THE TRIBUNE. Dally and Seml-WeeKly PUBLISHED BY J AS. F. HULEY. Butered in the Potoffic in Coacocd, If . DEA1JE 0? W. A. WOOa Prominant Citizen of th City Died This Morning at 3:20 Cdoek Burial This Afternoon, Aftsr an illness of several months Mr. W. A. Wood died this morning Publishers' Announcement 20 o'clock at his home on north union street, nu nincss covcrea a period of several months, a complica tion of diseases followed a fever and for several months the patient lingered, underwent several operations and spent weeks at the hospital. Mr. Wood was in his 46th year. He was born in Randolph cormty and had lived in Concord for near 20 years. A wife and one child, a small son, survive. The 'office of Tub Tmtowb ta lh Brick Row. No. S3 Union St Pbcl4. Advertising Rate cm be had ml the office. Copy for change must be u by 10 o'clock a. m. .... . . The Evbnino Tibuk Is delivered by carriers to every portion of the city. We take wins in delivering the papers and iime Subscribers to report all irregular lies promptl f to this office. Cards of Th inks, Resolutlonsof Respect and similar articles are charged for at the i ate of 5 cents pe. line this in all cases. Subscription Rates. DAILY Ot.c Year K Six Months f-00 Three Months l.0 .ie Month 35 one Week " SKMl-WEKILY ,)ne Year N.OO Six Monlhs .6 "I hree Months .35 Concord. N. C July 4 1904 SOME FAR EAST NEWS. Severe Hail Storm. r. f Laurinburg, N.'Cj July 2 Late this afternoon Scotland county was vuitei by another severe hail ' storm, and from what can be learned equally as much damage was done by this as by the storm of some weeks ago. This storm came through the neigh borhood around and below Gibson and the area covered embraced some of the choicest farming lands in the county. Where the cotton was knee high before the hail there are orrfy stems from two to three inches' high left Pine trees are completely peeled on the sides exposed to the hail. THE NEW "STORE. Last week we advertised a line of Ladies Fine Shoes at $1.06 and $1.75 which were rnacl iy ocu ui ft, f.yjy fj uu f j.u yairi uiiiuc uy uic , uct uiauyiaciuxcrs ui jriuc oiiucs. A ; large number of people took advantage of the opportunity and in each case they found just what we advertised. We advertise only such goods as we . have. Our Shoe offerings for the next few days will embrace large and mce complete lines than ever before." "We have taken more time o prepare for it, ' S ' i " I S '"" I' ' i . S S " S r i Koreans Aid the Japanese Japs are I of the Knights of Pythias. in Want of Necessaries. St. Petersburg, July 3. Lieuten ant, General Sakharoff, under date of July 2nd, reports minor outpost affairs and reconnissances in the neighborhood of Siakliotau. (ieneral Sakharoff believes that dys entery is very prevalent among the Japanese troops. ( )n June 27th the Russian fire de stroyed two Japanese guns and a caisson. There are fresh indications of Jap anese advance near Kiakhotau. Ac cording to report, Russian scouts have ascertained that a number of Korean soldiers are assisting the Japanese. Japanese Lack Necessaries London, July News has received the following dis patch from Ta I'che Kiamo, under date of July 3rd: The weather is dry, but the Japan ese are taking no action. The Chinese state that the Japan ese lack victuals, medicines and forage Kast of Kai Chau, the principal Japan ese forces have fallen back, abandon' iiig their positions. There have been no ivrTtTihle changes on the road to Liao Yang. Two Russian Vessels Sunk. Washington, July 3. The Japan ese legation has received the following cablegram from Tokio: "'Admiral Togo reports that on the night of June 27th the twelfth torpedo boat flotilla attacked and sank the enemy's guard- $ioo Reward, $xoo. The readers of this paper will be pleased tc W. A. Wood. "Bud" Wood as his I U one dreaded dlseaa friends knew him, Was one of the most I