Famous Manor House in tSdenton, countrv- and Europe. In the s w I I 4 4- I . ma nntf nw.i T h tn I 1 r h I WOTOmor. UtmJ giavcjaiu ujuu jiu uiv Eden ton, N. C, Nov. 24, 1906. bodies of Governor Johnston, his This little- town nestling for son,' James Cv Johnston, and the more than a century in the auiet Iredells, father and son. both of North Carolina, since the Justices of the United States chivalrous days of Sir Walter Supreme Court. i ... Raleigh, this week added another It was on these grounds that chapter to its romantic history, Jame8 Wiison soent his best days. when thft hndv of JampR Wilson . , . , I A q n o mvpr wriroi ot aw no Dlace could anord Jinn more quiet for that work than Hayes. Mrs. T. B. Douthit was taken from the old Johnston burying ground to rest in Phi la delphia. James Wilson ' was not the only distinguished patriot and signer of the Declaration of In dependence who once lived here, Has All The Latest Design 7 I nnii PnfPrriH in Ijfltfl hill I but he was one of the original and Early Winter Millinery. members of the Supreme Court, and it was fitting that he should have been buried in the little cemetery of "Hayes" for no more Novelties for children beautiful spot can be found in and grown up people all the South. The Manor House in the State Her special Thanksgiving Sundries have been selec ted with care. F. II. FARABEE All kinds of Candies from 5 cts. per pound up to 50ct8. per pound, always fresh stock. Oranges, Apples, Bana nas, Raisins and all kind of mixed nuts. I will saVe you money in your Christmas Goods. F. H. FAIIABEE, First door south of ."'Brown's Warehonse. 421 Main St., Winston, N. C. Chief Mormon Pleads Guilty. Salt Lake Citv, Nov. 23. Josepli F. Smitn, president of the Mormon Church, appeared in the District Court before Judge Kitchie this afternoon and pleaded guilty to a charge of unlawful cohabitation. He was fined $300. What does a fine, full-fledged trust care for a fine? And as they happen to own the earth, how are you going to order them off? Busi fa lore 0 MONTHLY 5TYLC BOOK FREE Call down and see her display and get her prices before you . . .... .-. compar.es with "Hayes. It wash)Uyt part ot the estate ot liovernor Samuel Johnston, the first chief executive of the State, but who never served in that office be cause he was immediately sent to the United States Senate. Although the Manor was built in 1705 Governor Johnston did not op.p.nnr "Haves" until 1751. It is in architecture the home of If not convenient to visit the store, write for Samples, and one a typical English peer of the of the Three Purchasing Agents will give you the same period and was called "Hayes- after the name of Sir Walter Raleigh's home. " ia nnfor? fnp lta nor- trait gallery. Prominent among Everything for Men, Women and Children at a Little Less than the portraits is the last one made of Henry Clay, which was paint ed for the son of Governor John ston, the late James C. Johnston, attention as if you were here in person. you would expect to buy. Everything Sold With a Guarantee. flvho was a devoted admirer and iriend .of Mr. Clay, and who on ,one .occasion paid the statesman's debts, amounting to $40,000, simply as a token of his devotion. The house is crowded with iAiA rinrtrftHfl. inelndincr B1"C..v-, v : ' .: tltZ Fourth and Trade Streets, those of great men -from this rourm auu And your neighbor pays the same price as you do. O) I MBA 3 WINSTON-SALEM