For the Christian Sun. THE PRIMITIVE CHURCH AND HER MINISTERS. Broth kr Hates. I here hand you the first number of a series of views concerning the Primi tive Church and her Ministers, whieh I have writ ten out, as my infirmities in advanced life have permitted. If you deem them worthy of it, you are at liberty to publish them in the Sun. The subjects referred to, are of very deep interest to all jour readers; but whether that interest will be impaired or enhanced by my manner of treat ing them, remains to be seen. It is agreed on all hands, that theqhurch of Christ had her origin at Jerusalem, roofe than eighteen hundred years ago, under the preaching of Christ and his Apostles. At the beginning, her number consisted of about one hundred and twenty souls. But on the day of Pentecost, the Holy Ghost fell on the Apostles and fully qualified them for their great work of preaching the Gospel with power and success, saving souls from death, and planting churches. Accordingly on that very day about three thousand souls were converted under their preaching, were baptized and added to the church, and soon afterwards, on another day, five thousand more: and so rapidly did the work of evangelising the world, progress, in the face of the fiercest op position that it overleaped the boundaries of Pal estine, overspread Greece, Asia, Africa and the whole Roman empire. One of the first astonish ing movements, was, the planting of the seven churches in Asia, and also in the principle cities, everywhere, where Christ whs preached. All these churches and their members; were but parts of one whole—united church, knit together with love, interest and effort having one communion name, by which they were (known everywhere, and acknowledging no other,'as their appropriate distinctive appellation, to wit; Christian the name doubtless, given by Divine appointment, as the only proper one by which the whble body of be lievers throughout the world, and through all coming time, should be- called a!nd known; in fulfilment of the promise made by the Prophet Isaiah eighteen hundred years be remarkable words—“And thou s by a hew name, which the'mouth shall name.” fore, in these halt be called of the LORD In the second of Acts, the full length portrait (drawn to the life by the hand of am sister) of the Primitive church, in her youthful beauty, is un surpassed by any tiling this side of Heaven* for simplicity and exquisite loveliness. “ And tmey ” —the newly gathered members of the church— “ continued stedfastly in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayers.” So united, so linked together by love, so heavenly minded, so zealous and so happy, wereMier members, that nothing could withstand her moral power, or resist her triumphant pro gress to tiniversal dominion. But, alas! tlie arch-destroyer of all good, the enemy of God and Man, sought to divide and con quer the church, even before the Apostles fell asleep, by instigating restless men who had crepl into her fold, to endeavor to put asunder, those whom love and sympathy bad knit and God made one, and array them into separate parties, undei the names of Paul, Apollus and Cephas, as theii leaders. The Apostle Paul, with a holy indigna tion, which so well became the occasion, severely rebuked and promptly put down this suicidal movemet, and demanded of these partisan bigots— “ Who was Paul or Appollos, or Cephas ?” Were they any other than mere men, humble Ministers . by whom they had been brought to believe ‘ Had either of them been crucified for them ? Was Christ divided ? If not, no more should his church and people be. And not only Paul, but also all the writers ol the New Testament, and the LORD himself, ofter repeated the fearful warnings against schisms it the church, and awful threatning against those who should cause divisions among his people, whom it was his will and prayer should ever con tinue one in union aud fellowship. Dreadful will be the reckoniu^, which awaits those ambitious priests and partisans bigots who, in utter despite of these warnings and threatnings, have rent intc antagonistic fragments, the Lamb’s wife, kindled up the strifes of ages for human made names and creeds, disciplines and forms ; slain hecatombs o human victims by fi*e, sword, gibbet, dungeon: and chains, to compel dissenters to pronounci their party shibboleth, or die. Thus lias Chris been divided and put to open shame in the housi of his friends; infidelity armed with a formidabli weapon against Christianity, and the Church shorn of much of her moral power for usefulnes in the world. xv uiuou mibi voui>g si Jv^xiii y m/i c. m iov-o . v/ whom was the Primitive Chprch composed ? Ii settling this question, each one can readily deter mine for himself, whether he rightfully belongs t the Church of Christ or not. The Apostle Pau very clearly tells us of whpm it did not consist and who never can belong to it, so long as the; possess the disqualifications that he describes. Ii 1st Cor. vi. c. 9 and 10 verses, he says, “Knov ye not, that the unrighteous shall not inherit thi kingdom of God ? Be not deceived ! neither for nicators, nor adulterers, effeminate, nor abuser: Of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, no: covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor cxtor tioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.” Again In Gal. v.c. 19 and 2}st verses, he adds: “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which art these: adultery, fornication, uncleannesss, lacivi ousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envy ings, murders, drunkenness, revellings and sucl like; the which, 1 tell you now, as I have tolc you before, that they which do such things, shal not inherit the kingdom of God.” These tw passages of Scripture shed a flood of light upo the controversy respecting the visible Church. J All the advocates for the divine right, as the; term it, of ordination and apostolical succession are strenuous supporters of what they call th “ visibility of the Church.” According to thes men, there must always have been a visible Churcl in its ministry and sacraments; but the persona virtue, or holiness of its ministers and members is not generally insisted on by them as essential St. Paul, on the contrary, holds these persons aualificalions as indispensable to membership i ie visible Church. The expressions of that emi nent Apostle—“ know ye not ”—“ be not deceiv ed”—“the works of the flesh are manifest”— o."-~iUv leads us to conceive, that in his day, am according to bis understanding of the matter, th< visibility of the Church, and each of her mem bers, consisted in certain well known moral char acteristics, otherwise called holiness of life. Mys ticUm and theory, opinions nnd feelings, to saj the best of thorn, can only have an indirect bear ing upon the visible Church ; and the apparatm of ordination and sacraments, are too mcclianica to become standard proofs. Again, the word “ inherit,” used in the abov< -quoted-scriptures,- and so many-others -of similai import, seems to be employed by the inspirec pennman, in allusion to the ancient inheritances of the Jews in the land of Canaan, as it is deriv ed from lots and giving or naming. The posses sessions of that people were divided to them b\ lot. All claims to those lots or inheritances, wer< investigated with a strict regard to legal forms but an inheritance in the kingdofa of Cod, or the Church of Christ, does not depend on a geneolo gical table or record, but on being a new creature and a patient continuance in well doing. The clearest evidence of a descent from a tribe oi family, however eminent or pious, would avail nothing in settling a claim or title under the Gos pel, to a place in the kingdom of God The vices mentioned by the Apostle in the above recited texts, should be taken in their most simple 'and definite meaning, as they are common ly understood. A sli iking instance of the error of forced constructions of plain scriptural truths, to effect -sinister objects, is observable in the tor tured use which has been made of the word — “ heresy,” which occurs in the above quotations. The Church, according to the Romish creed, is the infallible expounder of scripture ; and all who dissent in opinion from her dicta, are heretics. '1 his^doctrine which has been such a fruitful source of injustice and cruelty, is corrected by St. Paul himself, who said he worshiped God in the very way which the Priests and Elders of his time, called heresy, and who would not have a man re jected or condemned on the charge of heresy, un til he had been admonished a first and second time. Now, among those who allow liberty of thought and the. rights of conscience, (and the Apostle was one of these) men are not' wont to be admonished or condemned for their honest opinions carefully formed on a diligent search after truth. This assumption of the criminality, or damnable nature of a dissent from established opinions, is nothing more nor less than a conse quence of the doctrine of ecclesiastical infallibility. I shall resume the subject in my next number. JOSEPH B. HINTON. For the Christian Sun. THE LATE GENERAL CONVENTION. BY DR. J. R. KREESJi.__ The pamphlet report of oarikle General Con vention is now published, and ready for delivery to all such as may favor me with their orders._ It is a neat octavo pamphlet of 24 pages, an good paper, handsomely bound in fancy covers, and contains a handsome engraving on its title page of “ Antioch College.—That is to be.” it contains not only the Minutes of the Conven tion, but a number of reports of Commitees, to gether with a notice of our General Book Concern, e price of it is $3 per hundred copies. I have already received several orders for the pamphlet from the South, and should like to re ceive many more. Let each Christian Church take up a collection, as recommended by the Gen eral Convention, and forward it on to me, for which I will serjd them the worth in reports, free of expense, to our Book Agent South, Elder W. B. Wellons, of Suffolk, Va., or by mail if so di rected. Philadelphia, February 6th, 1851. For the Christian Sun. CHRISTIAN SUNDAY SCHOOL HYMN BOOK. A portion of the Executive Committee of our General Book Concern, have now in contemplation the compiling of a small Hymn Book to be used in our Sabbath Schools, Prayer Meetings, &c. «fcc It will be made up of original and selected Hymns containing 150 or two hundred, and the price nol exceeding 10 or 12 cents. ■ As some of our ministers, Sabbath School Su perintendents or others may have a favorite Hymn or Hymns, which they would like to have inserted, , the object of this to give all such an op i portunity of forwarding them on, between this t and the first of April next, to our General Book s Agent. * We should like if possible, to get it ready be , fore the assembling of our Conferences for 1851, s< s that orders might be sent on before, and thi Books delivered to ministers and delegates atten f ding the different Conferences. > Any hymn sent on after the 1st of April, will ir - all probability come too late. ) Orders, as to how many each church will take 1 may be sent on immediately, but we want n< , pay until the Books are delivered. Be careful t< r state to what Conference they shall be sent, ant i to whose care. Address, post paid, r. J. R. FREESE, > 64 North 3d, St. Philadelphia. February, 7tb, 1851. GEORGIA AND HER RAILROADS. 