THE TRIBUNE Daily and Seml-WeeKly PUBLISHED BY JAS. F. HULEY. Entered la the Postoffice In Concord. FT. C. s Second-Clasa Matter. Publishers' Announcement The 'office of Tub Tinraji is fat the Brick Row. No. S3 Union St Phone 144. Advertising- Kate can be had at the office. Copy for changes must be in hr 10 o'clock a. tn. Tub Kvkmino Thibtthb la delivered by Carriers to every portion of the city. We take iaina in delivering the papers and urce -Subscribers to report all irregular ities promptly to this office. Cards of Tn inks. Resolutions of Respect and similar articles are charged for at the i ate of S cents pe.- line this in all Subscription Rates. DAILY One Year K00 Six Months 2.00 Three Months 1.00 jje Month 35 One Week 10 8BV1-WBBZLY One Year 11.00 Six Months 60 three Months J Concord. N. C July -25 1904 Every year of an election there is a new alignment of some voters for some reason or the other. 1 wo very prominent changes of party affiliation are thus mentioned by the Philadelphia Record : "Philip R. Dillon is not so distin guished a man as Oscar Straus, but his change of party may be as influen- ential and as significant. Mr. Straus who was a particularly efficient Min ister to Turkey under both Mr. Cleve land and Mr. McKinley, and is at the head of the Civic Federation, has joined the Republican party on ac count of his admiration for Mr. Roose velt. Mr. Dillon has for several years been a member of Republican literary bureaus, and for four years has been member of the literary staff of the Re publican National Committee and in charge of the press work of the Re publican County of New York. H has left the party because he was no longer in sympathy with it, on the personality of its candidate, and he believes the election of Judge Parker would be a blessing to fundamental Americanism." There will be other cases similar to these two before the November vote, SQUIBS FROM THE WASHINGTON POST. The impression is given out that Farmer Parker and Farmer Davis held their conference soleiy for the purpose of discussing plans for improving their fences. If Secretary Wilson has a lawn grass that refuses to be stamped out, he should make, non-partisin present of some of it to the leading citizen of Esopus. Visitors who eo to Esopus full of volubility come away mute. Why does not Judge Parker insist upon Mr. Bryan visiting him? There are persons who would rather have $40,000,000 than be Vice President. Elihu Root probably feels that if he were defeated for governor of New ork, some ambitions person might want to contest that will in which the I Presidential mantle was bequeathed to him in 1908. NATURE CURES WXTIf ' SULPHUR'S'AID The DiyHeath-MiUef f CompaE Hancock's Liquid Sulphur Heals an lEntireJClats of Ills. Employed in bathing, it confers the tone and exhilaration which always accompany the healthful action of the skin. Hancock's Liquid Sulphur soften and clarifies the facial skin snd imparts a clear, brilliant complexion. ' As Nature's greatest germicide, it is the true, effective and lasting remedy for ache, burns and scalds, canker. catarrh, diphtheria, itch, pimples, prickly heat, ringworm, and soreness oi scaip, nose, eyenas, moutn ortnroat.1 mm a dT9k 0 H Leading druggists sell it. Descrip- I JQZTO IWJXVOFZjO tive booklet on the nature, use and effects of this standard remedy will be mailed to any address by Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co., Baltimore Md Have made another Cut in Prices of Saturday's TRIBUNE was seven col umns, a bit larger than ordinary. From point of looks we think a seven col uinn paper is the thing and at an early day within a few weeks we propose to have THE TRIBUNE that size for keeps; that's the fit we want and ex pect. Lots of our friends have stop ped to sav a eood word and a nice word for Saturday's paper, and the fellow that tussles for 14 hours over a paper appreciates a nice word from friends. Speak a good word for THE TRIBUNE whenever you can and help it whenever possible and the pa per will be made to show that the service is appreciated. Uae of Shell Not Defended. St. Petersburg, July 25, 3:15 a. m. The report that the Russian volun teer fleet steamer Smolensk fired shells at the British steamer Ardova is not considered likely to endanger the Anglo-Russian agreement indicated in these dispatches yesterday. It is pointed out that the Ardova had no right to refuse to stop when ordered. At the same time it is fully recognized that the captain of the Smolensk had no business . to' fire a shell over the decks of the Ardova. There it considerable annoyance in the naval circles over the failure of the vessels of the volunteer fleet to keep in touch with St Petersburg by cable. Several days ago, as announced . in these dispatches, orders were cabled to the St Petersburg and the Smo - lensk, bstracting them to abstain from the further stoppage of vessels. These orders were , subsequently rendered more imperative, Jind it is not too much to say that they took the form , of a recall of . both steamers.. There is some anxiety lest the St Petersburg - and Smolensk may precipitate reprisals by British