PUBLISHED SEMI MONTHLY. YOLIIIIIE Till. SHIELD.” HAL.Ivl«H, NORTH CAROLINA, FEBRUARY 1«, 1851. $1 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. NUMBER «. THE CHRISTIAN SUN is Published Semi-Monthly by HENRY B. HAYES, Publishing Aoent. Edited by W. B. Wellons, J. R. Holt, H. B. H*yes. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Chesley F. Faucette, Thomas I. Kilby, Alfred Isley, R. H. Holland, E. F. Watson, J. B. Hinton, Alsey B. Freeman. Terms. One dollar per annum, payable in advance or one dollar and twenty-five cents if payment be delay ed six months. No paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at the discretion of the Publisher. Any person obtaining five subscribers, and forwarding the money in advance, shall receive the sixth copy one year for his services. Advertisements, consistent with the character of the paper, will be inserted at the following rates; fourteen fines or less for the first insertion one dollar, each subse quent insertion twenty-five cents. They must be accom panied with a responsible name. A reasonable reduc tion will be made to those who advertise by the year. All communications for the Christian Sun must beatrei Trected to H. B. Hayes, Raleigh, N. C.. free of post age, or they may not bef attended to. COMMUNICATIONS. For the Christian Sun. A NORTHERN TOUR. > No. V. The lime having arrived for us to leave the Ni agara Falls ; we stepped on the cars at half past i two o’clockrP. M. on the 8th of Oct. In about j one hour and 15 minutes we were at Buffalo, a distance of 22 miles. Buffalo is situated on Lake Erie, and is one of the most thriving and stiiring cities in Western New York. Its population at present is about 30 thousand. 1 passed through some of the most busy and thronged streets, and did not *ee but one colored person in the place. 1 learned that a few days before about 300 fugi tive slaves had left their for Canada. All through the Northern States the fugitive slave bill recent css is producing great excite ®le ; and many are stopped at the yas treated i Pro own the Hudson river. The scenery on this v@r is grand beyond description. Passengers Vui la giauu uiiv* — o ave a view of .the Catskill mountains, thd 41 al ades ” a,nd many splendid privnte mansions sit ated all along the river. On this river you have view of “West Point.” The river is in many laces quite narrow, but very deep. No lover of ature and natures works can fail to be delighted rilh a passage up or down this river. We arrived at New York City about twilight, nd was conducted to Elder 0. Barr’s. He vfas bsent attending a meeting of the " Sons of Tem lerance,” but were welcomed by his kind Lady, ■nd early retired to rest. The 11th, of Oct. was spent in the city. Elder Jarr and Bro. Hamlin took much pains in con lncting Elder Weston aud myself, to all the most nteresting places in the City. We first visited he ship yards were several large ocean steamers ire in course of erection. s There was much to in erest us here, which would not be interesting to >ur readers. Next we visited Grace, and Trinity ihurches ; ascending the steeple of Trinity chureji Dme 300 feet, vVn had a splendid view of the ity, and Brooklyn. Trinity Church has more ealth than any other Church in the United Sta es; ut I did not think it was as well finished, and le interior as pretty as Grace Church. I need ot say they are both Episcopalian Churches. F the cost and beauty of a house adds to the de otion and piety of those that worship in it; then should conclude the worshipers in these houses re very pious and holy people. At another Church in the city fronting the street r a marble statue intended to re present the Apos le Paul with a Bible under one arm, and a sword l the other hand ; ready X suppose to preach he gospel of peace, and to fight with a sword if lecessary.' 1 wondered in my mind if He, whose ;i»gdom is not of this world, would own a man arrying a sword in one hand and a Bible in the itlier, to be one of his Apostles. Again I won lered if St. Paul should visit our earth if lie would iver think that marble figure represented him. We spent an hour pleasantly in the “ Arts Union,” where some of the most beautiful paintings in the "orld may be seen. H tturnum’s Museum ” we spent an hour or iany natural curiosities to'hiterest other interesting places not allow us to give a 'oik/street nous souls Our cause requires it. ocean of time in the ship j I^ia nnct anrl tVin nlrf chin ill outride the waves, ie port of endless rest. My dear lay-brother, you nave a wort to do as f*l 1 as your Minister. Ynu-ean pray for the suo ss of the Church ; y*fu can counsel, encourage d strengthen your weaker brethren, and so act well your part in the work of the I-ord. r Sisters a word to you. O let us have your in- j luence in the good work. You have unconverted 1 iindred around you, try by your example and en- t .reaties to lead them to the cross of Christ. 1 Mr. Editor you have a work to do. Much de- c pends upon the manner in which the Organ of our r Church is conducted. Should it still continue to j idvocate the liberal principles of our denomina- 1 lion, it will exert a powerful influence in favor of 1 our beloved Zion. 1 But Mr. Editor, I have already exceeded my e intended bounds. I hope I shall be pardoned for thus doing. I long to see the church I love flour- t ish and prosper. It is my daily prayer. And I hope to see the time when her success and glory shall be seen from land to land, from sea to sea ; and millions yet unborn behold her rising glory. 