3 1 ! r i ii Stationery Department. Oot stock of Fine Box Papers will equal the assortment usually found in city stores. All the latest novelties in White, Col ored Borden and Solid Colors, suitable for letters, notes and invitations. Prices 5c to 98c per box. Fine Paper by the quire. Square and long shapes, plain or ruled, heavy, me dium and light weight, white aud blue at 2c to 12JC per quire. Envelopes to match the above at at 6c to 12o per package. Pound Paper. Parisian Dimity Square Shape, white, 80c per pound. Lakewood, square aud oblong, cream and blue, worth 25c per pound, spe cial 15c per pound. Blue Envelops to match 10c package. Typewriter's Linen Paper at 80c per pound. Jobs in Linen Paper, note size, only 15c per pound. Carbon or Copying Paper, Fool's Cap size, 2c per sheet. Legal Cap Paper 10c per quire. Tablets. Pencil Tablets lc to 5c each. Ink Tablets, note packet or letter sizes, thick, medium or thiu paiwr, plain or ruled, at 5c to luceach. Statement or Bill Tablets 5c. Blank Books. Ledghrs, single or double entry, Day or Journal, canvas covered, in 150 to BOO pages, at 20c per 100 jiagcs. Memorandum, side or end fold, assort ed sizes at lc to 10c. Time Books 5c. Ceceipt Books, for rent or general use, 5 cents, Inks. I-ounce bottles, assorted colors .V. J-ounce bottles Black Ink, Davids. 4c. Stafford's 5c. Paul's Safety Bottles 5c. Stafford's 1 quart size i5r. White Paste aud Mucilage 5c. In Wells. 10c up. Screw Top Wells that will not leak 10c. Brass Wire Peu or I' ncil Hack Me. Spear Files 10c. Pocket Pencil Holders 5c and 1V. Hand shape Letter Clasps 5c. Board Letter Files !!5c and -IHc. Falcon Letter and Bill Files Xk-. Hound head Brass I'ajvr l'asteuers 10c per 100. Erasers lc to 5c. Glass Paper Weights, oi eu bucks for photo, 15c each. Drawing Books 10c. Composition Books 1 to l'c. Pencil Boxes 5c to 10. Book Straps 5c. Lamp Shades 5c to 10c. Creje Paper 10c aud 20c. Pencils. Lead c to 5c. Ink Pencils 5c to Hk-. Slate Pencils 4 for lc. Testaments 10c to $1.25. Bibles assorted. D. J. BOSTIAN. Tires Shrunk While You Grease Your Wagon. We have the best Cold Tire Shrinker In the State and can shrink a set of tires in 20 minutes. Time is money. fc?o let us save you time, Satisfaction guaran teed. Shop in rear Morris building. Jas, Wilkinson. "DID YOU iust bring your 25c, 35c or 50c and get a Boomerang, hey are going like hot cakes, and yon will be strictly in it for ThankMriTiar. V You Say TalKing Machines ? T.-.1 Columbia, ' Edison and Victor Universal to select from. Record 25c, 5e 60c 75e and $1.00. Price of Phonographs $4.00, $8.00, $10, $13, $30, 2fi, $30, f3S, and ws etui give you one Grand worth $185. . . , ., i" Pay your money and aee the show. We are after yon. ' , ' The Dell Q Harris Funiilure Company. P. 8. WeaMitillln theFunritnreBuBinesa. v , V t Can't we trade with yon. going-oat of oar shop every yon to oar use -,. S ccrrfj per hcf. G fcr a quzrtcr. ; n.zr.a 122. To Cure Cold in One Day . Take Laxative Broino Quinine. All druggists refund money if It fails to core. E.W. Grove's signature on each box. 26o Dr. F. O. Rogers is home from Pensacolo, Florida, where he went to attend the wedding of a friend. on. onvis' Chill : Slier The original Chill Killer jf Dr. Davis is guaranteed to kill chills or money refunded This is not an expenment, but a certainty. At least a hundred chill victims in and around Loncord, (people you 1inow) have been cured. As a touic nothing in the market is superior. Try it. THE GIBSON Drug Store. NEW SERIES CONCORD PERPETUAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. Books now open for Subscrip tion to Stock in 33rd Series Concord Perpetual Building & Loan Association. ::: ::. 'This Association has matured and paid off 20 Series since organization in June 1888, and has never lost a dollar. It does not offer a "GET RICH QUICK" scheme, but affords a sure way to SAVE YOUR MONEY, and earns for you a good dividend. It Affords a Sure Way to Secure a Home. Call on the Secretary and Treasurer at Cabarrus Savings Bank and sub scribe for some stock it will do you good. ROBT. S. YOUNG, Pres. H. I. WOODHOUSD. Sec. & Treas. BREAD ! BREAD ! You will at all times find Fresh Bread at The Gem Restaurant. Only 5 cts. per loaf, Also a Fall Line of Choice Groceries. Yours to please, Jno. C. Smith. Phone 87. EVER?' Thousand of loaves of good Bread are week to oar customers. . Can't we add III IP T H e Tribune Telephone No. 144 CONCORft N. C Not. 30 1904. LOCALS AND PERSONALS The department store haf a change of ads this evening Mr. Baxter Gillon, of China Grove, was a visitor today. Mrs. Fred Swink leaves tonight for her home at Ingots, Va. Dr. F. E. Hartsell, of Big Lick, spent the day in the city. There is a change in the ad of the Concord Drug Co., today. See change in ad. of the Cannon & Fetzer Co., in today's issue. Rev. R. J. Hunter, of Rocky River, spent the morning in the city. Miss Henderson, of Mooresville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Z. A. Morris. Col. J. E. Walker, of Asheboro, is in the city with his son, Dr. J. O. Walker. Mrs. F. C. Odell left this morning for Greensboro to spend several weeks with her parents. Says the weather report : Rain in eastern, fair in western portion; Thurs day fair and