THh t.SBUNE. Daily and Semi-WeeKly PUBLISHED BY JAS. F. HURLEY. Entered In the Poatoffice In Concord, H. C. a Second-Class Matter. Publishers' Announcement The office of T Tkibuhb i in the Brick Row, No. S3 Union SL Phone U4. Advertising Rate cm be had at the office. Copy for changes must be in hy 10 o'clock a. m. Thb Hvknimo TaiBum la delivered by Carriers to every portion of the city. We take latna in delivering the papers and urge -Subscribers to report all irregular ties piumpUs to this office. Cards of Tb uiks, Resolutions of Respect And similar articles are charged for at the i ate of 5 cents pe line this in all eases. Subscription Rates. DAILY One Year $4.00 Si I Months 2.00 Three Months 1.00 Month 35 One Week 10 8KUI-WKKKLY One Year tl.OO Six Months 60 Three Month -33 Concord. N. C Sept. 24 1904 NICE WORDS FOR AYCOCK. Governor Aycock has just returned from the State of Maine, where he made several speeches on education. Following one of these speeches the State Superintendent of Education of that State said among other nice and deserving things of our Governor: "Governor Aycock faces the east and stands for the best in the school, the home and the church. "He represents the newest South and believes in her glorious future. "His personal and social life are in harmony with the sentiments he voices. "The past receives but little of his thought. He has left behind the things he has gone by. No bitterness finds nuture in his soul, but instead he hunts for what he wants to find.the best in every one. "He is progressive in spirit, but con servative in action. He is hospitable to new ideas and judicial in adopting them. "He sees education from the states man's standpoint, hence he is catholic and generous. (If! I tie nas been every day as you see him row t magnetic, masterful, but alwi and anxious to make good things .. His candor has won our hearts, his teachings have enriched our lives, yet his best gift has been Lis great per sonality. We are glad to feel his shoulder buttressing ours. It gives us courage to walk the pathway of struggle with him. North Carolina and Maine are sitting around the same hearthstone in tnese days. May eternity be too short in which to number the days we are to stand as one in our love and ef fort to make the world better and akin. "And now may we bow our heads while we say in our hearts, "God bless those who have brought us the message of light and life." An epidemic of typhoid fever at the Baptist orphanage has caused the man agement much anxiety and entailed a heavy expense. At this orphanage 200 children are cared for and for sev eral weeks the fever has raged, bring ing with the burden of caring for the patients untold suffering to many. The management is meeting the situa tion bravely and doing the work of re lieving the suffering in a splendid man ner, but there is need of help.; The situation is one appealing to all thought ful people.' and those', who ' have the burden should be remembered by the people ef every section of the JStateTT ':'?7Ti'li ?v'f if-:. , , The Japanese and their enemy, the tiJianMishse soc.much time foriel- litttriBriiirlcTAejruMiWaM nd)e,ijarehdajnt afid&exjtaftet VfotJ silnaba mom qnpeadffg tlttu3Pf iuiiustaUosadwiCJdlvhwSnii tUnvpetjpie tsf ?fc stsoJeoo? Sowdents can pick up. The latest wk have heard from thelaps is that the 1 he J '"inese and their enrmv, the, are as v -.I and as nay as i,. y r n. Russian. hve prt mn'-ti tmn f. ,r j 't- exr t 1 i .. r t .e circ-uiinincta. ter wriui j. .T-"' r"Tire but they.?-j f' ' - 1 .'..y ean to 'W..." In the mean time the folks at home must get slung with such news from ?' e f : r: t' e r : n.!- c " r" Mr. John P. Allison leaves in a day or two for St Louis and will attend the Cotton Growers Convention to be held in the Exposition city. The cot ton growers have plans for their own good, principally those which deal with the marketing of the crop to the best advantage to the grower. The race is on, the Cabarrus g. o. p. has brought out its racer groomed by today's convention and the contest for supremacy is now on. Bookmakers as far as they have given the race atten tion have agreed that the odds are very heavily aganst the horse enteied today. ludee Parker has his letter of ac ceptance ready to be given to the com mitte next Monday. 