WORLD DAY OF PRAYER A World Day of Prayer will be IwM in tt»a University Me thodist Church of Chapol Hill tomorrow, in two sessions at 10:30 a.m. and • p.m. The ser vicas are intor-denominational and interracial. All Chapol j Hill ciiwrchM will participate ! »W» Hit town or* invited. | Tho' Church will bo opon all i day for thooo who wish to mod | itate. Church boNs will ring at 10 a.m., U noon and 7:30 WATCH and JEWELRY CLEANING • REPAIR — Latest Ultrasonic Equipment — FREE! Your photo, card, valuable news clip-!' ping, etc. seated In plastic with each purchase of 5.00 or more. HENDERSON'S JEWELRY 402 W. FRANKLIN 1 CHAPEL HILL, N. C. JOIN the THOUSANDS who are SAVING HERE To many, many thrift}- people, the v >rds ‘Orange County Building & Loan" mean a mighty goou place to in vest one's savings. Savings here enjoy insured safety, availability, gener ous return. Accounts may be held in the name of an individual, a corporation, religious group, trustee or jointly by 2 or more persons. - * You are invited to join the fast growing list of custom ers at the Building & Loan. ’fe't * * * ' INVESTMENTS MADE By MARCH 10th b:ar earnings from march ut. * * * NOW IN OUR 40th Year And P-aying 4% To Savors "THE HOME OF PROFITABLE SAVINGS" Orange County Building & Lean Association 414 W. FRANKLIN ST. CHAPEL HILL f . : . ' Jaycees set speech contest Chapel Hill Jaycees will $pon | sor the nationwide “My True Se curity" speaking and script writ ' ing contest locally for Chapel I Hill High School seniors. Contest Chairman John Ulmer invited entrants to get in forma tion on the contest from the high school administration office. Winner of the local competition will receive a $25 savings bond and represent Chapel Hill in the state competition at Winston Salem April 15. Jaycees President Roy Martin announced that the local Junior ; Champ field events competition would be held April 30 under chairmanship of Bob Simpson. Other Jaycee projects planned for the spring include a chest x-ray promotion, under chair •manship of Oeorge Spooner and Coy Roberts, and the teen-age | Road-E-0 driving contest, under chairmanship of Frank Foster lyid Frank Fesrthigton. ELECTED »Y ROT Aft IA NS —Dr. E. M. Hadypeth, Univer sity physician, will become President af the Chapal Hill jRetary Club an July' 1, suc ceeding Prof. E. William No land. Other nawly-elected offi cers #f the frebp are R. B. Tod#, Vice-President; Ken By Wly, Secretary; Jerry Orne. Treasurer; Robert Lester Jr., ‘Sergeant-at-arms; and Direc tors, Norman Armstrong, Moy le Johnson, and Donald Stan ford. Wootten-Moulton Photo Long Meadow names Cheek new manager Kenneth R. Cheek has been named manager of the Long Meadow Farms Chapel Hill plant to replace R. B. Todd .who re signed recently. A native or Chapel Hill, Cheek has been in the dairy business since 1947 when he served as a roufe salesman for Farmer's Dairy. When Long Meadow Farms merged with Farmer’s Dairy in 1949, Cheek was named rout© supervisor. For the pad two years, he has been a special ty salesman for Long Meadow Farms. KENNfc111 CHKlK ■ GROUND FLOOR . UNIVERSITY LIBRARY BULL'S HEAD BOOKSHOP 1 Read Any Good Books Lately? It** not hard to kaap up on good raadlng whan you can borrow at tha Bull'* Hoad. Only 5e a day opont a door to aft tho bo*t (altars . . . lika thesa: ★ Mitchener, "Hawaii" ★ Drury, "Advise and Consent" ★ Sevareid, "Candidates, 1960" if Ascoli, "Our Times" ' if Borenson, "One Year's Reading For Fun" /dt Kennedy, "Enemy Within" if de Chardin, "Phenonenon of Man" if Graham, "Tumbled House" ★ D'Hara, "Ourselves To Know" if Waugh, "Fuel For The Flame" if Marsh, "False Scent" | . i Browse - Borrow - Buy OPEN t-5, Monday — Friday ♦-1, Saturday Bellc-Leggett-Horton Beauty Salons Phone 8467 Open Friday nights ‘til >:30 '■ 1 f8' : : • MMWwwi «■». sr. anawiw . Wa tm only oroieuionol on« notionally Advertised prbductv Helena Curtis, Roux, Revlon, Cloirol ond Lo Morick. MOW..,. is the time to recondition winter weary hair • thin? , • dry? • damaged5 • split ends? ^ a. limp? La Marick Deluxe Creme Oil Wave 25.00 Value 995 !*» permanent wav* Ihot rpvitulizei a» 0 , form# aoft, beautiful curb . com;l«t* with: f#»f curb • shompoo • pratain corHJitnr'wr . haircut • Jtytw Mt . La Marick Supar Sc(t hoir ■prav La Marick Parmonanta ora amawp ffca world'* finest 27.50 valwo La Marick Deluxe 10.95 32.50 value La Marick Deluxe Creme Oil Wave » “ Lanol Wave stylist’s prices start at 9.96 USE YOUR CHARGE ACCOUNT 14« Aik for La Marick shampoos and hair cosmetics an leading drug and cosmetic departs.