_i_ ian Sun. *■ RELIGION WITHOUT BIGOTRY, ZEAL WITHOUT FANATICISM, LIBERTY WITHOUT LICENTIOUSNESS.” SUFFOLK. VA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1871. NO. 3.1 | The Christian Sun. Dcroto-1 to Religion, Morality, Temperance, Uteratare, News, and the support of the princi ples of the Cbristiak CaWtoR. PUBUSJIED EVERY FRIDAY. *’’* f' TRRIIS! For one year, Invariably in»ilTance...$3 00 For six months... 1 BO itSY. W. B. W EM, OKS, Editor. Ornoa ok Kiirv 8t»*b». Menqr beret bymaitmuet be.aMhorisk oftbiise who settf! it The safret wav Is by a'T’ost ifH<« money Abler made pirtnhle to^theTMitor. or «i draft on somefianlt ot buejews house in Suffolk Norfolk or Petersburg. .1 » • re1 _a_ The Christian Stir, ADVERTISEMENTS. ~* Advertisements net inconsistent' with thechai * acter of the paper, will be inserted at the follow* ■ ingrates: v . One aqnare of ten lines, first insertion.$ 1 00 Foreach subseqnent insertion-....-#... p<>, One square three months...,#.—.9 Co Onesquaresix months...,..'. 10 CO. One square twelve months.18 (0 Advertisers changing weeky, most make » special agreement. Yearly advertisers will pay quarterly or semi-annually jn advance, Jran sieut advertisements to be p*fd For’ on insertion. Job PniNTiso^execnted with neatness and dis patch. „ Sectarianism-—Itj Demoralizing Teti denotes. In oloeiug my remarks on rha demorali zing Mture 6f 'Sectarianism, as shown hi - the charaoter and conduct of its votaries, I would adduce a ainglo instance for the purpea&of proving that helirOd-ox Sectarian ism if just as deviating in its nature as the Orthodox specimens ottbataHicle. I allude to thus heturod')* Emperor Valens, who reigned «, little- time after Constantine, the orthodox Emperor, who commenced the .t>rsotioe>of murdering his fS^idw Cihr^stians •who would not profess the Trinitarian p.os T*el- Under V»l«ns, the Ariao. or tfft'rta yiB.i-tjj&spul had under its ooatrol. the c'v’^ power, and like its Trinitarian brother of f.Sat!»hw'OTigin, (gave unmistakablo oaider.ee v^t'itr paternity in persecuting t^iosat that professed tho Trioitariuq gospel. . In oqe instance, ■Tufcen a number of delegates were appointed by "the Tribitartans to wa*t qpont Valens, the Arjan Emperor, for the purpose of soliciting a-toteration fur the TriniVarian gospel', Valens canned these delegate* to be put on board of * Yef*l, hart irbtta taken at some distance from the shore, he oausdd the, vessel to be'set on fire, and the* whole dele gation of the TrinitarianGlinreb iware thus burned to death. It has been generally • believed that heterodox tains are more' toler ant in their nature than Orthodox isms The pages of History, as far as it, known to the wortd, afford no evidence that such is this fact. All isms being of their father, the Devil, whether orthodbx, nr heterodox, it mini if lie rittioually supposed that 1 Hhe icprTct of their Father they would do,” and such in' f.ict always has been the caSe. when they had the power and opportunity so to do. Prom the pages of history it would appear that when the gospelol Christ is corrupted by the addition of cither truth or error, the cflfeei is identically the same ; leaking originally what was the' power of * God for the salvation of' men, by these ad ‘Vitieos becoming tbtV power of the Devil for tha devilisiogiiind damning of all who give to them erode, nee nsxd Minoinnoe. •fiTtU'w of’tha wholo subject ftf Secta rianism. as it has -t)ee>p diMQsrfed, it seeirs to me that it is oUe.'.f "the gfeatest (if evils The Gospel of Christ as proclaimed by Him and the Apostles, is truly the bread of life \tliat came down from IIeavep; but cnriyjp 'ted. as it now is hv "the doctrines and tra ditions of men" it has not only ceased to bo a mean* of creating and perpetuating moral life, hut has. in fact, become'the most pow erful instrument in the hands of Satan in creating and perpetuating those itrifes, ha treds. and raaligtlSfit’actions among profes sors of Christiithify, 'that dishonor Christ slid which tend to eternal -death. 'It is like bread to be the 'ttaW Of life, Vet when by .human iugenui'y it is efraverted’ into deo bol, it thus becomes tbe greatest and worst enemy of our race, spreading misery, ruin, disease and death in this wofld niherOvOr it /is used, and fitting the hapless victims of its influence foy the prison of the Almighty in t.lie world that is-to come, "where the worm •dieth not aj^d the vfire !is not quenched.” which is the second death. sin conclusion, I would urge on every one .who loves Christ more than the idol god of his church, and regards Christianity of the 'Bible of more importance than the iumdtic Christianity of his creed, to throw his Seo^t tarian gods "to thiug>%ize<$f the wattles of the neck and in the1 | ehistie shoot upon the nose. An old goose, when alive, is known by |tbe rouglilegs, the strength of the wings. Particularly at the pinions, the thickness and strength of the bill, and the fineness of ! the feathers, and when plucked, by the {legs, the tenderness of the skia under the | wings, by the pinions and the bill and the ! coarseness of the skia. Ducks are distinguished by the same ! means, but there is this difference—that a duckling’s bill is much longer in proportion , to the breadth cf iis head than theoldduck. A young pigeon la discovered by its pale colors, smooth scales, tender, collapsed feet and the yellow, long down inierspread’ among its feathers. A pigeon that caff fly has alway red colored legs and no down, and is then too old for use.—Petersburg Courier. Fat People.—Not long ago, a gentle man of three score, who was scarcely sick in his life, thought be was too fleshy, and began to bantamize. He succeeded fa mously, and .boasted to his friends that he had got rid of ten pounds in a few weeks. A little after he was attacked with a painful and dangerous malady, from which he has been suffering mere than a year. If a man can sleep soundly, has a good appetite,* With no unpleasant reminders after meats, the bodily habits being regular' every, day, he had better let himself alone, whether he is as big as a hogshead, or as' thin and dry ag a fence rail. Several cases of Brights disease have been reported by medical men of reputation as a direct result of practicing Bantam’s plan for getting lean. The very best anjl’ "safest way to geFrid of fat is to work it ofF. This may bo aided by eating food which coatair.s a large amount of nitrogen, and a' ■small amount of carbon. Nitrogen food is that which gives strength, pow6r“to work, 4S lean meats'; carbonaceous' foods are those which make fat, such as cheese, potatoes, rice, corn, peas, beans,' tapioca, arrowroot, corn starch, jugar, syrup, an! all oily and fat food, . Baw fruits and berries largely eaten, are fgreai aids to reducing weight. But. after all, the great reliance, should be on exercise and work in the open air* Barclay, the great English pedestrian, who performed greater feats than Weston, lost’ ten pounds in two or three day’s walking^' and was never the worse for it.— Hall's Journal of Health. Eyerton Taffy-—Melt in a shallow ves sel one-fourth of a pound of butter, and add to it one of brown sugar. Stir them to gether for fifteen minutes, or until a little «f the mixture dropped into a basin of oold water will break clean between the teeth without sticking to them. Any flavoring that is desired, as lemon, pine-apple, or vanilla, should bo added just before tha cooking is complete. The taffy when dona should bo poured into a shallow dish.^whioK is buttered on the bottom and edge.' wing a knife across it when it i cool, it can easily bo 1