and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cm is the popular men in Concord. He was I f,y ce oow . . imarnnv .. liked by everyDOay ana a ravorite I requires a constitutional treatment Hall man v I Cattarrh Cure is taken Internally, actios directly, I nfiM tin- Htnmt anH miuv.ii a. rfarm rJ Ih. ki.Um fine, noble traits Of Character and Was I thereby destroyunr the foundation of the B I ft litiwM ...1 J.. 111. .twutl. k. kla vr a cnirnniit rmien. nt wis a , .... , ... .U..KU. uu,.u- l.,J. , . . ins Bp uc cunsuiuuou ana assisnwr nature in member Of the Methodist Church and! doing its work. The proprietors hsve One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fail to cure. Send for list of teatimonals. Address P. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. O. Sold by all Drunist, 75c, Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. A load of trouble cannot be perma nently exchanged for a load of cheap liquor. , NervB Tension. ' A foe to health is nerve tension sometimes due to hurry and worry but nine times out of ten due to poor indigestion, a bad stomach, a torpid liver or constipation. These con ditions all react on the mind and will keep your nerves on edge if you do not remove them by using Green's August Flower. There is no better stomach medicine in the world than August Flower, and no surer cure for indigestion or dyspepsia. Trial bottle, 25c. Big bottle, 75c. Concord Drug Co. Mr. Wood since living in Concord had been connected with the Odell mills, where he was an overseer of one of the departments. His long service with the mills, his personal popularity and faithful attention to duty made him one of the most valuable men in the company's employment. His death causes universal sorrow among those who knew him and every one liked the kind, genial spirit of the man. He was a man who in many circle will be missed. 1 he funeral services will be con ducted this afternoon at 5 o'clock by Rev. G. T. Rowe, pastor of the Forest Hill Methodist church to which deceased belonged. The inter- 3 -y-ne Central I ment w'" at tne cemetary- in watpr nnlv ivhtn ship with two masts and three funnel, Hancock., Liquid Sulphur-Nature', outside Port Arthur. I he same no-1 . ... greatest gcrmicHic. Pullman Employes, Chicago. July 2. About fifteen Ciood-bye, said the cannon -crack hundred employes of the Pullman as the match ignited it, 1 must be - . - Company have been laid off at Pull-1 off- man shops. The officials assert that it The Gibson Drug Stora a . ... ' is necessary to cut down expenses and I ask the readers of this paper to test that orders on hand do not require sol the value of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. large a force. I Those persons who have use? it and who have been cured by it,; do not hesitate to recommend it (to their frinrlv Knrln! flio-Mta what vrtii ar. XT V.n.. D..!U Vi.M. In b w I ' I rnra inniosetinn ivcn.ncia " nnA all Hancock's Liquid Sulphur. L01Twch troubles. Increaseslstrength Ailments in childhood and eczema I by enabling the stomach and digestive in the aged alike are cured by this organs to contribute to the blood all of favorite household aid. I the nutriment contained in the food In eczema the affected pans often I Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is pleasant the scalp or ankles should be bathed I and palatable diluted with A HOME REMEDY. tilla then exchanged fire with the ene my's destroyers, one of which was ob served to capsize and sink. Our cas ualties were 14 dead and three wounded." THE GLORIOUS FOURTH. Ache, itch, herpes, ringwom, pimples, prickly heat, diphtheria, catarrh and canker are guaranteed a cure by Hancock's Liquid Sulphur, also sore conditions of the : eyelids, scalp, nose, mouth and throat Some celebrate the Fourth with fireworks and others with fire-water. VBB""'""a""aauB.BaBaBaaiaBBB A little life may be sacrificed to an hours - delay. Cholera infant urn, diarrhoea came suddenly. Only safe plan is to have Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry always on hand. results of this standard article. Han-Lu onlv bvTheConcord LW Co. I cock Liquid Sulphur Co., Baltimore. I . Md. I Sle of Valuable City Pro- Ladies dean your kid- gloves wife Sold at leading pharmacies. Valuable VT Cleaner. It b not iliquid. n.