OSSIFIED AD RATES (Fifteen Words 50t (this type) t l Wu cento fof each additional word Fifteen word* fi.oo (this type) pour rents for '*arh additional word -(ONE YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS Kill-8445 Hillsboro—4191 OR SALE 16-GAUGE FOX . 22 Automatic, $13. to Associate Store, 12-18 -- SED SMALL FREEZ I for second freezer t in. Brewer Appli 12-11 tfc [957 Vi TON PICKUP 0 actual miles. Ex jition. Mrs. Taylor boro 4324. 12-11 tfc PLASTIC FLORAL ris, crosses, sprays, Terrell’s Artificial W. Hillsboro, phone 12-4 3te PONIES, SADDLE kinds. Will keep un s free of charge, cheaper. Old Chapel ut of Hillsboro. B. P. one 4439. 12-4 3tc R SALE. JOSEPH K. c 4911, Hillsboro. 12-4 3te OUSE IN FAIRVIEYV arge lot. John P. Bal Killsboro 4694. 11-20 tfc r iRT OF HILLSBORO, i home on Wake St. I 3cu, insulated storm rntact William Cates, ! “7-17 ltp __. i al Notices T HILLCREST AUC . Saturday. 7 p.m. y of Christmas items: fruitcakes, guns,, etc. '. 500 yards on left ting Rink. 12-11 2tc 1 d to Buy i Ml To BUY fi Of) ROE CHUNK STOVE sboro 2987. ft 13 It 9r Sent ' OR RENT ' ON S | t Old Post' Office" ill rent with or with nrl water. Call J. L. 6693. 12-11 tfc K HOUSE, BATH, Fairview community. ! Dodson,’ Chapel Hill 10-16 tfc ' I - 7 ROOM HOUSE,; lonial Inn with auto Contact T. P. Hofler.! ray 2-2254, Whiteville. i hief George Hunt. 10-30 tfc ! er Cobb & Associates, Inc. Chapel Hill “Insurance and Bonds >ne 8-472 106 Henderson St. iNFOUSHEEAGENCY ML INSURANCE - LIFE INSURANCE ' y y J .* '■ _-r - 1 - • _ . * Telephone 843) ; t Columbia St. Chapel Hill 1957 Chevrolet Station Wagon Extra Clean $2IOC 1957 Hillman Minx._____ ~4 Dr. J : : $T29f 1954 Ford 2 Door _ i $695 1957 Studebaker Station Wagon _ $1295 1956 Mercury Sport Coupe $1595 BASON CHEVROLET, INC. Hillsboro * Tel. 4101 Dealer No. 2755"' SERVICES OFFERED OUR BICYCLES, WAGONS, TRI cyles pedal cars are assembled and adjusted. This service costs us money but our customers like it. Lay-a way gifts -now. Western Auto Associate Store, :Hillsboro. FOR THE FINEST IN MONU ments and markers, contact *>ank Liner. Representative of Siler . City' Monument Co., Box 631, .Hillsboro, Phone 3721 9-4 tfc FAMILY CiKOui'S, CIVIC GROUPS Weddings and Baby Photos. 24 hour photo finishing service. Mon day through Thursday. For ap point men! rail Delrna Tudor, Hills boro 2063 . 7 - -'10-24 TF business Opportunities BUSINESS . OI'POR'IUNI'l'Y--MA'j. or \V< man Responsible person from this area, to service and col lects, from cigarette dispensers. No spiling. Car. references, and $592.S0 to $1975.00 investment necesary. 7 to 12 hours weekly nets up to $327.50 monthly- in come. Possible full-time w- "k. For local interview give phone and particulars. Write Interifa tional Distributing Co., Inc., P O. Box 7351, New Orleans, Ua. 7- 12-18 ltp Help Wanted VANTED AT ONCE—RAWLEIGH Dealer for nearby good locality. Get help of local Rawleigh Deal er. See or call G. M. Wilson, RED* 2, Box 100, Graham! Phone CAnal 7-7745 or write Rawleigh’s, Dept. NCI. 241 577-A, Richmond, Vn 12-4 3tp -i / To Check The Ads On This Page LEGAL NOTICES 1 EXECUTRIX NOTIC E Having,»qualified as Executrix of the EsLrte of Lela P. Browder, late ; of Orange County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of said Deceased to exhibit them to the un Idersigned on or before the 19th >day of November, 1959, or this Notice will be pleaded In bar of! ! their recovery. All persons in | debted to said Estate' will please! make immediate payment. ;i This the 19th day of November, j 11958. .* ' i ETHEL B. GOLDSBY, Execu trix of the Estate ef Lela P Browder, Deceased, Hillsboro, 1 N. C. i j Bonner D- Sawyer, Ally. I Hillsboro, N.