Chapel Hill, Hillsboro, Carrboro—Between and Beyond-— HILLSBORO AND CHAPEL HILL, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1962 Orange Peaiings OUT OF SEVERAL DOZEN IN rem tax sale cases the Coun ty Tax Collector has set up to date, only one parcel of real es tate has actually been bought by a private owner at auction. In that case, it is reported, the to tal amount bid, plus all the de linquent taxes that had to be paid, just about equaled what the land was worth. The next such auction sale will be Sept. 29. TAX COLLECTOR ORTENSE Dickson said almost all delfii quents pay up before the sale is 'Taw requires wslx months wailing period before • the county can advertise tax-de linquent real property for sale. And then, only property at least 18 months delinquent may be sold. However, a buyer can ob tain a clear title to this land when it’s sold at auction if he pays up all taxes due. This lengthy process has been started now on several hundred delin quents, and tax auction sales will be held at regular intervals just as fast as tax officials can pro cess these cases, Mrs. Dickson says. THERE HAS NOT TO DATE been a single applicant for reas signment to another school in Chapel Hill during the newly-ad vertised period for pupil trans fers which opened Sept. r~apd will, cldse this 4 Saturday; Sept; 15. Over 150 transfer applications were, turned in during the ini tial 10-day period set up in mid summer. The School JBoaxC.a greed to re-advertise and have a second such period in response to protests aired at. the time. . But in the wake of the hulla balloo now, they’re yet no takers for the opportunity in this new period. AS OF YESTERDAY THERE were 35 Negro pupils in four predominantly white schools in the Chapel Hill System. This is a decrease of two from last year, despite the School Board’s stepped-up policy of geographic assignment for all elementary sehocl grades. There were under stood to be no white pupils in the Lincoln, Frank Graham, and Northside Schools, though a number of them received auto matic geographic assignments to * the latter two, then elected to transfer to oher schools wihin the Board’s assignment policy. EASTGATE SHOPPING CEN ter apparently has a trademark now, in keeping with the Madi son Ave. idea for all mature .... .Shopping, „ centers,,wit .smartly designed interior , lighted sign, posted along the bypass high way. Another like it is reported ly to be put up on the Durham Road side. The “trademark” in cludes a red, pink, yellow, and orange circle beneath the blue lettered sign. Red circle is ap propriate, one wag noted, since the sign is posted immediately behind the ABC Store, and in South Carolina a red circle auto matically denotes a retail liquor •utlet. IT WILL BE COUNTRY HAM, red - eye gravy, eggs, grits and