4 1 The use of sign language dates from remotest antiquity. The advantage of the sign is that it expresses much in little, it is quickly comprehended and easily remembered. Above we have the words Quality, Cleanliness, Freshness as ex pressed in shorthand a modern sign language. Ik (3k Here we have a much more simple symbol, the trade mark of the National Biscuit Company, which means Quality, Cleanliness and Freshness in Biscuit, Crackers and Wafers. The products of the National Biscuit Company are sold in air tight packages, with this trade mark in red and white, on each end of the package, as a guarantee of the quality of the contents. Social Tea Biscuit A sweet, vanilla-flavored little biscuit appropriate for social occasions. Try them for the next guest. Oysterettes Little oyster crackers as light as wafers and just salt enough to whet the appetite. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Cheseapeak arid ......Ohio Railway World's Fair Scenic Route TO- Saint Louis, Mo. Shortest, Quickest and Best Route. Vestibuled, Electric-lighted Trains with Pullman Sleepers and Dining Cars. Through tickets from North Carolina with direct connections. Special Rates for Season, Sixty or Fifteen Day Tickets. - Fifteen day tickets from Conccrd $24.45- Sleep ing car accommodations engaeed on application Special Coach Excursions On authorized dates, tickets good" for ten diys at rate of $18 15. Correspondingly low rates from other stations. Special accommodations ai ranged for part es Use the C. & 0. Route and purchase jour ticket accordingly. ... For csach excursion dates reservation and other information, address, W. O. Warthen. D. P. A., C. & O. Ry RICHMOND. VA. Step overt pi mitted within limit at C &0 celebrated mountain resorts WORLD'S FAIR sr. louis . EXTRAORDINARY LOW RATES On above mentioned dates the Southern Railway announces very, low round-trip Coach excursion rates to St., Louis. '' These tickets will be good on all regular Coaches, and on all trains on dates shown- Tickets good for ten days. RATE FROM Goldsboro. $20 00 Salisbury- Selma 20 00 Charlotte Radgh 18 50 States ville Durham- -. 17 00 Marion Greensboro - 17 00 Asheville $17 00 18 30 17 00 16 20 15 40 15 85 Sanford - 20 40 HendersonvUle Tickets sold at above rates not good in Sleeping Cars; for other raes see .notices elsewhere. - For full information. World's Fair Maps, Literature, etc., call 03 or ai dress any Agent Southern Railway. pj. L VERNON, T. P.' A.. . Charlotte, N. C J. H. WOOD. D. P. A. Asheville, N. C. S. H. HARD WICK. P. T. M., Washington, D. C. W. H. TAYLOE. G. P. A Washington, D. C WESTERN & ATLANTIC RAILROAD. g CAROLINA 3 1 CHILL CUKE 1 A Remedy For the Extermination of Chills ZL a and Fever and Sold Under a g Positive Guarantee, g IF taken according to directions and long ZS . f . 1 , i ta9 - enough to give the Remedy a lair trial tne -jj - money paid will be refunded. In most cases : one bottle is sufficient; in real stubborn cases I two may be necessary, and if after you have I taken two bottles and have not been cured of the ; chills, get the money from the dealer from Z whom you bought the medicine. V t ; This Remedy - - ig made from a celebrated formula and we feel safe in saying - tliat it will cure In every case of chills. We believe this strong Z enough to guarantee as above. Z Carolina Chill Cure ZS la prepared with a view of giving a remedy adapted to this - immediate section. In Concord and Oabarrus it has been of ton -j Z tried and with the most satisfactory results. We believe in - Carolina Chill Cure zSm Z And will refund the price paid for it where it fails. Z CAROLINA CHILL CURE - Is a sure cure for chills and fever and a fine tonio. When taken - a a tonio it never fails to build up the system.' As for chills, J - they cannot -live and prosper in the same house with g Z Carolina Chill Cure. - Made and Guaranteed by E Carolina Co. 3 r w. Get it at , . '3 E MARSH'S DRUG STORE 2 P RICE 50 CENTS 3 AND Nashvile, Chattanooga & St. Louis Ry. St. LcdIs and appoints West ?M Northwest. ' THREE SOLID TRAINS DAILY with Pullman Palace Cars, Atlanta to St Louis without cLange ONLY THROUGH Car Service from Atlanta to Chicago witt out change, .s. ,, -;' 1 ; " j -. -f . . Clcse connections made t Atlanta with the Seaboard Air Line Railway, Central of Georgia Railway and the Southern Railway trains. For -ftp, folJers or other ir.forrrYsoo wri'e to tfiuuuuuuMuuuuuuuuuiuuuMurc 1 A - . r 1 with good blood ana beaitny ooav. t and Dull Eye ar the mult l impure I blood caused by diseased atomach NATURE'S RIHEDY n Cures Constipation, Bad Blood aad an diaeasea of the Stomach, Liver and Fowe!. " ' r If your Complexion la I rl. your f kin Rottirh , r ' if ftl ( Tragedy Laid to Open Saloons. . Newark, N. J., Nov. 3. Occasion was taken by Rev. Thomas 11. Shan non, pastor of the Vailsbuig Presby terian Church, at