of orange county HILLSBORO AND CHAPCL HILL, N. C., THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1960 24 PAGES a* >ir%. % % | C. £ 1“^ ONCE AGAIN THE MUCH heralded postal poll on fluorida tion of the local water supply has been postponed by the University. Originally scheduled to have been sent out on ot about Friday, April 28, the questionaires are no* —accordiagjo the latest communi que—going to be put in the ibai "sometime next week." The dead line, if there be me, is to be pushed back appropriately. THE CANDIDATES WERE caught in various stages of vernal unawares when the four-minute gong sounded on their campaign speeches during Tuesday night’s candidates meeting. When the “ding" came Horace Kornegay stopped in the middle of a word as if shot. Col. Holland Robb con tinued on authoritatively for an other couple of sentences until a second gong was sounded. Philip Schinban, talking fast, barely made it through his text. Donald Stanford had to quit just as he of Women Voters gal on-tb* gong is a woman who knows her stop watches well. Mrs. Sam Magill is married to a former UNC track star. She used to hoM Hie watch on him back in their courting days. OWE MORE NOTE ON THE candidates meeting, if you please: The bouquet for the best ex ample of one-upmanship during the evening goes to Republican County Commissioner candidate Louis Sparrow. Every other speaker had formally introduced his talk with “Madam Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, and fel low candidates.” Mr. Sparrow, a staunch GOP-er, topped ’em off with “Ladies and gentlemen and fellow travelers.” AND WHO IS THE JOKER IN the U. S. Postoffice Department, we cannot help asking, who yes terday put in the Newsman’s personal P.O. box a letter from High Point addressed simply to “Dr. I. Beverly Lake, Chapel Hill, N. C.?” We resisted the telnpta tion to write “unknown at this address” and simply marked it “Not Box 44” before putting it back in the mail slot. A "FIRST" IN LOCAL BOY . Scouting, according to the News man’s recollection, is the ad vancement record last night of University Baptist Church Troop 826 in Chapel Hill. All 35 mem bers of the Troop — including Scoutmaster Gene Lanier who at tained the Eagle rank — was given some award at last night’s trOop court of honor. The Eagle rank also went to Charles Lloyd. Circulation Today 7,478 99 PCT. DISTRIBUTED ^N ORANGE COUNTY Big Hands In Orange... BIG HANDS IN ORANGE-Sixth Dis trict Congressional hopefuls Horace ‘Dag wood’ Kornegay (left) of Greensboro and Bill Murdock of Durham have been more in evidence around Orange County durfyig the last few days. With each having solid support in his home County, and Alamance appearing closely split, Orange will un doubtedly be a big ballot battleground during the closing days before the May 28 primary as the two candidates probe this comparative virgin voter territory. —Stories on their local appearances recently in this issue. $ News Photo In Coffboro... jf Annexation hanging —Story on Pago 8 W ^ About 2,000 new voters registered —Story on Pago 7