THE TRIBUNE Daily and Seml-WeeKIy PUBLISHED BY JAS. F. HURLEY. Entered is the FntoAcc is Coocord. If. C u Secosai-Claae Matter. Pablishers' Announcement The efice of Tmm Tturnxmu to la the rick Kow. No. 5J Union St. , Phoae 144. AdwrtUnc Bates can be had et the oftce. Copy for changes moat be la h 10 o'clock a.m. Tn BviHUfO Teisuia la delivered by carriers to every portion of the city. We take lain la dellverinc the papers and urge 4ubecribere to report all irregnlar ties promptly to thla office. Cards of Th inks. keaolutkmi of Kespect and similar articles are charged for at the talc ol 5 cents pe line this In all c Subscription Sates. DAILY One Year S4.00 Six Months 1.00 rhree Month! 1.00 ae Month 35 One Week 10 SBMIWBBKLT One Year ll.OO Six Months 60 Ihree Month! J Concord. N. C August 12 1904 NO SECOND TERM FOR PARKER' In his speech of acceptance JuJ(je Parker said : 1IT . . . 1 accept, gentlemen ot the com mittee, the nomination, and if the ac tion of the convention shall be indorsed I it appear that it needs amendment, by an election by the people, I will, J then the Democratic party says that it God helping me, give to the discharge of the duties of that exalted office the VSjOjgJMViBjfcnynBnnmnnLl 00NCERNINO TH WATTS LAW. One paragraph in the Greensboro platform adopted by the state Demo cracy reads as follows : "We approve the general principles of the Watts law regulating the sale of liquors and limiting the same to localities in which there may be ade quate police protection. The prin ciple that no saloon or still operate ex cept under police protection is as sound as the principle that whiskey shall not be sold to minors, to drunk ards, or on Sundays or near schools and churches. The General Assembly has the power and when controlled by the Democratic party can be trusted to make all amendments that experi ence and conditions may demonstrate to be wise and proper." No need to apologiseze for that, or for the law. The thing is sound in principle and will stand if made an issue. 1 he Watts law may not dc perfect but it hits in the right direction and is endorsed by the people of the state at every opportunity. The party endorses "the general principles" of the law after it has been in operation and stands pleged to uphold it, and should best service of which I am capable, and at the end of the term retire to private life. I shall not be a candi date for, nor shall I accept a renomi- nation. Several reasons might be ad vanced for this position, but the con trolling one with me is that I am fully persuaded that no incumbent of that office should ever be placed in a situa- will do the proper revising. There is heard rumors of opposition to the law, but it is hard to find open opposition and the desire to make it art issue. If it is wrong and anyone desires-Kwaake a fight on the law it should be made an open issue and the fight made on the law without apology or beating around the bush. Aside from any ; High Point Factory Burasi .; High Point, Aug. 11. Fire tonight destroyed the finishing; department- of the Southern Chair Company, one of High Point's largest and most substan tial manufacturing plants. At ; 8 o'clock an alarm of fire was given by the factory whistles but as the noise soon subsided the report was given by the uptown people that the fire was out, but not so, for one-half hour later Grand Festival oi Bargains I I his Week i imBGiin sin " fir : sdrpissis!! lit PREHC3S eiM i : sin; lisiETr o fczs:: A- New Lot o Goodi, atlll more desirable than the ifit. Trill a second alarm was given -and the oeo-1 anUCa V.Mkn4 mn tlt '?aI.La1 'iu. JLLV1 ''-XJUni - . . - w,w csaaaw awa luu w w was. se w w wv .mm aaaaaa aa savvey laSO,. -AaUaTU HB heavens that a big fire was in progress, one in all tHis section that cat attend thia Great1 Sale (-2l3otSj j Still the atorx la but half inter ctdsdSl'n At this time, however, the southside becoming an enthusiastic buyer. firv Jrnartment. aided bv nr snrtarat. 1 us, were fighting manfully against the told. YOU UiUSt IOO the fjOOfJi, the Smart Styles, the flames, but when it looked u it the fective creation and hear the prices In order to' be fire would he subdued barrels of hen.1 zine became ignited and the flames Conie today. Come every day this week. Thla is a remarkable effin chnt ha vnu?Qrrie in AMinr nf I ' a A . - mm f a- a - . - f -,. . y waicr aim crci y mink- kix. t uc uc was started by a lighted lantern in the hands of a night watchman exploding near benzine tank. The Following Items Can't Be Matched at The Prfe . ' .' 