+ CARRBORO Social and Personal + SHOWER Miss Janelle King of Chapel Hill, bride-elect, was honored last Fri day evening at the home of Mrs. C. M. Ellington on Weaver Road with a miscellaneous bridal court esy party with Mrs. Wilson Lackey, Mrs. Sidney Barker and Mrs. M. M. Watts serving as co-hostesses with Mrs. Ellington for the occasion. The bonoree was presented a cor sage of yellow rose-buds, and love ly corsages were also presented to Mrs. Dewey King, mother of the bride-elect, and to Mrs. Sidney Wall, mother of the prospective bridegroom. The lovely home was made more attractive throughout with arrangements of spring flow-j ' ers in bridal colors. Most interest ing bridal games were enjoyed by the thirty five guests present, and lucky winners of attractive prizes were Mrs. Mack Poole and Mrs. Bob Ray, who presented them • to the honoree who was showered with lovely and useful gifts from guests present, and also many other friends who could not be present sent gifts and good wishes to the guest of honor. __ ___ Guests were then invited into the dining room where the well appointed table was covered with an imported grass linen hand em broidered cloth. Arrangements of yellow and white flowers, silver candelabra with yellow tapers made a lovely picture as punch was '-’served from a silver bowl together with bridal sandwiches and decor ated cake squares served to all guests who spent a most enjoyable evening together. BIRTHDAY Mrs. W. H. Gibbs celebrated her 85th birthday last Sunday when her sons and daughters and* their fam ilies visited her at her home here. Out of town members of the fam ily present included Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Gibbs and .family and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gibbs and family of Durham. Mrs. Gibbs who has been ill for several months, is much bet ter at this time, is able now to be up some around her home, and on last Sunday was out on the porch with her family. ENJOY DINNER On last Sunday the families of Mr. and Mrs. M. E La lining, Mr. and Mrs. 1 A. West and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caraway enjoyed a family dinner party out in jbe Lanning Grove situated between the Old Greensboro Road and the Hillsboro Highway. LEAVES FOR ARMY On Monday of this week Boyd Ellington departed for his two years duty With the U. S.. Amy. Boyd is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ellington of Weaver Rd. The Young Mr. Ellington who has just been married one year lived at 711J Pritchard Ave., Chapel Hill. He reported for duty to Fort Jackson Army Base, Columbia, S. C- The couple have stored their furniture, and Mrs. Ellington is now with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Fowler in Chapel Hill. MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Mrs. Wilma Chambers was hon ored at a miscellaneous shower oi) last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. John Alfred on Center St., with Mrs. Thomas Alford and Mrs. Bob Akridge serving as co-hos tesses with Mrs. Alford. Interesting games were enjoyed by the group and prizes were awarded. The hon WEDDING PHOTOS Your satisfaction guaranteed AM imXa■*ma mI ■ --— rj rlial f rtli atn ■ on PTtTornv#i wvaainy pnwoi. Competitive prices. Inquire at News of Orange County office. Phone 4191, or write ; r- ■* Press Photo Service Box 44 Chepel Hill, N. C. Phono 94141 I©ree was the recipient of many lovely and useful gifts in honor of the occasion. At the close of the most enjoyable evening, delic ious refreshments consisting of cof fee and assorted sandwiches were served to the following: Mrs. Opal Keyhayes, Mrs. Earle Kimball, Mrs. Beula Ellington, Mrs. Joe Parker, Mrs. Alton Burgess, Mrs. Gladys Simmons, Mrs. Rachel Selin, Mrs. Gladys Wright, Miss Bertha Wright, Mrs. Thomas Carroll, Mrs. Ann Wright, Mrs. Francis Godfrey, Mrs. Swannie Head, Mrs. Harold Wicker, and Mrs. Rachel Blackwood. BIRTH A son, Chester Drake, was born to the Rev. and Mrs. Herman Will iams of Carr boro on April 26, at Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Williams is the former Carmen Austin of Mary land. The Rev. Mr. Williams is min of music for the Carrboro Baptist Church. ‘ • • DINNER * ~ ” ' ' Eleven members of the family of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Pressley Sr. were present for a “Mother’s Day” dinner at the Pressley home here last Sunday. Out of town family members present included Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Pressley Jr. and family of Asheville, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ihessley and family of Bennetts ville S C . . __ . TXUVj Wt ■ -I-,.,.. II ■ .all PERSONALS. ..