^C. 11-27 6te * . ADM1NISTR A TOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the1 catalc„of Lula T. C>ab | i tree, deceased, late of Orange County. North Carolina this is id notify all .persons haying - claims j against the estate of said de^o.v'od | to'exhibit them to th«*- undersign'**!"! i hn 04* f:eri've the ffth ditii nf No- j ! '’pmtnr 105f) or tbK.-nntiro will-hoi : "leaded in b.v or ’be}** r"ooimr.v J 111 pe-"ons indebted- to~,=a:'! r*c.: ♦ate will -please make immediate j payment. This the 8th day of November ! ♦958 ■I KI.-nNFV ii'VS; '.vfmihistra*.1 ; | os- of thejvsi.ate of iGllil T J Crabtree. Route ’!.; Rouge* ' NC ,,, jdrafram & Itansoh, \ttys. ■ *' [ '» 11-13 Wo ADMTNI.ST-RATTICS NOTICE - Having qaulified as Administra tor of- the Estate of Mary Viola i Hobgobd. late of Orange Countv. North Carolina, this is to notifv all . persons having claims against the Estate of said Deceased to ex hibil them to the undersigned on or before the l9,h dnv of Doeem ber„ 1959, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said -Es tate ‘will please make immediate I payment. . This the 12th day of December. '1958. ' „ ' rr-.. PAUL COLLINS, Administra tor of the Estate of Mary Vioia Hobgood, Hillsboro; N. C. - Bonner D. Sawyer, Att.v. ! Hillsboro, N. C. - 12 18 6tc ; Courteous driving on the* high-1 ; ways is a virtue jsome people ex j pect, others to have. Vw ] Top Grade Tel. 4181 J. 4.. Brown & Sons (SAG COAL AT WAREHOUSE) EXECUTOR’S RE-SALE (Sf REAL •PROPERTY UNDER WILL Under and by virtue of the au thority vested in the undersigned under Jtem Five of the Last Will and testament off Will Ed Thomp son, which Will is duly probated in the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Orange County, and pursuant to an Order of Re-sale duly entered by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Orange County, North Carolina, the undersigned Executor will offer for re-sale to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House Door in Hillsboro, Or ange County, North Carolina,’ at 12:00' Noon. On r SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1958 the following described real prop erty: ' » A certain tract or parcel of land in Eno Township, Orange County, North Carolina, lying at the intersection of U. S. High ways 70 and 70-j\„ East of Hills boro, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: On the East side by the lands pf E. A, Hughes, on the South by Holloway end Jones, on the West by. E. A Hughes, Preston Riley and on the North by N. C. Highway No. 10 line on line of E. A. Hughes, and running thence with said E. ' A. Hughes. lines S 5M> deg. W 652 feet to beech in branch on line of nrop erty of Holloway and Jones: thence westward with said branch as it meanders 525 feet to n *■(! (* in rr',i-branch-;-‘thence N. 3L, deg, E. 1070 feet to State Highway No—10: thence—with the line of Highway as it mean ders*eastward 620 feet to the REG INNING, and containing 17 1 acres mere or less, and be ing; a .part* of the Ernest Ri.le.v lands conveyed to T) S: 'Miller. Sec - Heed jBbok 85, pace 68 -Rook 94 at page 141, Book 103 at page 287 and 316, Register’s office of Orange County! B"’n® H'e identical lands, sciz „ i m i nnc<-x>s<'cd a* his death bv v’ ti TUem-nson late resident of Orange, County. Upon saijl tract of land .is a cottage resi dence. anil is a well located wooded tract of land at the in tersection of said Highways 70 and 70-A. PLACE OF SAT E: Court House Door Hillsboro. North Carolina TIME OF SALE: 12:00 ohdadk Noon. Saturda*’ December 27, 1958 terms or s't-F: cash .....A 1081 deposit will no required on d.Tv of sale., .