1 he message will appear in Monday's TRIBUNE and deserves the careful reading that it will no doubt get from our readers FOUR MEN KILLED. Boiler Explosion at the Erwin Mill Near Dunn Kills Four and Injures a Fifth. Dunn, Sept. 23. By the explo sion of a boiler in Erwin Cotton Mills No. 2, at Duke, this morning, at 6:55 o clock four men were killed and one fatally scalded. The dead are H. C. Fowler, superintendent of the mill; L. M. Hurst, gin hand; H. G. Braswell, gin hand, all white; Geo. McLean, laborer, colored. The injured: Henry Wall, colored, badly scalded, and will die. The explosion is a mystery. The boiler was the one used in furnishing steam for the cotton gin and the plant was getting ready to start to work for the day. Brasjvell, McLean and Wall were in the room and Superin tendent Fowler and Hurst were stand ing near the door talking. Without warning the terrific explosion occurred, completely demolishing the boiler room and killing the four men instantly Their bodies were horribly mangled. The boiler wis. inspected in June by a representative of the Hartford Steam Boiler Insurance and Inspection Company, and pronounced to be first class and sound. Just before the gin started work ten days ago it was again inspected by the chief engineer for the Erwin Company. He found it sound. Superintendent Fowler was 45 years of age and left a wife and several daughters. Hurst was 55 years of age and leaves two daughters. Braswell was 35 years of age, -and left a wife and child. The two colored men were middle-aged and left families. The remains of the dead superintend ent passed through Durham this after noon en route to his old home at Bur- lington, where the interment wi take place tomorrow. . H urst formerly lived in this county and the body will be buried six miles - from here tomor row. He Married His Stepmother. Mobile, Ala., Sept. 122. The news of the marriage of Sydney Lowenstein to Mrs. Clara . Lowenstein, his step mother, in Chicago on Thursday last created, a sensation here, and, in fact, all over the State. Lowenstein is at the head of two banking firms, and is well known in financial circles in New York city. V His stepmother was formerly a Miss" Linneberg, ' of Port Gibson, Missv, and .. there are several attorneys here of the opinion that un der tie law against relatives marrying one another thai they cannot live to gether in this State as man and wife. Lowenstein made two' efforts to ob tain a marriage license in this city, but was informed by the Judge of Probate that. under the Jaw it, could not be granted. , - ..' 'v.., . -x ' .To Care Cold in Qne Day ! Take-Laxative. Brotnoj Quinine, i' All (J rfr'sts rsfnndrnoney ,11 ii)s to cor). K. yf . tirove r aiRimtul 6tf eacll Box. OCX jie jaw gsuuj injurs jo neea.i i need . to Ii-aJ sudden at u&kiN "msrn. inc? lum&ififWiui trrrAiM e!i?f but X7iM!SbjbUai&S& Probate n- . : . : . l . hat.-cL..SHrirwrtoniduMrri i"Tgeages of the skin. Put an end d iLLuwry. , TVwn's Ointment. At ar r e a Cold in One Day 8 r J Ci f-v I T t r ( ,tj a...!iS.o- cin.i;ia iu4iuiaia, disentery, diarrhoea, summer complaint of any sort if yon have Dr. Fowler's rxtract of V.'il ' -.-.., i , j,j (i.g ) , ;n9 c . J i i A HATTER OF HEALTH 7Ah PO170ER Absolutely Pure IAS L'O SUBSTITUTE Bitten by a Snake. while playing with companions near his home in Dilworth, yesterday afternoon, Cyrus, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Long, was bitten on the hand by a small snake. Young Cyrus was playing hide in a tent with Thomas C. Guthrie, Jr., when the snake reached up and struck. Cyrus immediately ran home and became deathly sick. Mrs. Long was not at home at the time, but telephoned for a physician immediately upon her ar rival. The doctor administered rem edies and last night young Cyrus was resting very quietly and no serious re sults are anticipated. Mr. Long is ab sent on a business trip to New York. Young Thomas Guthrie claimed that he was bitten but no signs could