1 ' M. B. BARRETT. Littleton, Va., January 1851. For the Christian Sun. THE CASE OF THE RECHABITES, Sustaining the legitimate principles of the Sons of Temperance, or an appeal to all truly Chris tian and liberal minded people. ’ Bko. Hayes : Under the above heading, I of fer you a few thoughts on true temperance, sim ply to advance correct view's on an absorbing sub ject, without intending/to provoke controversy ; mubh less angry controversy in the columns of our periodical. Indeed tli'e plan you and I named in conversation, and which, I rejoice to see has prevailed dfjaie ift the “Sun,” is doubtless best as to all differences of opinion-among brethren writing for publication, viz: to give their own re flections in temperate and not denunciatory terms, without directly adverting td others views in con flict with, theirs. This plan accords best with the very fjrst/principles of human liberty,- as express ed in th/ North Carolina Almanac, page-fourth, “It is the very essence of freedom, that man should do whatever he pleases without injury to another.” And I vary .the expression as to the essence of true liberty, by saying rt consists in every man thinking, judging, and acting for him jielf in all things lawful, without sinning against others by violating Inland equity. And l add, that the very essence of tyranny is that of sup pressing by denunciation and violence individual, Lawful, free thought, judgment and action. Hence, iy the exercise of “ eternal vigilance as the price )f liberty,” and in view of the one and the other )f the foregoing first principles of freedom and .yranny, were effected the most splendid achieve snts recorded in history, i. e., the Reformation “^’.merican Revolution. imrmcr now attacuea oy inis popisu expius inst the right of private judgment, that n has a right to think for himself in Re aud the latter by all fanatical, persons more of themselves and their personal otions " than they ought to think,” or ,ers think, except those of tljeir clique or s the reverse of such thinking, each free our country ought to think for himseli temperance, politics, doctoring, and wfully. ticisru is now rife in our country under aspects, we will here define it, to its starting place. then, is a human invented sin, in emn the innocent as guilty in view 'he Bible definition of sin is that of ah\ law of God as contained in. the ,lleVj man invented sin receive no perN| Bible, they must be consid orign, such as those of the ats, and swallowing cam others, even in the ex e worthy actions. For nee of holy regard for ned Christ for heajjpg etence ’of superior re fling Christ a glutton this subject, which I rtray, as the most insidi 1 its doings. I will de it mates obligatory what ; in the exercise of Chris contrary of such grievous j jiidage as rhe Apos tie Paul! little upon this point, be-1 irectly. in conflict with our I points' T>f fftith iMid'prac-f plicated multitude instead of les of faith for Christian so organization : for through the ian creeds, no man or set of men, rpret the Bible for his fellows by iis own interpretation as infallible well as himself; not only the first in virtues, charity, is trampled in worse than infidel hatred engendCr nd brings on horrid persecutions, in roperty and life. To illustrate this s fully, I take the instance of St, Paul “ He thatgiveth her in marriage doeth e thatgiveth her not id marriage doeth evidently meaning that to marry, or not depends on circumstances and choice, marrying in itself is praiseworthy ora bless but not to marry where duty and choice were concerned was no crime, but oven better or pre ferable. Here, the Bible leaves the matter for aach individual to think and judge for himself, to fithe* enjoy matrimony, or to decline it. But mark, what a benevolent and liberty giv ng^Jod leaves optional, wicked and despotic men nnkcs obligatory ; as in case of some anti-Christs, is the Apostle predicted would rise up as a spe ial mark of Christian apostncy, aud forbid to narry. Eclesiastical bigotry making it a crime o enjoy a blessing that might not only be dechn d, but better perhaps if the choice led that way o decline or enjoy it. Thousands of like instan es might be given from the Bible, of duty deter lined by individual choice. I am one that re- I lices, that no trammels put upon any by an ar- ] ritrary creed concern, as to modes of ^dminis- I ering Baptism in the Christian Church; but all sft to a free choice, and no regard as to Church i rganization, that nothing indifferent to God as to i lodes of baptism, or as to position of body in j irayer; but that from diversity of usages by j lible recdrd, and diversity of practices in all ages j iy most excellent Christians now in Heaven, it j i fairly presumable that God is pleased to see ! very one please himself as to nonesseutials. Another instance of duty relative and not posi- j ive, illustrative of our views, is that of the Apos- j le’s teaching, that as to eating meat offered to j iols right or wrong, according to the conscience ,nd choice of the Christians of his day; and his leclaring he would not eat meat as long as the vorld last, if it offended a brother, is a matter if mere personal choice in him ; and if this say ng wrested as in the case of ‘‘ better not to mar y ” or remain single as he chose to be, make it ibligatoty for all Christians to so trammel them- j elves as to meats or drinks, as to consider them- j elves