V v - J - LOCAL j Financial. An editor in responie j, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I . i i i II . .1 . t ' I to a snoscnoer wno grumoi?s mat uis j Excursion to IMorehead ok the I morning paper is always intolerable 23d. -We are requested to slate that damp, says that it is because there is so rauch dew on it. Nmv, there is a little due on several e excursion from Macrnblia to More- read City, Beaufort, Fort Macon, and : her points of interest on the eastern nore wiU,crertainly take place on the tod instant, othei arrangements hav- ng neen periectea since tne, an nouncement of the abandonment of e idea, made in the last issue of the EWS.; . ' ' Public Meeting.- A , meeting ot e citizens ot ijoidsoorj lownsnip 1 i ill be held at the Court House io y (Saturday), at 12 o'clock, to minate two candidates (or Justices 'd the Peuce, one Constable, one ( erky and three ' Common School Committeemen td be voted for on the fi 5t Thursday in j August. Whether tl. is is . to be a party meeting or' not we do not know. , copies of the Kaleidoscope, but, strange to'say, it is of very selaom occurrence that a complaint is enter ed. If those of our readers who have grown so callous as lo quietly submit to such audacious treatment don't :ake the hint soon, and have the due remov Tilt: FALL SESSION OF MRS J. B W hi taker's School, wll commence oo the 2d f Au?u-r. Terms, $10 00 per sesfioa of 20 wf eVi. Muiic. $2900 pereessi -v. fuel, fl.GO. Pupils received at any time, and charg ed from dtte of entrance No deduction made for lost time, except in cases of protracted eicknes Public patronage is respecif-lV solicit ed. : G.ldbnro July 7, 18C9. . . t ia a " a ed from their paper, wefwiii be torcea J THE 'LITTLE MISSOUR1AN" to get after them with a sharp sticlV . lor a man might, as well attempt to DEVOtki770Temperaxce and nonsense. quench phosphorescent emanations NEW ADVERTISEMENT. THE MOST IMPORTANT DISCOVERY . Id Modern Pharmac.- a from the tail-end of a lightning-bug Oicb, rare and racy; aud warran'elta .l . L 1' . 1 nlafl verbo ir. Circulation larger wun a squingun as 10 iry 10 run r ' J , . V. i 1 i . than auy other paper tmblished in Ma newspaper without sponduhx. Iued every other Thursday at 50 eta a rr" : 71 ; . , year ; six. months, 2a eta: specimers 5 c;g ' hii tliirrt email ( rwin(r hv J ' ' i .... f M 41 - ...lit. IBffi- - w J I 1. CONCENTCATKD COMPOUND EXTRACT ov ; mne Iree. A copy zt the "Money SSiT ivir. o am i appointed Agent L. Dill has been of the A. & N. C. Railroad at ibis placen'ce Gen. J W. Cox, removed J I the North Carolina Real and Personal Maker s Method" given to tt a : , ,n A.v ' aenbera. Advertisement r . I Rook nublishprs can nav c - m - . 21 the "Money -p-r 7- T! - ' fjr aaver lsine in I 9 O The bou Education. -The fall session of Mrs. J. B. WhUaker's chool will open on Mcnda V August 2d. The reputation which Mrs. W. has won as a teacher renders it unnecessary for us to say more than make the;, above announcement. For terms, &c, see advertisement! in this issue. ; ' h i Mr. E. G. Copeland has been ap pointed to fill the vacancy existing in the Board of Carrtmissioners ol this County caused by the death of Jas H. Place, ;Esq, FOR THE, CUES OT Obstinate and Losg-Standing OK CIIR052C DISEASES OF THE J Tije Election In V ijr g ix i a Walker Elected by a tARGE major ITV- Virginia, at the election held on Tuesday last, the 6th inst., accord inir to latest returns, gave-Walker, the "True Republican'' candidate for