the funeral of M iss Lydia Kopfman at her late home last night to denounce the Newark muni cipal authorities for not keeping saloons closed on Sunday as the law icquires. Almost every saloon in the city and the suburbs is open Sunday and many of many of them do more business then than on any other day in the week. The girl was asphyiated with gas. together with Harvey Moscr, formerly of Philadelphia, last Monday in a room at Ehrmann's Hotel. The min ister said the tragedy would not have occurred if the saloons had not been open. Blew his Head off With a Shot Gun. Asheboro, Nov. 4. Dr. VV. R. Lowe, aged about 38 years, committed suicide by shooting himself this morn ing at the home of his father, Mr. John T. Lowe, ten miles southwest of this place. He used a double barreled shotgun and blew the top of his head off. Dr. Lowe was a dentist but had not practised his profession for some time owing to ill health. He was addicted to the use of mor phine. His father is a prominent farmer. KoCOMBSlSHIVB WEDDING. Mr. Robert Baxter McCombs and Miss Ellen E. Shive Married. M iss Ellen Shive and Baxter Mc Combs were married on Tuesday evening November 1st 1904, at the residence of Mr. J. A. Shive, the bride's father, near Organ church. Only a few friends and the immediate families of the contracting parties were present. Rev. C. A. Brown, the bride's pastor, performed the ceremony Miss Shive is deservedly popular with all who know her. Mr. McCombs is the popular post master of Gold Hill the last son of Mr. Wm. McCombs. The bride and groom have many friends who wish them much happiness in their new relation in life. Their future home will be at Gold Hill, N. C. Can You Eat? J. B. Taylor, a prouiiueut merchant of Chriesmnn, Tex., says: "I could not eat becuuKe of a weak stonuvch, I lot all strength and ran down in weight. All that money could do waH done, but all hope of recovery vanished. Hearing of some wonderful effected by nso of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, I concluded to try it. The first bottle benefit ted me, aud after taking four bottles, I am fully restored to my usual strength weight and health." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and cures, Sold by Gibson Drug Store. . The worm will turn when trodden upon, and sometimes before. PE1 in Small A:. a line tl:t BIG RESUL . small invc: Advertisement placed . are CASH. Count at j! cent a word for the "first i the second, if you want 1 a rate. We cannot ru anything but SPOT CAS1 . A penny column ad; on. will not bring you a fortum intelligent use of it will brinp: ; profit on the investment . Trv convinced. ' -a - FOR ReT Five-room h Simpson street, Ko. 33. Ap; ' J. Corl. V. -,. i The hardest thing money is to cash in. about making Saves Two From Death. "Our little daughter had au almost fatal attack of whooping cough aud broueliitis," wiitesMrs. W. K. Haviland of Armonk, N. Y.. "but, when all other remedies failed, we saved hor life with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece, who had Consumption in an advanced stage, also used tlus wonderful medicine and todav she is perfectly well." Des perate tliroat and lung diseases yield to Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. Infallible for Coughs and Colds. 50o aud$1.00botttos guaranteed by Fetzer's Drug Store. Trial bottles free. 1'he fish that gets away is responsi ble for the biggest lies. A Love Letter. Would not interest you if you're look ing for a guaranteed Salve for bores, Burns or Piles. Otto Dodd, of Ponder, Mo. writes: "I suffered with an ugly sore for a year, but a box of Buckleu's Arnica Salve cured me. It's the best Salve on earth. 25o at Fetzer's Drug Store. In a poker game the pot shouldn't call the kitty black. One of Many. H. A, Tisdale, of Summertou, S. C, suffered tor twenty years -with the Piles Specialists were employed aud many remedies used but relief and permanent mvtd wa found only' in the use of DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve. Tlus is nnlvona!of the many, cures that have been effected by this wonderful remedy. In buying Witch Hazel Salve it is only necessary to sea that you get he genuine De Witt's, made by is. J. DeWitt & Co. in Chicago, and a cure is certain. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures all kinds of piles, cuts, burns, bruises, eczema, tetter, ringworm, skin diseases, etc. Sold by Gibson Drug Store. Even enthusasm is all the better for a little backing. Good for Children. Tti nlfuuuuit' to take and harmless One Minute Cough Cure gives instant relief in all cases of Cough, Croup and LaGrippe because it does not pass immediately into tho atomach, but takes effect right at the seat of the trouble. It draw out the inflammation, heals and soothe and cure permanently . by enabling the lungs to contribute pure life-giving and life-sustaining oxygen to the blood and tissue. Sold by Uibson Drugstore. always JUDGE FOR YOURSELF. Which is Better Trv an Ex p:riment or Pr fit by Concord Citizen's Expetience. Something new is an exX!riinent Munt be proved to bo as represented The statement of a miiuufiwturer is not convincing proof of merit But the endorsement of friends is. Now sup)Osing you had a bad bock, A Lame, Weak or Aching one. Would you experiment on it ! ou will read of tuauv so-called cures Endorsed by strangers from far-away places. It's different when the endorsement comes from home. Easy to prove local testimony. Home endorsemeut is the proof that backs every box of Douu's Kidney Pills. Read this case: Mrs. W. R. Thompson, whose husband wnrks'h the cotton mill, and who lives at 110 W. Mill street in tho factory district syas; "We have found very great satisfaction in the use of Doan's Kidney Pills. I suffered a great deal from backache for a long time and occasionally it was so had that I could not get about. Doan's Kidney Pills were the first remedy that gave me any relief. I got a box at the Gibson Drug Store, used them according to directions aud huvo not had the backache since. I take real pleasure in recommending them." For solo by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Fostor-Milburu Co., Buffalo, New York, sole ageutB for the United States. Re- meinlHT the name Doan's and take no other. Many a person prepars for a rainy day by appropriating his neighbor's umbrella. A spinster always turns up her nose at a woman who has been divorced. A Good Night's Rest. The greatest tonic on earth is a good night's rest. Restless night's and the terrible exhaustson of a hacking cough are dread dangers of the poor consump tive. But why this fear of the night when a few doses of Dr. Boschee's German Syrup will insure refresliing sleep, entirely free from cough or night sweat? Free expectoration in the morn ing is made certain by taking German Syrup. It has cured consumption for forty years. Trial bottle, 25c. Big bottle, 75. Sold by Concord Drug Co. When it comes to silent partners many a henpecked husband fills the bill. Confessions of a Priest. Rev. Jno. S. Cox, of Wake, Ark., writes, "For 12 years I suffered from Yellow Jaundice, I consulted a number of physicians and tried all Borts of med icines, but got no relief . Then I began the use of Electric Bitters and feel that I am now cured of a disease that had meruit grasp for twelve years." If you want a reliable medicine for liver and Kidney troubles, stomach disorder or general debility, get Electric Bitters. It's guaranteed by Fetzer's Drug Store. Only 60c. FOR RENT. Office recently pied by Dr. Archey, 13x35 on t street Apply to M. J. Corl. n FOR SALE Baled Hay, Bost&Co. ' v s ';,(, 1' Baled hay for sale by Blackwi & Harris. Phone' 162 1 c L A Dl E S. DcoMPot Safe, pawlr Mim'.ator! K otnu. Pmr.'1- Booklet tret. DR. hiituHUO. PhUauci t Wanted. To fill your pres. tions; at your service any hour of n Find me 43 W. Depot street, S Williams. 3-22 tf Everybody la Looklnj i the City Restaurant. If you want something good to eat call ancTget Meals v or lunches. .1 keep Hot Lunches and rrcz 'r Oysters every day. BOARD AND LODGt:;5. j. w. Fimn. DEPOT STREHT. J. M. McMICIIAEL, ...ARCHITECT... No 505 and 506 Trust Buld'g. CHARLOTTE, N. C CITYTAI WANTEDK All persons owing a Toll Tax, as well as Property, Real and Personal are ' requested to call and pay the sameThis tax has been due since Sept. i st. If the city ever needed money, it needs no" Schools, Lights, Strc 'f'and the General Fund arjfC --landing money,. .Let me 1 . ? it. R. L McCOM, City Tax Ccl: The lonesome man: good for a touch. isn t Pill Pleasure. . ' If you ever took DeWitt's Little Early Risen for biliousness or constipation cm know what rail pleasure ta. These famous little pills cleanse the liver and rid the system of all bile without producing- unpleasant effect, They do not gripe, sicken or weaken, but pleasantly give tone and strength to the tissue and organ of the stomaclt, liver aadlfowela. Sold by Gibson Drug Store. - '' ' A piil may overleap herself, even in cure ?W7 V a " W i ' Under dlcorableconditir: Mr.CKaubfoc-f Nevada. O. cured by Kodol MrfcW.WiUy- ler of Hllflara. Pa., was e?vs I of .tomaoh ol ChreU I trouble which Dyspepsia by I had effected ,,, V h us I his heart - Kodol, Written f.-j III Br one: IN Strong Corr.; G. G. Riclimo!il . Office Rear room CI, insurai: DR.W.C. no: . DENTIST Office pposite Cannon e ; Office Phone 42. , V I Insurance c. Rcc! I am now handling t of all kind, of Insurr life, fTre,4ccJrfmf, t The incontestable r ing issued by the N E . art the most attractive on the market I have a strong Lr -Casualty Companies ; ask a share of your I : I also have so- i Real Estate and C for sale. Insurance an 1 : Office in Nrv 1 1 I. ' e

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