WANT AD CLASSIFIED AD RATES • Fifteen Words 50c (this type) Two cents for each additional word • Fifteen words $1.00 (this type) Four cents for each additional word telephone your classified ads ip«| Hill—8445 Hillsboro—419l FOR SALE > Tsewing machines — m and $5 per month. West uto Associate Store, Hills E PIANO. EXCELLENT ion. Priced to sell. Call Compton, Hillsboro 6194 5. 5-7 tfc OVEN CARPET CLEANER .ustre is easy on the bud testores forgotten colors. b Farm Equipment Co. 5-7 Itc AT HALF THE RE lent cost! Only $13,000 is 3-bedroom, living room, room, study, kitchen, 1% dry utility basement. Lo at §orner of King and Streets, Hillsboro. See the ful interior to appreciate due. Call Young & Wilkins I pel Hill 7031. 1-15 tfc I Estate For Sale I ARE INTERESTED IN < or selling real estate of ind. see John P. Ballard. 4694 Hillsboro. 1 29 tfc {VICES OFFERED --- - - - — TANKS NEED PERIODIC lg. Avoid clogged taaks, h drain lines. Carolina Service, Call Chapel Hill 1-8 tfc IE FINEST IN MONU a n d markers, contact Liner, Representative of City Monument Co., Box illsboro. Phone 3721. 9-4 tfc Wanted to Buy tF RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS brange County need dealer le them. Hundreds of fam )we previously bought over nds of dollars worth. Man with car. Write Raw , Dept. NCE. 241-322, Rich I Virginia. 5-7 4tp - ONE GOOD USED arrow. Edgar Bivins, Hills 5-7 ltc' - CUT LUMBER AND on the stump. Get the ^sh price* paid on accept delivery. West Durham Company, 3109 Hillsboro lurham, N. C. 4-16 4tc HJILDING & IODELING •ustom Cabinets >rmica Topping por Estimates Call tETT FORREST Tel. 3574 Female Help Wanted VACATION AHEAD: NOW IS THE . time to save for Vacation — g$t started right away to serve reg ular customers with Avon Cos metics. Write Mrs. Elizabeth Tomlinson, P. 0. Box 4076, Wins ton-Salem, N. C. 5-7 ltc ATTENTION: SCHOOL TEACHERS —Wanted two (2) ladies for part time or full-time work. Must have car, 5-day week. 4 hours per day. Write “OPPORTUNI TY”, c/o this newspaper, Box 749, Chapel Hill, N. C. 4-30 2tc" ATTENTION: TEACHERS, $TAN ley Home Products, Inc. has openings for four (4)' teachers desiring cummer work. Those se lected will be talking to groups of people. Must have use of car. For interview, write “Stanley”, c/o this newspaper, Box 749, Chapel Hill, N. C. 4-30 2tc LEGAL NOTICES EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of Harry Walker, de ceased,^Jate^ pf _praj\ge County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 7th day of May. 1960, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 7th day of May, 1959. ELEANpjf A WALKER, Executrix of the Estate of Harry Walker, Route 2. Durham. 5-7 6tc i NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION | Having qualified as executor of j the will of Catherine H. Ford, de ceased, late of Orange County, this is f6 notify; all~ perfcons^- having- - claims against her estate fo pre sent them to the undersigned with in one year from* date hereof or this notice will be pleaded in bar. of their recovery. All persons in- . debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This April 17, 1959. HENRY A. WHITFIELD. Executor of Catherine H Ford. n 4-23 6tc NOTICE OF -HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Mebane Home Telephone Company has made application to the North Carolina Utilities Commission for a general increase in' its rate^ and charges for telephone service. The Commission has set the applica tion for hearing at 10:00 o’clock A.M. on Tuesday, the 26th day of May, 1059 at the offices of the Commission in the City, of Raleigh, North Carolina, at which time any person may appear in support of or in opposition to the granting of said aplication. Mebane Home Telephone Co. 4-30 2tc Complete Package INSURANCE PLAN I x —e On* Low-Cost PoMcy Ci ■ K t I. (_A . J I „ Cover Your >erson«) Efforts Horn*, Furnishings