Y ? - YilE TRI BUNE. Daily and Seml-WeeKly PUBLISHED BY JAS. F. HURLEY. Thai haa hut bans iknl l awa a uew proparauon eaJta. Entered in the Poatofficc In Concord, K. C. aa Second-Cuua Matter. Publishers' Announcement The office of The Thibcwb is In the Brick kow, No. 53 Union St Phone 144. Advertising Rates can be had at the office. Copy for changes must be la by 10 o'clock a. m. Trb Evbnlng Tribuhr Is delivered by barriers to every portion of the city. We take iami in delivering the papers and urtre Subscribers to report all irregular ties promptl ' to this office. 0fe4 Cards of Tb inks. Resolutions of Respect nd similar articles are charged for at the tate of 5 cents pe. line this in all Subscription Rates. DAILY One Year 14.00 Six Months 1.00 Three Months 1.00 .yje Month .35 ODe Week 10 SBMI-WBBKLT Joe Year tl.00 Six Months 60 Three Months 35 CONCORD.N. C, November 30 1904 TROLLY LINES. The development of the Catawba rivtr power bids fair to lead to an early establishment of a trolly line con necting the towns of this section. We can imagine benefit to all of us in this service, and it is only a question of time, and the time does not seem as Items from Rockwell. Rockwell, N. C, Nov. 30. On list Thursday while Mr. Will Miscn-I heimer was rabbit hunting he acci dentally shot himself, almost the en tire load going into his face and head Mr. Miseneeimer only lived about two hours after the accident. Mr. John R. Lyerly returned from a trip to the mountains Friday. There will be nrearhintr at St Pr?trrt I lntroo,uartaufdi-licioiiatceaai. If your i ncrc win oc preacning at or. recers N vou.iMHse.f ort wank a.hm.n next Sunday. There will be a Christmas tree at St. Lukes Mrs. J. A. Brown is visiting at Faith this week. Make Your Own L T7) 01 Uw fraesr Jcll-O Ico Cream POWDER hkh ! meeting with rreat favor, as It anabk verroM to make Ico creara in their owm horn with very little troabJe. EYsrTrJxingm the Dftckairs for mak ing two quarts ufdrlickM is icecream. If your grocer cant supply you snd aflc. for two pkga. bf maiL Vao Ula,ChcHH)Ui .StrswberrrandlIntu.TOci. Ail ill use. 40a vicuwi run ruuu o.. DOS aw, JLt JKqr,ri.I TTP SPEC Fifteen Girls Mortally Injured. New Orleans, Nov. 29. An explo it W. Barnhardt and wife. of Uion of a gasoline machine in the Swiss Rorlcwi-li viH rhr-ir nr Or. '-aundry, 1U1U Urav.er street, late this rhrrh lr Saf.rHav niDhr evening caused a fire which quickly T W r ;nlrlr.r fi, r-,U i... consumed the building and contents. " " " r:r. n u iruiccu gins wcic muiiauj injureu Hor killina U in nrrVr ,hr Hav M" bumed or hurt m Jumping from and some .rood ones too. e scconu slorv w,num M.nl... Rarnhardr uvho ;. ,.,,, i ne loss oy tne total destruction ot school at Crescent, spent Thanksgiv- the laundry and damaee "fining ing with home folks in No. 5. DU'la,nB ,s tlm"tea at in Do you people around Rockwell surancc know what is the matter, well I can a jooa Night's Best. tell you you need to subscribe for the I The greatest tonic on earth U a good Concord Semi-Weekly Tribune. Try I night's rest. Restless night's and the it twelve month, if vm, Hon't hrli mwe exiiaustson or a Hacking cough t tells you something. are dread dangers of the poor consump tive. But why this fear of the night when a few doses of Dr. Boschee's German Syrup will insure refreshing sleep, entirely free from cough or night Answer to Chanler. New York, Nov. 29. Thomas F. Sherman, who was several years ago I sweat? Free expectoration in the morn ppointed committee of the person and I iug is made certain by taking German estate of John Armstrong Chanler. STrnP- lt has cured consumption for former husband of Amelie Rivers, the far off as it did a few months ago. I authoress, today filed an answer to the From Concord to Charlotte with cars complaint, which