Plow No. A170 1511 Square fnnt Designed by Summer, Prater, White & Associates 732 W. Peachtree St, NW, Atlanta, 8, Ga. JJfcH Split Level Convenience This outstanding, eye-eatching split level home is a beauty, and is completely livable. The entrance leads into a big living room with fireplace. Adjoining is a dining room and kitchen. A short step-up to the left leads to the Sleeping area of three bedrooms and two baths. Down from the main level is a den, stor age, and utility room. A double carport has an entry to the kitchep, Upper and middle level has 1511 square -feet, lower level fias 800, and carport has 420. Exterior of brick and frame permits a color combination to blend with landscajpe and neigborhood. PLEASE 1 M ORDER COUPON TO: HOMES FOft SOUTHERN LIVING P. O. Box I.1SS - _ 1. Go. THE POLIO WING* , | PLAN No. A-17B W BleepHMs § $KM» _ Mi O $5.00 m__ SokO $23.00 _._ PLAN BOOKS I IuLmbP mR I 90s ML kU_ Plan for Better LMo* ....(34 plans; @ $1.00 ea. book ....... TOTAL_... "Geide ....(40 .□ Chock Georgia NAME.... ADDRESS. CITY. □ Money Order Eniloied Residents add 3% Sale* Tan .STATE. News Begins New House Plan Service There’s so much more in a home than just the money it costs' — care .and comfort for the family, hopes and dreams for the future. Homes should be planned with Planetarium Yule Schedule Is Expanded An expanded program schedule to include twelve presentations of •'Star of Bethlehem" on Saturday and Sunday, December 20th and 21st was announced today by The More head Planetarium in Chapel Hill, ^hv^ddition to the nightly 8:30 o'clock program, the Tribute to Christmas will be given each hour on the, hour between 11 a m. and 4 p.m. Saturady and between 1 and 4 p.m. Sunday. ■The extra programs have been scheduled to accommodate patrons \^ho may” have been prevented from attending during the past week be-, cause of inclement weather. The Planetarium will be closed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day but public presentations will be re sumed at 8:30 p.m. December 20th. both present and future needs in mind. Modern conveniences call ■ for modern design. Neighborhoods should be considered. Geographic location, climate, initial cost and future upkeep, custom and tradi tion, easy entertaining — all of these things are important, when you’re planning a home. - * A home represents the ultimate desire of most families. It should be planned with thought, constructed with care. The News of Orange now offers a valuable new feature for read ers thinking about a new hme. oPeridically, we’ll publish a photograph of a new and modern home, with floor plan and descrip tive material about it. This feature, called Homes for Southern Living, is planned to help wou in deciding about your, new home. Those home 'plans are designed in thf South, for Southern loca tions. . The houses have been built —and proven.' j The houses are designed by ex- ; perienced home builders, for our climate and geography, for econ omy and efficiency, for suburban living or for farm or city. The" plans will offer plenty of For *om* 190 nautical miles the hnow Intend Water way cut* through eastern North Carolina rivers and sounds to provide a safe inside, ai weather water route preferred by shallow emit, heighten, barges and nearly aD of the North-South yacht traffic. The route passes many of the most Interesting and historical spots in North Carolina with frequent yacht basins offering every facility, enhanced by enspoiled native hospitalityyand atmosphere. Every year its traffic it increasing. The natives ot Eastern North Carolina, as in most * coastal areas, are born to face np to realities in a prac tical manner, which Is one reason why this area sub scribes to the “legal control" system of beer and ale as being in the best interests of aU concerned. ideas and suggestions. < ! Arrangements have been made for your to order blue prints, spe cifications, and other information you will need to build, if you find the house of your choice. Watch for this new feature, Homes for Southern Living, every week in The News. r* '"T OSBUNN theater Hillsboro TODAY ONLY FRIDAY & SATURDAY PHER PL LATE SHOW SATURDAY HITE ' — 11:30 P.M. — "ROCK BABY ROCK IT" With Kay Wheeler, President of Elvis Pressley Fan Club, Cell Bloch SUNDAY MONDAY-TUESDAY JOHN WAYNE I«1 . . - Ifee "THE BARBARIAN AND THE GEISHA" Wednesday & Thursday December 24 - 25 CLOSEST For The * Christmas Holidays M-e-r-r-y Christmas To ALU Stumped For Yule'Decor? Try Old-Fashioned Way Duriag this week before Christ mas, decorations for the house are probably uppermost In most home maker’s minds. And