And rersonai Collier Cobb And ASS0CI^ Scott Bldg. !M Hendersort Phon“ * IN FOUSHEE AGENCY Mutual Insurance Telephone 8431 N. Columbia St. Chapel-Hill f-jf -fff—— ——— . John Foushee Adger Wilson To Chock Tho Ads On This Pago Legal Notice NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an Order >f Sale of the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Orange County, made in the special proceeding entitled “Robert B. Nichols, Jr., Administra tor of Anna Miller Estate, vs. Dan Miller, et als,” the undersigned Commissioner will on SATURDAY, the 23rd day of MAY, 1959, at 12:00 o’clock Noon, at the Courthouse Door in Hillsboro, North Carolina, jffer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, subject to tie confirm** don of the Court, those certain lots 5r parcels of land lying aed being n Cheeks Township, Orange Coun ty, more particularly described as follows: TRACT 1: BEGINNING at a stake in the North right-of-way line of U. S. Highway No. 70-A. said stake being the southwest corner of land belonging to Jesse Mill er; running thence North 10 deg. 20 min. East with fathe line Qf Jtisse ijillfrr'a distahce of 420 feet to an iron stake; thence North 68 deg. 30 min. West 50 feet to an iron stake, corner of Clyde Hundley lot; thence South 21 deg. 30 min. West with the Hundley line 418 feet to highway right-of-way line; thence with the highway right-of-way line South 08 deg. 80 min East 117.8 feet to the point of beginning, same'being shown oh survey and plot of Anna Miller estate as made by Robert A. Jones, Novem ber, 1958, said lot containing .88 or an acre. _ TRACT 2: BEGINNING at an iron stake in the North right-of way line of U. S. No. 70-A, said iron stake being the Southeast corner of the Dan Miller tract and^the Southwest corner of the Anna Miller lands, and running thence with thes- North right-of way line of said Highway South 68 deg. 30 min. East 700.2 feet to an iron stake, the Southwest corner of Fletcher Shanklin lot; thence with the Shanklin fine North 21" deg. 30 min. East 418 feet to an iron stake; thence South 68 deg. 30 min. East 524 feet to an iron stake in the West line of Jesse Miller tract; thence with Jesse Miller line North 10 deg. 20 min. East 1560 feet to stake and pointers in the line of Bib Coble: thence with the Coble line North 86 deg. 30 min. West 502 feet; thence continuing with Coble line South 25 deg. 06 min. West 577 feet to pointers; thence with Coble and Packingham lines North 84 deg. 17 min. West 655 feet to an iron stake control corner; thence with Dan Miller line South 4 deg. 51'min. West 601 feet to an iron stake; thence continuing with Dan Miller Line South 12 deg. 51 min. West 434 feet to the place or point of be Posted Protect your property against trespassers and unauthorized hunting. Posted signs printed on heavy cardboard, ready for your use. Get them from the offices of this newspaper in Hillsboro or Carrboro. Available Now. $1.00 per dozent Mail order Will be filled promptly. ginning, and containing 37.03 acres, according to survey and ptot of Anna Miller Property made by Robert A. Jones, Reg istered Surveyor, November, 1908. The Commissioner will offer the above described tracts separately and also together and will accept the high bid. A deposit of ten per cent will be required from the last and highest bidder at the sale, and said sale will remain open ten days for in creased bid and for confirmation. This tjhe 20th day of April, 1939. A. H. GRAHAM, Commissioner 4-30 4tc NOTICE OF SALE BY TOWN OF CARRBORO, N. C. Take notice that pursuant to the general statutes of North Carolina, Section 160-59, that the governing body shall offer for sale at public auction oq Monday, June 8, 1959, at 12 o'clock Noon, the following tract or property, reserving the right to reject all bids of said pro perty, described as to-wit: BEGINNING at a stake on "the