Mr. Chanler entered mniiimr nrptrv freniipnf rhp nvn tnwnc I ln the United forty years. Trial bottle, 26c. Big bottle, 75. Sold by Concord Drug Co. I'here is no reason why an uncut States Circuit Court I diamond shouldn't be sold at cut rates. AL NEW COAT SUITS, JACKETS AND RAIN COATS Just Received at Dry-Heath-Miller CoV We will for the next ten days make a Special sale of Ladies Jackets and Rain Coats. Come and look over them the greatest bargains ever offered in the history of Dry-Heath-Miller Co. Remember they are all New oods nothing old and shoddy, and must be sold. I U I A A - CI . would be brought closer rooether in "c'c mr" appo.m- , ment declared null and void. The I many ways, ana we cannot see out Not a Sick Day Sine. "I was taken severely sick with kid- aDDointment COmDlained of was made I nnv rninhln I rrinrl all ai nf muli. that such an arrangement would be a bv the Sunreme Court on th- rmi,nH cines. none of which relieved ma. One mutual benefit. This power once that Mr. Chanler was mentally incom-da7 1 tew of your Electrio Bitters i l t tit I.. t it f ouu uuivruiuiru w try iiiai. iuwr uu brought to Loncord would be a vast petent to manage his own affairs. He - , , . . , I. . . I 1U(J a 1U TV UWWJO J, 1DU irjiiDlWl) AUU DUUU was placed in the Bloomingdale Asy- thereafter was entirely cured, and have ., ur,n ,lvpln,.l n ... .lc ' u '" " om w" " ms"tuiion ne escapea not seen a sick day since. JNeighborsof I in Innt 1 KQO An kf.lminA Iihva rtAoii fnrarl rt TrtAnmkHar 01 oncoru we ougnt to get a buM A xr--- ...,. Neuraliria. Liver and Kidney troubles .uiiiuiviihw tii 1 1 21 1 1 1 1 i. w iici c i v a i . . .... hi-npfit Vm,m,,t nl,,c ,,i,t k. , , .. .. " lienenU UebiUty." ThUiawhat ' J " v-nanier claims a residence, to deter-IB F Bass, of Fremont, N. C, writes. run with this power and it should be mine the Question of his insanitv. He Umy 500 at druggist i .1 i i I I I : : .1 i . ci.eapcr ...an wnat we now nave. uxeucu ... proving mat ne was com- Some men o ilv break themselves With an unlimited amount of electric vm Jne " -rs ana bad habUj tfter th mA tbemselve$. nower manv industrir. wn..1.4 a)""B" oy tne courts. n hie ancurr A r CKrmn i . , i "'""vn avi. wuvi niaii vjiiit-o up , tins town ; many ot tnem small ,ht Mf Chan,er DeWitfs Witeh Hazel Sahfliaicured and of great benefit to the city. Elec- arr , n!IWTC ,; thousands of cases of PUes. , 1 bought is every reason to believe that the de- Thoosands Cored. access to tne papers relating to the w twu... tj..Afb-i f fill - I WJK V Alli D f U1VC1 kWTa UU mi. power in ,onco,u would do us estate. Me further represents that the recommendation of our druggist. great good. Located as we are, there I Mr. Chanler was and is a citizen of so writes C H LaCroix, of Za valla, Tex. the town of Rye, in this State, and not 0804 u for stubborn case of piles. :j r: i , . I It cured m npriummntlv " Sold n Th velonment. on the Y.dkin sn.l th I r"lucn or v irginia, as claimed, ana i '0 Catawba, of this electric power will I r j i - i. 1 I federal Courts are without mnsdic- aid us much in the building up of the I tion in the matter. Mr. Sherman also town. The hard work that has been claims that the commitment of Mr. done in the development of this nower I Chanler to the asylum was regular and I Disastrous Wrecks. ' I saa ..I (a Ki I iMunaoa la to(iTVn oi 1 tl a frw ma n-aa u : : i i I nrnrwr. and that he vii thrn nH v .v.,mo auj uckuumhk . now. a.reaaywecan - ' " " railway wreck and the same cause, ire see the light at the end of the tunnel making human wrecks of sufferers woman uauoBB cig sensauon. from throat and lung trouble. But New York, Nov. 28. A sensation 1 811,06 fte advent of King' New A $20 bill is one of the things that are easier to break than to make. as the plans are working