1 ' '" ' ,. ;Jr. , T 1 m. . i fc .... End of Bitter Fight Two physicians had a long and stubborn fight with an abcess on my right lung," writes J. F. Hughes, of Du Pont, Ga., "and gave me up. Every body thought my time had come. As a tion of possible temptation to consider politics THE TRIBUNE goes on re what the effect of action taken by him I cord as being in favor of the Watts in an administrative matter of great ! ,,i ;c w'.lllnn. t A,lnA it Tt importance might have upon his po- not likely that Democrats can be found who will dodge here, the party of litical fortunes. Questions of momen tous consequence to all of the dcodIc have been in the past and will be in does not and there are tnousand the future Dresented to the President I voters who will not accept any half for determination, and in approaching J hearted sympathy with the measure. tneir consideration, as well as in weigh- Th. Watts iaw stan(is for . tke above paragraph explains clearly where ing the facts and the arguments bear ing linnn them he chnnl.l ho unorn. I barrassed by any possible thought of ,he Democratic party stands. the influence his decision may have upon anything whatever that may affect him personally. I make this Says the Charlotte Chronicle : Dr. B. F. Dixon, the urbane and uni statement, not in criticism of any of I versally popular State Treasurer, was a our presidents from Washington down, I visitor in Charlotte today, arriving this who have either held the office for two I morning from a visit to the coasL terms or sought to succeed themselves; I Dr. Dixon was on his way to Besse for strong arguments can be advanced I mer City, where he goes to meet Mrs. in support of the re-election of a Presi-1 Dixon, from whom he has been ab dent. It is simply my judgment that I sent since June. me interests or tnis country are now so otat, Tre.,urer Dixon ! Who vast and the questions presented are would have thought it ! If some freauentlv of such overrjowerintr map. nitude to the nermle th it is inHi.. Chicago paper had referred to Char- pensableto the maintenance of a be- lotte as a city of uth Carolina, the fitting attitude before the people, not I Chronicle would have called the mis only that the Chief Magistrate should hake double quick and commented ac- L : 1 1 1 .11 - 1 I uc ...uepenuent, our mat mat inae- cordin(y. NoW) ,here is no excuse pendence should be known of all I , , . . , , . wnatever lor 111c vuruuicic rcicrruig 10 the Auditor as the Treasurer. It wasn't a typographical error, for every typo in the Chronicle office knows better. No one will doubt the intense earn estness of that bold declaration, wheth er they agree with the Democratic candidate or not. Nor can we doubt the position being a strong one. We have a pretty good object lesson before us right now in the case of Mr. Roose velt. The President is considered a pretty bold man, both strenuous and Harder at Wedding; Feast Tarboro,N. C. Aug. 11. While engaged in a dispute at a marriage feast and ball in the vicinity of Old Sparta last night, Eugen Wilson shot and inctantl killed Toe Edwards hath fearless, but he has done many things co,orcA A boy out doors had of late that to every right thinking an ep letic fit Edwards went into man must appear as 'coding from a I the house for a lamp. Wilson ob candidate and not from a true states-1 i1"1 to " king removed. A quar rel ensued with the ' above result. man. His "rush order" in the pen sion department alone is enough to damn him if we- were to hold him to strict account in the ' light of Judge Parker's position. It does not seem to be possible that there should be Wilson was apprehended and lodged in jail to await triaL Gasoline on around Blerr Dp. Conshohocken, Pa Aug. 10. The I victim of a peculiar and distressing mis hap, Mrs. George Staley, of this place, rious rejection to a second term, but may die of terrible bums. She dropp Mr. Roosevelt has certainly used his I ed a bottle of gasoline in the street last position to entrench himself and to eTenin2 and as she stooped to pick up dictate tohispartv. But havimr never tke Pkcea Charles Branca , , tjt . " . L I neighbor, struck a match fo see if the .T " " r"" r fluid was really explosive. It was, and wantmg an endorsement ol his service he and she were terrible burned. as President we may make a slight al lowance for the ' President,' especially I TU Dastl Ftaalty A little thing some times results la in the light of his great strcnuosity. 