Hop Johnny Recited:, .' V. ; ..." NATIONAL ) D. J.Bost&Co.Moncy Banlf With Ever? One Dollars buy from IJS for the cash we tween Angust ,6th and ;,Auerust 15th, ,w. will give you the privilege of trying uiac noias ine xey 10 me jjox wui getine enure sum whieh is a nice present for any one.- V ' & ; Only One Key UnlocKs the Box. ; : How much money ia in the Boa? It wilt by yon Good Cow, a Sewing Machine or par your way to In World' Pair. The Bank ia now on exhibition at OUR STORK and the KEYS are ready to be given away. e t a M M M D. J. BOST S ' Is upon as. We have ICE CREAM every day. Get one' of the best drinks to be served ' A Cherry Cobbler 3 cents. , We use the PUREST Grfnulated npour.&yrups. -W v .1 .s . f. .......... .,,, 1 v Chesapeake and; World's Fdlr Gcenio Route - - - TO' --v- Saint Loula, Mo -i ; Shortest, Quickest and Best Route. Vestibuled. Electric-lighted Trains with Pullman Sleepers and DLiing Cars, i Through tickets trom, North Carolina with direct connections- . Special Rates for Season, Sixty, or Fifteen Day Tickets. Fifteen day tickets from Concord $24.45" Sleep ing car accommodations ene-d on application : - . ; -. 1 . tipccicl Coacti Excursions ' : v On authorized dates, - tickets good for ten days at. rse of' $18 15. Correspondingly low rates' from ciiier sUUonsl - - . ? tA-- . Special accommodations'arrar"""! for parties. : Use the C. & 0. Route and purchase your ticket accci:gly., . I or - coach excursion dates reservation and other information, address. " 'j; W. O . Worthen. D. P. A., C. C: O. Jy . .: - RICHMOND. VA. Stop overs permitted within limit at C & 0 celebrated mountain resorst Vlicn you leave tha more and v.-snt to IlccpupxTiili henanou: I ctus Ben-' rctvCj Cvcr.!r Tri unr. - -V. i ,A ny y A . . - TT -IW .K LWM'-O ,P ..,R,oS;ir BISCUIT COMPANY 1 II Yorth of Goods Yd give you a Key, -Be your keys.: The customer 7 COMPANY. ' " Sugar to be had in making i . . crn;r rim I Ohiolilay 1 city fcr wccll or W CI' 1 . ; : Driven to Desperation. Living at an out of the way place, remote from civilization, a family often driven to desperation in case of accident, resulting in Burns, Cuts, Wounds Ulcers, etc. Lay in a supply of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It's the best on earth. 25c, at Fetzer's Drug Stores? fe'r; -fiiil ',; i TKisx In the akr comes the star of health to the weak and famoua remedy doaaforthestom weary despon ch that vhioh It la unable to lo (of deal dyspeptic, curing ail ltaelf. evem U. but atomaon flighty dlaordered or overburdened. trouble and digestive Olsoroera. Ilodol tuppHee the natural ! lulceeofdlreetlonand 1 doe the work of he alomaoh. relaxing the I Bervoua tenajon. while the - inflamed musclsa and membrmneaof that organ are allowed to rest end heel. ' It eurea" Indlcreetion, flatulence, palpitation of the heart, nsrvoua 4yapepat And all atomach trouble br elaasalng, purlfylnc and etrengtheniny the glands, membranes of the atom- oh and dtgeeH ve organs. r:-:i"jX::iCuR TmawCaaSafalrTaB, anh. 1 1 .00- Slza holdln Vi ttmaa U trial sua, wkleh atlia lor (Oe. . , . wjeraltf I. C. SeWOT M, CtUCaM, For Sale by Gibson Drug Store '4 Insurance . Co. r$ ' T 'It in Tornadoes, Cyclones . and Windstorms. fl '.i Tornadoes are 'very 'fiequent oc curences They are liable to come at any time,' and in any ' section. Protect yourself against loss by in- ,fiif in TUB ATM ' ' ' ' -1 Dwellings, Churches without steep les, Mercantile and '. other Sub ttantiai Bull! Jings ; :::: 1 V--- r 'c, 3 Ver EScwj-.! Jno, IL Patterson. p- r't T" - ' Hsvirt(r qualified as the Fw rof ' al and trstHmcDtof Jkitery Murtind' 'r-ma owing said estate are herrby d i t ,.