Governor, a majority of neaily 40,000 oer hU adversary, Vells, the Radi cal candidate. The Walker ticket has a.majority of fifty in the Legisla- lure on joint batlot, and aM but three of the representatives to Congress elect are members of the Walker par- , In compliance with the call i issued by the Iayor a-numher of our citizens held a meeting in the Court Hodse on Thursday night last, for the nurnose of taking iato consideration the rjuestion of forming a Hook and Ladder Compwiy. At f Jtn time a committee of three was appointed to solicit membership, and a number of thoe present enrolleU their n unes. - ThP meetins adjourned to Wednes day night next, the 14th inst., and it is hoped that all wno are inicicsitu in the welfare of the town will be present at that time. ,lt ' Ice Cream Saloon. Mr. W. H. reeman has recently fitted up an ice-cream saloon in th room just i above .his Confectionery establisn LPnL where he is prepared to furnish I our citizens with- this delicious sum- frher luxury. . 'he excursiomsts from Wilsor. the -book "advertised, by eendn g us a copy, r ' 1 r 1 1 ' 1 .t u post raid No other terms, nd for bmithville, passed through v Addreii Jon N. Hutchison- PabV our burg at an early hour;- yesterday Joly ir, 1C 3t. Oitervillc, Mo. f Frldav morninfT. The tra'n of five or six csaches was densely crowded SEED WHEAT SEED Jl'HE&TS and we learn that as many as a hun- -ttte cat.x, the attention dred who Were desirous of aCCOmpa- IaraUlofthe beat Winter Ned Wheat I iu ihliranntrT.' JTIr. Drltz hat selected .1 . . I on hit Nrrd IVhrnt limrrimf nml Farm I ed to remain at home OWing tO tlieir near Chauibersbui-K, Ia nud now of. tj 7 TT - 77- T inability tO procure Seats.. former to .end for the Experimental I-- lUU 14 J J-Jl'K" J .- f ' I Viovm Jftarn !. In whirl a dfirrinllnn I . ' i L 1 and price list ia gireii- Nr. Deifz will O AD xVCClDET MCAK ILKIAUJU.N. -As the steamer Brandt was return- ing trom an excursion to me uiacK Piali RnL's. rn TTont!av lst With a. r ! c '.u:.... Office Chief pany iut-.uiMe ut im.y, .uu W:,m:n.on i . c.. r x7:im:n o- wiien auuui uvc nines num umig ton,. small piecelof the steam dome, blew out into the smoke-stack, carry injr away the damper an4 filling the boat with hot -steam. Two young men, Messrs. yvm. . ivieares, anu 5-Qm. and price list i gireii- Jir. jueitz will I ar . tend one copy free to all who tend for il. TVcrV OUS OySlCUl, 43kC, Address OFO. A.DEITZ, . . ajnamaersDars, rv I seen as . I Scrofula, and . all Scrofulus, Erup I fre, Cutaneous Jfurcurial, and 5y pAtVtVie affections.- Chronic Rlbcuma- timtNeurdlgiat Erysipelas t Pimples, Blotches, Boil, Old Ulciri, Tetter, W. & W. R. R. CO., ) :f Lno. & U EN L S UP T., ,N.C, April 21,1869:) F" I i urn Y ' ' - bund tance could reach him. a watery grave before assis- rwntifi tft T.itPr.rV AfTxi,fl T.Bftmnh. Mr. E. Mo I Arts. Science. Ntwi. Paetrr. and Arlvr lUll vV a, wo w w ' - - - - -w r J w " Henry GilHcan who was in the en- t5."nK. A sketch of foreign life rablish lirurjf ",,k'ai , , d every imnth. Editorials. Price One gine room at the time of the explosion Dollar a Year. A .box of G odspeed'a i' :" 1 . ! . k -. f.nm miViVi Pi ol fi 1 Fntintnin Ppii, aont n rtr s,li received monai mjuncs, nwm , ' ' V ---.j ! I mihCrriKF trr iKTO Thr nana irrilo . died a few hours after the occut- ..y - J.j;; dip"0f ,X gii nee of the sad accident. Master PLE COPIED 12 CENTS 1're-pnia. -its- See adverUtemept of Ztfe jiV.