-L Mr. and hfrs.~ Bobby Tyson of Louisburg were visitors at the weekend to Mr. and Mrs. Joel Hackney and to Mr. Tyson’s moth er, Mrs. M. E. Tyson. Luther (Buddy) Dodson has been recuperating at his home here since Friday atfer a stay of the past week as a patient in Memorial Hos pital. ■ Mr a. S. C. Hundley of the Mt. -„ r j I Carmel Community has been a pa tient in Memorial Hospital for th* past few days. She underwent a minor operation thCfe on Wednes day of this week. Mrs. Lula Johnson who has been ill at her home here for the past several weeks is spending a tew days with her son, Jack Johnson, and his family in Chapel Hill since Monday of this week. Visitors at the weekend to Mr. and Mrs. Lennie Braxton included their son, Julian Braxton, Mrs. Braxton and family of Durham. Mr. and Mrs. John Alford and family were visitors at the week end to relatives in Winston-Salem. Visitors at the weekend to Mr. and Mrs. Carney Clark included their daughter, Mrs. Jake Pritchard, Mr. Pritchard, and two children of Burlington and Mr. and Mfs. C. E. Andrews and family of Durham. The three sons of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sparrow are ill this week with measles. Visitors at the weekend to Mr; | and Mrs. Brodie Glenn included | their son, Curtis Glenn Sr., Mrs. | Glenn and family of Clarksville,! Va. ---~-j Claudie Williams of the U. S. | Army now stationed at Fort Jack-; son, S. C. was at home for the j weekend with his wife, and his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bun Williams. Gail Norwood is ill with measles at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs., Brodie Glenn. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Simms were guests at the weekend to relatives in Chadbourn. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Rhynehart and two children moved on Tues day of this week to West Palm Beach, Fla. to make their home. Mr.* Rhynehart Will be in the bak ery business in Florida with his father, Robert Rhynehart. HOME AGENT'S CORNER by Jessie Trowbridge and Kathryn Pritchett Home Demonstration Schedule Thursday, May 15 at 1:00 — St. Mary’s Club with Mrs. Bill Miller (each member is to bring an article for the Silent Auction) Monday, May 19 at 2:00 — iNew Hope Club with Mrs. John Freeland Tuesday, May 20 at 2:00 — Anti och Road Club with Miss Martha Lloyd Wednesday, May 21 at 2:30 — Mt. Carmel Club with Mrs. Preston Buckner Thursday. May 22 at 2:00 — Home Demonstration County Couhcil 4-H Club Schedule . Friday, May 23 at 7:30 4-H County Council in Hillsboro High School Gym Friday. May 16, at 3:30 — Hills boro Jr. I and II Dairy Foods Dem onstration Contest ~ Mrs. Henry Walker, president of .the Orange Council of Home Dem onstration Clubs, headed a delega tion of members who attended a state-wide Citizensbi^—International Relations Day on May 9. Mrs. Walk er dressed in costume presented the flag of Morocco at the meeting held in. Pullen Memorial Church in Raleigh. Miss Kate Browning of St. Mary's made^the flag, Competition for the Champion 4-H Banner, which will be award ed to (he most outstanding club this fall, continues to be keen. Three clubs are leading in the race. The White Cross 4-H Club is leading with -1630 points. The Ef land Club with 1,010 points and Hillsboro Jr. I Club with lOOO points follow closely. The following are the White Cross Club officers: Pres ident, Dickie Jones; Vice President, Sarah Wamble; Program Chairman, Judy Durham; Secretary and Treasurer, Joe Thompson; Song j Leader, Virginia Ivey. The St. Mary’s Home Demounstra tion Club members are having a “silent auction” at their meeting today to replenish the treasury. The way that they carry on*—this auction is to place all articles to be auctioned off on a.table. Then bids are written on paper and plac ed on the articles. This novel idea saves time and the vocal cords too. Hormone sprays have been found to be effective to insure early fruit set. Early tomatoes may fat to set fruit due to cool weather (below 60° F) or othe r reasons. The sprays are applied directly to the flowers of the first two or three flower clusters with a fine sprayer. The last meeting of the 4-H Coun cil before the summer will be held •f Friday, May S3. Blue ribbon win ners in the local 4-H Dress Revues I and Health Improvement Kings and ! Queens will participate in the page ant. Club members who have not turned in health records should do so immediately. Schley Group's