1t appears before the close of the year 1852, that Siatp'wiBhave unsuccessful operation up wards m nine hundred miles of Road. The Roadi alrcafdy in operation are all prosperous—realizing from 8 to 16 per cent, clear profits per annum Thus is demonatratcd the wisdom and important of a proper system of improvements. Georgia after expending nearly $14,000 000, is now twic< : as rick as when she commenced her noble enter ) prizes. The Home Missionary says, “ Not long since'! preacher in Missouri took for his text the word ' “ Let there be no scheme in the body.” “ Breth ’ ren,” said he, “'some who pretend to be minister 3 of the gospel are great schemers, but the Apostl 3 Paul forbids them in the text. There is the Sab ‘ bath school scheme, there is the Tract scheme there is the Bible scheme.” On he went abusin * these schemes, till at length one of the congrega j tion called out, “ No brother B-r, you have gc that word wrong. It is not scheme, it is skistr, 1 1. Cor. 12, 25.” The human mind has an intense delight in wha j is vast and unxeplored. CHRISTIAN SUN. RALEIGH, N. C. y Wednesday, February 19, 1831. i “ -«-■ ---- - - »i ■ A^""We also send this Number of the Sun, to several persons who are not subscribers. Those who wish to become such, will retain the paper sent them ; but those who decline, will please re turn it forthwith. After waiting a reasonable time and they should fail to do so ; we shall enter then names as subscribers upon our book. I here are six Newspapers, besides the Sun, printed in this city ; and not one of them has ta> ken any notice of our humble sheet. Is it because they think it too insignificant to be noticed ? Or is it because they feel no sympathy for our cause ? - To Agents. You can save us a great deal of trouble by observing the following directions : When you make remittances, be sure to write in a plain hand, the name of the subscriber and his post office for whom the money is,sent. In sending pay for new subscribers, always dis tinguish between them and old ones. In ordering discontinuances, be sure to give the name of the post office, as well as the name of the subscriber that wishes to discontinue. We have received a Pamphlet from Bro. J. R. Freese of Philadelphia, containing the Minutes of the General Convention of the Christian Church held at Marion, New York, October 1850. Our friends who would like to obtain copies can b.e supplied by addressing post paid J. R. Freese, 64 North Third Street Philadelphia. The circulation of this Report of the proceed ings of the General Convention, we deem to be of great importance. The doings of that meeting we have no doubt, (if the plans adopted are success fully carried out,) will be the commencement of a new Era, in the Christian Church. We hope our Agents and friends will be active in getting new'subsefibers to our list. If we give you a good paper ; arc you not willing little industrtfto increase its circulation i We must nave your active co-operation to en sure success to our periodical. Recollect that you are interested as well as ourself. Let each sub scriber make an effort to get at least one more • if so, we can send out the Sun once a week, at the present price. JEST Just think of that. Once a week for one dollar per annum. And we ha no donbt with proper exertions it can Every one then to the work. We have the pleasure to announce to oub that Elder Charles Henry Plummer of Pen nia, has consented to become a regular tor to the Sun. His prSductions doubt, will be highly interesting to our We most cordially welcome Bro. a fellow-laborer in building up the go Christian liberty ; and extend to' him. of brotherly love.” It will be seen from the followj table, that the “ Christian Conne. the number of its Churches, municants, about sixth denominations in the Uni] counts we have lately the Christian Connexii there existed no such so, we know not. We have no dispoi numbers. Far from pie should know at lei such a denomination. But here is the tab! PRINCIPAL RELIGIO THE UNITED ACCORDING TO THE Names. Methodist Episcopal* M_South* “ Protestant* Baptist, Regular* “ Anti-Mission* “ Freewill* " “ Campbellite* “ Minor sects Presbyterian* | ^ g Associate PresbyterL Associate Reformed Reformed Presbyterian Presbyterian, Cumberland others «. Congregational. (Evang’l) Reformed Dutch* German Reformt Protestant Episcc Lutheran United Brethren Evangelical Assoc., t«er.; Unitarian* Roman Catholic* Christian Connexion Church of God Mennonites ^ Universalists* h 1, 316 2,513 1,651 214 332 74 480 490 1,971 lj073 1,500 125 100 100,001 50,00< Friends $ Evangelical, about l-nends { Hicksites The statistics of the denominations marked*, arefron the reports of 1849; the others troin the latest reporti that could be obtained. Family Christian Almanac. We have received