iRIBUNE. z.1 Semi-WeeKly PUBLISHED BV JAS. F. HURLEY. Entered tm th. Poatome. la Coafcoord, a?, CiiamwUiMlutkf. Publishers' Announcement The oflet of Tbb Tanora la tai th. - Irick Row, No. S3 Union St. Fhonc M4. Advertising- Rate, on b had a tn - office. Copt for change moat b hi v, fc by 10 o'clock a. as, ; I- Tan Evki Tamtm is delivered by Carrien to mry portion of the city. We - lak. akna in delivering the paperaand aw .subscriber, to report all irresular ues prompt1 to this office. s- Cards ol Tii uiks. Resolutions of Respect v aad similar articles are charged for at the tate ol Scents oe. line this in all c Subscription Rates. DAH.V ..... One Year.. ix Months.. Three Months ae Months, One Week. Skmi-wbskly On Year....... Biz Moaths... Three Moaths ..$4.00 .. 1.00 .. 1.00 .. .35 .. .10 .. .60 .. JS CONCORD, N. C, November 7 1904 . BLACKBURN HIS LAST LEG. The Statesville Landmark of Friday goes for Spencer Blackburn with gloves v -'off. Spence and his crowd have been . . scattering around Statesville a scurrilous and unwarranted attack on Newland, 1 ... . his opponent. We do not know if .: such thing have been given out here , - in Cabarrus, but if so the voters should watch out for them. They will do Newland no harm, for considering the source no one should be thrown off guard for a moment. Among other things this- unsigned, unendorsed and cowardly circular states that Newland was nominated by a drunken crowd and that whiskey was shipped to i Wilkesboro to Newland to accomplish his nomination. There never was a baser lie told than this. Having the undignified and disgraceful conven tion which nominated a man who does not live in the district in mind the author of this unsigned and cow ardly attack applied the method char acteristic of some of his own parties dealings to Newland. Anonymous . , ' communications are base and coward , t ly. An honest man who would fight ' in th nrtn in A cnilr friitVi ic nnf rrr ing to sneak out a batch of printed r lies to which no one adds an endorse- merit. The truth of the matter is that Spence is beaten and he is resnrr. " ai Hi iinfTT'im llfnrTi" n a last hope. But such will not da A comparison : of the two men is like liking day and : night - Blackburn is not fit to repre sent the district if he lived in the dis trict He is not worthy to tie the shoe 1 strings of a brave, honest man like -J ll'll T f " ' Carta a Bin XNewiana. ine party tnat re- '- : sorts to such undermined methods to w honest men off their guard de serves tireoatinue to be likened unto the old Republican party that brought 1 - shame, disgrace and negro rule to the . state every time it ever had an oppor- tuniry. -"There are many good Re publicans in the district who know Blackburn who will not vote for him. Dr. J. J. Mott it one of these and he recently laid that while he would like to sec the district represented by . Republican he would not support such : ;, a man at Blackburn. " All the Reven - ' ue fellows and the Federal office hold- , er will willingly Tote for. Blackburn but good people who have nothing of -THE LAST ACT. f ) V The campaign ends. The lasr, act wilt be the deposit of the ballots on tomorrow. The campaign in Ca barrus has been creditable. It has been free from and questionable methods and we urge the people to follow this spirit at the polls. Let no undue excitement prevail or passion arise. We need hard work all through the day. Everv vote must be -recorded. Work for the entire Democratic ticket early and late. Be not drawn from your purpose for small reason but give Democracy one full day's work. Don't lose your head, your temper or any of your best ener gy. Tomorrow tells the story. Re member Newland and see that he carries Cabarrus by a good majority. Don't scratch vote it all, a scratch means a half vote for the opposition. You have no comfort to give the ene my. We feel confident of Cabarrus going Democratic, but work to swell Tit Situatioa is Acute. - New York, No. 4. The specific charge made by Judge Parker that the Standard Oil Company has espoused the Republican cause, the counter charge that Judge Parker was himself mixed up in the shipbuilding trust, to gether with t he general crimination and recrimination nave projected a situation of much delicacy into the political world. Neither side is telling all that exists behind the scenes in this trust