out, and we believe for great things for this section and Concord. ha, hern rancrrl hr K rh. K lCOVery IOT consumption, COUgllS KM " I rvilrla Avar r.liA wnnt ium nn h. mrna r"lu" "c.uci Newton, oi hopeless resignation is no longer orooiciyn, Mass., against Mrs. Cassie I necessary. Mrs. Lois Cragg of Dor- Chad wick, of Cleveland, Ohio, for cheater, Mass., is one of many whose life mo,fl nnn rnr mnn. Uni Iwaa saved by Dr. King's New Sisoovarr. a . . . . va wWV JUUsu. IV a II. I " Uur old friend Kris Knngle is head- Chadwick is the wife of a Cleveland lhta Kat remedy i guaranteed for all inir this wav on hi .m.al vi.ir Th. Lv.....:.. inrort and Lung diseases- by aU j - I Ull V91L.1MI1. I rlvnirMiiot DfiM RA rA ! rtt rfU.l CHRISTMAS COMING. old man will shortly swoop down on In addition to Mr. Newton's suitbot"eB re6. the town with his usual burden of joy banks have taken legal action J j)oa-t brag about your f uture if your for all. Already the stofes are filling to recover vrl0U, ""ounw wnicti will pasr wont stand cloK Klxltiay. , ,-, , , , .., onng tne totoi sum to 0,0UU. I - p with holiday goods and the chil- - DoeOldA,., aren are writing letters to the faithful Chadwick told him she had $5,000 nno when youth fail. old friend to remember the small I in hnnd. ami .r.fi h.M te..JPoper respect for old age, but Just '"l uv.w Ul UHOl wants of the small urchins. to f Ka Aftnlmi In Iha nmmn r9 TW VImi With the by Ira Reyolds, secretary and treasurer I w t.i. ikh. tk.., r more seriously inclined the approach I ' ,n Wade Park Bank Company, of I no matter how severe and irrespective of nf rhr .,.nn uill Krinr, ,;,K f ,k. Cleveland, unio, and she bad notes 010 ispepu, waunaioa, r ever, . . . .... for $500,000. which she could nro. I Oonrtipation 01 yield to thia perfect tnougnt mat anotner year is tastleav-l. IPUL 26c at all druggist . : ing u, and anew one iust ahead. Wefc.. "1 l Energy M gone? Headaohet Stomach i r 1 ... -"-ut-u no i qui oi oraerr oimpiy a case or torpid ijiw.uuu. J liver. Burdock Blood Bitter, will make plan for the final adjustment of busi ness matters and for the beginning of I Concerning the action against Mis. new ones. We look back to see what Chadwick, he says the suit hat been has been accomplished and start to for brouht in the common Pet court at a grand stand finish of the last lap. Cleveland to recover upon loam made Ira Mr. Phadmu-lr far wkk k n...: .k. j r I , .-. ."" Mrs a uS uu. .,u promised payment, had K been nude and we wonder how it it that it hat I when due. been tuch a thort time tince last De- itatbot oh. crrr ottoudo, i t... net. . r . i ' L IocaCooirrr. - I icmucr 4jui. our soinenow.we ail I r r-. v m. ... w. . , manage ,getmethinK out of season. It but Way Of bringing US oreaaid. aid that a arm tIU pay tba sam e ,. , . ONBHUDaKDDOIXAatorcacaaa4 rwrr Something we Wain t exactly looking caac ol Catarrk rat man ba niK) br tW aar . j. ., . , - i.j . uiuib ware. TBAaiKJ. Canam. ' for, and while with tome there teetr s to bdone d .mm i. av troaU comfort b the thought, yet a " oe-br. j tsss. kind Providence his a way of working 1 ' ' ; Notaavpcauc HallTa Catanv Cmrm la hVM n aui it around to Our interetV .. There are acta directlroa Ux blood ma aacoaa sarfaora (tf . - , , . . . th system, a lor arstiaoaJala fna. -t , in this busy old world many things to r.j.cariwco..Totaio. :j...l..i-iPI,.,l..lj oldVyaJIDnBMiita.TSe. icujiiiu us uia vuoj wiifiMia lAJiuca . ,. . l we are usually prepared and as a rule Hive, are a terrible to the little folk, eel about all there b in it for us. with nd o older ones. Easily cured. , , .- . I Doan's Ointment never fails. Instant tome to spare for our lest fortunate pannaneut cure. At any drug a new man or woman of yon. J At aa drngatore. n v ; . The naked truth sometimes makes utthiver. . ,."