colder in western portion. Mr. W. E. Cook brought to this office this afternoon six lemons that he raised, the six weighing 3 pounds and 2 ounces. Congress convenes Monday. The President's message is ready and as soon as it is released it will appear in The Tribune. Mrs. J. M. Odell left last night for a trip to New York. She was joined here by Mrs. Leroy Springs, of Lan caster, who will make the trip along with Mrs. Odell. I omorrow the bird law goes ou t in Cabarrus and the sports can shoot quail without fear of the game war den. Local shots have been getting ready the past few days for the march to field. Mrs. W. R. Odell entertained the Julia Magruder Book Club yesterday afternoon at her home on North Un lion street Mrs. J. N. Hueeins. of Lexington, was the guest of honor at the yeeterday's meeting. Rev. W. H. Hiller, formerly pastor of St. James' Lutheran church at Con cord, who was compelled to retire from the ministry on account of ill health, is now in the in the insurance business with headquarters in Salis bury. He is boarding with the Misses Haden. Salisbury Sun. The Richardson Orchestra which presents one of their high class con certs at the opera house on Thursday night, December 1st, carry soloists for five different instruments, and each one is an artist. The class of music they give and the style in which this organ ization of twelve pieces renders its pro gram makes their concerts deserving special notice as well as a liberal pat ronage. It is an opportunity seldom presented to our people, and the opera house management would appreciate a heavy support. Mr. J. W. roil w moving into the new store room in the Allison building. - For several months Mr. Foil has been occupying the store room recently vacated by the Bell & Harris Furniture Company. ' This room will be occupied by the Craven Bros. Furniture Company, and before the new tenants move in the room is to : be very much improved and changed. The front is to be changed. The store room will .be extended in the rear, taking in what is now a ware room, making one long store room ex tending to the rear wall of the build tag. The stain ' will be changed, as Wul be the' second floor. - When the change is made the room will scarcely be recognized as the same as now. making a much enlarged and conven ient store room.' . ?'--;." V;'. I If ignorance m bliss, the fellow who knows it all must be a foot f Many a man who is his own boss would like to be working for some other fellow. Ko matter how long yon have had (he ocr-h; if it hasn't developed into an sa? PtUn, Dr. Wood's Korwar Fine THE EARLY READY. And s when Have You We would say in connection to work and finish we have the And to finish up making 56-inch Dress Goods, more than Look at oar China. Look C AN RO WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF The Famous Paul E Wirt Fountain Pens. EVERY ONE FULLY GUARANTEED. I Leading Jeweler. HAMS! Srnithfield Hams. - Swift Premium Hams. ' - Kingan F. F. V. Hams. TirKeysand Saratoga Po tato Chips. Let us have your orders early. Dove Q Dost Are you a winner in life's 9 journey or 3are you drift- nig? Are ; your- hands tied? : Her are two atodents whose are not tied bat rowing mp stream stain life's tide aa winners. Mr. J. 3. htUDiitonwon the student oaah priae for October, of 8.00. llr, Frank Fetrea won Ave Tolomea Library Teonnotogy in the guessing contest. His gnesawas 58,731. Knmber papers corrected 68,868. S lencff It sms awaw sswsnwfe . y tsseft fsms new. - C0BRISP0HDKHC1 l.ltiuu.iiu.. L 8CH00L. b aan ton, ra. . p. y. jcz:::c:i( Local cp. lOS Depot Street. BIRDS ARE "ALMOST .V" HOW ABOUT THAT FUR? oooooooooeooooooooo We can give you a very nice Fur for you want a better one, And when you want a fine one, say $3.00. And then you can keep on going to.. $25.00. ooooooooooooooooooo Bought a Cloak walk in, very little time to kind that fit. the costume, see in -Stylish Dress one and a half yards wide, When Loohing for Christmas Presents at oar Glassware. See oar See Them To-day. N & FETZ E R CO SPECIAL! Immense Values in Ladies Fine Shoes. We will place on our counter the world known, Regina Shoes $3.00 for $2.50, $2.00 for $1.65. The greatest bargain ever offered. We have other Fine Shoes we can furnish you at reasonable prices. We have a special good thing in Ladies Under skirts to offer you $L00 to $3.50. A splendid line Dress Goods from 15c to $2.50 Yd J Rirf I nt nfWnnl RlAnUpfc " . , MMMfo . W WW vw mrmm rnmrnrn- at reasonable prices. ; A magnificent .line of Ladies, Misses andChil drens Coats - and Reefers all at popular prices. You want to see them. ." . Now for Clothing, v We have as strong line as was ever shown in town at any price you wish. ' s - Mens Salts $3.00 to $35.00. " Yoaths $.200 to $16.00. ' ' v Boys Salts $150 to $3.00 . J Thousands of Odd Pants from 65c to$6.C0. i. . -i : We can do you good on Clothiug. -, OUR LINE OF MILLINERY is up-ttHlate. We - are having a big rush in this line. You ought to, see. our line. :y:;:7Jr-'::- Don't forget to . see oar Special in Shoes. D. P. DAYVAULT BR 75c ho w $1.00. or jacket ? see them And when It conies the showing we are! Goods. only 50c Decorated Iron Stone China. k a a ti:s cm cr.::zr.v. ip will cure it. A any drag store Box : ' Oonoord, H. O. TVV