■ All sales are subject to advance bids as ccquireft bv law and een firmalidP of the Court. This is a Re-sale and bidding will begin at $3.200 00. ■This the 8th day of Decembers 1958! ■ f CLARENCE ROW, Es»*utdr * ^ of tbeTS't tfift and Tfctfa-* ment of Will Ed Thomason 12-11 2tc NOTICE OF EXECUTOR Having qualified as executor oi (he estate of James Wade, deceas od. lata of Orange County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the es •a!e of said deceased to exhibit hem io the undersigned on or be '-ri"c the 20fh day of November 1950. or this notice wil be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AIT per sons indebted to said estate will olcusc make immediate payment. This the 20th day of November 1958. , A.. C. WADE, Executor or ' the Estate of James Wade T ee Settle & Thomas r* CartPr’ _. Attorneys U-20 fltc ► ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE Bavin* qualified as Administra trix of th« Estate of Janies Pure far, late of Orange County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the Estate of said Deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 4th day of December, I9JJ9, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment. This the 4th day of December, 1958. - - NOVELLA P. HARRIS, Ad ministrix of the Estate of James Purefoy. McKissick A Berry, Attorneys 209Vt VV. Main St. Durham. N. C. 12-4 etc ADMINISTRATORS’ NOTICB Having qualified as Administra tors of the Estate of J. L. Miller, late of Orange County, North Car olina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of said Deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 4th. day of December, 1089, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said Estate will please make their immediate payment. This the 4th. day of December, 1958. IMOGENE MILLER and ROBERT LEE MILLER, Ad ministrators of the Estate >f J L. Miller Bonner D. Sawyer, Attorney Hillsboro, N. C. 12-4 6ip NOTICE OF EXECUTOR Having qualified as executor of the estate of J. S. McBane, deceas ed, late of Orange CoUhty, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on dr be fore the 27th day of November, 1959, or this notice '"ill he pleaded in bar of Uieir recovery. All per sons indebted to. said estate will please make inAnediate payment. The the 27th diy of November, 1958. DWIGHT McBANE, Route I, Mebane, N. C„ Ex:cutor, Es tate of J. S. McBane. 11 27 6tc NOTICE OF AU-ilNlSl UATORS Having qualified as admjniU:. - tors of the esiate pi Robert: Forrest; deceased, late of O/onge • 'ounty, North Carolina, this is n lotify all persons .having' cl-Cms against the estate of said dece-s'-d o exhibit them to-the undersigt.-'o it Hillsboro, N. C., on or before-the ith day of November, 1959, or this lotipe will be pleaded in bar o heir recovery, All person• •d to said, estate wili pltirse max; mmediate payment; „, This the 6lh' day of November, 1958 ROBERT 0. FORREST, JR PHYLLIS FORREST and V M. FORREST, Administrator of the Estate of Robert O 4. Forrest. 11-6 6te —y-— ■ t t -«'■ --r—tT1 -i— - NOTICE OF ELECTION Oil The Question Of Establishing Alcoholic Beverage Control System In Orange County Pursuant’to written request from the Board of County Commissioners ts set dortb in resolutions adopted on September 2 and September 11, 1859, which were duly transmitted •to t)!ie Board of Elections of Orange CountyjUhs provided in Chapter 18. Section 61, of the General Statues of] North Carolina, the undersigned ftfiard of Elections does hereby call a special election to be held in fyrange County on February 3, 1969, for the purpose of ascertain ing the will of the registered vot ers of Orange County pn the ques tldn of establishing alcoholic bev erage control