The Kaleidoscope. SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1869. Spcci-il Newspaper Advertising and Gen cral Collechon Agency for N. C. j WM. A. HEARNE & CO., Publishers and Special A gents for the N. C. Piess. and General Agents f3r the, Collection of Claims of erery de- Rcriptiou throughout th- S'ate. Office. Grander Hottl 1 GoldsboroV N. C, ; Are authorized Agents for the " j Ku Klux Kaleidoscope HT" The Cross (X) Mark informs our readers .that the time for which they have subscribed has .expired, and respectfully requests item to renew. . : THE TOURNiYMENT. The Velocipide Tournament which occurred in this place on Friday, the 2d instant, may be truly said to have been the grandest and most brilliant affair of the kind that, has ever taken place. At four o'clock, the hour ap pointed for the commencement of the exercises, the Knights and a large number of spectators, among whom were -tnany of the fair sex, had al- redy gathered . on the selected grounds, evidently quite anxious for tbia new feature in Tournaments to make its entrance bow upon the ares na of the world. Mr. Nixon P. Clingman, one of our most talented young 'to wnsmen, was introduced, and delivered to the Knights a concise, poiuted and very I elegant address, in which he made j several appropriate allusions to the ' cbivalric days of yore," and ad j monished the contestants for the honors to perform their whole duty. I lhis address was a most cbast and beauciful production, andf reflects much credit upon the young gentle men by whom it was delivered. The Judges on this occasion were Capt. T. A. Granger, Dr. J. Miles Hunter and Mr. N. P. Clingman, and the Marshals were MeRsrs. R. B. Gregory, Wm. Davis, F. D. Street and F.f Ll Castex. Time-keeper, ! Mr. L. D. Giddens. After' the speaking was finished Land everything being placed in readi ness the lists were opened and the I following:. Knights entered I to com- pete fcr the. usual honors : j J; H. Parker, as Knight of the Hop ; J. B. Whitaker, Jr., as Knight of the Silver Star ; W. T. Grauger, as Night Before Last; J. D. Robin son, as Knight of the Old .North " State; L. W. Hancock, as Knight of 'the Telegraph ; B. E. Smith j Knight of the Velociptde. Five courses were run to decide the victors, in which the Knight of the Velocipede took the ring three times, the Knights of the Hop and Silver Star twice, ' and the Knights The Judges decided that the Kn'ght LEAF BY LEAF THE of the Velocipede should have thel FALL. honor of crowning the Queen of , Leaf by leaf the tosee fall. Beauty and of Love, and to tbe Knights of Silver Star, Hopaod Night Before Last were awarded the Maids of Honor in the order tnen i tioned. 4 The ladies upon whom the honors were bestowed were: Miss Sallie Jones, Queen ; Miss Georgia Street, First Maid of Honoi ; Mis Jose phine Burnett, Second . Maid of Hon or ; Miss Emma Street, Third Maid of Honor. Our readers will at see that the Sir Knights displayed no bad taste in bestowing the honors Some sweet hope to gladness wed. which they had achieved on the field That sPrinS fn ; - of chivalry. roses, 'ggg Drop by drop, ihr spring run dry 1 One by one, beyond recall, Summer be:ti.s fade and die ; But the rosts bloom again, And the springs will gush anew, In the pleasant, April rain, And the Summer's arm and dew. So in hours of deepest gloom, When the springs in gladness fail, And the rose.s in the bloom, Droop like maiden? wan and pale We shall find some hope that li?s Like a silent gem apart Hidden far Irom Careless eye?, in the garden of the heart. When griefs winter shall have fled ; Givm? o ace to rain and dew At nine o'clock the Koyal family, Some s wen -hop lhat breathes of followed by a large number of the spring gallant gent and beautiful ladies of . Through the wary weary lime our town, marched intd the Ball bufdd'n2 blos '?m,nS . ' . , . In the spirit s glorious clime. room, at U ranger s Hotel, -aud the Terpsichorean exercises o ened with the ceremony of crowning the x-v m uueen. . iur. oungman, m his ac customed happy style, presented the crown to thy Knight of tho Veloci pede, whoi after a short and appro Female Resources. 4Arr sislers Sal and Nance resources, pa? INo, my son. Why did you ask that question f" "Because I heard Uncle John say if you would only husband your re sources, you could get along a good ENIGMAS. . 1. . My first may we'l describe thy heart. What time ii:r" gay and happy art.". My Hist is harder than thy fists. I he study of geologists. My whole is ot the English nation. A statesman of high reputation. Answer next week. They crossed, my Jiist in boats, and cast In waters near the shore my last. I'he moon rose full above the cape, Just like my second in its shape. ' Then mid thel s'and ray whole they found. j A weapon Irom the battle grounds Answer next ceek. My accond is fermented liquor ; Myjirst will furnish drunkards quick er; i Put boih in one, they turn to water. And serve te name a place ofslaugh-. ter. Answer next week. pnate aaaress piacea it upon me dai hetter than you do, And I head of the fair on whom he desig- thought it would ho n. rrnnrf idM. h- I D " t " nated Queen of Beauty and of Love. cause you wouldn't have so many Tl, Aut" mojjiwu oua.ui. uir- young men nere icr supper every coursed by tho band or music tbe Sunday evening that's all, pa !' nfinmnrr nAffan finii ronnniipn wii.n i - , . i 4 . I he lady who burst her sides a ,1 , . - r- laumuL, uau inr:ii iiiruucu uv tier , M 1 i r . . i c . t i . . j 't jj i iiusuanu coming into ner iront parior , . j - i j with muddy boots. t ; i - . , spective places of abode, there to seek sleep, balmy sleep, tired na- J3oy, you are not far from a fool. 