. DiniHnnklM Hnv lit Work. Cause Melr ; Other's packing; i house at CmaWwsi 'oir the point of closing down on account of the strike of the workmen. Edward I. and Joseph Cud ahy, sons of Michael Cudahy, of the Cudahy .Packing Company, today donned overalls and went to work as common laborers at 19 cents per hour in the packing house. Down at Ne braska City, Mark Morton, brother of Paul Morton, the new secretary of of the navy, also entered the Morton Packing plant in the same capacity as did the Cudahy boys in South Omaha. Joseph Cudahy trimmed hams today while Edward cut hogs. Mark Mor ton shoveled coal. All worked the full ten hours. The Cudahy boys are known so' cially in all eastern cities while Mr. Morton is a son of J. Sterling Morton, of Arbor fame. Street Railway Enterprise. Salisbury, July 14. The Salisbury SDencer street railway movement has assumed more definite shape within the last three days, a number of prom inent business men in this state, it is said, now beine directly behind the enterprise. The Fourth of July cele cration at Spencer and other similar gatherings in which the need of cars was clearly demonstrated is said to have precipitated the movement and it is claimed that the line now under construction will be pushed to rapid completion. Big MinninK and Lumber Company. A new corporation having $500,000 capital authorized and $150,000 sub scribed was chartered by the secretary of state yesterday. It was the Siler Meadow Mining and Lumber Co., af Dillsboro, Jackson county. The in corporators are H. B. Hunt of Brook lyn, Walter W. Field of Carthage, E. P. Hall of Boston, W. H. Campbell of New Hampshire, J. A. Kelsey of New York, and J. J. Hooker of Jake son The company will do a general mining and lumber business. Raleigh Post. THE EVENING TRIBUNE Telephone No. 144 ConcordT N. Cm July, 15 1904, LOCALS AND PERSONALS Items of Interest to 0 ill) mm All! Readers. Hon. W. A. Hoke, Of Lincoln, Associate Justice Supreme Court. The democratic state convention nominated for the two candidates for associate justices of the supreme court Judges Alexander Hoke and George Brown. Each of these two gentleman RETURNED Dr. Joe Goodman; last night. Miss Nora King went to Charlotte this morning to visit. Miss tora Lntz is visiting Mrs Lowe at High Point. Miss Minnie Allen returned last night from High Point. Mr. J. F. Misenheimer, of Char lotte, was a visitor today. Miss Janie Rerelle, of Winston, is visiting Mrs. S. E. Allen. Money to Y? ' -.V, 'WW Dr. D. D. Johnson went to Char- have been on the superior court Dench I ottc tnjs morning on business. f,.- ,. ,..1 ..ra orwl or. rornnnliol ,1 I IIIC VCIV MIUIIUCSI Ul lilt siiviik juugta. I anri uiirm tnniirht anil .Nafimlav in the state. I Judges Hoke and Brown will round I Mr. Zeb M. Moore of Concord out the supreme court bench.making it I Charlotte, spent last night in the city. as able a court as can be found any- Miss Ora Hoover left this mornintr here. Hon. Geo. H. Brown, of Beaufort, Associate Justice Supreme Court. for Knoxville, Tenn., to visit friends. M iss Gertrude Lafferty spent yes terday in High Point with Miss Best H. G. Ritz will have charge of the refreshment car on the excursion train to Asheville. Miss bailie Castor went to Kings Mountain this morning to visit Miss Carrie Neisler. Mrs. M. J. Corl went to Charlotte this morning to spend the day with M rs. Roxy Barrier. Mr. and Mrs. Hansel Thomas and little daughter, of Winston, are visit ing Mrs. Thomas' mother, Mrs S. E, Allen. The Yale Vaudeville Co.. eave the How About Young ? I . , , , T. Considering a real nice young man company win g0 to Salisbury and play One lot of Figured Lawns worth 5c for 3lc. One thousand or 1500 yards of Fine Sheer Lawns, Tan, Blue and Figured grounds that are worth 15c yard to go for 7c. One lot of Odds and Ends. Short Lengths, in White Goods. The price is just cut in 1-2. When you can buy a dress for 50c that's worth $1, doirt you think its all on your side. - Come and look through the line. It will pay you. The Sale is on today. g g g $ $ $ $ THE 1H Japanese Lanterns yttstOrfioC EACH. 14 TTTTTTTTTT? i t t t si I. .RESPECTFULLY, to send to the Legislature from Cabar rus, how about James R. Young? Being a public-spirited young gentle man and nresident of the Concord fire- u r - .i. k-u . I M iss Pearl, returned last night from men, we believe that he would secure I . ' fi in that city while the State fireman are I there. Mrs. Martin Boger and daughter, Cannon & Fetzer Co. a reduction in our insurance rates, now so unreasonable. You may, Mr. Ed itor, put down one vote for Young. Taxpayer Ward 1. Lincolnton where they attended the wedding of Miss Lucy Price to Mr. Wm. Coon. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. McKnight and children have returned home tn AnU-WattS "w BtUL Charlotte, after v.siting their parents, Greensboro, July 14. Justice of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Isenhour, on before East Depot street. viola- the Peace D. H. Collins had him afternoon his first case for ting the provisions of the Watts law. G. W. Albright was the defendant, and the charge was operating a distil lery in Rock Creek township. The evidence was deemed sufficient and Albrignt was bound over in a $100 bond. They've Come Around. Mr. Ed Swearingen fell from off the barn of Brown Bros. near town town last Wednesday, and was pain fully hurt. He was doing some re pair work at the barn. Mr. James Tarlton, of No. 3, and Miss Ada Lipe, of Forest Hill, were married at the home of the bride's pa rents Thursday evening at 8:30, Rev. i ne crowd tnat Doited eignt years I w. T. Talbirt officiating. ago did not run the convention, but For Good Summer Cheese CALL A T Jno C. Smith's GROCERY STORE Where vou will at all times fine a complete line oi uoods ALWAYS FRESH. YOURS TO PLEASE, Jno. C. Smith the trouble was that lots of other peo ple have come around to their way of thinking. Messrs. Roy Sappenfield and James Young leave this evening for Char lotte to practice with the Charlotte drum corps tonight. They leave to- Lost 25 Pounds in Fast of 30 Days, morrow night for Cincinnati to attend New York, July 14. Edward R. I the Elks Reunion. ayor. C,V nrss'onary ot riainheld, The veterans will have a reunion at N.J., has just ended a thrty-days Asheville August. 30-31. The Bun- fast, andappears none the worse for combe county veterans have arranged nis oraeai. w nen ne started to ao- to ;ve ,he veterans a bie time. A nice stain from solid food, he tipped the Drogramme has been araanired and all scales at pounds, and today he who M mav exDect . bi tm. weioha hut rwiiind Iml I - J a .!.. i Ioncora went aown to ner second ... . . ... . WIUU15 w whuuiuwi I deteat from the forest Mill ball team Winnipeg, July 14. Destitution I yesterday afternoon in x fast and inter-1 and death for the Doukhobors is feared I esting game. The batteries were again, as most of the sect have started I Pitts and Raymer for Concord and on another march in search of the Re-j Goodman and Smith for Forest Hill, deemer and refuse all assistance. IThe score was 5 to 1 in favor of Forest Most of tho women and children I Hill. a. . . . I' are ewn now destitute ot clotning ex- ;: The funeril 0f the late Mrs. Fuik, I cept a few rags and it is feared that I whose death wu yesterday, was I uu,c ,uc journey can ne stoppea im-1 conducted at Mt. Olivet this morning mcuiatciy many wui aie. . . i.-j wat larwlif;' attended.-: Amona 3 . f f T .. 1 . .1 Tka Gibxm Dnx Stom - ltnejarEc numocr or menus ana neign- ; . ji ' - l A.W th n-.Hr. fJ thim -K Dors were many ot tne xamiiy, tnere suffering with indigestion or dyspepsia bein ore thn grand children tocaHonthem once and: get a and as many great grand ch.Idren. bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. If ; Dr. and Mrs. W, C - Houston left you knew the value of this remedy as I this morning for Chicago where Dr. we know it, you would not suifer Houston will spend a month doing another day. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure I post graduate work, .They will spend thorough digestant and tissue (Sunday in Nashville, Tenn.' ". Miss building tonic as well It is endorsed Pattie Adams, of Monroe, a sister of personally by hundreds of people whom Mrs. Houston, who arrived last night, it has cured of indigestion, dyspepsia, accompanied them and will spend the palpitation of the heart and stomach j time with Dr. and Mrs. Houston in troubles generally. Kodol Dyspepsia J Chicago. The party will visit St Cure 'digests what you eat. It is' Louis and other large cities of the pleasant, patable and strengthening. west before returning home. , . Dr.J.S.LAFFERTY Offio to mmw Mavrrte BU4 tofft Mm. ISmmd 18......... SPECIAL ATTENTION Owmrn Chromic Bbsnn mh bMSM fChlUr. CmHm pmtmttf mttam atarf.,.. t Phone -. 131-a. the East r . ' 1 " WIIEN.YOU BUY HAILLARD'S Yoa have the satisfac tion cf Lnowin yoa h&TetheCtst & GEDSON Dn: i :oro C:!s Ulllz i ?:zts for CcnccrJ. What We Say neans nucn. What We Do: Means a Great Deal More. Summer is here, were are ready for it. Are you? If nto then you should look through our store and see the Big Lay Out of Summer Goods. You will find all the pretty, dainty shades in Silk Mulls from 25c to 45c the yard. Pretty Gauzy Grenadines Effects in colors. Digest Line of White Goods .; ' ' The prices ranging from 5c ta 50c the yard. 1 Big line of Dainty Checked Dimities for little folks'. ; Elegant line of Madras for ladies' shirt waists and . men's negligee shirts Best assortment of Table Linens and Napkins to match to be touna m town. Ladies' Nice Gauze Vests 5c. to 50c. Children's E. Z. Waists, and a big lot of Silk Summer Gloves and Mitts. Pretty line of Ladies Hose, thin andS' In Doys Suits we can show dl the Nev Siylcs.'.', Both Mens and Youths Suits up-to-date, at prices .to suit everybody. Don't fail to see our stock of Ladies Low-Cut Shoes, French and Military heels. : - .r.-. . WLcninllccd Of any of the above goods drop in and well do the rest.