-..nffriifn.' Dublished semi-monthly lat Otterville, Mo., by J no. v. nuicn, nson, at 50 cents a year. ; "Uicn, are nd racy, and varranteu to p.ease he re Neil S. McLaurin received a severe scalding but it is thought his injuries will not prove fatal. Our Wilming ton exchanges speak in terms of high praise of the heroic conduct of the eicursionists on f the Waccamaw in their exertions to rescue the drown ing men Koskoo, the great Liver' Invigorc- tor, .Blood Purifier, and Renovator, prepared by Dr. J. J. Lawrence, the celebrated Physician and Chemist, is a safe, plteasant, and reliable rem edy, for the prevention and cure of all diseases caused by a torpid liver, IMPURE BLOOD, blSORDEnS Of the KID NEYS, or debility of the nervous sys- TEM. It regulates the secretions, ERAD ICATES all humors or taints, restores lost or wasted nervous power, and at the same time builds up and imparts t,one and vigor to the whole system. K S RILKY. Jr.. Publisher. May 23. 0 3m. 49 S. Charles St. REMINGTONS' CT R E ARM S. I Sold by the Trm&tt tScnerally , A TO EXCURSIONISTS. rriO StPVLY A PUBLIC DEMAND, Snlt Rheum also. Chronic Liver 0.-0 . a I " J W utooro. ...... . wu 1U ,8 nereby given tbat exeur-1 ' . Chas. R. Arey sprang overboard to sin trains of three cars or less wrll be run Uomplaine, JJyspepsia, uavnuice, , . i i i- r .i. - I over tnv nart of this road for a dmtanee I - . . rr. J I - josiivencsSf iervous xituuuwic, Yervous .Debility f Epilepsy , Gleet, :s man one aoiiar per mue run lonewavi. i , , i- r , j un sucn. trains passencers win be car- o e.m., wuh a party of colored . TOd at the nto of tlU ntaparmil. eoins IMrcBIT,ES 0r POVEBTT of the Blo0a,- ctirsioaists," was a jew miles oenina, and relcrnin?, equal to one cent per mile seeing the acciient, hastened to the each way. For a larger number f cars a torpidity of the Liver, DISORDERS & i I nronortional increases to 1p rhartre. .' r rescue, and arrived in time to save ? r S. L FREMONT ot the Kidneys or Urinary urgans,- Messrs. Arey andjEilers, who were June 30, 7 3t. Chief iog. and Scp't Debility of the NcrYout Systtm, fcc. nil i a a a u u u a. v. u iu w ao w. ww-a i-Tu...AaA Miiai b w m m r v l m l o l . . . i 1 1 mHE f!AT HfJR i f DiiTiun.r tr a i meyrMv. v tmn. hnt thfi tioav or ,ir. leares ill U I I . , .1 I lrtnthlv KrnrflaP nf T.iiar.tnri A Liberal Discount to Dealers. 300,000 furnUhed V. . CJoTernmeat ARMY. NAVY, BELT, POLICE and xi. POCKET RevoWera , Repeating and Vest Pocltet Pistols and Rifle Canes, uing Metallic Cartrilge. Ureecaxioaamg anu Rttvolvmjt Kifles. . . REMINGTON & SONS. 8-5t. Ihoa. N 1. Steel Engravings T3EAUTIFUL STEEL ENGRAVINGS suitable for painting can oe pur chased at lovr prices at the store of j; HENRY BAKER. Ap.il 2t, T tf. Uader News Office. cine over all others is,tbat it thof' oughty eradicates all humors and taist. and at the same tiraecianjf the Stomach : and Licer to an active. healthy stae ivigorates the Kcrv ous System, reneics vitality, and can be relied on as a safe, pleasant, and positive remedy. FORMULA AROUND EACII BOTTLE. This preparation is prepared by an experienced, and well-known Phyi- ician and Chemist, who has thorough-" ly tested it in a large practice. It iJg therefore, submitted to the public with full confidence that its great merit ttill I caus it to have a popularity unequal-- xd in the history of Medical Prepara- PRICE,- - $1.00 PER BOTTLE; X- Prepared only by J. j; LAWRENCE, M. D., Ciinnsr' Norfolk, va. I Fop. sali; bt ill DnuGoirrs. ! Julv 3d, 1669; 15-ChJ' ; i i t fcvery uuu,h