system in Orange Cetinty. Rules and regulations gov erning said special election will be ARTHRITIS? I hava been wonderfully blessed in being restored to active life after being crippled in nearly every joint in my body and with muscular sore nesa from head to foot. According to medical diagnbsfs” f had Rhcu-" matoid Arthritis and other forms of Rheumatism. For FREE infor mation on how I obtained this won derful. relief write: , MRS. LELA S. WIER 2803 Arbor Hill; Dr|vo W P. 0. Box 2895 Jtikitn, Mfitiwippi M follows: 1. Registration •; voters. Reg istration books will be open from fcOO o’clock a.m. on Saturday, January 10, .1880, to sunset of Saturday, January 24, 1090, for new registrations only. A resi dent, eligible by reason of reg istration, to vote in the general election held on Tuesday, No vember 4, 1988, is not required to register again in order to participate in this special elec tion. 2. Challenge Day. Registrars will be at the several precinct registration and polling places on Saturday, January 31, 1959, from 9:00 o’clock a.m to 3:00 o’clock p.m. for inspection and to hear challenges. 8. flection Day. The polls will be open from 6:30 o’clock a. m. to 6:30 o’clcok p. m., Eastern Standard Time, on Tuesday, Feb ruary 3, 1969. 4. Absentee Voting. The Stat utes do not provide for absentee voting in elections dealing with alcoholic beverage control sys totn, _* 5. Registration and Polling Places. Registration and polling facilities made available for the general election of November 4, 1958, will be used in this ref erendum. 6. Canvass of Returns. Immed iately after the close of the polls on February 3, 1959. the regist rars and Judges of the several precincts will tabulate the re sults of the election and will certify the same in writing on forms provided, signed by all precinct election officials, to the Chairman of the County Board of Election; said certificate Will be forwarded to the Chairman by mail. On Thursday, February 5, 1959, at 11:00 o'clock A. M. in the Courthouse at Hillsboro | the County Board of Elections will convene lor open session ‘ for the purpose of canvassing returns and preparing an an SttltS of Ihc a’rn'vi'if hovn'i"" control system referendum which p.v WMhlrfh spociou* guest rooms, air-conditioned if desired 332B HOTEL CONTINENTAL WASHINGTON^ o. c. County Court Record Cases coming before Hillsboro Recorder's Court Monday were: < John William Heath, reckless drtv- I ins. $25 and coots; James Harold 1 Ezell, driving under influence, $100 < and costs, four months, suspended < for 12 months; Bobby A. Gravette, 1 public drunk. 30 days, suspended 1 for two years, pay costs; Jack Watts, public drunk. 30 days to roads if costs is not paid by Dec. 22; Arnold Vickers, carrying concealed weapon, $50 and costs, two months, suspended; James Herbert Morton, non-support, continued to Jan. 5; Harold White, no operator's license, and fail to grant right of way, con tinued to next Monday; Claude Ju nkws Williamson, speeding, $10 and costs; JlmrAy Bennett, engaging in affray, not guilty;; Rufus Leroy An drews, assault with deadly weapon, $25 and costs, two months, sus pended; Melvin woods, public drunk, called and failed, judgement absolute on bond; Sue McAdoo, public drupk, 30 dhys to jail; Waddle L. Belton, speeding, called and failed, judge ment absolute on bond;; Emmett Stevenson Lupton, improper equip ment, nol pros; Roy Cooper Euliss, speeding, $10 and costs; Eugene Daniel Howell, Improper equipment, costs; Nathan Edward Brown, speeding, $10 and costs;.John Fletcher Long, improper equipment, costs; Russell Bernard MeBroom, speeding, $15 and costs; Charles William Hickman, speeding, $15 and