+ CARR BORO Social and Personal + ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED •Nr. and Mrs. W. C. Partin of the ’ Cedar Grove Community announce tM engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter. Miss Mary Jacqueline Partin, to James Warren Wilson of Chapel Hill, son of Dr. Warren E. Wilson of Clare mont, Calif., and the late Mrs. Wilson. An early June wedding is planned. MISS WATTS TO WED Mr. and Mrs. Nick T. Watts of Carr boro announce the approach ing Wedding of their daughter, Misa Ruth Jeanette Watts, to Grey Ben nette Moody, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. I. Moody of Chapel Hill, Route Two. Mias Watts is a graduate of the Cfaagel Mm High School and Ken nedy’s Business School of Durham. Mr. Moody is also a graduate of the Chapel Hill High ’School and attended Eton College. A summer wedding is planned. AT WMU MEET A number of members of the Carrboro Baptist Church have been in attendance this week at the meeting of the State Baptift Woman’s Missionary Union which began at the First Baptist Church id Durham on Tuesday evening of this week. State President Mrs. W. K. McKee presided at the meet ing which began on Tuesday even ing and will continue through to day (Thursday), closing at 1 p.m. More than 2,000 delegates are ex pected to be in attendance at the meetings. The general theme of the convention has been “Your World To Win.” BRUNSWICK STEW SALE The Methodist Youth Fellowship, both Senior and Junior groups, will sell home-cooked Brunswick stew at the Carrboro Methodist ——^-... ....Vi-. - {Church on Saturday Jttwnwo of i this week beginning at 5 o’clock *904 continuing .until ell stew is sold. The price is $1.23 per quart, I to |ake out. The stew sole proceeds will he used by both fellowship groups to help defray the expenses for girts and boys of the church t0{ attend Camp Don Lee and the Lou isburg College Christian Methodise camps this summer. Mr*. J. Alvin Williams. Superin' tendant of Youth Work of the Church, in making the announce mem expressed her appreciation to all helping, for their coopera tion in this work of the church. On next Sunday evening the Senior Fellowship group will enjoy a sup per meeting beginning at the church here at 6 p.m., followed by the regular meeting of this group which meets every Sunday evening with Tom Churchill, 'leader. The Intermediate fellowship group meets regularly on every Monday evening at the church, and the leader for this group is Miss Mar tha Ann Cheek. SPECIAL PROGRAM A special program at Easter musk has bee& planned for Palm Sunday at the Carrboro Methodist. Church on Sunday evening, March 22, beginning at, the tegular even ing hour of worship, 7:30. The choir of the church under the di~ recti on of Miss Martha Ann Cheek, will present selections from a caw tats, also a favorite medley of Easter sons. Prior to Palm Sunday services, a series of cottage prayer meeting sendees will be held at, different homes to he announced throughout the community, begin, ning on the evening of March 16, through March 19th. On Monday evening, March, 23, at 7:30 p.m! Holy Week services will be held at the church through Friday evening prior tb Easter Sunday, March 29. ■ r,-4"-"’gr-.:1 »■ V.l -.w ■« ;—'"tr* ■*-- ■ ^ Openings exist ♦ibr Store Managers tnd Store Clerks within the OfaftleCounty ^tcf^ysiem. V-O • — t **> ■•}■■ REQUIREMENTS. ib $$ rioter i W*gh Scfroolgfaduate—or pass a written test indicating equivalent ability. 2. Resident of Orange County at th* time of filing application, 3. Minimum age 21 years. 4. Must be a persqn of good character. 5. Pass a physical examination (certain handi -• r-v. i »i .o *:.j j . ; 1 capped persons are acceptable). 