PUBLISHED SEMI-MONTHLY. ! THE LORD GOD IS A SUN AND SHIELD.’1 lillGlI, NORTH CAROLINA, FEBRUARY 2G, 1831, $1 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE NUMBER 3. THE CHRISTIAN SUN is Published Semi-Monthly by HENRY B. HAYES, Publishing Agent. Edited by W. B. Wellons, J. R. Holt, H. B. H*yf.s. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Chesley F. Faucette, Thomas J. Kilby, Alfred Isley, R. H. Holland, E. F. Watspn, J. B. Hinton, ——■ Alsey B. Freeman. Terms. One dollar per annum, payable in advance or one dollar and twenty-five cents if payment be delay ed six months. No paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at the„discrelion of the Publisher. Any person obtaining five subscribers, and forwarding the money in advance, shall receive the sixth copy one year"for his services. Advertisements, consistent with the charact'cr of the paper, will be inserted at the following rates: fourteen lines or less for the first insertion one dollar, each subset A.quent insertion twenty-five cents. They must be accom V. panied with a responsible name. A reasonable reduc /’tion will be made to those who advertise by the year. + All communications for the Christian Sun musf be directed to H. *B. Hayes, Raleigh, N. C.. free of post age, or they may not be attended to. COMMUNICATIONS. For the Christianas un. NORTHERN, TOUR. No. VI. Early on the morning of the 12th Oct., I parted with Eld6r Barr and family and Elder Plummer, and started for Philadelphia, to meet my appoint ment the next day.—I travelled on the Boat to "South Amboy and then took the cars and reached Philadelphia about noon. Walked up to the resi dence of Bro. J. R. Freeseat No. 28 Crown Street, and received a hearty welcome from him and his kind ladyi‘ During the evening I became ‘ac £d with the father of Bro. Freese, whom 1 J51d. Lawshe pastor of the Church us and spent the evening. R..II At \T„ Jrom New York, ae business of iny place. __ fi(,h Bro. Geary, when _. JP. Gordon the editor of the I was much pleased with his Ihristian deportment. He is a pgs, and though a member ol iii asy.t'j lOtestant Qhurch, he is nol ashamed to meet all God’B people on a level and call them all brethren. snojieoinnniuioo HMWB&4 Sljs I was pleased with Bro. Geary and family, and after praying with them, we called a short time on the mother of Elder C. H. Plummer, being conducted there by Elder P. We then called on Dr. John Roberton, whose name and character had long been familiar to me. He received me as a brother and treated me with much Christian courtesy. He is a man of mncli learning and deep piety. I succeeded in obtaining a promise from him to write occasionally for the Sun. He having been for sometime a subscriber to i>. We then retired to the house of Bro. Freese where I rested for the night being mtich'wearied in body. Bro. Freese and his lady will ever have a warm place in my affections. They received me as one of their family and treated me with the tenderness, of a brother. Dr. Freese is a young man of fine talents, great energy and industry ;^ind having much of this yprlds goods at his command can do much for our cause.- He is indeed an ornament to our connexion. On the 15th I was accompanied to the Railroad Depot by Brothers Freese, Lawshe, Gordon and Plummer, where I took the cars for Baltimore. I arrived about two o”clock P. M., spent only a few hours there before the Steamer “ Georgia ” was ready to leave for Norfolk, Ya. We had a pleasant time coming down the Bay, and the next morning was at Norfolk, where I stepped on the “ Fox,’ ’ arid by noon I was at home at Suffolk. Was rejoiced to find Mrs Wellons and all friends well, and every tiling moving on as usual. I was 20 days on my journey, travelled about 2000 milles, and re'urned home mtich improved in health, and with a stronger attachment to the Christian cause (if possible) than ever before. I trust my Northern visit will be attended with good, I formed a very strong attachment for our brethren North, and hope to renew my ac quaintance with them in an upper, and better world than this. 4 1 feel greateful to God for his goodness and kind preservation over me, during my tour in the North—in the midst of strangers and in a strar^e land I found many friends; and was treated with all defness and affection of a brother. In an 1' shall offer some thoughts on the in the Northern States. W. B. W. 1850 lie Christian Sun. lYER. TERSE. Kim to pi ay, Hmamaifd, and