be found. Charlotte Observer. Negro Criminal Brought Over. Chief Boger went to Charlotte this morning on an early train and returned on ino. jo with Sam Carter, a negro criminal, who is wanted here for cui j ting Charley Brown, on an excursion train on May 30th at Glass. He cut the negro's eye out and otherwise slashed him up. Carter has been very anxious to compromise the affair offering to pay Brown $20 and get him a glass eye but it Will hardly be settled that way and the law will be allowed to take its course. This is not the Sam Carter, of -this citv. but rniCTiome Is in Charlotte. Mr. Crane to Leave. Rev. A. J. Crane, of Concord Pres bytery, has accepted the call extended him recently to the churches at Amity and Newells. He will enter upon his new work by the first of October. Mr. Crane is not a stranger in. Meck lenburg. He has" many friends who will be glad to learn that he will soon be one pf us. Charlotte News. Mr. Crane has for several years been the pastor at Beth page and has made many friends in Cabarrus who regret his leaving the county. Makiilg Friends Every Day. : hiscaa trnthnilty befsidof ' " Jell-it toe Cream POWDER M new product for making tli most deHcio:. kn cream jam ercr at ; ororyuilBst in Uw PK flOltMlff V MK1 in not wouiinr. nn Kiuwn an iitacUur it .n M your grocer eant sBpolyron eii(tfnrlwvtacMU)rinail. Foor kinds: Van llla,ChcoIie. SUn-vlwrrs and I'nflaTored. Addren, 1TGcneaaT,u5 lfW Co, Ba W6, Le Koj.N.t. Week Kad Rates. The Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets to point below for all trains Saturday and forenoon trains Sunday, good returning leaving desti nation not later than Monday follow ing at rates as follows from Concord: AshevUle . ,.H50 Black Mountain.....;. 4.10 Round Knob..i.. 3.70 Marion 3.35 Morgan ton iii.- 280 2.80 .Lii.--2.80 Z25 3.95 . 410 485 553 Connelly Springs.. H ickory.-..- .r- ... Taylorsyille..-.. Tryon Hendersonvule :... Brevard m-.l Lake Toxaway w . Hot SDnnpsJ. 5.25 it S LTr?fflrtmrjnrnotHi rj" P.' ?toWinrTTrcKiar-- hi6. ! 13l ne. i orv --. -'. -2; lorsv;" - . -j 225 OFj . .ic! A3k$I 7: j'lid-SCS-TTOfBuUf J t rf ttt;- r. 5 .5r Squibe from the Washington Post; s'The football season is approaching and the yellow peril will be succeeded by the yell peril. There is only 50 cents in the Mis sissippi State treasury. The Missis sippi authorities should secure Secre tary Shaw's receipe for making a deficit look like a sign of opulence. Senator Depew is still poking' fun at Henry G. Davis age. The Sena tor does not like to have a man around who remembers those jokes when they were new. An army officer at St. Louis is $4,000 short in his accounts. He was probably trying to meet Gen. Corbin's requirements for the bridegroom stakes. . Newiwk Democrats are almost as severe as the Republicans in their denunciation of Gov. Odell. A physician at Cumberland, Md., cut off his own foot to save his life. We have heard of persons cutting off off their noses for pure spite. Ohio Republicans report that every thing is harmonious with them this year. Senator roraker is keeping out of the State. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senioi partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm w;ll pay the sum of one hlndred DOLLAio for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Halls Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my pres ence, this 6th day of December. A. D. 1886. A. W. Gleason. (Seal) Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, bend for testimonials free. F. J. ChenkT & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. joy cometn in tne morning, unless . i . i you've been making a night of it. Fearful Odds Against Him. Bedridden, alone and destitute, Such, in brief was the. condition of an old soldier by name of J. J. H&veus, Ver sailles, O. For years he was troubled with Kidney disease and neither doctors nor medicines gave him relief. At length he tried Electric Bitters, It put him on his feet in short order and now he testifies. "I'm on the road to com plete recovery." Best on earth for liver and Kidney troubles and all forms of Stomach and Bowel Complaints. V Mo, Guaranteed by Fetaer'g Drug store.' Isn't it funny that a moth can grow fat by merely eating holes ? Backlen's Arnica Salve. Has word-wide fame for marvellous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo tion,, ointmeut or balm for Cuts, (Torus, Bums. Boils, Sores, Felons. Ulcers, Tet ter,. Salt Ryenm, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands,' Skin Eruptions; Infallible for Piles. . Cure guaranted. Only 26c at Fetser's Drajr Store. Diptheria, sore throat, croup. Instant . relief, permanent cure. Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. At any drug store, fTax Notice. The tax books are now in my hands. and your tax is due since the first day of September. All special license taxes are due since the first day of June, and all -owing these special taxes should come in at once and pay without further notice. : All parties who- owe special school tax wul notify, me when they oome in to pay their State and county tax, so there will be no confusion. All who live in these special school districts are supposed to know better than myself when they are due a special school tax. jas.- a: jiAKmUa, tthennv sept 21-tf S Departure of Trains. SOUTH BOUND No .. Nov 39 r .37 11 :-7. 35 ; 29 " LEAVES 7:15 .8:51 9:14 3:55 9:32 9:09 A M M NORTH BOUND No. 8 LEAVES 4-35 . A. M 36 'V30' " 36 10.02 ' 10:40 . . 14 10:00 No.. 12 7:50 v P. M &50 10.38 ' 1 38 ; 40 No. 36 stop at China Grove on flag. 60 YEARS f EXPERIENCE n T . c - a uttMh tr.N - if tna. "Help! Help! I am falling!" cried the hair And i kind neighbor came to the rescue with a bottle of Aver's Hair Vigor. The hair was saved I In gratitude, it grew long and heavy, and with all the deep, rich color of early life. Sold in-all parts of the world for sixty years. Lw.Sr;' TRY A THE : Swan $$ 0 wall m) J If your grocer does not have it 'phone j'our wants' to FENIX FLOUR MILLS We will deliver it to your house. 'Phone No. 40. A home enterprise deserving home patronage all things equal. FNUE SOAPS . ! Large shipment of Fine Toilet Soaps. Real sweet odors. No better on the market, no matter what you pay for them. A most - ele gant flavored soap for 25 cents a cake. CONCORD DRUG CO. Capital SurplUS and Undivided CABARRUS 16 IK Removed to Office in New Morris Building. WESTERN A ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Ry. ' TO St. Louis and all points West and Northwest THREE SOLID TRAINS DAILY with Pullman Palace Cars. Atlanta, to St Louis without change. ONLY THROUGH . Car Service from Atlanta to Chicago witb out change. Clc se connections made t Atlanta with the Seaboard Air Line ' Railway, Central of Georgia Railway and the Southern Railway trains. For ap, folders or other information' write to i : Thos. R. Jones, T. P. A., ;v"l No 1. N. PryorSt. ATLANTA. GA. H. F. Smith, Traffic Mgr. .-..V,; WORLD'S FAIR st. Louis EXTRAORDINARY LOW RATES September 6, 13, ? ;y On above mentioned dates - v : very, low round-trip Coach ; - These Gc'cets will be good ; all tnins on dates shown .' ' t ' RATE Goldsboro $20 00 Selma . . 20 00 Raleigh 18 SO Durham a 17 00 Greensboro-' 17 00 Sanford ------ 20 40 -'Tickets sold at above rates not good notices .-elsewhere . , " v ' ' FortuUintoatiooiJildlSeFak dress Aato.wfmRs3.excuron es to StvLoui4v - LWiBW good on ASiWW.. Sata shown. J. H, WOOD, D P A v AsheviUe. N. Ci .-RATE (poldsboro-,---, --,w$2Qialisbilnr-.----' .... $17-00. . $elirm - 20 00 . nfuiio. on R. L VK:iON, t. p. a. Chnrlorle, N. C. J. II. WOOD, D P A As!- N. C. SACK OF BEST g ON : EARTH. $50,000.00 Profits $28,000.00 Call and see us. AND Chas E. Herman, G 20 and 27, I904 the Southern Railway announces ' - exenrsion tates to St. Louis. , . on all regular Coaches, and on v- .' Tickets good for tej days. FROM ' , Salisbury ; $17 00 Charlotte - 18 30 Statesville 17 00 Marion------ - 16 20 Asheville 15.40 Hendersonville : 15 85 in Sleeping Cars; for other rates see ; '.-i :-; '".'.-'"k or tid- allkgUarW.11-1-' Tickets rooaWr5DJaVi W. H.TAYLOE, G. P. Ar. FROM a. Washington. D. C - Charlotte 18 30 S II. HARD WICK, P. T. 11., WashinfTton, D C. W. H. TAYLOE, G. P. A-, V.ri:hiron, D. C P A. 1 !