-t titcT mut nmue prompt ciiiit, o t ii be t.nai ht. And ail pmns havitiR c.. - eainst uhi ett must prcif nt them to th uiKifTt.itrned, v. ny in'heutH-ntfd, 00 or arfure 4Hc 1st day of Juiv, is, or 1 ma nolK-e will be pleaded is bar of tfkrir rtrt-ovrry. Wll OW C. MAHTIir, BTTller. , , Hy I T. bAAi WoWAttyjrkKr. Joi la. 1X , ALL OVER THE HOUSE. Gleanlineee In the' Kitchen as Impor tant as In the Sickroom. - Back of the pantry door hang a long, white apron, white oversleeves and a white cap; not the pretty, coquettish cap worn at cooking school, but a can of large propor f ions,- fitted with an elastic tape. which holds it close round the face, says the Housekeeper. Under this cap not a hair can escape, which precludes any possibility of hairs in the food when one is cooking. The apron and sleeves cover the gown perfectly, so that it is unnecessary to change, one's dress when it is time to prepare dinner. If one is careful, it is possible to cook with' out allowing a drop to fall and, hav ing on a good gown, teaches one to be careful. The apron and sleeves. as well as the cap, are of white lin en, a cheap quality of table linen. They wear for years and are easily washed, besides looking clean at all times. At least when they are soiled one can see it at a glance, and this does away with any chance of cook ing with a soiled apron. e insist on our trained nurses wearing white aprons in order to have everything clean About the. Sickroom. There will come a time when we will re alize that it is as important to be surgically clean m the kitchen when people are well in order to keep them so as it is to be thus clean in the sickroom in order to cure them when they are ill. 8ugarad Mint Leaves. The sugared leaves of mint are said to be a powerful aid to diges tion. Select fresh, hrm leaves and thoroughly wash m cold water, "pat ting them dry between the folds of a towel. Have ready a thick sirup made by boiling a half poundof granulated sugar witn a gin ot wa ter without stirring. When a little dropped in cold water is brittle, add a tablespoonful of lemon juice. Boil a moment longer, or until the sirup begins to turn yellow, then set the vessel containing it in an outer ves sel of very hot water. Dip the leaves quickly into the sirup, then lay on oiled paper to dry. The leaves must be held with slender tongs, and if on the stem the whole spray may be dipped at once. The Mattar of Dusting. Soft cloths make the best dusters. In dusting any piece of furniture begin at the top and dust down, wiping carefully with' the cloth, which can be frequently shake?. Many people have no idea of what dusting is to accomplish, and in stead of wiping off and removing the dust it is simply flirted off into the aif and soon settles back again on the dusted articles. If carefully taken up on a cloth, it can be shaken out of a window into tne open air. It is much less work to cover up furniture while sweeping than to be obliged to clean the dust out after ward. To Mend Broken Glass. If you happen to break a glass or valuable glass ornament, it can be effectually and easily mended in the following way: Melt a little ism glass in spirits of wine, add a small quantity of water, and warm the mixture gently over a moderate are, When mixed thoroughly, melting it will form a perfectly .transparent glue, which will unite the' glass so nicely and firmly that the joint will scarcely be noticed by the most crit ical eye. : . -' : - Oatmeal Water. This ia ' Sometimes ordered for dyspeptic patients, but is most valu able for the workman on the road or the farmer in the field. It can be drunk with 'safety . on the hottest summer davs. when ice water would be extremely dangerous. , h Boil and cool three quarts 01 wa ter, add one cupful Of fine oatmeal ta.it, cover and keep in a warm place (temperature of 80 degrees F.) for one ana a half hours. Strain and cooLf :-' 1 : ' Cleaning Paint. ,...1 TTse onlv hot water, with a little ammonia added, for cleaning paint Ordinarv kitchen soaps Wear off th paint and