Cities to be Wiped Out. Mrs. Dee Davis was buried at A late Washington special Mt. Plesant on Wednesday after- says: Twenty-nine of t h e noon. i. A : - i. i grUaiuBt auHinu c.utfB m ue Wilkesboro, N. C, is making wipea on tne eartn witnm tne an efforf to get electric lights, next two years New York and " . I t... r nfin :ii Washington. Pittsbunr a n d lvuv- r- J UBBU Richmond, Vs., included 1b the Uie M- r- cm,rc" PniPK nexl prophecy made bv Edmund ' "." Schribner Stevens, of this city, self-styled prognostciator, astrol oger and royally appointed re . gent of King Cyrus the Great, for whom he says he will act un till the long-dead ruler visits the world. Denver, London, Paris and Rome are equally doomed. It's a question whether Baltimore will be left on the map. "The world is in the throes of an upheaval which will event ually right the earth and make the North Pole north and the South Pole south. Instead of having the earth's exis on a slant," says the aged prophet, "that upheaval will cause flood, fire and earthquake, and most of the large cities of the world are going to suffer; some of them will be destroyed." Parents should look after their little fellows who have got in the habit of fooling with matche. Last week, in this State, there were two instances recorded where a little fellow was burned up in an out-house he had, acci dently set on fire with a match. One of the buildings was a barn and the feed and some stock was also burned up. Wilkesboro Chronicle. to High Point. The Supreme Court has grant ed Bernie Tavis license to prac tice law. Miss Adelaide Pauline Smith and Mr. Bobah Lee Beard will be married in Charlotte on Dec ember 6th. A corn crop of 2,881,000,000 bushels for 1906 is the latest gov ernment estimate. It is the lar gest evea raised and worth over $1,152,000,000. Just tdink of it o ver two billion bushels of corn to be wasted in bread. President Spencer and others killed in wreck near Lynchburg Thursday morning. Sit right down and write Brown Rogers Co. a postal asking them to give you full particulars and prices on their line of Carriage Heaters. Last year they could not get enough to supply the demand. YOU NEED OnE. Make those winter rides a pleasure this winter instead of samething to be dreaded. Now sit right down and drop them a postal, and you will find them only too willing, to give you full particulars and prices. On Tuesday evening a special train left Washington, D. C, for Atlanta, Ga., with 87 U. S. Pris oners and 47 guards. The first exclusion prison train ever run over the Southern. Dr. 1 0. Thompson's Brag Store 32 YEARS OF CONTINUOUS BUSINESS. The Largest Drug Stock in Winston-Salem, Anything you want in Medicines, Drugrs, Chemicals, Cigars, Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Seeds, &c. ... WE THANK OUR FEIEND8 FOB THEIR PAST KIND PATRONAGE, AND HOPE A CONTINUANCE. OF SAME JT. jl. JL JuLhJ' Prop GREAT GARGAINS AT THE Working StDA - A house and tobacco barn on the farm of R. S. Crows, near Walkertown, burned down on Tuesday. We will begin Saturdaw, November 10th, our Saturday Special Sales. While you will find bargains at our store every day in thex week, Saturday you will find we call our Sledge Hammer priees. We will buy special jobs for these Saturday sales, bargains worth coming after. Don't forgot the place of Bargains. r - TTffillB JJ. W. HUSSTTIBIE DD., INCORPORATED. - - 441443 Trade Street.