboro; his mother. Mrs.' Ellgn Swainey of Asheboro; four sisters. Mrs. Flauie Anderson of. New Jersey, Mrs Vuthel Dawkins and Mrs, Etta Wisllum of High Point. Mrs. Gladys Peel of, Ashbnro: ttfo brothers, Charlie, and William of Asheboro. funeral arrangements have not been completed. Demonstrations, King And Queen Crowning Are Program Features out for the Buckhonv Health Fair Saturday afternoon to see nearly half a hundred exhibits of per sonal' and public health and safety measures in the first healtlv f*ir ever- held in this part of the starte. Even the weatherman cooperated with comfortable temperatures and grounds neither wet” or dusty as the fair visitors watched an after noon of demonstrations on the Grange grounds. ? - The Fair was sponsored by the Buckhorn Grange and the Com munity Advisory Board of the Orange County Blue Ribbon Farm and Home Program, with the as sistance' of tihe School of Public Health Education, University ol .North Carolina. The crowning of Dale Perry and Cynthia Walker as 4-H Healtli King and Queen by Dr. J. T Hughes, N C. State Board fi Health opened the afternoon’s «c •tivities. Chapel Hill Fire Department Chief J. S. Boone followed with s discussion and demonstration ol fire control. Nancy Roberts. 4-E Club District winner, presentee her winning Dairy Food demon stration. J. S. Ferguson,, of the Agricultural Engineering Depart ment, North Carolina State C©1 lege, Remonstrated some of th< hazards of careless tractor opera TOe Efland Boy Scouts gave ) demonstration of emergency fifs aid. and John Ballard. Hillsbon Fire Department, explained Bw -fisc of the department'* rcsusclta tor. Gate prizes were dgiiafted^by th< ytHlable furpljuri The Mcbane Company: Rcxall Druj Store. Mebane; Long Meadov Dairies; Southern Dairies; and th< Dairy Bar. Chapel Hill. Deputy Robert* Finds, Destroys Big Still Single-Handedly Deputy Sheriff W. Rainey Rob erts. veteran county officer, eon ducted a one-man stMi raid on Sunday, a week ago, capturing and destroying a large outfit single-handedly. i Deputy Roberts, the depart ment's oldest, officer hy a genera tion. said he saw no need to call (or, assistance in cutting down IT boxes of mash which'* contained 4,too gallons being readied to run. and tlu; .180 gallon boiler type steam outfit. There were no operators at the site in Little River Township, ]ust off the Guess Road, said Roberts. Several hundred people turned 28 Polling Places Announced For Use In Nickels For Know-How' Election Twenty eight wiling place liave | been’announced for voting tomorrow : in the NickeJs For Know-How Refer endum to be held in Orange and every other North Carolina county. According 'o Chairman Don Mathe son. county agent, voting will take | place at the following places. Farmers Exchange. Hillsboro; Walker Milling Co'.. Hillsboro; A.S.C. Office. * Hillsboro;- County Agents Office Hillsboro;- Forrest & for i est, Efland; Graham's Filling Sta tion. Efland: High Rock Service Station. Efland; Bradshaws hilling Station. Buckhorn; Dorsctt's Store, Fairfield: Comptons Store. Carr; Burton’s Store. Carr: Giles Longs Store. Cedar Grove: Villines Ser vice Station. KL 2, Hillsboro; Mur ray's Store. Caldwell: R- M. Hills Store,, St Mary s; Watkins' Store. St. Mary's; Whitiield s Service Sta tion. White Cross; Tapp s Store, New Hope: Snipes's Store. Orange Grove; Hawkins’s Service Station, Kennedy?.; Coy Long's Station. Cedar Grove; harm ers Exchange. Carrboro; Andrews Rjggsbee, Carrboro; Schley Com munity Store. Schley; Hawkins Store Hurdle Mills: Coles Service Station. Hurdle Mill; Negro County Agents. Hillsboro; .lack Longs Ser vice Station. Carrboro. Everyone who lias an interest in farming and who buys feed or fer tilizer for agricultural production is eligible to vote in the referendum tomorrow, according to Matheson, This includes landlords, tenants and sharecroppers and their wives and children who use fertilizer or feed. We would like to got out a large vote on this important issue on ex paneled research program which has come about as a result of the Nickels For Know-How Foundation is important to the future welfare of farmers of Orange County,” he added. The funds collected'. 