obliged to refrain at all, much less literally ] lot to eat meat if another professor is opposed o it, appears to me not only totally perverting .he Apostle’s doctrine of freedom of conscience, n the very case to eat or let alone, but as wicked - y absurd against' the highest Christian virtue, diarity, as that of anti-Christ forbidding to marry, nid often connected with such anti-christian infi lelity, is the Jesuite principle of doing evil that rood may come, the Apostle pronouncing the lamnation of such just. As strikingly illustrative ot the.foregoing ideas, ind of what ought to be real freedom and charity is to Christian temperance and other tnatters de sending on individual liberty of choice, I select ,he case of the Rechabites, as set forth in the }5th chapter of Jeremiah. In view of their pe-t mliarities and free toleration therein among the Jews, I might suppose the Rechabites of old so .ihgrateful and tyrannical as to denounce and ath irwise attempt to'force the rest of Isarel to stop Irinking wine, living in houses, and being farmers. On the other handvsuppose the rest of isarel had lttempted to force'the Rechabites to drink . wine, live in houses, and to be agriculturist; for all three j of these abstinent (not properly temperance) things put in the same category,llic one as much ! obligatory by choice or agreemenl'-as the other. | But the one side in the supposed cases/making it a human invented sin to enjoy certain blessings,j and the other making it a sin to abstain therefrom. Whereas intrinsically, or apart from agreement or choice, neither the one or the oilier a sin or transgression of any divine or human law,-but in regard to a pious obedience to an ancestors in junction, the Rechabites were praise worthy, and their example in this respect a reproof to the transgressors of divine laws in Isarel, and so used by the Prophet. And certainly no censure named or implied against others enjoying said blessings or privileges ; but the reverse understood, if grant ed that tineyard business of building houses, and sowing and reaping were praiseworthy pursuits of life among the people of God at that time, and no Clirisiidn I suppose can fail to grant this. Be it remembered however, that as instances of their severity on others, John was said to have 9, devil because he chose to be abstinent, and “ the Son of man who came eating and drinking ” was called a glutton and w^ne bifabejj as an excess in boLh irresistibly implied that Christ was slander ed as intemperate, (or as a drunkard) as well as a glutton. And again, they charged him with be ing in league with Satan, and thus they were so guilty as to incur the danger of unpardouable sin. For such attacks, indicating tlieir deep toned hy pociisy, they were called vipers, serpants, <tc. According to theTprimary Protestant principle, and for fearless ind magnanimous adherence to which, thousands of martyrs have surrendered all dear on earth, and even life itself; for one man i has as good a right as another to interpret the j Bible for himself, or to think for himself in reii j gion, and all that pertains thereto, and of course i temperance not excepted. The exercise of such j | a privilege, is the greatest nohility on earth, ac cording to-scripture, for by the free exercise of this privilege the Bereans were more noble than the Thessalonicans, because they examined daily for themselves as to religion. How tyrannical j then for any man or set of men to undertake to think for others, and to condemn and persecute others iu any way for. the clear exercise of a Bible, I is well as a republican privilege? And I would is lieve have the Pope or any man fo make me a' 3ible, as to have the exclusively authorative inteP \ iretation of that now made. The Eclesiaslic des >ot does not say believe the Bible as you under land it, but as I tell you it means, or as a Ro- j nanist when asked how he believed? said as his j1 ’riest ; and how the Priest believed ? lie answer- ■ d as the Pope ; and inquired of him how they : 11 believed ? he replied they all believed alike. !ut all bigots surely do unite in one thing at least, j nd that is in denouncing and persecuting in some cay, so far as power possessed by all those not f their faith, mistified as it often is. But not so rith the Rechabites in their peculiarities, and berefore the Rechabites were no denunciatory iersecuting bigots. We read of not a word of | ensure or denunciation they east upon others, to/ or«e them into their ranks ; nor a word of others ' \ Isarel against them or their peculiarities. But j1 lerfect liberty, and reciprocity, as to recognising 1 "itmil rights, appear to have prevailed at the 1 me, so far at least as we are informed, and so ir were both temperate in sentiment as well as i action. But suppose some drunkard of their ] a}' had denounced them as making slaves of i lemselves by signing a " pledge,” or having no i ght to abstain from wine, living in houses, sow- i ig and reaping? Whom would they have re- i mi bled among us at this period of the world ? i >oes it not enter into the essence of liberty for a i tan to bind himself, or decline binding uimself i o anything he pleases of a self denying nature, >rovided no law is broken thereby ? Or suppose he Rechabites had denounced and rilified—and hus persecuted in character, if not by fire and iword others for temperate drinking of wine, (as hf'old Pharisees/ did Christ) and not living in ente, and for sowing and reaping ? Whom