-;.', ,l,-. ' Ko matter how long you have had the oough; if it hasn't developed Into con sumption, Dr. Wood'. ; Norway Pine Syrup will cure it. At any drug .tore. PUBLIC SALE. I wiUVll at public auction, at my home 14 mile west of Concord, on the W. F. 'joodman DUmation. on Tuesday December 6th, Four fine mules. : One fine mare. Three 2-horse wagons. About 175 buthelt of corn. A lot of hogs. . -: :. A lot of hay and fodder. One mower and rake. A lot of farming utensils. ' - - Sale to begin at 10 o'clock a. ou Terms of tale: Cash. d5 , P. C. CROMER. Prices Within Reach of Everybody From $1.50 to $20.00. If you are on the hunt for warmer Wraps, Suits, Etc., it would be well for you to call at once while the great' sale is going on. p Dry-Heath-Miller Company, f Dr.J.S.LAFFERTY ktrnt Nas. 15 SPECIAL ATTENTION CfMt Phone. 131-a. J. M. McMICHAEL, ..ARCHITECT... No 505 and 506 Trust Buld'g. V. CHARLOTTE, N. C v TAKE CARE OF YOUR HAIR. VseZYMOL HAIR TONIC to cure dandruff keep the scalp in a clean, healthy condition. It prevents baldness and promots a heavy growth of hair. Only 50c per bottle. j& & & AGENTS Huyler98 Candles. Concord Drug Co. DR. W. G. HOUSTON, DENTIST Office ppoaite Cannon & Fetter Co Of5ce rhone 42. Kes. none 11 CITY TAX WANTED! All persons owing a Poll ax, as well as Property, Real and Personal, are requested to call and pay the same. This tax has been, due since Sept ist If the city ever needed money, ' .it . . needs : it now. Schools, Lights, Streets and the General Fund are demand ing money. Let me have it B. L; McCCNNELL, : : City Tax Collector. INSURANCE!; X a;:V VMZzn to All Cronchoo ' " .' - .. .... , . i i . I.V 0. C. Riclzc:i fi Co. OfHce Rear room Citr iuildrg r - - ?S MARTIN BOGER, Vice Prfsident. H. I. W00DH0DS8. Castiei I C. W. 8WWK, Tallsr. CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK " Concord, N. C. BRANCH AT ALBBMANUS, N. O. Capl'al.. ...SO,OOCXOO urplaia and Undlvldaxt Profit... dO.OOO OO , . ! ' .-!. ? Oaposltai.. ........3SO.OOOJOO Total Raaourcaa , 4as.000.00-. Our past success, as indicated by figures, is quite (rratifyinir. and we wish to assure our friends and enstomerg of oar appreciation of their patronage and cor dially invite a continuance of the same, and Bhould be pleased to serve a lacge number of new customers, holding ourselves ready to serve yon in any way con sistent with sound banking. " ; directors : J. W. Cannon. Robert. S. Yomur. L. J. Foil. A. J. Yorke. l" J. Corl, Jno. 8. Eflrd, J. M. Morrow, X. O. Ingram. , . .-. : ; ,:: WORLD'S FMRsT.Lotiis ; EXTRAORDINARY LOW RATES ' On above mentioned dates the Southern Railway announces very low round-trip Coach excursion rates to St. Louis. These tickets will be good on all regular Coaches, and on , all trains on dates shown Tickets good for ten days. RATE FROM - Goldsboro $20 00 Salisbury -- ... $17 00 Selma . 20 00 Charlotte.. - 18 30 Ra-eifih- -18 50 StatesvOle . 17 00 Durham 17 00 Manon ... 16 20 Greensboro - 17 00 Ashevflle --, IS 40 Sanford.. - 20 40 Henderson viUe 15 85 Tickets sold at above rates not good in Sleeping Cars; for other raes see notices elsewhere. ' ... ' ' ' : '" 'v. v-' for full information. World's Fair Maps, uterature, etc.,. cau on or adj dress any Agtnt Southern Railway. : : ; 7, . v ;-tr- S H. HARD WICK, P. T. M.. S : ' ; : Washington; D C. ': '. W. H. TAYLOE, CP. A ' - : Washington., D.C : . R L VERNON. T. P. A.. : Charlotte, N. C. . H. WOOD, D P A. AshevUle, N. C r, H ; i.firaa l nai sivauaviiv. On mi (11 na eurea an biiioi ti wuw. nnu. oo , or ltmoa: relievra itomnob troubles, monlhly pains, eu. SlrMght naeattho narras alwr eicaailra siuoklna or dissipation. .JjMoiutalr Barmla a. . IT'S LIQUID. . ' Mmttl. torn mt alwaaafr ... 4m mt faaMS. fellow man. ... (store, fiOeenta, vaja Jtm mm tmtm