Hillsborough Observer . . .of people and events in and around the county seat ■ Said 87 year-old widower Asa Crabtree of Hillsboro, “What I need is a mild-mannered widow with plenty of money." Camp New Hope has received a gift of $4,700 from a friend in Sanford, Local people involved in the camp are business man ager John Latta, board member Ed Barnes, treasurer Bob Stray horn, and program director the Rev. Mr. Tippens. The Orange Industrial Development Corporation had a short . meeting in the Agriculture Building Friday afternoon. President R. B. Fitch presided. Congratulations to the Board of Education for ignoring petty party politics by requesting the Legislature to provide for board members to be elected by popular vote. Present system is for them to he appointed by the Legislature, which means that Republicans donft have a chance to be members. The HJsoncal Sociey Directors had a meeting Friday night but. made no change in their opposition to the 1-85 access. Interest ing ‘information—last Friday, eleven days after word from High way Department that the road was out, a family on the north side of the Eno River received a check in payment for right-of-way. When we drove through Caldwell recently, it hit us with a jolt that, the school had dosed down forever. It had a good principal and good teachers, and although the pupils may be better off at Aycock and Cameron Park, it still made us feel a little sad. We remember that the PTA brought Boy Scouting to Caldwell, and we were delighted to read in the New* last week that the Little River Presbyterian Church had decided to sponsor a troop. Cald well is a fine community of wonderful people who work together. You can squash the story about one of the local eateries serv ing a young negro man a hamburger and soft" drink and then callfaig the Sheriff because he would not pay the four dollar check. It just aint so! Philosophy of the Week: It is no fun to walk unless you can afford to ride. Be seeing you, J. C. REMEMBER DAD! SHOP OUR CHOICE - SELECTION OF APPROPRIATE GIFTS Ciflij riLiiJrtyS (.Mil liif Father's Day = Is Sunday ★ SPORT SHIRTS; $1.49 to $3.98 * Walking Shorts $2.98 to $4.98 HANES UNDERWEAR CIVVIES SHORTS —T-SHIRTS $1.00—3 for $2.95 I ' IUI. II 1 ' ■■ ■ ★ SOCKS ★ TIES ★ BELTS ★ CAPS * JEWELRY ★ Work Clothes * DRESS SLACKS if PAJAMAS *1.98 . $3.98 * Full Line Mmti'u Aceeneries _ ■ I DON'T SWELTER * SLEEP COOL * BE COOL* PLAY COOL WITH GENERAL ELECTRIC QUALITY AIR CONDITIONERS LIKE THIS : "T BIG BUY in BUDGET-PRICED COOLING! MODEL RP202A ROOM AIR CONDITIONER t STHIS IS A FACSIMILE OF JHE NEMA SEAL/Tilt #clual seal, affixed to General IJectric Room Air Conditioners, signifies that BTU/Hr, watts and am pere ratings are certified accurate by the National Llectrical Manufacturers' Association. Low, low price! This quiet, dependable Thinline installs easily in lower-sash win dows or through the wall. Works on any adequate I IJ-volt circuit; draws only 714 amperes—leu current than a toaster. No DOWN PAYMENT from $10 month Or This Latest Innovation From GE installs FAST in Casement Windows/ New 1963 General Electric Pit* neatly Into single-pane opening, give* you powerful, quiet cooling. Low and compact; convenient push-button controls. • MOO OTU/Mr General Electric Fully Automatic Heater that gives you . . . HOT WATER fOU . . . mil FROM $45°° Phone LO 3-9271 Mebane Highway 70-A East "Buy From The Company That Insists On Quality