Poppies Made At Durham VA Tne Schley Auxiliary Unit 45* ot iimcirL.an ix;giun wm uc on me! aueeis oi xtiilsuoro May t-i 10 sen ! memorial Poppies.” Most 01 you win buy, one, bui do you Know wnai purpose lies dc ninu mis little replieia in reu crepe paper.' everyone Knows tnai n is a symooi or tne sacrifices made by tne Dough boy ot VV W i, tne G.L Qi WWli and the Korean Veterans and tnat it is tne nower of rememberance for those wno gave tneir lives that we might live in a free nation.. But what . inner reasons are there for buying the crepe paper poppies? It means that you art sharing in a great program for aid* ing the disabled, veterans, the needy children, widow and orphans of veterans. Perhaps even you or some of your loved ones have been or are a patient at Veierahs Ad ministration Hospital in Difrham. The American Legion Ahxiliary Units put on Bingo parties, picnics! coffee hours, ward parties and other forms of entertainment for the patients at VA. TJie expenses for these are taken from the pop py fund to which you Contribute by buying the poppies. The Poppies the Schley Unit have were made by patients at VA Hospital in Durham. There are very important rea sons for having these disabled and hospitalized veterans make the Memorial Poppies. They receive much needed employment and therapy help. Their busy fingers tend to make them forget their worries and cause hospital hours to seem shorter. Their interest in life increases and they earn money to help their families at home. Poppies help to bring hope for the return to normal living ipte the lives of these disabled vetarahs. [Won’t you buy and wear a poppy. '“To Aid the Living and to Honor the Dead.” Irish potato growers in North Carolina Indicate they plan to har vest 25,000 acres of late spring potatoes. ... . , . & I '-a-M * Figures show that dairymen us ing frozen semen can expect a con qpption rate of from 3 to'5 per cent higher than with liquid semen. V* County Court Record In Hillsboro Recorder’s Court Monday the following cases were heard: George Lee Pennix Jr., speeding, $23 and costs; Thomas Bradsher Trammell, speeding, $10 and costs; Curtis Roy Whicker, reckless driv ing and speeding, $25 and costs; Charles Alexander, speeding, $10 and costs; Peter Blythe Buck, speeding, $15 and costs; Imogene Hannah Bovard, speeding, $11 and costs; Mayhew West, improper equipment, costs; Archie Odell Wil burn, speeding, $10 and costs; Roy Zedekiah Bush, speeding, $12 and costs; Otho James Glenn, speed ing, $7 and costs; Edward Crowell Pope, speeding $11 and costs; Preston Peek Phillips Jr., stop sign,, $10 and costs; Mag. daline Cates Mack, no operator’s license, $25 and costs; Dazzie Vance Ward, speeding, $15 and costs; Cas per Garnett Thompson, speeding, $13 and costs; Paul Adair Crum; speeding, $15 and costs; J. Zeb Ingle, speeding, $13 and costs; Paul Boakidis, speeding, $10 and costs; Robert Lee Hughes Jr., speeding, $10 and costs; Aaron Lumpkin, public drunk, $5 and costs; Jack Conley Self,, speed ing, $13 and costs! Henry Marvin Cherry, speeding, $5 and cost*; Ed die John Larese, speeding, $20 and costs; Arpad Albert Melnor, speed ing, $10 and costs; Nelson Squires, public drunk, $5 and costs;; Mitch ell Marel Guthrie, speeding, $ft and costs; Edward Bezark, speed ing, $15 and costs; John ffavord Person, speeding, $14 and costs; Talmadge Bill Sheppard, speed* ing, $15 and costs; William Edward Walters, wrong side of road, $10 and costs; Charlie Jennings, as sault, $25 and costs and tax as part Of costs $75 for use and benefit of prosecuting witness, four months, suspended for two years; Billy Col lins, public drunk, $5 and costa, 30 days, suspended; Newman Millikan Jr., breaking and entering, nol pros; William Henry Collins, driv ing under influence, not guilty; Ldnnie Ervin McCauley, driving under influence, $100 and costs; Daniel Calvin Wagner, assault on female, prayer for judgment con tinued for 12 months, on condition he not molest his wife. A bench warrent order was made Barbara Wagner, wife of Daniel Calvin Wag ner for assault and judgement was continued if she not molest her hus band; Clayton Devoe Evans, fail ing to give hand signal, $10 and costs; Sam Briggs, non support, not guilty; Russell Currie Wagnor, speeding, $10 and costs; Norman Lee Taylor, reckless driving and speeding, continued; Maynard Whitted, public drunk and illegal possession, $10 and costs, 30 days, suspended; Maynard Whitted, defrauding taxi, pay costs and $2.25 taxi bill; Christopher Alan Suiter, speeding, $15 and costs; Ted Hay wood Martin, speeding, $15 