- U i u .i.. . . i ievs no oaur na a oe usea wnue ilia udy weiveieuraie, at ljeasi oome ' . "u I while the gloves are on the hand For of Us Do, Others Do Not. The ' Glorious Fourth.'1 The day we celebrate, at least in spots, for glorious or inglorious, the Fourth does not get much attention in Concord where the average citizen works through the hot day regardless of sentiment. Tis, however, the 4th with all that the day means and in When 'money is the root of all .evil we're all rooters. By virture of an order of the Aldermen lor th City of Concord, and sarsnant to statute in such case made and provided, the undent raed will will sell at public auction at toe court house door LOO! p hOT IS Very Scarce jutf nOW, I the following real estate lyinv between Gowan , . -.a a . . . I inuriRiT rawnax kn ana JS. J. uan m srw and yet It S a drue U the market . I brick buildinv. on North aide of West Depot srnxi, w icei ironi ivu nei aeep, nui nounaea as follows:. Btainning- at an iron stake M. I. Corl's corner. nearest Gowan Pnsenbery' comer on said street. hi runs tnence with con s line, and the line of C. Wadswortb 40 decrees w 100 feet to an iron stake on Wadaworth'a line, thence two new lines. 1st S3 w SO feet to an iranatokei 2nd M0 feet to an iron stake in North edge of West Depot HOW IT STICKS ny localities a day of firework, and haFoSd it Hard to ft acT . . Shak Off, spencer nas a celebration today. Hon. .R. B. Glenn, candidate for gov ernor speaks there, while the celebra tion will be extensive. ' At Dobson, Surry county, Messrs. Spencer Blackburn and R. N. Hackett speak at a 4th of July rally. - , ' In Concord there hasJeen very lit tle to remind us that it is a national holiday. The postofEce has bee closed and the banks observe the day, At the Southern it i . t ' i t t f feet to tiara lO Dear, naraer tO ger na . Or, I street, 1 feet from mid Dusenberys corner. I. . :k: .!,:. then wit said street a S2c40feetto the betrin- a a" ivuuj sain uniipill Eczema or Itching Pilea. c Doan's Ointment relieves and cures All itchiness of the skin Concord people endorse this state ment: rr-.:; i J. F. Goodson, bookkeeper .for Also the old water tank. incrudinsT fcaavdatiasi water pipes only excepted. The purchaser to re- ove same within ou days alter aale. Terms at aalel One-half eaah. t. im SO days with approved note and aecarity. . . . , . , May am. ia. . ' .... . Cttt op coitcoan, J. B. Caldwell. Mayor of Coacocd. By Moatcosnery at Crowell, City Atty's. . We have moved our office to the York and Wadsworth Co. wholesale dealers in hardware and agricultural Inew Morris Building, opposite TB imnlcnvnM IMr -K Smith I nmn Vf I , , station the freight r ' Mr n . I ADAMS, ARMFIELD, 1EROME & nffirt, ha. Wn rlrrl K.,t , h. -. "". " MAM ESS. , . . ' , I for a long time with eczema which 1 worksand patriotic outburst. m ab-1 ppemdiaw on my .leg, below fTf! i r . r. 1 me auct. a wm nuwucu va try MJVmil s ,. jioi. jtouttu. . - - i vintnent and got a box at the Gibson iiwiivu vi i..... j a. - Tony. Wis.. Julv 2 Mail ClerklDrug Store. I applied it only one Dr. J. S. LafTerty announces tl-e re- Dannison and two unidentified tramps time, and since, then I have not been were killed in an head-on collision be- troubled at all, although before I tween the passenger train and freight began it Xrould often times scratch early this morning. Lynch, another and scratch my legs until they were mail clerk, was badly injured.. En- covered with blood. It is wonderful gineer Doolittle was pinned under the salve and a good thing for all itcLirg engine and it is not known how seri-l skin diseases." moval or nis o..iCe to tne new on,; Building, first rooms at bead cf stairs Nos. 15 and 16, Special a" - ' pven to the treatment of :3 c::J L.:. :.. l, A'.l ci"s promptly attended. 1 Lone Ua 131-a. Queen : Quality'! oo Stamped on a pair of Ladies Shoes stands 1 or all that can be said in te fereooe to fine shoes. . The leather is the very beat and only high grade worlrnuuuhip is empkrred. The styles snrpaaa any lines tlutt hare yet been produced. The Queen Quality Shoe Factory is not only the largest shoe factory in the world making woman's fine shoes, bat it is probably the most ad vanaed and progresare in its me thods. Take as a single feature, its Proflt-Sharinir, Sick Relief and Sav- ing Fund, Which is a model of organ isation. It operates along the lines of enoooragug the - workmen to higher efforts. The library and reading rooms are complete. There is a model lunch room which surmlies clean, healthful food at actual ooet. . The Company provides for its opera tors free beds at the Xinergenoy Hos iritai and all otuiea reauirinir siuvioal attention are sent titers with no cost V to the individual. It provides at the factory a coach and a woman attend ant; any one taken sick on the pre mises is at onoe made oomfortaUe. These are only outlines of some features of the system in force at the Queen Quality Shoe factory. With improved conditions comes improved workmanship. OO We are allowing a New Line of these goods in Ideal Patent Kid Ox fords, Three Strap Sandals, Tan Ox fords, and a large number of styles in High Shoes, all the latest style neei ana toe at $2.50, $3 and $3.50. We will also offer a lanre line of High Grade Shoes and Oxfords at $100 and $1.75. ' Many of them fonnaliy sold for 2,$2.60ane3.60. i . ;.B5 jv' SHAPELY FEET. To have a shapely foot one tnurt n-car a shapely shoe. , Th tamout Yri Sho fo Women. it modeled on the line of the human foot r henco lite retention of its shape and its perfect lit, iu rnxc and comfort from the first minute. . New Shapes. New Leathers. One Price, - For V Occasions sjw-" Lewis A. Crosset, Bostcr. ian and the Celebrate Battle Ax Shoes are shown in onr men and boys line. OO , New line of Men's Oxfords in Vici, 3.00, 13.60yl3.00, 3.S0 and $4.00. 18 pairs Boys' High Grade Oxfords, ' sizes 1 to 6J, best $2 and $3.50 qual ity, to be closed ont at $1.60 per pair Men's High Grade Shoes $2.60, $3, t&tMj ana fi grade, which we will close out at $1, $1.60, $3 and $3.60, all sizes, extra large lot, Nos. 6. 6), 6, 9,. 10 and 11. - - ' , , Ladies' and Men's " f umbrellas. The line is too large bnt the small TfriA THlfc Alt tlinm wall flia n .' blem. Exceedicgly good yalnee in : tliese IrOOdH at 60c. 7Rn. 81.00. Bl.Qn. ' $1.60 to $3.60. . Men's Shirts, Underwear. Hosiery and Necnwear. : This departmeufc U complete; you 'T ' Aan 4tnA annrlilnn Mm m Hia XUaa. . AkflAli.At. a a.1 a alUCO IUV3 IIUBU1UU91T LI ID iUWtJtf IrllmVfe 1 can be made pu such merclianclise as 473 Ladies' Stirt Waist Sets in Ti I i . r l .. 1 Tit t 1 . , Roman Pnarl. Hterlinir front; unA Gilt, will be sold at 10c. 16o. S&n. A 1 wt utaies t ancy ' toiurs, p A lartre line at 5c. 10c. 15c 25c. 50o - and fl.00, made in the latest styles..