do not clean it bo quickly and thoroughly aa. ammonia, ubc a. - dtwuI Bflnd aoan on obstinate 0-7 . : r ... - : . places. ,'.'' h Care of Bamboo Furniture. Tn dean bamboo furniture rub with a small brush dipped in warm wtnr and Rait. The'aalt prevents the bamboo becoming yellow. Clean wicker chain and Japanese ana In dian matting in the same way. . xl.' - "" -' --'! ' '"V'-V'r Wee and MeoeronLN - AftjivVuxt or macaroni is cooked place' in a colander and drain off the water, then quickly turn coia water through, and you will find that the stickiness . which is so undesirable will be prevented. ' . . , -' To Mix Floats ef Pari. Mix plaster of paris with' vinegai Instead of water, and you will find It excellent to stop the cracks in thi wall ; ; . 20 Killed in a Wreck. ,1 St Louis, July 3.- A special to the Globe-Democrat from Litchfield, 111., says the Chicago limited on the Wa bash Railroad, due in St. Louis at 7 p. m., and half an hour late, was wrecked tonight inside the city limits. The train struck an open swith and was overturned and seven of the nine cars were burned. It is believed that 20 persons perished in the second and third coaches and that 40 were injured The injured are being cared for in the St. Francis Hospital in this city. A partial list of the killed follows St. Pierre V. Bald, Montreal, Canada; L. O. Eschsradt, Chicago; Mrs. C. F Luther, Milwaukee; Dan H. Davis, Decatur; Joseph Bardock, North D kota. James Sanford, engineer, Deca tur, 111.; Samuel Smith, fireman, De catur; Mrs. Perkins, Chicago; I. R, Mills, Decatur, 111. Startling Evidence, Fresh testimony in great quantity is constantly coming in, declaring Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump ion Coughs and Colds to be un- equaled. A recent expression from T. J. McFarland serves as example. Bentoryille, Va He writes: "I three years and had Bronchitis for doctored all the time without being benefited. Then I began taking Dr King s New Discovery, and a few bottles wholly cured me." Equally effective in curing all Lung and Throat troubles, Consumption, Pneu monia and Grip. Guaranteed by Fetzer's Drug Store. Trial bottles free, regular sizes 50c, and $1.00. The "man with the open counte nance" would be more popular if he shut it occasionally. A Strong Heart. Is assured by perfect ' digestion. Indigestion swells the stomach and puffs it up against the heart. This causes shortness of breath, palpitation of the heart and general weakness. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures indiges tion, relieves the stomach, takes the strain off the heart and restores it to a full peformance of its function naturally. Kodol increases the strength by enabling the stomach and digestive organs to digest, assimilate and appro- to the blood and tissues all of the food nutriment. Tones the stomach and digestive organs. Sold by the Gibson Drug Store We often wonder if an architect dould build a house for himseif with- out sticking himself. Worat of All Experiences. Can anything be worse than to feel that every minute wi'i be your last Such was the experince of Mrs. S. H. Newson, Decatur, Ala. "For three a tiw s . years, she writes, 1 endured insutter erable paid from indigestion, stomach and bowel, trouble. Death seemed inevitable when doctors and all remedies failed. At length I was induced to try Electric Bitters and the result was miraculous. I improved at once and now I'm completely re covered." For Liver, Kidney, Stomach and Bowel troubles Electric Bitters is the only medicine. Only 50c. It's guaranteed by Fetzer's Drug Store The flowers of the field are wild probably because people are picking at them all the time. 7 For a Hundred Tears. For a hundred years or more Witch Hazel has recognized as a superior remedy, but it remained for E. C DeWitt & Co. of Chicago, to discover how to combine