Southwest corner of Lot 1, Block "B", Herbert Lloyd Land; running thence North 87* 30' East 95 feet tp a stake; running thence South 2’ 12’ Epst 10 feet to a stake; run ning thence -South 87° 30’ West 95 feet to a stake; thence North 2° 12 West 10 feet to the Beginning. ft B. Todd, MAYOR W. E. Williams, CLERK This the 6th day of May, 1959. , 5-7-4TC NOTICE OF SALE OF TIMBER Under and by virtue of an Order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Orange, made in the Speoial Pro ceeding entitled “Blanche Ray Fer guson, et als. vs. Felton Turner (single), et al.”, the undersigned Commissioner will on j SATURDAY, the 9th day of MAY, J959, at 10:30 o’clock A. M.. on the PREMISES de scribed herein, same being the Homeplace of the late S. L. Ray, in Bingham Town ship, Orange County, on N. C. Highway No. 54, West of the Town of Chapel Hill, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash,, subject to the confirma tion of the Court, all merchantable standing timber measuring eight (8) inches and over across the stump, said measurement taken six (6) inches above the surface of the ground, being situate on those cer tain tracts or parcels of land lying and being in Bingham Township, Orange County, North Carolina,, more particularly described as fol low*: BEGINNING at a stake in the Or ange Grove Highway, said stake being approximately 200 feet North of Ike intersection of said Highway with N. C. Highway No. 54, run ning thence South 86 deg. East 260 feet to a stake; thence South 5 deg. Fdirview Taxi Hillsboro Zi . ■ Phone 7291 tV • ■ * Roland Hobgood West 418 feet to a stake in the cen ter ef N. C. Highway Nb. M: thence with the center of said Highway South 4g deg. SO min. East 1315 feet to a rock on the edge of the Road; thence North 5 deg. East 1338 feet to pine and pointers; thence South 88 deg. East to stake and pointers. James L, Ray’s corner; thence with James L Ray’s line, North 5 deg. East 1721 feet to rock and pointers, Riley land; thence Sputh 85 deg. West 1480 feet crossing the Orange Grove Highway to an iron stake. Alton Riley’s corner; thence with Riley’s line North 5 deg. East 1950 feet to an old hickory and pointers; thence North 75 deg. West 231 feet to pointers on West prong of Collins Creek; thence down the meanders of Collins Creek cross ing N. C. Highway No. $4 and con tinuing approximately 400 feet to well marked pointers; thence South 86 deg. East 975 feet to the point of beginning. The above calls are taken from plot drawn by Robert A. Jones, Registered Engineer, January 9, 1959. Timber on two tracts West of Or ange Grove Highway will be sold to gether, and timber on two tracts East of Orange Grove Highway will be sold together. Then timber on en tire tract above described will be offered, with right of Commissioner to accept the highest bid or bids. A deposit of ten per cent will be required from the last and highest bidder at the sale, and the said sale will remain open ten days for in creased bids and/or for confirmation or rejection by the Court. This the 2nd day of April, 1959. J. M. RAY, Commissioner 4-16 4tc NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA ORANGE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK BONNER D. SAWYER, Administra tor of the Estate of CHARLIE FRANK SYKES, Deceased. -VS EVA WYNN SYKES (Widow of Dav idHenry Sykesy-Deceased^r F. M. CATES (Widow of Mary Elizabeth Sykes Cates, Deceased); ARTIS CATES (Single); ETTA CATES FLYNN and husband, R. C, FLYNN; JOHN LEE BOSWELL (Widower of Rgdena Sykes Boswell, Deceased); JOHN RICHARD BOSWELL and wife, DORIS BOSWELL; ANNIE MAE S. MURDOCK anti“ husband, JESSE J. MURDOCK; ESSIE SYKES BRASIL and husband; RAY MOND BRASIL; GLENN McADAMS (Widower of—Virginia -Sykes Mc Adams, Deceased); LERLENE Me. EDDINS and husband, HARVEY EDDINS, ROBERT McADAMS (Single); AGNES SYKES CHAP PELL and husband, CECIL CHAP