1 death. Thus a men scratch, taudgnifl- .. - I cant cuts or puny boUa bars paid th it i. " u'l ti ' ,' Neath penalty. It is wis to have Buck Mtn s hoping that Mrs., MaybncI leu's Arnica Salvs ever handy. It's tL. will soon settle down and give the hest Salve on earth and wUl prerei , . , . fatality whfi burns, sores, ulcers a ' country an . opportumty to forget her m (y OnlyTat Fet- for a speU. ' ,' lUrucBtor. Dry Goods and Notions. Keep an eye on this space it real- last resort I tried Dr. King's New Dis-lly means very much to you. We covery for Consumption. The benefit II are not talking just to hear ourselves received was striking and I was on my I talk, but are very much in earnest feet in a few days. Now I've entirely I Summer Ooods must go now while regained my health." It oonquors all I you need them coughs, colds and throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed by Fetser's Drug 40.inch Whitc Lawn at tOc Store. Price 60c and $1.00. Trialbotl,v, ..... , . , c ties free. I Other White Lawns at 12ic 15c, 20c and 9c A man generally gives a lame ex-1 45-inch Silk Embroideried Lawns excuse after he has had his leg pulled. I worth 40c, going at 9c 25c Lawns going at Tc The man who is out for the dough I jc Lawns at lOcc sually takes the cake. 1 20c Silk Ginghams at 12tfc si i a i 9 v A Perfect Pain leas Pill I i'anama iwauras at sc Is tlie one that will cleanse the sys-1 Our 5C. UOUtttet con tern, set the liver to action, remove the I tains 'jood Calicos, Lawns, bile, clear the complexion, cure head-1 Ginghams. Plaids and ache and leave a good taste in the I the like, mouth. The famous little pills for do- A$0 ft Remnant COOIlter ing sucn wora pieasauny sua eneciuai-1 n ai j - - ly are DeWitt's Little Early Risers; Bob With MI KlMlS OI IrOOflS Moore, af Lafayette, Ind., says: "AU Lawns. Calicos, Ginghams, Per- other pills I have used gnp and sicken, cales, Worted Mannels and Cut-a-de whUe DeWitt's LitUe Early Kisen areljn various lengths, from 3 to 10 yards simply perfect." Hold by Iiie Uibsonleach. Hamburg Ldges in 4, 5 and Drugstore. L yard lengths, price per yard. 5c tu , , I " l IK iiuifiu mwvjii i iiisai ss) utaasawsi M a a m rr r Can flaMssm CsmsMkaa slVwftjl Me.MlfJifM in the mouth if it's a whisky punch. ljeB "u "-". ine cneapesi in lown. .tJZr.""D iw.One 34 yd piece worth 60c. price mnnH nt had Imwui diartn: I P" V1"' 0n'V ered will interest many. A run down I Half dozed other nice patterns, worth svutam. or desnoudencv invariablv nre-l 40c going at .23c cede suicide and something has been 1 25c and 45c Matting for 20c and 25c found that will prevent that condition I Ladies Parasols from 50c to $1.00 which makes suicide likely. At the first thought of self destruction take Electric Bitters. It being a tonic and nervine will strengthen the nerves and build up the system. It's also a great stomach, liver and kidney regulator. Only 60c. Satisfaction guaranteed by Fetzer'a Drug Store. hven the vegetarian doesn t like to be regarded as a small potato. Clothing and Gents Furnishing Goods. Clothing for summer service as it is in all lines, Clothing changes styles to a certain extent with the seasons in other words, there is continually be ing brought out new styles and fabrics. We keep abreast of the times and offer everything new and desirable that is produced for the comfort and dress of the men. Waitr gofiaa; Twm Ptmsm Staff, '"''espto'iKnJsw. Don't miss this. These are not cheap, shoddy goods, but high class as to style and quality. 20 per cent or onrfifth off of the original price. Every man and hoy should take advantage of these money-saving op portunities offered in this sale. The goods must go in the next few days. We must make room. The original price ticket remains you figure off the discount yourself. No goods will be charged at discount prices longer than one week. -3 : Hardware. H n r rl iv ii i a A . sale that will benefit you. -Hav ing -' decided ' to -quit the.. Hardware business we will sell, as long as they last, for cash, and cash only:- ' See our Invisible Lacing Corset built for comfort. ' Shoes! Shoes! Clearance Shoe Sale. Hundreds of pairs of Oxfords and Slippers to go at wreckage prices. $1.50 Oxfords at $1.19 $100 Oxfords at .$1.69 io,'$250 Oxfords at ..