tit. This is a makes an ap Kglit to command, j ttoie of things, and ot’ man. : . ation in the" pl.Uosophy of j _ commands man to pray, be is" calculated in its nature to bless and! .jappify the soul. Prayer is in harmony with the moral and spiritual nature of man. ’ 1 I There is one great principle in all the works of i God, both in 'the kingdom of nature and grace, j that strikes the reflecting mind with peculiar in j terest: that is in all the arrangements of infinite : wisdom, the great leading object is the happiness . of the universe of mind. This sublime and tkril I ling truth is written m living characters upon all I nature. When wc look abroad in the material universe, we read this great truth in all its arrange ments. Every arrangement in the economy of nature is subservient to this sublime end. Every provision {^calculated in its nature to promote the happiness of man. We read this truth in the arrangement of the seasons. The fresh and blooming spring," the warm and*glowing summer, the mild and lttyely atltumn, the cold and stormy winter—-are all calculated to meet th§ wants and promote the happiness of the denizens of Carth. The atmosphere, is admirably adapted to the na ture of man’s lungs, suited to meet his wants, and promote his happiness.' Light is most beau-! tifully ' adapted to the nature of man’s eye, and designed in its nature to promote his happiness, j Without this element the material universe would : tie shrouded in midnight gloom and darkness, i We would be shut out forever from the enjoyment }{ the beautiful and diversified scenery of earth, lould not carry on the necessary'ousiness of life, would be cut off from one of the richest sources }f enjoyment, and all would languish and die. The atmosphere is endowed with an undulating quality, that it might waft to the ear the pieas ares of sound; and all the charms of music, that we might listen to the music of the murmuring brook, the soft whispers of the gentle breeze, the soothing sound of the rivulet, the noise of the water fall, the hum of bees, the buzz of insects, the chirping of birds, the soft notes of the night ;ngale, the rich melody. of .Lhe songsters of the bovver, the numerous modulations of the human voice, the soft notes of the pianno-forte, the solemn sounds of the organ, the roaring of the stormy ocean, the dashing of the mighty cataract, and the rolling thunder. The gift of speech is admirably adapted to promote our happftiess. By it, we are enabled to coftvey our thoughts to other minds, to inspire them with new and suplime as pirations, to sooth the sorrowing soul, to comfort the mourner, encourage the fainting, and arouse the careless to action.- Thus we see that in all the arrangements of God, the happiness of his creatures is the great ultimatum. We read this sublime truth in the changing seasons, the light l u«j y ouv uai auuo-i auu luvtu vy i ni^iu, uuu warm and genial rays of the sun, the music of the bees, the opening flower, the luxuriant har vest, the soft notes of nature’s songsters, the re ing river, the mighty ocean, the roaring thunder and the lightning’s vivid flash. When we ascend from the natural to tliespiii tual, from the kingdom of nature to the kingdom of grace, we behold the same principle in-all the Larrangements and provisions in the economy ol I redemption. Every institution in the economy ol salvation, is adapted in its nature to promote the happiness of man, to call out and cultivate tht heart, to quicken inlolife and aotion the warmes feelings, affections and sympathies of the soul to elevate, refine and purify the thoughts, to bring man nearer to God, and in closer union witl heaven. u y There is nothing arbitrary in the kingdom ol grace. Every institution and law lias its founda tion in the nature of things,, and is admirably adapted to enhance the happiness of man. We read this great truth in the ordinance of prayer. Prayer has its foundation in the moral and spiri tual nature of man, and is calculated to make better and promote his happiness. ayer exerts a healthy influence over the soul; ds to purify the heart, elevate and refine the , strengthen and enlarge the sympathies ipul, subdue the passions, and bring man union with God. Prayer, is calculated the raging passions of die hitman heart, man with a spirit of calmness. .When sed to anger, and his soul is torn by passions, let; him retire to his closet oh the Throne of God in solemn prayer, con