'Well, as we aint more than three feet apart, I give in It that," was the ture s sweet restorer. JSvery available space in - and around the commodious Ball room 1 would not wed a vouncr wife, for l .1 o -- - - was filled to its. utmost capacity, by she with balls would bore tne ; I would both young and old, v,ho had come not Wed an old wife ; for she would to witness the Cotonation ceremony, die before me ; nor yet a middU aged The whole affair was a grand sue one, she would with spinisters scan- cess, and we hope our citizens raay,Nl blast me ; nor a widow, with her at no distant period, be favored with last love she sharply would contrast a repetition of this novel chivalric me I would not wed a beauty, she entertainment, which afforded the might in dres prove wasteful ; nor young people so much pleasure and an ugly one, for she would in looks enjoyment. j . prove most distasteful. You see my fond heart can not respond to Hymen's W at e EiiELONS. -'Watermelons I call ; shine bright eyes in your bright f Tub mnrWt ns, but I 11 not wed at all. : on yesterday at twenty-five and thirty cents apiece. The price is quite moderate far the first, and we hope it may be accepted as an omen XSF" During a cross-examination, a witness was asked where his father was. lo which question, with a melancholy air, he responded: Dead. sir drooDed ofl verv sudden that we are to have a bountiful aim- i v a ply of melons this year at low prices, denly ?" was the next question. Foui p!av, sir the sheriff imposed CHILlD Inn linllrIJone nalitro a n A n.t- ting him to go on a platform to look CHARADE. First letters four a root will spell, Which every cook remembers weu ; Last letters four in baking pies; The pastry cook wili recognize. John Bull my middle letter uses. out ofiener far the same abuses. - A wondrous player was my whole. Whose music captivates the soul. , Aiuicer next tvuk. yZZLE. A compositor in a printing. office set up the names of two boy& thus : Petr Paule . . What proverb did his act express I Ansicer next week. " "WORD SQUARE. V . Furnish five words meaning faultlj a man's name : a ship's lading ; ar dently desirous ; a reckoning. Answer next tceel: ANSWERS TO LAST. Enigma-A good life keeps off wrinkles." Rebus Monkey Unicorn Lion Elephant. ' - Puzzle No. 1 If the grate be (great B) empty (mt) put coal on (colon) ; if the grate be full, stop (period) putting coal on. Puzzle No. 2 Treernend-us (Tremendous). Transposition The Teaon why a bear should sck A dry-good shop seems puzzling, And so I'd state that there he'd want Just nothing else but muzzling. Before Last one time One Thousand Dollars Reward. One thousand dollars reward will at a 5e,ecl audience, suddenly Li be given by its bereaved mother for knocked a small trap door out from his safe return. 'Was missing from under him, and m falling he got en- ouver oiariwice, ana tne mghts u7-wuw "u.wl 7UW' J" tangled in a rope, from the effects of of the Telegraph; Old North State an( oth,n? aince been heard di- exuired 1A Tf t. . rect fiqra him, but information has 1,e expired. jjviui & jjasb uuo iiiiio i i : j it.. u .. i i ' . i noon T-r"n l tpii i ii :i i. xiii'ii u. mil h iiuv was seen to riass throurh Oxford, in A Senator from one of tho moun- the possession of a wagoner, and is tain districts of Tennessee on his ar supposed to be in Granville Person r'1Tai at x&shville to take bis seat, w range, ouiuoiu, xwcKinguaui, -.i.. t . i i C. or TTftlifar conntv. Vl When PUt UP at a first clas3 il0le, whcn taken away he was four years old, a tbe .following occurred on taking his beautiful fair skin, blue-eved boy. seat at the table: Senator to ser- ina reaaer, is tnere sucn a ooy in vant 11 W hat is Your victuals r the Umily of any wagoner in your SerYanl. What wiU you b ave sirt tea or coffee?" Senator ' Tea." i and i each.. - H.' There being a tie between the I Knights of the Hop and Silver Star another tilt was made by them "to decide which ! should crown the I i i First Maid j of Honor. In this tilt Silver Star was successful, and. Hop won the Second iMaid of Honor. Another course-was then run be tween the other; Knights to decide (the right of crowning the Third , 2diaia oi nonor, in wnicn. in mat tse 1 lore Last was victorious. neighborhood? I MRSM. CHANCEY, . 'Beaufort Co., N. C. Address Dr. O.'W. BlacknaIx, Wcldon, N. 0. Servant -? What kind of Senator "Store tea, by tea? : do you suppose I come here to drink sapsafrax?v'- . . . CONUNDRUMS. . Why is a young I id y. just from boarding school like a bnilding com mittee ? Because she is ready to re ceive proposals. - V !, ii at is the difference between a civilized diner and a person who sub-." sists at the north pole ' One has his bill of fare, and lie ether h& his fill of beir. Why is a pawnbroker like a drunk ard? Becau. ? he takes the pledge, but cannot always keep it. Why would lawyers and doctors make good soldiers? Because the know how to charged What is better than ft promising young man ? Why, a paying one, of cjurse. VVhen is a man not a man? When he's a shaving. When is a bed not a bed ? When it's a little buggy. What is the political character of wUr wheel? i-cvolutionarr. r

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