business, and if somebody should squeal, some Thos. W. Lawson should come to the front the resultant disclosures would put the publicity bureau of the Department of Commerce and Labor out of business. Men in a position to know declare that Judge Parker is speaking advis edly when he talks about trusts and corporations being allied to the Repub lican organization. Some of these corporations, it is believed by every body hereabouts, were friendly to Judge Parker when he was trying to secure the nomination, and after the St. Louis convention promised to con tribute to his campaign. When J. Pierpont Morgan changed front the Blackburn. a selfish nature to gain should never for a moment consider such a thing. ; We have not seen of heard of any of these circulars around this county but they should deceive no one. De mocracy is on the watch and will be at the polls early and late tomorrow. Every man should do his duty.-. This is a Very important campaign.. The Republicans have taken the side of the . .Ill e; ua-t tie Watts law.;.. Moral i ; a e at s.Ae and every man who i of truth, right, good care of the io- ! .1 and proper moral ' y traffic should ; ket from - top to Don't Ie misled after a Teder-f-r success for Work with ' ' urn, who Squibs from the Washington Post. The negro voter is more interested in the supply of campaign gin than in campaign ginger. Mormon elders are boasting that they never have any divorces. Prob ably could not afford them, with an alimony feature attached. Harry Lehr claims to have a parrot that thinks. The next report will be that the parrot is giving Harry lessons. "Is it right to work for money f" asks the Universal Truth Association, of Chicago. It isn't a question of ethics, but one of necessity. A Missouri educator defines educa tion as ' a transformation from an in definite, incoherent homogeneity to a definite coherent heterogeneity by a series of differentiations." Governor Cleveland could not have stated it more simply. Judge Parker says that politics is a science, but still some persons practice it as an art, while others work at it as a trade. Chicago is worked up over the rob bery of a California woman of $5,000 just as she was going into the city on a train. Chicago always feels sore when an outsider gets the money. Alt, ha t Another evidence of the big stick. Mr. Roosevelt's New York house is now occupied by a club. Secretary Shaw has given a life-size portrait of himself to a little Iowa girl who listened to him talk for four hours. She earned it. There are really no good grounds in this full coffee-pot argument that is being made by certain spellbinders. Now a Texan comes forward with an invention for turning a buggy into an automobile, What is really needed, however, is some invention that will prevent an automobile from turning into a repair shop. Bulgaria is going to send another ultimatum to Turkey. If this keeps up, the Sultan will have to build a special warehouse for the storage of his ultimatum collection. the majority and to defeat Spencer ' lesser financial lights followed, but not until after some of them made a very clear explanation to the supporters of Judge Parker. Many believe that Judge Parker is familiar with all the details that led up to the altogether amicable understanding which now exists between the administration and Mr. Morgan, and it is this knowledge which Democrats have of the nature of the deal which renders the situation acute. "Be Quiet Rosier' and Child Dies. Pittston, Pa., Nov. 3. -Mrs. Joseph Nisei was hanging clothes out at West Pittston today, and when her three- year-old daughter in the. house cried the mother called out: "Be quiet, Rosie; mamma'll be in in a minute." When the mother finally arrived in the house she found the child had poked live coals from the fire, igniting her clothing, and had burned to death. ' Hanged by His Apple Bag. Bloomsburg, Pa, Nov 3. Farmer William Jackson, of Bethel Mill, this county, met death in a peculiar man ner, -. He was in a tree picking apples with a bag swung in the usual way about his neck and shoulders, when he fell, his body coming down "on- one side of a limb and the bag on the other The rope fastening the bag twisted about his throat and hanged him. . Had 13 Babies And all Die! A remarkable story was brought out by Deputy .Coroner - Frame! in an investigation yesterday of the