his mind is calmed, and the raging his soul hushed into silence. Hii an es before the spirit of prayer as the nd gloom of night before the light of e who live near to the Throne of grace much are almost invariably characteriz ihnness of mind and sweetness of temper, r is calculated to beget and keep alive a love in the heart. We are commanded for all men, and obedience to this com caiculated to interest our minds in the mess of our fellow-men, and call otfT~and ivate a spirit of love for them. BA daily yer for our fe1lo%m^rfr we areTefl ib^tfiTfiK h about them, their situation and their wants ; thus we become necessarily interested in their salvation and happiness. It is impossible to pray earnestly and daily for the salvation of a man, without becoming deeply interested in his welfare, and imbibing a spirit oi love lor nun; ana tne more we pray for our brother the more our inter est and love for him increases. Prayer strength ens, deepens and enlarges the sympathies and af fections of the soul. It cultivates and strength ens those ties of affection, sympathy and love, that unite all Christian hearts in one great fra ternal bond. One great reason why there is no more love, affection and sympathy among Chris tians than there is, is because they do not pray for one another as much as they ought. As the spirit of prayer declines in the Church, jeal ousies, euvyings, difficulties and quarrels increase, but as the spirit of prayer revives, all these things vanish from the Church, Christians come nearer together, and their affection, sympathy and love for each oilier increase. How often have we seen Churches that were rent and torn to pieces by the quarrels and contentions of its members ; united, all its wounds healed, its difficulties settled, and peace and baimony restored by the revival of a spirit of prayer in the church. So met hues when wo visit the Throne of grace, our hearts are filled wjjAi hatred and bitterness against some brother that bits trespassed against us; but this feeling vanishes before the spirit of earnest prayer, ana before we are done praying it is all gone. This (has been the experience of thousands. Prayer purifies and elevates the thoughts. It banishes unholy and impure thoughts from the mind, and leads the thoughts from debasing and gtoveling subjects to the contemplation of pure, J holy, and elevating objects. It naturally leads the mind to reflect much upon God, to meditate upon his purity, holiness, benevolence, goodness, | and love ; and by beholding, we are changed into1 the same image, “ from glory to glory, even as bv the Spirit of the Lord.” It takes the mind awav ; from the groveling ^pursuits and ends of earth,! inspires it with new and holier aspirations* and places the thoughts upon God. The prayer meeting is a wise appointment of j Infinite Wisdom, and of the most essential means! of grace. It is admirably adapted to cultivate and call out the heart awaken and quicken into j life and action the warmest affections, sympa- j thies and desires of the soul. - In the social pray er meeting, Christians exert a mutual and healthy influence upon each other. Their prayers and exhortations warm up their hearts, awaken the sympathies of the soul, ■ calm the mind,- purifiy the affections, elevate the thoughts, subdue the, passions, strengthen the moral power of the soul, and' aid in establishing the kingdom of righteousness, love and truth in the heart. It cultivates the moral strength of the soul, and the Christian goes forth from the prayer meeting to engage in the great and arduous duties of lifer with new power and energy. “ They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength ; they’ shall mount up with wings as eagles; thev shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint.” family aevouon .exerts a neaitny ana saving influence upon the family circle. It^eubdues the rough and boisterous passions of the heart, leads to a calm and thoughtful • contemplation of the great subject of religion, awakens an interest in the mind, and lays the foundation of the future leligious character of the child. The influence of family devotion will follow the child through all coming time. He may wander far from his father’s hearth, the scenes and associations of his youth may jjass in a great degree from his mind, he may mingle in the pleasures and exciting pur suits of earth, he may disregard the claims of 'gratitude and justice, and steel