THURSUA1, uutocK IS, 1999 icCTlOH TWO, Pmr« S Women leaders from Colombia here to study League procedure By FAY MORGAN Four women leaders from the Colombia republic arrived in Chapel Hill last night to begin a month’s seminar in operational methods of the League of Women Voters and in governmental pro cedures in the United States. Fol lowing 10 days in North Carolina they will go to Boston, New York and Washington for further study. They are representatives in the Union of Women Citizens of Co lombia which was organized in April, 1957, to promote intelli gent voting and citizen participa tion in government. Women voted for the first time in Colombia in 1957. The visitors are in this country under the sponsorship of the Carrie Chapman Catt Memor ial Fund, research and educa tional foundation established by the- national league of women voters. They are: Miss Maria Rojas, Bogota; Mrs. Agripina Restrepo de Norris, Calarca; MrS. Mercedes Berrio de Mejia, Mtfnizales; and Mrs. Isabel Arango de Otero, Me dellin. Miss Rojas is head of a 400 pupil girls’ school in Bogota. Mrs. de Norris is director of the Co lombian magazine, “Numen.” Mrs. de Mejia, wife of a physician, is head of the women’s branch of the Conservative party in Caldas Province. Mrs. de Otero, wife of an industrialist, in finance chair man of the woman citizens organ ization. Special league committees in the towns on the visitors' itin erary are in charge of arrange ments- during their stay. Mrs. Robert H. Wettach is chairman of the Chapel Hill committee which includes Mrs. Paul Guth rie, Mrs. Claude Shotts, Mrs. Harold Walters, Mrs. Harry Smith, Mrs. James C. Ingram and Mrs. Everett Rush, laagua prasidant. A number of activities are scheduled here in addition to the workshop program in which in struction in league procedures and methods began this morning under the direction of Mrs. John Gillin and Mrs. Emil Chanlett, assisted by Mrs. Robert Leonard and Mrs. Andrew Scott. A picnic will be given this evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rush by members of the board of the local League. The Colombians, accompanied by Mrs. Walters, will spend Sat urday in Raleigh where they will have an interview with Sec retary of State Thad Eure and with Mrs. Ernest Ball, state legis lative chairman of the league. They also will view the state art museum. On Oct. 19 they will go to Hillsboro for a look at county government. There they will visif Miss Thelma Brumett's class at the high school and in terview Miss Betty June Hayes, register of deeds, Ed Lynch, county court clerk. Sheriff C. D. Knight and Mrs. John Park er, superintendent of public Welfare. That night they will attend the open meeting of the League in the library assembly room hare. Government in Chapel Hill will be studied on Oct. 20 when the visitors attend the morning re corder’s court session of Judge William Stewart and interview City Manager; Thomas Rose and Mayor Ollie Cornwell. In the af ternoon they will go on a tour of the Institute of Government and interview some of the officials there. The visitors will spend Oct. 2L 22 in Winston-Salem under the tutelage of league members there, returning to Chapel Hill for a Glenmore closing workshop session on Oct. 23. A number of interpreters will be on hand at the various work and social sessions for the Span ish-speaking Colombians. In ad dition to Mrs. Gillin and Mrs. Chanlett the interpreters Staff here includes Mrs. ueorge Dan iel, Mrs. Floyd Hunter, Mrs. Irl Summerlin, Mrs. Carey Sweet, Frank M. Duffey and W. A. Me Knight. The visitors will get acquainted with Chapel Hill hospitality through a tea at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Craige and at the home of Mrs. Summerlin. Small informal dinners also will be ten dered them at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith with Mr. and Mrs. Duffey and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. McKnight. Mrs. Leonard and Mrs. Chanlett will give a cocktail party at the Chan-, lett home on Oct 23, last day of the visitors’ stay here. Chapel Hill was chosen as “the ideal place for the starting point” of the seminar “because the the league and the resources of the community seemed partic ularly well suited for such a pro gram.” according to Mrs. John G. Lee, president of the Carri* Chapman Gatt Memorial Fund. the patented PATENTED built-in 8L0WER! i £' /f. \;~t. ; • PATENTED * ■ | i ] Inner HEAT TUBES r ■ PATENTED i ■ 100% SAFETY! PATENTED Automatic SAVINGS! POURS 4 TIMES MORI NEAT OVER TIE FLOOR tbss ever beferel 1 ‘ - . 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