- WVi AV Ml U AMUVU AAVHUIISWH UU' Ui V111VOO at W W. IWJ WMl NtV 'V tr i Our line Wash Goodsj such as Lawns, Organdies, Silk Lappetts, Silk Zephyrs and Dress GinPhamS emhrace the new WMVK anH m1nrinre rf f uaenn anA t1i nn'rps or nlrirairfi tTi o - - , -"6" -'- J lowest. Cash will da wonders at ' ' .; DRY-HEATH-MILLEni Cos. Hlount Pllssssxt ColltQUtto Institute KIT. PLEASANT, N. C Preparea Tonag Batn for Ow Jnnior ' ? Claaa in ear beat cola-res. - A Six . a Ycara'CouaeoBcrcd. " iitiri No Fcea charged. Thoronck work, f Firm diacipline, RsMrianocd Fac- i nlty. CammodkaM Bulldinsa. Bplra- j did Utrxanr Society. Three Ubrariea. I.nrnitii.ilAl.larm.U. W. I would gladly call an or correspond f win xowui asm miercsara. -m ' Hey, II, A. HcCuIlough, Saps. 20th,1O4. UWIVEOSITfY Acaf rr-!: I': : :LLaw. x I-.r a. TTJXXa Free t.!,!cs ta teachers and t mia kUss' sas. Scholarships and i loans for the needy. ' "': Students. . C3T Instructors New DonnJtones. Gymnt 'um, Water Works. Central fk-tins System" ,vr- Hie Fall Term besins. Sept. 5th, 1904. Address j. m.4. a. Atf..M.A. f PRESiDzirr. '.4 v CIIArZL HILL. IX, c . I G. W. HUNTLEV, " - - i ; President. ' L J. Huntley, Manager. T. L. CAUPLE, Sec. & Treas. ROCKY DRIVER ; SPIUNGS, the Management Announce the Opening of This Celtbrated Health Resort June 10th. & & , A largs additfea to the old hotel baa been erected, and the same refurpished-. throturhoat A spacious paWlion has been tree ted., and a splendid Orchestra ' , will be at the command of guests at all times.. Bowling, Tennis. Croquet, and .: ' : ' '' c41wroutHlor smaatrntntaprortded for. A good Uvery Stable la operated in ; f . eoenentlon with the hotel, and stylish tarn -on ta art acceaaible stall times' 48 A BBAIaTB-aBSTOaBa wis challenge the pablk to find water with equal ' C ' 'enratfoe powers. Bulphnr, Iron, Arsenic and Magnesia Springs In close nroafci; ."-j ' mlty to each other, vrach and anbdne diseases without limit. Dyspepsia. In , , diseatioa, IJwjr CompUlnts, and dlaesaaes of the StomMi readily yield to the' " ' delightful effects of this water. . The tesulta following the use of Arsenic sraler . incaats of. Rheumatism and Blood Disease have been phenomenal. The most stubborn cases of Kracms and kindered diseases have been cured by this water in the short space o for wrrks. Those suffering' from grnertllmpared health will find themselves quickly restored after a few days aojurn at these spnuga. . . Th Hotel is under new managesnent, aad.the best serriec will be rendered. " V ' Hack lines run from Norwood and Wadeabore. , - Daily mail and 'Phone couuccJ' 4 " . Reduced rafcra to Norwood by Southern and Wadeaboro by .8. Ah., -.. . IFOR rkTHBR INFORMATION, ADDRESS ; i ; V, It o c II yp Fiver rSprings Company, :;v1'-7adesl)oro, N.-C.:vv. " ROCKY a TVER 8PINGS COMPANY: ;:. r -:f-. :' V':- v--fsi.C V I tatepteaaure in recomending the water of these Celebrated Springs to the sick sad debiltistrd. They are especially valuable to those recover- - . 'j ing from prostratitig diseases snd for all dyspeptics. They have been of - much advantax to my own family, and aeveral patients whom I have seat to them. ' -i .: Yours very respectfully, . Concord, N, C. April 28th. 1904. - : j . , w, H. llIAt, M. D. nnB- 'to tk, -a. u-nii -al Ciato Vortzd and Industrial College -r COURSES ; 1 -r. Ilterary, . Classical, r ScientiSc, .--: " Pedagogical Commercial, domestic Science, -' 7j Manual Training, -' r ' Music. Five courses leading to Dfplomaa. Advanced course leading to Degrees. Well eonlnped Practice and Obvrvatioa School. Faculty aumbera SO. Board, laundry, tiiMioti, and f'-s for use of text books, etc., $160 a year. For non-rrsidents of the . ite ).o. Ihirteenih annual session berins September 2viN. lwH. To secure lvt!ii in dormitories sll free-tuitiott spplications should be made before July 13th. Crreiononce invited from thofle lesirinK competeut teecbers aud sanosrapers. - tot caiaiotfue and other infonrtatiou address CHARLES D. McIVER, President, , : n in ous his injuries are. Willie got a toy revolver. Dea:h's mysterious powers Kc-v h u e foun J a -!;er solver. A ... . (. t i..J AliS, For sale by a'l dealers. Trice 5? I cents. toster-M, u l Uo Tj j. NTew York, sole ?. :s fur iLe Ui.'. J ites. 1 - s t-.i ."T.ter the.r.a j.3 cler. i s S" n f : i V- t r ' :C. W A. v,J to ....'H a . .J ty nUiUu J I J Office in L.....i:'."V'-' New Lie:. Call and

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