his heart against the denunciations of Divine vengeance ; but he can never cast off the influence of the family de votion. Jt will follow him through all the chang ing scenes of life, and often in the midst of his sinful indulgence, the prayers of his father or mother will come up in his mind like kind angels from heaven, calling him in the melting voice of undying sympathy to turn from his sinful way and seek the salvation of his soul. Nothing is so essential to the peace, harmony^, happiness, and salvation of the social circle as fervent family de votion ; and one of the most lovely and interest ing scenes in this world of sin, is the family bow ed around the alter of prayer, offering up their morning or evening orison. The impressions made upon the youthful mind by family devotion, can never be erased, and often in the rough voyage of life, when the storm and the tempest howl around, and the world looks dark and dreary,' does the thoughts flash across1 the stormy ocean of time Land dwell with rapture upon those calmn and holy scenes of devotion when the family were gathered around the altar of prayer. I have known instances where the impression made upon the youthful mind by those scenes, has been buri ed beneath a flood of worldly cares for years ; but in after life; -some dispensation of God’s provi dence called them up viewedly before the mind and led the souT to Teflection and to God. It is obvious from the above considerations that prayer has its foundation in the nature of things, and is calculated to bless and happify the soul of ipan—to make him better—to elevate him in the scale of being—to bring him in closer union with j heaven and God, From this consideration, Chris tians should never suffer the fire of devotion to expire upon the altar of their hearts. The life of the Christian should be a life of prayer, the open ing morning, the evening twilight, and the silent watches of the night, should witness the fervor of his devotion. Like his Saviour, he shoukL fre quency retire from the noise 'and tumult JPthe world, to hold sweet communion with the Father of his spirit in secret,_He should pray without ceasing, wo nave every encouragement to pray, “for every one .that asketh receiveth ; and he that seek eth findeth ; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” Our heavenly Father speaks to us from the mercy seat, as a kind and tender parent, in viting us in the affectionate voice of fraternal kindness to come to him, and he will supply all our wants. O ! then, my Christian f?lends, let us live near the Throne of grace. Pray much, and j we shall come off conquerors, and more than con I querors through him that loved us and gave him • self for us. *■ “ Almighty God, in humble prayer, To thee our souls we lift; Do thou, our waiting minds prepare For thy most needful gift. We ask not golden streams of wealth Along our path to flow; We ask not undecaying health, Nor length of years below, n Wg ask not honors, which an hour /May bring and lake away; AVe ask not pleasure, pomp, and power, / Lest we should go astray. We ask for wisdom:—Lord, impart _ The knowledge how to live; A wise and understanding heart , To all be tore the give.” JAMES MAPLE. Franklin, Ohio, Feb., 1851. For the Christian Sun. REASONS TO PROVE THAT THE FATHER IS THE ONLY TRUE GOD. BY ELDER IS^AC N. WALTER. In my former article, I proved by incontrovertir ble evidence from the Bible, that there is but on* Supreme and Infinite Mind. I now proceed To establish another important truth, viz: that this one Being is the same who is repeatedly called in Scripture, the Father, and consequently that the Father is the ©sly true God. No language can be more explicit than that which we find upon this subject, in the first epistle of Corinthians, chap. 8, 6—“ To us there is but ““ one God the Father. ” Equally decisive is the expression employed by the same Apostle in writing to the Ephesians, chap. 4, 4 6—“ There is one body and one spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling ; one “Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.” These passages re quire no comment. They declare the truth to be proved, viz : that the one God, who is above all, is the Father in these very words. He. therefore, who derides, or denies this fundamental doctrine, ■derides or denies the Scripture itself. Another passage, which proves the proper uni ty of God, occurs in the solemn prayer of Jesus Christ before his crucifixion : “ This is life eiernal that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent”—John 17, .3. Our Lord addressed but one being, calling that being “ the only true God." That being was the" Father, is evident from the commencement of the prayer-i-“ Father the hour is come,” John 17, 1; and from the repetition of the title “ Father,”.in several of the subsequent verses—5,11,21,-24, 25. It follows therefore, that the Father is the only true God. The following passages prove__ unequivocally that the Father alone knew the judgement day : “But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in i heaven, neither the-Son, but the Father only”— Matt. 24, 36—Mark 13, 32. ai auv uciug ucsiucs Luu i'aiuci vtere cl ouprtjuiu God, he would have known the day of judge ment. Since therefore, the Father only knew ! this dav. it is manifest that YTe alnm> i« the-Su preme God. But the doctrine that the Father ia the only true God, rests not upon these few pas sages, though ever clear and decisive. It is ex pressed in the current language of the New Tes tament, by the common use of the term leather, as another name for the one Supreme. Let the reader consult the following passages, ; and he will find the Supreme Deity, the only one j God ij= there designated by that single phrase, i “ The Father ”—Matthew 11, 27. Luke 10, 22. j John 1, 18 ; chp. 3, 35 ; chap 5, 23 26 36 37 45 ; chap. 6, 37 44 45 46 57 ; chap. 8, 27 29 ; chap*, 10,15 ; chap. 12, 49 50; chap. 13, 1 3 ; chap. 14, (i 8 9 10 11 13 24 26 28 31; chap. 15, 9 26; chap. 16, 3 15 16 17 25 27 28 32; chap. 18, 11. ! Acts, chap. 1, 4 7. 1st John 1,23; chap. 2, 1 | 15 16 22 23 24 ; chap. 3, 1 ; chap. 4, 14 ; 2d John, 4, 9. In other passages to which we shall j only refer, leaving the reader to examine them for j himself. The one only true God is denominated i “ God-the Father ”—John 6, 27. Gal. 1, 1 3. Eph. 6, 23. Phil. 2, 11. 2d Tim. 1, 2. Titus 1, 4. 2d Peter 1, 17. 2d John 3. Jude 1. "God and the Father” or God even the Fa ther ”—James 1, 27 ; chap. 3, 9. “ God our Father”—1st Cor. 1, 3. 2d Cor. 1, 2. Eph. 1,2. PWl. 1, 2. Col. 1, 2. 1st Thess. 1,1 2. 1st Tto. 1, 2. Pbilem. 1, 3.’ “ God our Fath er,” or "God even our Father”—Gal. 1, 4. Phil. N4, 20. 1st Thess. 1, 3; chap. 3, 11 13. 2d Thess. 2, 16. "The Father of Mercies”—* 2d Cor. 1, 3. “ Ti*$ Father of Glory ”—Eph. , 1st chapter, 17th verse. -■ And as our Lord employed, when he addressed his Disciples (the title) “Your Father who is in Heaven”—Matt. 5, 45 48; chap. 0, If chap. 7, 11; chap. 18, 14; chap. 23, 9. Mark 11, 25 26. “Your heavenly Father”—Matt. 6, 14 26 32. Luke 11, 13. “Your Father”—Matt. 6, 8 16; chap. 10, 20 29. Luke 6, 40 ; chap. 12, 30 32. “ Thy Father”—Matt. 6th chapter, 4th 6th aud 18th verses. This collection of testimony clearly proving the doctrine we believe, might.beswelied ia numbers by the addition of passages: in Which the only true God is called the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ: - :- - A -1 xuese an oear upon me same pome, out are omitted here, because we shall have occasion to refer to them hereafter. But more than a hun dred proofs have been produced already, which I conceive must impress upon the mind of every unprejudiced inquirer, the conviction that the Father alone is the God of the Bible. My opinion upon this subject is further confirm ed, by all those passages which represent the Fa ther as the Supreme object of worship. The form of prayer which Jesus prescribed for the use of his Disciples, commences with this invocation; “Our Father who art in heaven”—Matt. 6, 9. Luke 11, 2. Where the Lord foretells to the wo man of Samaria the approaching substitution of spiritual, in place of virtual worship, he distincly mentions the Father as the proper object of ado ration—“Woman believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem worship the Father. The hour cometh and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the lather seeketh such to worship him ”—John 4th chapter, 21st and 23d verses. In conformity with the general direction, our Savioi r exhorted his Apostles'to address them selves in prayer to the Father, as the .being who was able and willing to grant their petitions, j “ Verily, verily, I say unto you, whatsoever ye I shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.” John 16, 23 ; see to the same purpose, John 15, 16. Matt. 18, 19. j The conduct of our blessed Lord was in ac