Should comp4o*n«nt—not compote . . . Defeatism shouldn't control on downtown mall, architect declares COM**** *T*€fT * ; ***** ip?!*I ■ WWJW8 ? r SCAUE »M| Ky. . 3 ■ • M4ULSaOM» *T**£T CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT, 1970 — A possible re-arrangement of downtown Chapel Hill as a mall-centered shopping area is shown ifi this 'conceptual' drawing by architect Don Stewart. The double building depicted bh North Si', in the lower right hand corner is envisioned as a town hall and auditorium, while the center cluster of buildings would be commercial estab lishments. BELK-LEGGETT-HORTON La.11 arirk * f Be«ailv Solon* . . . Plione 8467 ^ Open Fri. Nights "til 8:30 ^-30 lliree wonderful waves for m wonderful 4 Beauty Harvest!! LA MAR 1CK PERMANENTS or Id'a /meat” \ “mnong the 12.95 value Custom Crams Oil Wove 25.00 value Deluxe Creme Oil Wove 6.95 9.95 nn cA By Ron Shumate “T think something will have to be done about Chapel Hill's traf fic problem within - the next few years.” This statement was made this week by lccal architect Donald j S. Stewart. Stewart added that there are many problems that * must be dealt with in thinking about a mall for Chapel Hill. His thesis for a Master of Re gional Plaining; , written in 1958,. dealt with the redevelopmnet of Chapel Hill's downtown business district. To ‘stimuia'e thinking ‘The main purpose of my thesis,” Stewart explained, “was j -jy stimulate^ thinking" in terms | ■' some me-hod of relieving traf- j fie congestion here. Stewart, wh