among is at this day would they have resembled ? If t understand the legitimate principles of the Sons of Temperance, they are similar to those of the dechabites of old, simply abstinent as legitimate or genuine sons, without denunciation or persecu tion in any way of others, not choosing entire abstinence as to all liquors capable of intoxicating when intemperately used. If any principle not avowed behind the eurtain does exist, I should for one, like to ire informed. But I trust this is not the case. Respectfully vours <fec., SIDNEY WELLER. P. S. Having alluded to the fact that our Chris tian order have three cardinal principles, setting forth their views in religion, and thus eschew non essentials** which differences of opinion encroach not upon the grand Christian virtue, charity, as complicated human creeds often do. I will here lefine the three as I understand them : 1st—The Bible is our only rule of Christian faith and practice. 2d—Christ our only Saviour, wd 3d—a good life the only evidence of good re ligion. I add, as briefly explanatory, that each one of our members is to believe the Bible (or iiimself by his own, and not another’s interpreta tion; and to exercise the great Protestant princi ple, “ to think and act for himself in religion.” V 8. W. Prom the Spirit of the Age. DEATH OF THE INEBRIATE. BY ISAAC N. WALTER. I once knew a young gentleman whose pros pects were fair and blooming as the flourishing laurel. As for opulence, the stream trf wealth unbidden lifted him ; as for honors, they were heaped upon him as a being superior ; and for ac complishments and sense, the world was proud of hirn.boib as a gentleman and scholar. But alas! for youthful glory and honors proud ! That gen tleman, the idol of society, the source and centre of all attraction, and the being where spir its bowed before him in adoration to his majesty, was doomed to exchange the sunshine of gladness and buoyancy, for the gloom of a miserable and declining pilgrimage. From his boyhood to the age of twenty-one, he evinced nothing beyond what votaries exhibit who mingd&Jn the festive scenes of hilarty among the gay throng. From twenty-one to twenty-five it was evident from bis associates that his respecta bility was on the wane, and that the individuals who_once claimed "his attention and presence, were now loathsome to his sight, as his sensibil ity was benumbed by the withering influence of his new associates, abandoned and corrupt. His best friends discovering the sad change in his con dition, eloquently exhorted him to reform, and re trieve that reputation which once dignified his na ture and his name. But in vain did they plead for the salvation of such a man. His mind had insensibly taken the hue of those around him : he persisted in the course preposterous and strange as it was, until the grovelling propensities and de sires of his associates werein unison with his; and he like them, a prey to foul corruption and base sen: suahty. The scene of horror now commences, a dreadful trembling seizes him, a mournful sh'ud dering deepens the anguish of self prostitution and abasement. Thrown into confusion, raptured and alarmed, frantic,Twild, and horrible to behold, he rolls and tosses upon bis bed, he groans and mut ters in agonizing shouts and bursting- wails, eall , ipg upon the vague and chimercial forms of his ! ph-renzied brain unutterable despair and lamenta i tion. But at length, during an interval of ration ality, he thinks of a friend of his bosom. He sent I for him, and it was his wish to receive counsel at his hands. His friend enters the room with contending emotions, all struggling in his bosom. A scene of horror and dismay ! “ O, generation of vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell!” Up pon the bed is stretched a form once of youthful mould and beauty, divested now of all grace and symmetry, with the mildew of ruinious dissipation ind loathsome corruption all settled around him, ips languid and fervid; limbs aching and lying, from physical and intelllectual decline: he cheek once flushed with roses, crimson-dyed tnd fair, now pallid and wrinkled with'the marks )f the spoiler : and all the expression of the man >ne presentation of dissolution. Behold him lay lpon his dying bed ! Delirium tremens has ieized, and gapes the jaws of barbaric death, to Irown his sin stricken soul. View him as he vrithes with insufferable anguish, his soul now summoned to the awful tribunal of God, ns he ies trembling upon the last promontory of exis ,enee, with eternity in view—big with the incon teivable terrors of tophet, while he only says in anguage faint and low, before his spirit’s last iutter. What shall I do to be saved ? The curtain of eternity lift, and look down the Ireadful steep below, the thick palpable outer darkness, rolls up before my startled eyes, white ten thousand hissing fires and deathless groans of mguisli—desperate, unassuaged, arrest ray ven urous, and appal my trembling soul, and the twful sound salutes my year—Lost! lost! forever ost! The Publishers of the New York Sun, Messrs, leach, have recently put in operation a printing aaehiue of extraordinary capacity and perform ,nee. It has eight printing cylinders, and prints ibout eighteen thousand sheets per hour—the ma rine itself disposing of the printed sheets. It is he latest improvement of Col. Hoe. of New York, ind is a wonderful achievement of inventive ge nus. ,

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