PELL; THELMA SYKES JOHNSON and husband, SHELLIE W. JOHN SON; NELSON D. SYKES and wife. FLORENCE SYKES; LACY SYKES and wife. MINNIE SYKES; ETHEL L. SYKES (Single); ADELE SYKES BROOKS and husband, LYTLE E. BROOKS; ELIZABETH C. SYKES (Widow of William Caster Sykes, Deceased);, MAMIE K. SYKES (Widow of Albert Wilson Sykes, De ceased); CLARA E. SYKES (Sin gle); ALBERT FLOYD SYKES (Wi dower); JAMES MARTIN WIL LIAMS (Widower of Anna Belle Sy kes Williams, Deceased); MARYLIN W. TERRELL and husband, BOB BY TERRELL; MARIE WILLIAMS (Single); LARRY O. WILLIAMS (Single, Minor); WILLIAM E. WIL LIAMS (Single, Minor); JAMES M. WILLIAMS, JR. (Single, Minor); GEORGE T. WILLIAMS (Single, Minor); SAMUEL WILSON SYKES and wife. KATHLEEN B. SYKES; GEOROE WADE SYKES and Wilt. NON SYKES and wife, ESTER J. HALL SYKES; VELMA MAE SY KES WAGNER and husband. LEON ARD H. WAGNER; HIGHT P. SY KES and wife, ALICE K. SYKES; MARY ROSA LEE SYKES PHU^ LIPS and huAand, BRYANT PHIL LIPS; ARTHUR E. SYKES and wife, ELIZABETH D. SYKES: GLADYSS. WALLACE and husband, JOHNNIE C WALLACE; CORA H: SYKES (Widow of Thomas W. Sykes, Sr., Deceased*; ELSIE DORIS SYKES DAVIS and husband. CHARLES LE ROY DAVIS; THOMAS W. SYKES. JR and wife, GLENOLA F. SYKES; HARVEY TYSON SYKES and wife. BARBARA B. SYKES; MARVIN WILLARD SYKES (Single). TO HIGHT P. SYKES. RAYMOND BRASIL. NELSON SYKES, and FLORENCE SYKES: Take notice that a pleading seek ing relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: A Special Proceeding brought by Bonner D. Sawyer, Administrator of the Estate of Charlie Frank Sykes, Deceased, to sell the real estate be longing to Charlie Frank Sykes Es tate for the purpose of creating as sets with which to pay debts and costs of Administration. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than June 1, 1959, and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 14th. day of April, 1959. E. M. Lynch CLERK SUPERIOR COURT, ORANGE COUNTY 4-16 4TC JUANITA U. SYKES; JOHN NOTICE OF RE-SALE NO. I * Under and by virtue of author! ty contained in a Judgment of E M. Lynch, Clerk of the Superioi Court of Orange County, duly en tered in Sepecial Proceeding No 2789 entitled “In the Matter oi Bonner D. Sawyer, Guardian oi James Arthur Stewart, Incompet ent,’’ bearing date of April 8, 1959, the undersigned Guardian will offer for re-sale on Saturday, May 18,'1959. at 12:00 o’clock Noon at the Court house Door in Hillsboro, North Carolina thejollowing described real estate: LYING AND BEING in Cedar. Grove Township, Orange County. North Carolina; and, BEGINNING at a black oak, running thence NoNrth 51 chains to a stake; thence East 34.75 chains to a stake; thence South 51 chains to a persimmon; thence West 34.75 chains to the point of beginning, containing 177 Acres, more or less, and known as the S. T. Pittard Place. See Deed Book 68, Page 266, and Deed Book 88, Page 437, Orange County Registry. Reference is also made to Deed from J. A. Stewart (Single), to Grace M. CALL £841 For Fast Delivery CITIES SERVICE Frank Walker Oil Co. Hillsboro T"f 'V "PR" Champion 0ouAo^ *-5c h e n I aj Kentucky Straight Bourbon »V«mOU *3°° |» 1UU >1». HMTKCT UMItil IUIIIH. HfHIOt. tHUllil UUUUIS » 0 McDade. dated Jaeuaary 11, IMS, recorded in Deed Book 188, Pag* 11Q, Orange Cqunty Registry. ion also Deed hpra Qrac* M. * McDade (Widow), to 4. A. Stew art. dated September 24, 1863. recorded in Deed Ba^ 148, Page 284, Orqnf* Cojin^ Reg- , iatry. ( The terms d »aid sale are as WWwsx, , 1. First Note and Deed of j Trust on the subject property, in ( the amount of $38,000.00, pay able $8,088.00 on December 18, 1888, and $3,000.00 to be paid annually on the 18th day of each December thereafter for eleven (11) years. Said Note to bear interest at the rate of 8% and interest payable annually on the 15th day of December. $. The balance of the pur chase price shall be payable in cash and a 10% deposit of the total bid shall be paid on the day of sale. S. The Purchaser shall pay the 1860 Taxes due on the prop erty, and shall receive the rent for the Year 1080. 