HONOR PROF. WETTACH—Or. R. H. Wettach of tho Uni versity Law School faculty was honored recently in special ceremonies hold before Chapel Hill's University Lodge No. 408 of Masons whan North Carolina Grand Socrotary Charles Harris (lo#H of Raleigh, presented him a pin denoting Ms SO years of continuous active membership in tho Masonic fraternity. iMennwr&t of the .Masonic lodge a in Chapel'HiU, plus a number o£ Durham Masons, went on an all-' day pilgrimage, to. the Washing ton shrine in , Alexandria, Va. last Thursday. Sponsored by University Lodge No, 40® ol Masons, tlhe tour in cluded stops. at. Mount* Vernon and the. George Washington Ma sonic Memorial in Alexandria. That evening the group joined members of A lex a nd ria-Washi ng ton Lodge No. 22 in their regu lar meeting. While he was Pres ident George Washington him. self was Master of this Lodge. Following that communication the ChLipet Hill group returned home. (Making the tour were: Leo Eliadis, Oard S. Weaver, Feed Free, Diefc MtaCattam, Lloyd Buffet honors officers of Democratic Women * ' -t • .-.--v.i - . .J.■;! ... (Mrs. Jesse West was hostess in her heme in Carrboro to the meeting.