the virtues of Witch Hazel with' other, antiseptics, in Tttie form of. a salve ., DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the best salve in the world for sores cuts, burns, bruises and piles.. The high standing of this salve has given tise . to counterfeits, and the public is advised to look for name: . "DeWitt" on the package, and aecepr no other. Sold by the Gibson Drug Store. Nell "She has a complexion like tinted china." ' Belle Yes, a sort of decorated mug.' I- ' " AaAUrm Clockfor 13c. ' 1 If you want to get up early and feel good all day take a Little : Early Riser or! two at bed - time. These famous little pills relax the nerves, give quiet rest and refreshing sleep with a gentle movement of the bowels about breakfast jime. W. H. Howell, Houston, Tex., says "Early Risers are the best pill made for constipation, sick headache, biliousness etc." ' Sold by the Gibson Drug Store ' D I Small Ads. at t a ' line that bring BIG RESULTS for small investment A penny column ad; one at least, will not bring you a fortune, but an intelligent use of it will bring you BIG profit on the investment Try and be convinced; 5 cents, a line first insert v.,. Special rate for constant use. MONEY TO LOAN In sums of $10,000 and upwards. Apply to Beatty & Patterson, Real Estate Agents. - WANTED Live agent to write Accident and Health Policies. Good company. Liberal commissions. Ad dress Alfred W. Brown & Co., Char lotte, N. C. 7-5 eod FOR SALE 20.000 feet of forest pine timber; 10,000 feet oak timber, E. F. White. tf . It you would quit paying rent, own your home, your place of business, your farm, buy and be your own land lord. Quit paying interest. Lay by something for a rainy day, where it will n'av vnu inrprmrs. Pall nn A name .. 1 j j " - 1 Jerome, Armfield & Maness. In new Morns Building. je 29-tf NICE tomatoes, pineapples and Florida oranges. Olympia Cindy Works. LOST A college pin, flag shape, letters L. C. thereon. Leave at W C Correll's jewelry store. je 11-tf To LET A few office rooms n the new Morris building. Apply to Morris Bros. 5-13 tf FOR RENT Room recently occu pied by Cabarrus Savings Bank. Ap ply to Cabarrus Savings Bank in their new office in Morris Building. 5-12-t HELLO at us for the market on cotton, stocks, grain and provisions, and then GET BUSY. No. 64. Direct leased wires. E. B. Gill, 12 and 14, Morris Bid1)-. ni 4 tf Serving ice cream at Fetzer's Drug Store every day. tf. FOR RENT Two rooms, sec ond floor, Corl and Craven building, and 2 five room houses on Third and Fourth streets. M. J. Corl. m3tt I AniPQ DR. LaFRANCO'S UHUICO COMPOUND. Bare, apMdy McnUtort 85 wote. Drarolita or mall Booklet f re. DR. LaFIUNCO, Phlladalphla. Pa. WANTED. To fill vour nrescrin tions; at your service any hour of night rind me 4j W. Uepot street. i W Williams. 3-22 tf rat In order to close the estate of the late loel Reed I offer the following property : 1 . The lot adjoining court house, J no. P. Allison and others, fronting on Union st. 76 ft by 131 ft 2. Vacant lot on corner of Corbin and Union St., adjoining Q. E. Smith, 32 ft. front by 100 ft. 3. One lot adjoining Jno. M Cook, fronting on Corbin st, 90 ft. by 90. - 4. Lot adjoining Z. A. Morris. fronting on Corbin st 92 ft by 80 by 60. 5. Six vacant lots on Reed St., near Lippard mill, 60 by 150. 6. Several vacant lots opposite above, fronting" on East Depot st 7. About 30 acres land on south side East Dedbt st, adjoining W. C. Coleman. 8.-43 acres adjoining Reed Gold Mine. 9. One undivided third interest in 200 acres in No. 9 township, known as Reed, Allison and Bost property. 10. Several lots on Church .at adjoining R. E. Gibson and others. If .50 acres 1 m.le i.oni Moore ville, Iredell county adjoining J. Y. Templeton and other . - ' , 12. 10 acres, near Nru- T nn.lnn - , . .For information app to SAL E John y. H::.