5 cents per ton of feed or fertilizer, have been used wisely to expand research ’“bn (See NICKLES, Page 6) VOTE ON FRIDAY—If you .bought even a email bay of fer tilizer, or a bag of feed, you'ro eligible to voto in tho statewide ref erendum Friday. Tho voto will decide tho fata of North Carolina's "Nickols for Know-How" program, which supports agricultural re search and education programs that affect North Carolina farmers directly. ., „ • \ i Two New Staff Members Join i Welfare Dept. ; Two new workers liave joined the staff of the Orange County Welfare Department and another is sched uled to arrive on October J.. Miss Geraldine Fossum, a native of Miami, Fla.7 who has been em ployed by the State of Florida Wel fare Department, assitmed her du ties with the department as a case worker assistant, specializing in child welfare work, Monday. She received- her training at Mars Hill College in North Carolina and South i western College at Houston, Texas. Her professional experience also in cludes a year of work in Louisiana. Mrs, Rachel Athas Selim, who resides on old Highway 86, between Hillsboro and Chapel Hill, joined the i staff as a case-worker assistant, specializing in general welfare work, on July 1. She is a graduate of 1 UNC and has had experience in New : Hanover and Moore0 Counties. Miss Caroline Nicholson, now em . ’ ployed by the Randolph County Wcl i fare .Department, will become a rj case worker assistant-with the io .i cal department on October 1. . i Rifle Firing Just Misses ; * fined $10 ami costs in County | Court here 'Monday after a bill j let from their rifle, barely missed I hitting Mrs: Bobby Hornbuckle ! and her daughter in their home al most a mile away. The youths, David Tierney, a Duke student, and Charles R. Sanders Jr., a UNC student, said | they, were target shooting at the 1 Orange Speedway race track, "just practicing,'' The charge, disturbing the peace, for which Judge L J Phipps continued pra.vt er for judgement upon payment * cff the line and costs The Hornbucljlcs reside on St. Mary's road, across the Eno Riv 'W', a large residcnrthT' develop: ment, Highway 70. and intervening areas’from the afleged site of the I shooting. — 39 Candidates Working Out I For Wildcats Coaches Glenn Auman and Fred Claytor put the Hillsboro High Wildcats through their first heavy workout Tuesday as the 39 as pirants for this year's team tried out their uniforms for the JLrst time'. Light drills began a week ago. During Monday's drills, the 1 team lost for the season the ser vices of Wallace Robinson, a prom j ising guard, who suffered a j shoulder, injury. Thirty nine candidates are out for tlic 1957 edition of the Wild | cats, including 11 seeking back | field posts. | ' UNC Minister Speaks Here Sunday The Reverend Harry' E. Smith, Presbyterian Minister to Students at tbc University of North -Carolina, will conduct the morning worship ! service this Sunday at the Hillsboro Presbyterian Church. Mr. Smith has held this position at Chapel Hill for three years. The program there has expanded to a size calling for the addition of build ing- space to accommodate more students. Construction of these facili ties is planned for the immediate fu ture; - , The topic of the message Sunday will be “Church and Campus.” i Town-Wide Sale To Open Today ) CLAUDE T. POPE ... passes al 57 \ Claude Pope, ! Popular County [Official Dies Claude T. Pope, 57, Cedar Grove tobacco farmer and- a member of ! the Board of Grange County Com missioners, died at Memorial Hos pital in Chapel Hill Sunday night after a short illness. * He was the ton of the late Bunn T. and Annie Smith Pope. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Pauline Pope; two sons, Claude Jr. and Franklin Pope; two daugh ters. Susan and Polly Ann Pope, [ all the home: two brothers. J. Hal Pope of Durhfcm and Dewey . Pope of Cedar Grove. Funeral services were held Tues day afternoon at 3 o'clock from ■ the Cedar Grove Methodist Church I by the Rev. O. V. Elkins and the Rev. Clark Porter. Interment was in the church cemetery. Mr. Pope was a member of Eagle Lodge .No. 19. AE&AM.. Oasis Shrine ‘Temp^ of Charlotte and [ the Scottish *Rite Consistory oF New Bern and a member of Cedar I Grove Methodist Church. ^ CHARGED in stabbing . Roosevelt Swan. Cednr Grove-Ne gro. is free under bond of $200 for 1 the Sunday night stabbing of Sonny Wade of the same community. Wade is. in Duke Hospital. Sheriff's de partment filed charges "Tif assault with a deadly weapon against Swan.» I..