always occupying the meat important position in these plans is the family Christmas tree. Most families will already have their lights and other decorations which have been used in years past. But how about something a little different? How about an old-fashioa ed Christmas tree? Ask the older members oT the family if they remember aU the fun of creating the decorations and then making the thee decorating a family affair. It’s not only fun, but your tree can be unusual while giving the chil dren and all the family a chance to exercise their originality. Each member can come up with an idea of his own for making your tree a real masterpiece. And for thoce who might be watch-, ing the family budget with a cloae eye at this time of the year, the homemade tree can be inexpensive. We've gathered a few ideas to get you started, using material and items which "you most likely have right at home. And. with the weath er not being too cooperative, you r~,m.■■. , might welcome * chance to stay In | side while gathering your decora tions Two oft-used standbys in old-fash ioned decorating are popcorn and dried cranberries. The colorful white and red bells can be made in to graceful strings to use as a main feature on the tree. Youpg Sis might like to show off hier needlework in stringing together tie popcorn and Cranberries. Be SfTe she has heavy thread and a fairly large needle. Another colorful feature whicii we’ve heard about makes use of the popular rope beads which most woipen will have somewhere in their jewelry collections. These too can be strung on the tree. Some home decorators have even put their originality to use with Mother’s favorite earrings. Parti cularly the cllp-on variety are easi lv attached to the tip ends of the t^e branches and make quite a con versation piece for holiday guests. How about lighting the^ree, you ask? This too can easily be done with a little ingenuity. Take Dad’s desk lamp (he won't be using it dur ing the holidays), and place it be hind and under the tree, directing if* beam upward through the branches. The soft light aBd a little homemade snow can give a real outdoor look to your tree. Th° snow is made by mixing some soap powder with wa ter until you achieve the proper consistency. For a project for the younger members of the family, ask them to make the colorful paper loop chains, an art which most children have learned early in their school j days. Colored construction paper is best for them, and they will love cutting out the links for the chain. Hand them a pot of glue, some scissors and let them go some proud grins will be an added result. For the all-important star on top of your tree “original ’ you can use the silver or aluminum foil which has become a household standby. Merely cut ouf a backing of card board and cover it tightly with the foil. Additional small stars could be made tor the tree, as well as other s'lver-covered ornaments. These are just a few ideas which we would like to pass along. The rest is up to you. .Just turn your family arid your imagination loose, ahd your tree will be a lot of fun and an unusual holiday attraction. IN GERMAN EXERCISE Army Pfc Nabethel Brooks, son o£ Sylvester Brooks, Route 2, Hills boro. recently participated in a field training exercise with the 37th Armor in Germany. Brooks, a tank crewman armor’s Company D in Schw arrived in Europe last JU| Fort Benning, Ga. He entei Army m December, 1957 T. N. BOONE TAILORS Fihe Made to Order Since 1914 BURLINGTON FORMAL RENTALS ‘■liff ri^aoR: A TASTE TREAT YOU'LL REMEMBER pt£i#*OHT mm dMont fiftANV wav.*** ftv «>*•. »>-'* • «%>.'> y-?' mtt*. «?-»» >»¥'■<» '*• ' **£ • xyjow *»**« i* : At Your Favorite Grocery Or Market Piedmont Packing Co., Hillsborc HOW to make each CHRISTMAS happier than the last j j ...a. ijUiiii & Where King Size Devidends Make It More Profitable There's sunshine in a savings account. It gives you peece^of rnir^d . . . security . . . the ability to acquire the important things with out ris^k. But it can do more. A savings ac count can help you enjoy some of the good things of life . . . happier Christmases. The time to save money is when you have it Put aside something out of every paycheck before you spend any of it! Look for our announcement soon about anoth©r big semi-annual dividend payment to our family of savers during the past six months. Our favorable current rate of ■ makes fhfs one oFthe year's pleasant earnings events. Get ready now to share in one of our earnings payments of the future. BUILD YOUR FUTURE WITH ji* 6. . * Sayings and Loan n "A Community. Institution For 45 Years"