warships now in the Red Sea: It is expected that these steam ers will eventually join the Baltic fleet and be replaced by ordinary warships.' " Nearly every big man does a lot of mighty little things. " The wise girl catches a aiubaad by rur-.;-2 tie other way. -j - A telegram from Newport says that Harry Lehr is suffering from brain fag. Serves him right. He has caused enough of it among other folks. England would probably be glad to avail herself of the scriptural privilege and drown her enemies in the Red Sea Kaifouli is intimating that he wants he title which goes with his job of ruling Morocco. Gen. Wood is apt to be charged with lukewarmness if he does not do something pretty soon that can be ex ploited to the credit of the administration. What's-the secret of happy, vigorous health? Simply keeping the bowels, the stomach, the liver and kidneys strong and active. Burdock Blood Bitters does it. At any drug store. Silence is one of the golden women have no earthly use for. things I WM Oeiifs Low Gut Shoes, State or Ohio. City of Toledo, j IvUCAS County I Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he la senior partner of the firm of K. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm w;li pay the aum of one hundred dollass for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cared by tile use of Halls Catarrh Cure. FaANK J. Chbnbv, Sworn to before me and subscribed III any pres ence, this 6th day of December. A. D. 1886, A. W. Glkason. (Seal) Notaxy Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood snd mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. ChknkT & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation, A bad man is naturally suspicious of every good man he meets. A little lite may DC sacrificed to ai hours delay. Cholera infantum, diarrhoea came suddenly. Only safe plan is to have Dr. Fowler's Extract of I Wild Strawberry always on hand. At drug store. Our stock of the above goods in Black and Tan, all grades' will be closed out at once at cut-prices. BIG REMNANT SALE FOR WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. Remnants Percale, Hadrass, Ginghams White Goods and Lawns'. The Dry-Heath-Hiller Company. SALES AS THEY MEASURE UP. In order 16 close the estate of the late loel Reed I offer the foUowfcg property: 1. The lot adjoining court house, Jno. P. Allison and others, fronting on Union st 76 ft by 131 ft FREE I El TICKET 2. Vacant lot on comer of Corbin land Union st, adjoining QTE. Smith, 32 ft. front by 100 ft TO ST. LOWS. " 3 One lot adjoining Jno. M Cook, fronting on Corbin st, 90 ft by 90. , . 4. Lot adioinine Z. A. Morris. fronting on Corbin st 92 ft by Get These Coupons and Vote Them Before ' the Datcw pr V ' T 7 Expires. The Ballot Boi is Now Ready at Thil oGec C7& D. J. Bost Co. Money Bank B 11 1 1 Bow much ma 1 I Day your way to I I ana me- keys With Every One Dollars' Worth of Goods Yon buy from US for. the cash we give you a Key. :- Be tween August 6th and ) August 15th, we will give 1 1 von the privilege of trvine your lfevs. The customer 1 1 that holds the key to the Box will get the entire sum 1 J which is a nice present for any one. : it L 11 Only One Key UnlocKs the Box. : ( I oey is fat the Boxf It will bar row a Good Cow, a Sewing- Machine or World s fair. Tb Bank is now on exhibition at OUR 8TOR8 J I "roar si k ims swar, an hi m- m.m 99 ,9m . w J. HOST: a COMPANY; SINGLE C O U PON This Coupon Good for Ono Vote 19 & Several vacant lots opposite above, fronting m East Depot st ' ' ; For. Not good after July 26, 1004, . SUBSCRIPTION VOTING COUPON HO. i i . - (used on niw svmcarfnoNa onj,t) Z'&'-iU's-u - This Coupon when aoeompanied by the moant.neeeBry is good for..... Tote and can be exchanged for one Conpoo of that nnmber, . Vote, on omU of following: . 14.00 (One Vnra'Sabacriptioii)..i .......500 VoaM ti.((Sii Months' 8bicTiprioo).. , 2 Vosts - - ; - $1.00 (Tone Months' Subscription).... US Vote ' ttcts. (One Montns' SubacnpUoa).... .,..M . 15 Vote ' Cat this oat and when the amount necessary aooompanies it tha proper nnmber of Votes will be girea. These will be furnished by applying at the offloe. , - - ' 7 j About 30 acre land on - south I Im'iA Fas IVrw t..- adfoininir W. C 1 1 Coleman. I . as At ' 4 f11A 1 1 v. to acres aujvuiuig , ivrai uw j Mine. H200 acres in No. 9 township, known as Reed, Allison and Boat property. fO.--SeTerxl lots on 'Church st ladjoininE R. . Gibson and others -1 ! I 1 f .50 seres 1 mile from Moores i - ... I IviIIe, IredeU county . aajoimne j. i s I lemDieion anu uuwis. r i - - . I I lmi.H) acres near new txHMoa ' " For information spply to FUrJE QCDflPO Large shipment of Fine . Toilet ; Soaps. Real sweet ;: ' odorsr . No ;V better on. the i 7i market no matter what you pay for them. A most eles : gant flavored soap for 25 cents a cake. -asa- CONCORD DRUG tOui Capital ......... : $50,COO.OO Surplus and Undivided Pro2ui- $20,000.00 Removed to Office in New : Morris Building:. -Ca.ll and see us. LADIES! DO YOU SUFFEH ' With ; MontKlr Headaches? Jl TaKa CAPUOINS for them. " " The prompt relief ia n IcaJ ISO. 250. COo. A BOTTLE AT ALL CZ'.ii. A