6. OTHER INFORMATION ClArks will-receive a starting salary’ of $250.00 per month. Two automatic pay increases of $10.00 per month will be provided, one at the end df 8. months, el service, and the other at the end of the first year’s employment. Additional increases will be on the basis of merit. Managers will receive a starting salary of $286.00 to $300.00 per mohth. Two automatic pay increments of $15.00 per month each will be provided. One at the ehd of 6 months service, and the other at the end of the first year’s service. Additional increases will be on the basis of merit. The work week will consist of approximately 40 hours, but al ternating shifts will he hi effect. Sick leave and vacation Will he provided oh the same basis as for other County employees. l|Lv PROCEDURE to HU FOR (MPLOYMENT Application blanks may lie secured at the town Hall of Chapel MU or the County Tax pftice in Hillsboro. Completed tpplica tiwia should be mailed to CM* C. Davi* at Box 006 in HiUsboro, prior to March 19. NOTICE NOTICE S>a filing application must come tb the High School in °Dtests lasting tests will be These services Wifi, be conducted by the pastor, the Rev. A. S. Park-1 er, Everyone is given a most cord ial Invitation to attend all services. BIRTH Mr; and Mrs. James Perry of Carrbor© announce the birth of t son, Mark Earl, on February 26 at N. C. Memorial Hospital. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Clark and family of Asheville were visitors last weekend to Mr. and Mrs. L. Bynum Riggsbee and Mr. and Mrs. Red Sparrow and families here. Mrs. Atlas Ray has been recuper ating the past several weeks at the Mrs. Thelma Berry Rest Home af ter a stay of some time at Duke Hospital in Durham. Mrs. L W. Roberson has beep ill for several days at her home. She is improving at this time. Mrs. Nellie Williams and Misses Billie and Faucette Williams were visitors at the weekend to relatives near Burlington. Mrs. Joe Sparrow, Mrs. G. C. Brookbank and Mrs. Ira Mann were visitors last Thursday to their brother, the Rev. Floyd dart, at the Baptist -Hospital in Winston Salem. Mrs. M. E. Lanning has been iil for the last two weeks at her home but is improving at this time. Mrs. Henry Bowden is recuperat ing at her home in the Damascus Church community after spending some time in Memorial Hospital. . Visitors at the weekend to Mr. ' and Mrs. Ollie Council included Mr. and Mrs. George Stafford, and Mrs. Stafford’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Rogers, all of Graham, and Mrs. Edith Hughes and small daughter, Marjorie, of San Fran cisco, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes recently celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary at their home in Graham. Mrs. Ada Gates of the Greens boro Highway has been a patient for the last week In Memorial Hospital. Mrs. T. N. Mann has been ill Um week at her home with Mrs. Rosa Perry. Mrs. Eugene Clark has been a patient in Memorial Hospital for the past three weeks and shows some improvement at this time. Visitors at the weekend to Mr. and Mrs. Randy Williams and fam ily included Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams and two daughters, Misses Cbarlee and Carol Williams, of Nashville. Tenn. and Mr. and Mrs. i Paul Williams of BirminghanvAla.. Visiters last weekend to Mr.s U R. Sturdivant and Miss Gladys Sturdivant included Mr. and Mrs. June Cheek of Greensboro and Mr. and Mrs; Clarence Sturdivant and Mrs, R, If. Brown of Carlotte., also Mr. and Mrs. Ledbetter at Greensboro. Mr. Alex Maddry of near Lowe’s Grove has been very ill at his home. He is a brother of Mrs. Hat tie Hobby of Carrboro who togeth er with Mr. and Mrs. Cldye Hobby visited Mr. Maddry at the" week end , Mrs. Beulah Ivey Ellington is Red Cross Unit Workers Are Chosen By Mm. MirMi D. MePhcraaa The annual Rad Crow meeting of the Hillsboro unit was held in the Cafeteria at Central High School Monday night. The following persons were select ed to solicit funds for the Red Cross Drive in the Hillsboro Township and surrounding areas: Mrs, Elsie JefTries, Mrs. Minerva Wilson and Mrs. Ruth Long, will work in the West End District. Brownsville-Mrs Elisa Morrow and Mrs. Inez