$1Jt9 "UC, 4 a a vi i aaA 4ae ajxioras at sai9 $3.50 Oxfords at $2.69 $4.00 Oxfords at $3.19 - Our Shoe Department is entirely too large it must be reduced. We will save you money. Call and look through our enormous stock. Buffalo Pitts 8-18 Disk Harrows . for $10.50 Buffalo Pitts 8-20 Disk Hsrrowa v' ' for $20JCO-M V Buffalo Pitts 10-20 Disk ' Harrows for. -:2fC3tv 35c and 40c Collar Pands for..23c f 25c Mica Axlenease for. 1 IBc 10c Mica Axlegrease for ..Qc - ' 5c Axlegrease for ....ilc 50c Tie-out Chains for .3e - - in. t. . . asaa j . toe iie-out wnains ror.. .ac 1 - 35c Hamesfor , .23c ?f Also Tinware, Churns, Harness, ' and everything kept in an up-to-date- ; . hardware store must go. , . ! If yoa need anrthini laVtha Carpenter's or DlicH smith'iToolUnt It will certainly pay you to see us and get our prices before you buy ' or if you are going to buy anything . -in the Hardware line see us and get our prices, and you are sure to put- 4 .. chase. Remember we are going to " , quit the Hardware busineu. How's!' x your time to get thebargaius. '"J Groceries We keep on hands a full liusj of , Heavy and Fancy Groceries, and you s i win uo wen to see us neiorc you ouy. DsWitt U the Varna When you go to buy Witch Hazel Salve look for the name "DeWitt" on every box. The pure, unadulterated Witch Hazel is used in making Witch Hazel Salve, which the best salve in the world for cuts, burns, bruises, boils, eczema and piles. The popularity of I DeWitt Witch Hazel Salve, due to its many cures, nas caused numerous worthless counterfeits to be placed on the market. The genuine bears the name B. O. DeWitt A Oo. Sold by The Gibson Drug Store. The poet isn't necessarily versatile just because he writes verse. A Swest Breath Is a never falling sign . of a heal ty stomach. When the breath.! bad the stomach is out of order, There is no remedy in the world equal to Kodol DyspedsU Ours for curing Indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach -disorders, Mrs. Mary S. Chick, of White Plains, Ky., writes: , "I have been a dyspeptic for years; tried all kinds of remedies but continued to grow worse. By the use of Kodal I began to improvtfionoa, and after taking a few bottles ant fully restored in weighs, health and strength and can eat whatever J like," Kodol digests whaf-you eat and snakes the lach sweet, 8rJd by The Gibson Drugstore. ;-.-?-ai-?iv-',-'r;r y'i The fellow who marries for ' money sometimes buys a gold brief'1 STATS OSJIO, ClTT Of TOLEDO. - - LvcaaCoiurrT f . 1 t-! Fraak X Ckcacy aaakes oath that he Is scalar pailatr ot Ihe Srm e F. J. Chemey Si Cow'eVocac ma ia the Citr 0 Totr4a, Oanaty aa4 ataht aforeaaid. aaS that aasi Sna w;U par the sasa af oira MpnaaaB m i tas far each aa4 ncry case of Catarrh that aaaaat he rtami by the ass af Hans Catarrh Care. Pbabtk J. Ciun. ma a before sae sa sahscrfbsd ts say sees- eae, thia bth day ot Decrataer. A. D. US. . a. W.QLaaaojr. - - (SaaO ' ' - Iotat ruauo .ill's Cahurb Cam h takra fcaaeraally. aad acts .rrr raebeoedeadaiacaaaaarlaoes of Uw ' .v -a. Sea4 for aestiaaoalals free. P. J. CnntT fa Co Toledo. O, ' JiabyaaDraaia.75c.l - " 4 Take SUB'S Paasitv rilm Ssr Fruit Jars. Fruit Jars. We have a big lot and you certainly want to get our prices before you bnyaaaecome 'and see"1"1 them, and if the goods and prices do not suit yon we will not worry yon to bny. This is merely a taste of the wonderful bargains to be had this week, to don't t&ls - it. Come one, come all to The Dry-HeatlMite INSUMNCEl Written In All DtanchoG IN ... ...... $5p,O00.C9S Surplus and Undivided Profits $20,00 O.CD Removed to Office in New- Morris G. G. Rictzc:d fi Co. tMficer-Reat rown City Hdrg aTiEncdNrN, c. ' Pires Torn aara far the lomo . ' Class la our brat collnes. A Bia . 'i" Vears' Course oncred. ' , rVU4(srt " ; - f siirf 97S.CX r.- f fausf rr U KCs L-ammmm. $ III , ,t foeessrr'argd. Thorourt work. " sin diariuiiae. I Hioerienced Fac"L.-' .i alty, Coataifwiimii hint tiiuft Solra-'.-' ' -id fjlerary Soeiriy. Ti 1 'miK. - , JLsrse Caaapaa a"i '" 1 ' would fladly etl oa ore. "f- with you aeea mtrresKd. " u we d j'-,T C4 faSa7'. tm1k CtIm i Building. Call and see us. AND. i : -.: TO No such a tliii m"r com plaint" where Dr. i v . vCt or WUd Etrawberry is kept Liiy. a- t-.ra's ra cedy for every looseness oi i;.e bcTi'. !. At any ing store. . . 'M St. idi-cl tlf fU Uttt'cJ fzzim THREE SOLID TRAINS DAILY with ; IHiUmaa Mre CaiJ,. --Atlanta to St Louia without clang- .'r:f- ONLY THROUGH Car ServIcefrora Atlanta to . Chlcaso with : : out change. V-; ' v. - . . -. Ckse connections made at Atata with the Seaboard Air Line RaUwfTv Central pf Crr'a Eaflwayand the Southern fcHwsy traiM. Vot ri?,.folv!a or other infocmatlpn write to f :rThos:R.TiSes.TrV No 1. N. Piyor St V 1J ATLANTA. GA. f i II.r.C-::h.TnT.cL'ir, Chas . llansan. G. P. A.

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