- - . - -.. - Today., tomorrow and Sajurday will be town-wide sale days in Hillsboro, Merchants are joining in spon soring the special sales event which has been designated »’s a -Town-Wide End of • Summer Sale, Many merchants are featuring both summer 'clearance merchan dise and newiy arrived Fall items and officials of the Merchants As sociation report there will be s large variety of bargains in all cat egories to interest the. buying public,' They urge, citizens th rough ou! the area to take advantage of this special event to get ready for Fall and the baCk-to-schboT movement and to trade at home in progress ive local stores. Church Event In Area Puts 16 In Calaboose Religion and boore apparentlj proved a potent mixture at th« Negro Primitive Baptist Astoria lion last weekend at High Rock Church in Cedar Grove township The Sheriffs department, aug mentedo by two Negro police of ficers from Chapel Hill on Spec ial Duty and members of th< State-Highway Patrol arrested n< less than 16 attendws Sattirdaj night during the height of the festivities. Charges ranged from illegal possession to public drunkenness driving while drunk and carrying concealed weapons. Rain apparently dampened the crowd's spirits on Sunday , ' bul during the ttfo days, previous, of ficers estimated some 3.000 per sons were in attendance. MEK(HAM'S MKKTINO The Hillsboro Merchants Ass«. Ciation wilt-meet today at the Hills boro ■JteCmitiort'al Park The meet ing postponed last - Thursday utitil today. In case of bad weather the meeftmr will be held in C & R Furniture Co. Three County Communities Also Winners Orange County’s Supervisors of ‘he Neuse River Soil Conservation •District Won first place and $230 , in the Carolina Power and Light Company's Finer Farms Contest, it .was learned today. St. _ Mary's Community. • Jordan Grove Community, and Buckhorn Community won Superior Results Awards and'cash prizes of $30 each. Supervisors of Orange County, are Henry s Hogan. Calvandcr; G. W. Stanford, White Cross, and Reid Roberts, St. Mary s. For outstanding work in the con test Henry S Hogan. Chairman, was awarded $50 in the Supervisors classification. This is the third year the Carolina Powerand Light Company has spon sored the Finer Farms contest. The contest area includes sixty-one counties in North and South Caro lina. •• TIus is the. second year Orange County communities have' partici pated in the contest. Jordan Grove last year won a Superior Results award. The contest is based on the con I servation established and maintain ed in the participating communi | ties. ; "We arc interested in Finer ' Farms." officials of the Carolina Power and Light Company an ; nounee, ."because we believe that our future is the future of the area we serve. As the farmer prospers through better farming, so do we." Each participating community's (See FipiER FARMS, Page 6) 3 Me HENRY S. HOGAN .» winning chairman - Ensign To Speak At New Hope Homecoming Event On Sunday 1 The annual homecoming will be held at New Hope Presbyterian Church this coming Sunday, Aug-j | ust 25. i The Rev. John E. Ensign, form er pastor of New Hope and El land churches who is now Director of Camps and Conferences of East 1 Hanover Presbytery in Richmond, Virginia, will deliver the morning sermon at 11 a m. • During the eight years of Mr. I Ensign’s ministry at New Hope, he directed and supervised the building ami camp activities at Camp New Hope: his inspiration 1 and leadership were largely re ! sponsible for the erection of the : new $85,000 modern arid modern I ly equipped church building. The Rev. Mr. Ensign is widely known in church camping, and jointly with his wife, Ruth En sign, has written several books on I church camping, published by the ; National Council of Churches and ! are now being used in 23 denomi nations. Recently they have been commissioned to write a Camping i Guide for Leaders. He will direct : and assist in the services. New Hope’s new pastor, the i Rev. William 0. Smith, who sue- j ! ceedcd Mr. Ensign in October,! 1956, is a graduate of Davidson I College and holds a Masters De-! ; gree from Louisville Presbyterian : Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky. Dinner will be served on the “rounds—if raining in tRe large Itecreatipn Hall of the Church— and all friends are invited. Jfsvsvas#: Th« R«v. John Ensign..... , homocoming tp«*kor