Long. » Fairview—Mrs. A. J. Holman and Mrs. Edna Morrow. Mars Hill—Mrs. Creola Grady, Mrs. Christine Faucette. and Mrs. Mary Wells. .1^ , Highway 80—Mrs. James Nichols. Highway 70A—Mrs. Richard Simp, son and Mrs. Edd Nadi Faucette. Baptist Church District—Mrs. Eli. labeth Johnson. Riverside—Mrs. Marinda D. Mc Pherson. The above named persons are members of a formally organised Red Crass Unit of Hillsboro. Hie unit was organized a year ago, ter continued interest and service. Mrs. Creola Grady was chosen president of the unit. Mrs. Ruth Long secretary, Mrs. Marinda Mc Pherson, co-ordinator Mr. A. L. Stanback, chairman. recuperating at the home of her son, Melvin Ellington, and Mrs. Ellington in Durham, after a stay of several days as a patient in Watts Hospital. She will remain in Durham two week? before return ing to her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hackney and two children, Mrs. Garland Hackney, and Claude Burgess, were visitors to Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Hackney near Ashetooro last week end. >Mr. and Mrs. Donald Peninger were visitors at the weekend to relatives in Lexington. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Holloman and two children of Burlihgton were visitors at the weekend to Mrs. Holloman’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Oakley. Mrs. Oakley, ill for the past week, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Whitfield, Misses Brenda Joyce Parnell and Jo Ann Sturdivant were in Hickory last weekend for a visit with Mrs. Whitfield’s neice and nephew, Mr and Mrs. Blaine Earon, at their home there. On Saturday evening the party enjoyed a most modern and beautiful fashion show spon sored by the Woman's Club, at near-by Conover School. Little Miss Ann Oakley, six-year old daughter of Carrboro Postmas (hr Claiborne Oakley and Mrs. Oak ley, has been a patient in "McPher son Hospital in Durham since Tues day, of this week. Visitors at the weekend to Mr. and Mrs. A, J. Freeland of the Orange Church community includ ed Mr. and Mrs. Ben Peele and small daughter, Kim. of Greens boro and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freeland of Durham. MBLAJSTB B3LTTJECR LIVINO Better living in North Carolina means more jobs for more people at higher wages. That is why our State it seeking industrial development — to create more jobs at better pay for those no longer needed on farms as they become mechanised. The high quality of this latent labor supply assures increas ing income for them in the years ahead. All over the State local communities are learning about bow to capitalize- ass this increased income, opportunity. It is significant, too, that most of these progressive areas favor the “legal sale” of beer and ate as baing in the best interests of all concerned. ■ - ■■ • . Jfeu if r'4. ■ un intA;' m -• -- v North Carolina Division UNITED STATES BIKWKBS FOUNDATION, DSC. ;County Court Record The following eases were heard hi Hillsboro Recorder's Court Monday: j Jack Hudson Alexander, speeding. tM and costs; Mar callus Moses Lambert, speeding. W and costs; t ike Pugh, forcible trespass and mal icious damage to real property. $» and costs and damage, throe months. Suspended: Charlie Keetdr. public drank. $5 and costs. 90 days.: sus pended; Herman Riley, two cases of public drunk, in each case IS and costs and 90 days, suspended; Dorsey Cullen Hopkins, speeding, $10 and costs; Melvin Clyde Scott, speeding, $10 and costs; Robert Wel don Burch, speeding, $15 and easts; Fredrick Bagby Wall, speeding, $10 and costs; David Vernon Scarlett, speeding, $20 and eosts; Fred Percy Debnam, speeding, $12 and eosts; George Edward Hill, speeding, $8 and costs; Thomas Edward Cam pen, passing on hill, $10 and coats; John Fred Thompson, stop sign, $10 and costs; Roy Compton, improper equip ment, costs; John Edward Graham, speeding, $10 and costs; Joseph Bev erly Cockran, spending. $14 and costs; Lloyd Wesley