from Elder James Maple of Franklin Ohio, an interesting sermon on tin subject of Prayer; which we intend to publish it our next number. We hope Bro. Maple will con tinue to favor us with his esteemed and valuabh communications. We have several dozen numbers of our first is sue yet on hand; new subscribers can be supplied from the commencement of the volume. Published Volumes of the Sun : I will give any brother the subscription of the current vol ume, that will furnish me with either of the pub lished volumes of the Sun, from the 1st. to the 6 th incut si re. The first tUht will comply with this proposition, i will have the preference, of course. The design, of the gospel of Jesus Christ, was to benefit mnhkind. This was the errand upon which he cames to this sinful world. He came not clothed in Majesty and Power to destroy; but in meekness and love to save. The angels an nounced to the shepherds that watched their flock by night; that “ in the city of David, this day is born a Saviour which is Christ the Lord.” It was glad tidings communicated fromthe heaven ly world—a Saviour born to save man from sin, and restore him to the favor and friendship of God.—To elevate his moral character, and quali fy him to mingle in the society of the blest around the throne of God. This salvation was not to be confined to the great an noble of the earth, but that the poor too, might have a share. As a confirmation of the heavenly mission of our Saviour; he told John’s disciples to say unto John, that the poor have the gospel preached unto them. While journeying through the land of Pales tine, he sought out the objects of commiseration and pity ; and healed their sickness. He heard the wailings of the widow of Nain over her de ceased son, and restored alive unto her, the object of her affections. He sympathised with the weep ping sisters of Lazarus, and' Himself wept at his grave. Well might the Poet say : ‘ ‘His heart is made of tenderness, His bowels melt with love.” Should- not those who have been made parta kers of the divine nature, ifl^ate in sympathy and love their Divine Lord lind Master? Did Christ ever shut his ears against the petitions of the most abject sinner in the world^T^o, never. Did he ever reject the poor for hi/s poverty'? No, never. Did he refuse to mingle with publicans and sinners ? No. He received sinners, and ate with them. But, with many, in our day religion has become a fashionable and popular thing. They suffer themselves to be swallowed by the world, as Jo nah was by the fish. The poor are neglected and despised, for whom, as well as the rich, Christ suffered and died. And many 6eek to be clothed in costly array and decked with jewelry; and^ order to effect their purpose, grind poor. , The -church needs to , sins of pride and sackcloth and I I CbriSt, yv guv* y. After having served the en years, I contemplate closing up my labors them, 6h or before the first day of April, afte which time, I shall be at liberty to go whereve the openings of a good Providence may lead. Respectfully and truly yours, . C. H. P. Lewisville, Penn., dan., 30, 1861. 1 Bro. Hayes. I am happy to communicate foe the “Sun,” the gratifying intelligence, that God .-baa been pleased of late, to revive his cause in I this 'place. The reviving of the church, as is • mostly the case, resulted in the reclamation of one backslider, the conversion of two souls, (a man and his wife) and the addition of three to the church : making an accession of five to the number of the saved, within a few months past. That the Lord may yet do greater things for us than these is my prayer. Brethren pray for ur.1-— Yours respectfully, CHAS. H. PLUMMER. Lewisville, Chester Co., Penn., Jan. 3, I85l. UCiUIUATiUJM. The pleasing duty of dedicating to the wor ship of God; the “Free Meeting House ” located in the village of Lewisville, was performed by the writer, on the Lord’s day, December 22nd 1850, at 3 o’clock, P. M. The exercises consisted of reading the Holy Scriptures, praise in the song, prayer, and a sermon from these words—“ Search the scriptures ;for in them ye thinkye halve eter nal life; and they are they that testifyme.” John v. 39. After the discourse, some r^parks v'*'< were made by bro. James Scoit; and the closing prayer by bro. John Cann, of the Methodist Epis copal Church. This is the second Free Chapel, that we have succeeded in raising up, in the large and populous County of Chester. May it prove a great blessing to all the inhabitants of this place. CHAS. H. PLUMMER. Lewisville, Chester Co., Pa., Jan. 3rd, 1851. Buo. Hayes: I am much pleased that the “Christian Sun ” has arisen from the dark night that had settled down upon it. I was afraid that it had set to rise no more ; but thank God the cloud has passed from its brilliant disc and it once more shines forth in all its original glory. My prayer to God is, thatit may continue., to shine through all coming time. May its genial rays be a blessing to the world, and contribute its share of light to scatter the dark cloud of sin that has shrouded our world in gloom. Go on bro. Hayes and may the blessings of God rest ppon you in your arduous labors. Yours in love and truth. JAMES MAPLE. Bro. Hayes : I am anxious for some one of your correspondents to give me the ing of the following ] say unto you, mammon of they mav Hera minds i Christians i and it will not only result in goi brethren in the South,