death of a baby belonging to Martin Borgura, of No. 22 Queen street The child only two "hours after . birth. ' The Borgutas have had 13 children, all of whom died within two month after birth. Philadelphia Record. f -. " O' 't f9 renimlT in tlie world that '. t i e " ; ' t' ' :i in Mill Men Favor Arbitration. Fall River, Mass, Nov. 1. It is understood that steps have been taken to bring about another conference be tween representatives of the striking cotton mill operatives and the manu facturers to discuss a proposition to submit the strike issue to arbitration. It is said that in answer to repeated claims by the operatives that figures to prove the manufacturers' statement as to costs have never been presented tj the unions, the mill men have indi cated a willingness to submit such fig ures for the consideration of disinter ested persons or person, who will pass upon their correctness, both sides agreeing to abide by the findings. Letter to Freeze ft Utter. CONCORD N. C Dear Sir: A barber in Erie, Pa., has been teaching two hotel-nv-n how to' ' paint. Mr. Christ Wissard is the barber. Three years ago he painted his house and shop Devoe. A year afterward, the hotels across the street they are all on corners were painted, not Devoe. The story don't tell the first half of the facts; how much the three paints cost per square foot. It tells how they looked last year. The laugh was not on the barber. His house and shop looked new; the hotels had begun to look old; they'll paint Devoe next time; and next time will come pretty soon. Yours truly . 104 F. W. Devoe & Co. Yorke & Wadsworth Co. sell our paint Catarrh Cannot be Cored with Local Applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it yon must take internal remedies. HaU's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. HaU's Catarrh Core is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by ne of the best physicians In this Jcountry for years and is a regular prescription. It is com posed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, actios directly on the amcous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces each wonderful results in carina Catarrh. Bead for testimonials free. W. J. Cum ft Co. Toledo, O. Sold by an Dfwctista. TSe. . Take Hail's Family fills for coasrlnaaoa. JUDGE ALTON U. PAJiKER, THE NATIONAL CANDIDATES OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY. KX SENATOR HENRY Q. DAY 3. (LM! Do not take chances on it wearing away or experiment with some unknown preparation which may leave the bronchial tubes and lungs weakened and susceptible to attack from the germs of Pneumonia or Consumption. Toleyis 1 not only stops the cough but heals and strengthens the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold. Contains no opiates. It Saved Ills Llfo After the Doctor Said Ha Had Consumptions W. R. Davis, VissaJia, CcJifornia, writes: "There is no doubt but what Foley'a Honev "id Tar saved my life. I had an awful cough on my lunsra surd the doctor told me I had consumption. I commenced Ukia Foley'a Honey and Tar and foucd relief from the first and three bottles cured me completely." A Policemen's Testimony. J. N. Patterson, night policeman, of Nashua, Iowa, writes! "Last winter I had a bad cold on cijr sraigs and tried at least a half-dozen advertised cough medicines ioA hud treatment from two physicians : without getting any benefit. A friend recommended Foley'a Honey and Tar and two-thirds of a bo.-f.ic cured me. I consider it tha greatest cough and lung medicine iu the world." Three sizes 25c, 50c and $1.00. The 50-cent size contains two and one-half times as much as the small size and taa $1.00 bottle almost six times as much. Refuse Substitutes. Full nine-tenths ol the Wall street pointers prove to be disappointers. Broks Into Els Hoast, . 