and costs; Glenn Wilson Daifieron. speeding, $30 and costs; Johnnie R. Bryant, speeding, called and failed, capias to Orange County. Senior Play (Continued From Page 1) tin and Gloria Byrd. Make-Up, Betty Spangler. Craftsmen, Paul and Arthur Creech. Sound Effects, Phillip McDade and Pianist, Gene Nordon. Marshals of the Hillsboro School' this year are: Girls—-Faye Webs ter, Catherine Roberts, Libby Smith, Nancy Oakley and Annette Tilley. Boys—Ray Barnes, Wayne Roberts, Eugene Kennedy, Phillip Dodson and Harvey Reinhardts Alterhates— Kaye Williams and Carl Hicks. The-Salvation. Army served 100, |179 meals to transients in North and South Carolina" last year. Delegates (Continued from Page 1) Hillsboro—Rv O. Forrest, A H. Graham, Odell Clayton, Mrs. Clar' ence D. Jones, F. Lloyd Noell, Bet ty June Hayes, S. M. Galtis, Ira A. Ward, A. H. Walker, E. J. Ham lin, Mrs. Virginia Gattis, E. M. Lynch, George Smith, James T^V lor, L. M. Cheshire, Fred Cates Jr., Mrs. R. O. Forrest, W. R. Roberts, S. T. Latta. Efland—Sim Efland,, Mrs. Tur ner Forrest, James Cheshire Jr.; Cole’s Store—Mrs. Winston Stray horn, H. M. Lloyd Jr.; Cheeks— Wr L. Mace, Henry Heath; Cedar Grove—Donald McDade, Mrs. R. E. Hughes; Caldwell—A. E. Wilson, Mrs. Clyde Walker; Carr-E. C. Compton. Chapel Hlii No. One — Charles Hodson, Henry Royall, Brack Cree!, Mrs. Frank Umstead. Mrs. W. E. Merritt, Mrs. Ira Hicklin; Chapel Hill No. Two — Carl T. Durham, Mrs. Floyd Hunter, J. W. Umstead Jr , F. O. Bowman, Collier-Cobb Jr.# Miss’’Elizabeth Branson. — Chapel Hill No. Three—Mrs R. P. McClamrbeh, Mrs. II. D. Wal ters, Miss Harriet Herring, J. A. 'McMahon, R P. McClamroch Jr., Roland Giduz. R. P. McClamroch, Mrs. R. H~. Wetlach, Hi^D. ’W^l-' ters. Philip C. Schinhan. Chapel Hill No. Four — Alex Heard. Mrs. Virginia Nicholson, L. J. Phipps. Edwin S. Lanier, Clyde Carter, Mrs. Herbert McKay. Mrs. ETed“ Cteaveland* Mrs Blake Ap plewhite, Mrs. Gordon Cleveland, A. K. King. Chapel Hill No. Five—Jake Wick er, Mrs. Phyllis Barrett, Mrs. Emil Chanlett, Harold Edwards, John Sanders, Juan Monroe, William Geer, Marshall Penny. Carrboro^-D. M. Ray, Mrs. Jesse West, Mrs. Bruce Riggsbee, W. E. Williams, Lloyd Senter, Odell Bar ham. " Tnlar’s~~^~X~"ET~ HawktffSr Mrsr Edmund Latta. LEGAL NOTICES ADMINISTRATOR’S noticjs Having qualified as Administra tor of the Estate of M. J. Dawson, late of Orange County, North Car olina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of said Deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of May,1959, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their rs coevry. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make im mediate payment. This the 6th. day of May, 1958. BONNER D. SAWYER, Ad ministrator of the Estate of M. J. Dawson, Hillsboro, North Carolina NORTH CAROLINA ORANGE COUNTY ' NOTICE THE UNDERSIGNED. Elva Lee Crawford, having qualified as ex ecutrix of the estate of Roy Daniel Crawford, deceased, late of Orange County, this is-fo notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them ,10 the undersigned on or before the‘711k day of May, 1959. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will I'please'rhake immediate payment to ; the undersigned. This the*7th day of May. 1958. Elva Lee Crawford, Ex ecutrix of Roy Daniel Crawford, Deceased Hillsboro. North ‘ Caro lina ... - , 5-15 6TC executors The undersigned as executors of th Crabtree, deceased u, County, North Car*? notify aU persons * against the said them to the undersj fore the 15th day 0f this notice will be pi^ their recovery. All ^ ed to said estate win*, payment to the undeJ This the 15th day PhiHip E. Crabt Clark Rd- Dat, and Fred F. q 1, Box 314A, D® ' Executors ol t I. M. Crabtree In 1957, 1,330 Am killed in train-car era TOMATO Pj Marglobe, Rutj* stead,. V a l i a n t. Southland, some > pee Big Boy, and toes. Methyl Bromi beds. Maria Barn St. Mary's lit Vi mile East Telephone 4S! WHEN YOU BUY SHOES - REMEMBi It's always wiser to pay a little more for honest. qwf a little less for fj*lse economy. In Nationals you hm vantage of getting Premium Quality at Popular Prices SUMMEY SHOE SHOP ' ChurTsir'Sfr THERE'S NO SUBSTITUTE FOR EXPERIENCE Misting From Picturo: Burch Compton ot CtiorGrov* andPau^ool^^arrboro^^^^^^^^^^^ This Team Of Experienced County Officers Has Given Orange Court CLEAN, HONEST, VIGOROUS Law Enforcement Under The ’Leaders^ Of Sheriff Odell H. Clayton. Let The Good Work Continue Let's All VOTE May 31 To ’ Re-ELECT ODELL CLAYTON SHERIFF This Advertisement PsidFor By Friends Of Odell H. Cleyton