How Wampum is made. With certain tribes wampum is sti 1 1 highly prized and neck i i laces are worn oy men, women and children when they are the fortunate possessors of them. To make wampum various kinds of shell are used, white and those having a lavender hue being most liked. The thin shells are broken into little pieces and by aid of nippers are made as nearly round as possible, wnen eacn piece is drilled in the center, the old time fire kindling style of drill being used, the shells are then strung and rolled with the hand on a flat stone which grinds them until they aie smooth and even. Comparatively few Indians among those who prize wampum beads most highly have the skill or patience to make them, even though they had the materials. The fact is, says the Indian's Friend, there are but few wam pum bead makers in the country and it often happens that long pilgrimages must be made to secure the requisites for really line beads, and as with the white man's trinkets, that which is "far fetched and dear bought" is most sought after for ornamentation. Around some of the ancient ruins in the Southwest the little discs of wampum are often found in the sand, and. it is probable s that they were deposited in the graves in very early times and washed out or exposed by the wind's action. These ruins are in the best state of preservation of any in the country. Abso lutely nothing is known of their builders, and the origin of these ruins was as much a mystery when Coronado first saw them in 1540, when he made his famous invasion, as it is to the people of the present day. John 1). Has No Chance of Heaven. TheRev.M. G. Allison, of In diana universitv. declared in a recent sermon in the Presbyter ian church Shelby ville, Ind. that John D Rockefeller has no chance of getting to heaven. Speaking of the oil magnate he said: "There is a man who has been characterized by Mark Hanna as 4 money mad'. He is said to be the richest man in the world to day, worth almost a thousand millions of dollars But he has no stomach. Many people re mark that he would be willing to give all his money for a stom ach in good working order. I do not believe he would. .He would want the stomach and try to get it by squeezing it out of other fellows by some of the methods of which he has been accused; but he would not sacri fice his wealth for itnot one half, nor one fourth, nor one thousandth part of it. I doubt if he would sacrifice 50 cents for it." Illinois Farmer Makes .Land Yield 140 Bushels to the Acre. Areola, 111., Nov. 17.Solo mon Watson will get the pennant this year for raising the banner corn crop of this section, and like ly of the State. A part of the crop has reached the remarkable yield of 140 bushels to the acre. This portion of his crop was grown on a twenty-eight acre tract that has been a blue grass pasture for many years. The seed planted was extra large Boone county white and particu lar attention was given to the cultivation. Being skilfully farmed and the weather conditions favorable, its growth has beeel remarkable. The corn is being gathered and weighed, and there is no guess work about the yield. It is said that the whole tract will make an average yield of 120 bushels to the acre. A portion of it was husked and went as high is 140 bushels to the acre. 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Certificates of Deposit. Depositors' Security : In addition to its ordinary available assets, this Bank is further fortified. and as follows : Paid in Capital ;. $150,000.00 . Surplus Fund 150,000.00 Undivided Profits 25,000.00 Additional Liability of Stockholders 150,000.00 Security Over and Above All Other Assets, $475,000.00 We solicit your business. WACHOVIA NATIONAL BANK, Jasmbs A. Gray, President. Winston-Salem, E. S. Gray, Assictant Cashier. N. C. September 18th, 1906 Mr. Hearst says he has run his last race, and will never again be a candidate for office. Phone 155. 213 Main Street. Winston, N. C. . DEALER IN Staple asad 3?aiacy (S-iroceoes. " Orange " brand Haras and Bacon. " Clover Hill " Butter. , SOLE AGENT FOR Ideal Flour, and Sovereign Mocha and Java Coffee. Try our " Palace Car " Canned Goads. Finest in the World.