4. Possession of the property will be delivered to the Pur chaser on December 15, 198ft This being a Judicial sale, same will be reported to the Clerk of Superior Court of Orange County, and will remain open for ten (10) days for increased bid and for con firmation. Bidding will begin at $42,080.00. This the 0th day of April, 1050. BONNE® D. SAWYER, ~ ' Guardian 4-23 4tc ^QCEClHwarNOTTCE Having qualified as Executrix of the Estate of Pearl W. Stewart, late Of Orange County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of said Deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 0th day of April, 1060, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said Estate will please make immediate payment. This the 0th day of April, 1050. EVELYN S. STEWART, Execu trix of the Estate of Pearl W. Stewart, Deceased, Cedar Grove, North Carolina. Bonner D. Sawyer, Atty. Hillsboro, N. C. 4-0 6tc EXECUTOR NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Charlie Solomon Frazier, late of Orange County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of safd Deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 30th day of April, 1960. or th^s Notiec will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said Estate will please make immediate payment. This the 30th day of April. 1959 of the Estate of Charlie Solo mon Frazier, .Box 126, Hills boro, North Carolina 4-30 6tc + TYSON'S BARBER SHOP Fairvlaw — Phone 3793 Cam* and give me a try. You hgva triad the rast—now try the ! bqsf. Thank*. L. W. TYSON (So* sign at intersection of Highways 79 * 70-A) Ufl»l Nqftett DMINISTRATOR C.T.A. NOTICE Having nullified gs Admlnistri m- of the Estate of Da L. Johnson, ite of Orange County, North Car Uaa, this is to notify «U persons laving Maims against the Estate t syid Deceased to exhibit thorn to jindersig»«d ofi or feet#* **• 15th day of April, I960, or this (otice will ho pleaded in ter of heir recovery. All persons iadebt »d to said Estate will please nuke mmedUte payment This the 15th day of April, 1W. . BONNER D. SAWYER, Ad ministrator, C.TJL at the Estate of Ila L. Johnson, De ceased, HUlsboro, N. C. 4-23 dtp A Capped* Choir Sot For Church Concur* The A Cappella Choir of South ern Pilgrim College, Kernersville, will give a Sacred Music Concert it the Pilgrim Holiness Church Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. The 36-voice choir will present a varied program using special {roups from the choir in addition to the A Cappella number*. The choir is directed by Gordon Miller, President of the College. The Rev. Verlin Busick, pastor, invites everyone who apprecaitcs sacred music to attend this special service. Horn* Demonstration Schedule Thursday,'May 7, at 2 p-m.— Smith Laval Club with Mias Emi ly Pollard. Monday, May 11, 2:30 pau* Whlta Cross Club at Community building. Tuesday, May 12, 2 p.m.—Or ange Grove Club Wednesday, May 13, 2 pm.— Calvander Club with Mrs. Jack Hogan. 4-H Schedule Thursday, May 7 — Hillsbero Jr. I, 1:40 a.m.; Hillsboro Jr. II, 2:40 a.m.; Hillsbero Sr., 10:47 a.m. Friday, May 3—Hillsboro 5th Grades, 3:40 a.m.; Carrboro, 10:35 a.m. Monday, May 11—Murphy, 2:15 a.m.; Aycock Jr., 1:10 p.m.; Ay cock Sr., 2:15 p.m. Tuesday, May 12—West Hille iboro, 2:10 a.nv; White Cross, 10:40 a.m. Wednesday, May 13—Caldwell, 2:15 a.m.; Efland, 10:45 a.m. Thursday, May 14—Chapel Hill, 1:30 p.m. ^ Food for thought is the only kind that hasn’t been affected by the high cost of living. GM-DELCO Heating - Cooling (Product of General Motors) Sheet-Metal A Roofing We Service Whet We Sell Terms: Up to 5 years Interest Rate 5% All Work Guaranteed. Thank you. Write or Phone 2-3421 ROGERS SHEET METAL 4 HEATING CO. * 303 Dacian Ava. Durham, N. C. »