costs. Frank Charlie' Grubb, speeding, $10 and costs; Llnwood Earl Stroud, speeding, $10 and costs; William Edward Slade, improper equipment, costs, Horace Kenneth Greason, fail, to grant right of way, $10 and costs; Willard Ervin Johnson, speeding, $15 and costs; George Sylvester Height, speeding, $10 and costs: James Les ter Potts, speeding, $10 and costs; Buel Eugene Carden Jr., speeding, $10 and costs; tained.by the Chairman of the County Board of Elections. Reg istrars of the several voting pre cincts of the County will be present at .the canvass. 7. Notice. Notice of this elec tion and registration therefore will be published in the several newspapers of general circula tion in Orange County in all is sues appearing between Decem ber 8 and Deeembrtr Iffc* in clusive. Anyone seeking lurther infor mation mav apnly to either Air. S F atta ,Tr., Chairman Hillsboro N C, or Mr. rp-f'e c '~’artcr_ c re'arv. Gha*'e' 77" 11 N G. T,,:s the 01 h day of Decembe f 058 ' THE BOARD OF ELEC ION' Of* OR \Nnr. cor*TTY s ''' T aHa Cbar i man Clyde c Carter Secretary Marshal L. Cates Jr. S33 Henry Thomas Pickard, improper quipmsnt, costs; Bsraiaa Green lotoerts. improper equipment, coots; Villism Harold Shoffner, following oo closely. $10 and costs; John Al ien Campbell, speeding.’’ $10 and :ost; X. G. Cox. two wort Mens 'heck charges, amount of check md Costs In each; Richard Clegg, mproper equipment, costs; Nichols Sellers Wilkerson. falling to grant ight of way. costs; Charles Edward Glean, speeding ind no wperator's license. $3$ and :r.sts; Alfred Dixon Mr Cary, speed ing, $25 and costs; James Milton Rimrrter. reckless driving. $23 and ^•sts; Roy Traverse Gammon, speeding. $10 and coats; Marvin Payne Hek, speeding, $13 and coats; Wiley Holton Culler, improper pass ing, $11 and costs; Peggie Ross Duncan, speeding. $10 and costs; Melvin McNeil, speed ing. $13 and costs; Theodore Lee Waller, speeding. $15 and costa; William DiHs McKee, wrong side of road, $10 and costs; Waverly Powell, seeding, $10 and costs; Sylvester Torry, improper equipment, caste; Curtis EaVl Robbins, speeding, $10 end costs; Ted Roy Perkins, speed ing. $15 and costs; James Clarence West, speeding. * $10 and costs; Carles William Bryant, speeding. $15 and costs; Joseph Dale Shaw, speeding, $15 and costs; Harry Lee Hall, speeding, $15 and costs; Robert Lee Lankford, Sieved Henry Debrouner, wrong side of road, $10 and costs; Clayton E. Os wald, speeding, $13 and costs; Bob by Eugene Bailey, expired license, $23 and costs: Harold J. Smart, speedng, $15 and costs; James Ja cobs, public drunk, $5 and costs, Charles Woodrow Teague, speeding, $5 and costs and Elizabeth Ann Greg son, speeding, $15 and costs. 11 1 mmmmmmm Posted Protect your property against trespassers and unauthorized hunting. Pdsted signs printed on heavy cardboard, ready for your use Get them from the offices of this newD-^er *fn' HHIsborc I nr Carrbnro. Avai!able jIVw. $1.00 nor do-’en. L"~:l - will be filled tor Spec alited Services In Durham T R-! A N G l E rie Motor Company It Electric Motors ftepel. ed * Rewound Rebuilt £DWIN J. MAY Hobbies — Crafts 70S W. Chapel Hill St. 'Hr . Models - Airplanes ■ Toys Ccoflrr Lnamelinq Supplier We Teach to Build To Fit Open Tpes., Thurs., Fri. Nit«s -T*-’ .. ‘ ” DURHAM FORGE & Welding Company Ornamanfal Iran Mad* To Ordor RailingsGrillavColumnt Stop* 931 E. Matt • Tol. 9*170 WALLACE Electric Meter Service Repairs To Any Make Prompt Service On All Well Pump Motors •02 Rose Hill Ave Tel. MAM TEXTILE REMNANTS, INC. W« Specialize In Erwin : , Mill Ffllbifal** 730 9th St. # Tel. 12102 DULA'S OPTICIANS Complete Optical Sorvko GImms Fitted 117 N. Mao*um • Tol. tSUi