Corbitt, failing W grant right of Way. $10 and costs? Ralph Warren Terry, speeding. |10 aad easts; Charles Ruffin Grigg, speeding. $10 and costs; Aaron Wil liams Greene, speeding, $10 and costs; Wallace Lee Lawson, speeding, $11 and coats; Robert Lee Sykes, speed ing. $13 and costs; Broadus Paul Little, speeding. $10 and costs; Betty Cunningham Sally, speeding, $10 and coats; Frank Lee Shufford Jr, speed ing, $13 and costs; Barbara Wilson Craig, speeding, $19 and costs; Don ald Lee Sears, speeding, $10 and oosta; Dempsey Leroy Whitted, ex ceeding safe speed, $5 and costs; Morris Schwartz, speeding, $20 and costs; James K. Waddell Jr., public drtmk, $5 end costs; Luvenia Ruffin, public drunk, $5 and costs; Clyde Bunyan Hayfcld. speeding, $15 and costs; Jessie Lloyd Sbeetz, speeding, $13 and costs; Luther Thomas Walker Jr., speed ing, $15 and costs; and J. P. Buck sham, speeding, $15 and cpsts. A recent study shows that East ern North Carolina alone can sup port 3.8 million bushels of addi tional grain storage. ‘ v Shop •* Local storks < PACINO CAPITOL PLAZA Large Praproof Utai tightsaeing •»* *«•» Sto «oa. ©arage «• Coffee Shap—1Cocktail Lounge — convention facilities. tJS***. spacious guest rooms, k air-conditioned if dasirad 4 Vaccination Of All Digs Over 4 Months Old With Anti - Rabic Vaccine _ Is Required By Law THE VIOLATION PENALTY READS: "Any person who shall violate this provision shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine of not less than Ten Dollars and not over Fifty Dollars, or not less than ten days in jail. SCHEDULE OF FEES CLINIC PR ICE-.75c Per Dog LL Vaccination At Poand - $1.00 Per Dig Alter April 30 Vaccination At House - $1.50 Per Dog Vaccination At Conrthense on Saturday mornings Iron 9 a.m. until 12 pa. until May 1 - .75c per dog Public-Vaccination Clinics for Dogs will be conducted'by the County Dog Warden Every Week day between the hours of 11 a.tri,.arid' 4 p.m. in accordance withlhe following schedule:—j Harden Johnson Store Z. P. Crawford Store, Hwy. 54 Thursday—Mar. 12 — Friday—Mar. 13 Manley Snipes Store, Orange Grove Monday—Mar. 10 Whitfield Store, White Cross __ Tuesday—Mar. 17 T. P. Andrews Grocery, Bingham Township..u.. Wednesday—Mar. 13 Bob Murray Store, Caldwell ■- , Thursday—Mar. 19 daiborne Wilkerson Store, Schley ‘Friday—Mar. 20 Flint Hamlin’s Store, Caldwell .Monday—Mar. 23 Alein Hawkins Old Store, Caldwell Tuesday—Mar. 24 Haywood Valinee. State .Wednesday—Mar. 25 Store at Kennedy’s --.-1 Thursday—Mar. 26 Pender Store, Cedar Grove .j Friday—Mar. 27 • ... ' * • „ . Giles Long Store .—..U , Tuesday—Mar. 31 Compton Store,, Carr, .Wednesday—Apr. 1 Jack Long Store; Mcbarie-Carr •-'Rd. Thursday—Apr. 2 Oliver Clayton Scr. ^ta* Hwy. 70 & JfiC l Friday—Apr. 3 Big Apple Grocery, Hobbs Crossroads John Tolar Store, Hwy. 86 Midway Service Station, Hwy. 86 Calvandcr Tapp's Store Blackwood Station _ Monday—.Apr. G . Tuesday—Apr. 7 Wednesday—Apr. 8 ... Thursday—Apr. 3 _Friday—Apr. 10 Stanley Store, back of Murphy School ' Monday—Apr. 13 Dean’s Store ._._ Tuesday-Apr. H Cheese Trice Store ._Wednesday—Apr. 15 Coland Riley Store, Eno .. Thursday_Apr. 10 Paul Collins, Fairview....,/ .... Friday—Apr. 17 Glen Lloyd Store ........ Monday-Apr. 20 C 4 L Grocery, Hwy. 501 ..._^__Tuesday—Apr. 2i. Stone Store, Mt. Carmel Rd. ..._, Wedaesday-Apr. 22 Elmer Pendergrass Ser. Station __Thursday—Apr. 23 Town Hall, Chapel Hill . ;.~ Friday-Apr. 24 Monday—Apr Andrews-Riggsbee Tractor Co., Carrboro Bill Dorsett Store, Efland-Cedar Grove Road _;...Tuesday_Apr Annie Reeves* Old Hwy., Efland-Mabane Wedrtes.—Apr. Overton Grocery, Orange Grove Rd. _. Thursday-Apr Mw* Havai U*fH. Tag On Dog When Brought to Veccination Point. Stray or Undesirable Dogs may be brought to the Dog Warden at any bf the above vacant tion points as scheduled above for disposition in humane manner, in accordance, with ttoOrao* County dog law. - »■ ■ *

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