8. Le Qnlnn of Cavendish, Vt. was robbed of his customary health by in vasion of Ghronio Oonatipation. When Dr. King's New life Pills broke into his honse, his tremble was arrested and now he's entirely , cured. They're gnaranteed to nu i5o at FeUer's pragStora. .. -"C--;"'-, Alan's capacity for suffering in creases as he becomes civilized. PRO! GEORGIA. : . . Extract! of Letter from C & Bowen, Attorney at Lav, Daltoa, Ga. To ; ? .Fincher Nichols. - u : . ( -i t -r 'I have finished painting three of my houses with U 11 Paint It is the best paint for preserving and beautify ing houses I have ever naed. It covers almost twice aa much surface aa I ex pected. I had ho idea that the cost of Binteriiil to paint three houses would be i f Alwsj-s rve L. & J I. aass&ai ajav mi iuj, nuaiMaM SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY S! D. D. JOH1NSOIN, Druggist Concord, IN. C. hsfBkaafaaaa Did you get up with a headache? Bad taste in your mouth? Not much appetite for breakfast? Tongue coated ? Then you have too much bile In your system. Wake up your liver and get rid of some of this bile. Ayer's rills I A vera fills I sold for over sixty years. f. O.Avar Os., fcowsll, Mass. Capital .. $50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $28,000.00 Try a Sack of ftAi mm 8 ii 8 II Removed tfi Office in New Morris Building. Call and see us. 3SsK 1 M V a 1 m El Women's Headaches 642 1-2 CcmgwM Street PoRTLAjm, Maixb, Oct. 17, 1902 I eonsider Wine of Cardui superior to any doo ' medicine I ever nsed and 1 know whereof I peak. I suffered for nine months with suppreased menstruation which completely prostrated me. -Pain would shoot through my back and sides and I would have blinding headaches. My limbs would swell rip and i would ted so weak 1 could aoC stand up. I naturally felt diaoouraged for I seemed beyond the help of physicians, hut Wine of Cardui came as a God-send to me. 1 felt a ehange for the better within a week. After nine teen days treatment I menstruated without suf fering agonies I usually did and soon became m?ular and without nain. - ' - . 'Wine of Cardui is simply wonderful and 1 wish that all suffer' tag women knew of its good qualities. . cwessV sV i Ttaasarar, lottlaa4 Bkonosnls Laaaaa. . Headaches are the dang signals of coming disease. 'Both men and men suffer headaches, but periodical headache falls only to the- lot of women and is the unerring sign of irregular menstruation and bearing down pains. Completely prostrated by nine months of suppressed menses, blinded by headaches and racked with pain Mrs. Bnow was made a strong and healthy woman again. Remember with Wine of Cardui no case is hopeless because this great remedy core permanently nineteen out of every twenty ' eases and never fails to benefit a case of irregular menses, bearing down pains or any female weakness. If yon are discouraged and doctors have railed, trr- Wine of Cardui, and try it now. Bemember that headaches .neaa br Je weakness. 8ernre a bottle of Wine of Cardui today. ' All druggists sell 11.00 bottles of Wine ot Cardui. - . The Best on Earth. If your grocer does not have it phone your wants to the FENIX FLOUR MILLS We will deliver it to your house. A home enterprise deserving heme patronage all things equal. 10,000 bushels of wheat at highest cash price. rnone No, ?. Hy Go. Pile 5we. One box g n a r a n t e e d to core any case piles. Price $1.00 per box. No one would begrudge a dollar to be cured of this dreadful disease. If it doesn't cure get your money back. Vi AGENTS ' : r--A ria ' .P lluyler'a Candles. VU111U1U 1J1U VU. Administrator's Notice. HsYtnt- ausliBed as th Administrators of Amanda K. floavr, dcccasni, ail persons ow ing said estate arc hereby notified thai they must make prompt payment, or salt win be brous-ht And sll Demons having- claims aaaint said estate must present tbem to the nndersis-ned duly authenticated, on or before the 1st day of November 1VU5, or this notice wui Da pleaded la oar ol ukit recovery. Mum Boota, Administrator, By W. M. Smith. Attorney. Oct. 1904. t a? ' DR. J. A. WHITE. -DENTIST. CONCORLy N. C. Office over Correll's Jewelry Store- bo YEA-nr V , EXPERIENCE "rtllahlg .Ml' DCStOMt Corr-RioMT Aa AnTon rwmtnff be4Hi and 4mnrlT(m mmi nt'-kir avrtri n ; n our opuiKn frM trhetn-ar aa sniitlnn is pn-rinhlf peu.Mitht, Orraimiintrt. ttnetric(lvv(iitnl!it1aj. i ajul too on PsteHUt a'it trM. i. . .1 t a.rnr-r fur fwMmrinir punia. I'a.if.tiiSi lAk'-ri tur.-nyrt JhuiiQ 4 Cvk risUatafV ( ' ' " ' A Paradox, ON TO THE GOLDEN GATE. IN COMFORT ALL THE, WAY LET ANY ONE GAINSAY Barn Oil to keep you clean Unhealthy Smoke Reminds' you no more Nor cinders in your eyes galore E x h a n s t your patience and pleasant mien Remember the SOU7HER PACIFIC To all points- - V Louisiana, T- xas, Mexico a..c California. . . Specia' rate a to Louisana. Tex as, New Mexico and Arizona k November and December Information CheeifuMy Give