The jETv ening Tmm7ne. Vol. IX. CONCORD, N. C;, FJW DAY, DECEMBER 23, WO4 No 88. I- inn There are but TWO more days of Holi day sHoppinrf. 656 tlmt la so snort we urtfe everybody not to wait any longer. We offer the best as sortments 0 the newest merchandise to be had. Come and see us and you will be-well repaid. We will mention few acceptable Holi day Gifts for all. 49 Fine Holiday f Handkerchiefs for women, girls, men and boys. Plain and Fancy r-" Neckwear.' Sample line of Fine " - Chinaware. Sample line of Fine Cut Glass. ; Fine line of Bibles. Ladies' Kid Gloves. : Fine Table Linen. Sample line of Toys at; 1 half price.- - ; ' Ladies' Hand Bags from "' ' 25c and up. 1: '-. -.v' -Beautiful line of r Ladies' Furs. V: Dili 10 O Q O s;:;: n ni a x::e?t ooci ntiQ I III! m n ill 11:111 I "jjlil THEY fllll JURY COULD NOT AGREE la tke Cue Aplast Naa Patterara the Jadge Discharge? the Jary Today. New York, Dec. 23. At 12:45 the fury in theee of Nan Patten on for the murder of Caesar Young, the book maker, announced that it was unable to agree and Judge Davis discharged the jury. ' New York, Dec. 23. While the jury weighs the evidence against her Nan Patterson, not twoliundred feet away, paces the narrow confines of her cell inside the tombs awaiting the ver dict. At the minutes grew to hours the actress began to lose courage, for she believed when the jury retired that they would vote to acquit her quickly, Occassionally dunng the night she threw herself on the cot but fear rob bed her of sleep and the gray of dawn found the woman pale and haggard sit ting on the edge of her cot nursing her head. Jurymen Beyond the Pale of Argument, Refuse to be Convinced. New York, Dec 23. The jury in the Nan Patterson case came into court at 11:30 this moraine and an Bounced that after-deliberation of 20 hours it was Unable to reach an agree ment. Form an Thomas H. Harmer informed Justice Davis that the evi dence had been carefully weighed, and that some members of the jury stood but against all reason. Judge Davis sent the jury back : for further deliberation. Later it returned to the room looking worn and weary and took seats. Miss Patterson was brought in and the judge asked if the jury had reached a decision, the reply being that they had not The fore man said that they wanted mo instate tions, and added that some of the members were absolutely not open to conviction or reason. Miss fatterson pale and thin, wu taken back to the cell," almost on the verge of a collapse. Remanded Without Bail. . Nan Patterson collapsed completely wheri the jury reported that it could not agree. ' On motion of Prosecutor Ranf the prisoner Was remanded with out bail and the young woman taken back to her. cell. Dig till Traia 6ut of the' Snowdrift Winchester, Ml, Dec 21. A freight train on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad early this morning ran 1 into a snowdrift ten feet deep in McCann's cut three miles north of this city, and for six hours ' passenger and ; freight traffic on the Valley Division-' was at a standstill A large force of work men were sent from Winchester, and dug away the snow which almost cov ered the engine, and this evening traffic wu resumed. . ; ; , To Pay DeaU Penalty. Richmond, Va., Dec 21.Arrange- moots have been - completed for the execution here tomorrow of James Goode, a negro. . Goode's crime wu the killing; last July of Police;: Inspec tor Shinburger.' Goode wiur wanted af the time for the murder of another negro and he killed the police inspec tor in an effort to fcvoid capture. , Southern Intor.CoIleglato Association Montgomery, Ala., Dec 22.! The eleventh annual meeting of the South ern Inter-Collegiate Athletic' Associa tion began today at Auburn, Ala., with a full attendance. .President Dudley, of Vanderbilt, wu presented . with a loving cup by members of the associ ation. The convention will Vote ion changing the rules of college athletics tomorrow and will act on charges of professionalism against Cumberland University. -; ' - JAPS WANT REPRESENTATION. Government Thinks that ft laoaU to Equally Represented WithiRnssla. Paris, Dec. 23. It is reported that the Japanese government has Expressed a desire to be represented at tne sesions af the International commission to in quire into the Dogger Bank jtragedy. It is said that the Japanese cta)m that they are entitled to equal rights wjth the Russians before the commission. Officials say that it is too late for the uapanese to join. According ' to an official provision published today the commission will hold two sessions ;a day When it convenes. The qtsestivn of secrecy was not discussed. , IN THE CHICKEN COOP. Qua Set at Coop Door is New Jersey Canfht the Thief la the Let. i Camden, N J., Dec. 23. HoVard Brown of this city had a musket train- I. " - . .A -9- ed on his chicken coop so that' when the door opened the gun would ex plode. Robert Dorsey, colored went to the coop this morning and the gun went oft and Dorsey was taken b the hospital minus a leg. FROZEN RUSSIAN SOLDIERS. ? , ....... . .. . . .. Reports icii oi ureat saneriog Asaoat Soldiers la Manchuria. - ' ; St. Petersburg, Dec. 23. Reports received from Manchuria tell of if alarming mortality among the Russiai troops there. Iu one week 852 soi diers were frozen to death, and ' over one thousand are incapacitated by the cold. , . ,"t NATIVES THREATEN TOWN. Soldiers la the Phllpilaes Ambushed aad Killed by Natives. i-M, Manila, Dec. 23. Natives ambush ed and killed at Dolores, island of Samira, a lieutenant and thirty seven men of the 38th company of native scoutsr The thousand threaten the town and the situation is critical. Ideal Christmas Weather. So far the weather has been ideal for the Christmas season. Nothing better could be desired. The report for tonight and tomorrow sent out this morning is as foHows: "Fair tonight, wanner in the interior; Saturday fair except rain in Western portion of the State," If present conditions continue to prevail none but the small boy, who always wants snow, will" be satisfied with the work of the weather man. Sank Work Tonight. .There will be work in the third rank at the Pythian Castle v Hall tonight. All members and visiting brethern in vited. F. C. ODELL, C. C 'iP V Items Prom No. S. The most anxious thought is, how is the price of cotton? There has been a nice lot of pork salted down this week. ' - Mr. Vanpelt is getting on nicely with the school at the Smith school house.'-' . The school at Gilwood is having a Christmas tree this evening. . Mrs.' Archer; who hu t been so very sick, is thought to be better.; 1 -. ' Dfand Mrs. Barger celebrated the tenth' anniversary of married Fife last Monday. ; i-i'i'. : :. , --j; Dr. and Mrs. Gouger have sent out invitations to the ' marriage , of their niece. Miss Maggie Douglu to Mr. Roy Johnson January 5, 1905. v ' Rev. Aycock will preach at Shiloh on Christmu evening at 3 o'ejpek. ,;De& 23, 1904. tmi To Care Cold in One Day ' Tax Laxative Eromo Quinine, All dir ts refund money it it tails to cura. KV.arore'ssiiatareoneaohbox. Ke A word to the wise is said to be sufHcicnt; a few words in the TR1B UNS "Penny Column" will bring the wLe mta results. , ! ' . MR. DATVAULrS KASRIAGE. Aooount Qiren by The Statesvllle Correspondent of The Observer. Statesvdle, Dec 21. In the First Presbyterian church here this evening at 6:45 o'clock. Miss Dessie K. Tur ner, of Statesville, and Mr. Andrew Jackson Dayvault, of Concord, were married, Rev. C. M. Richard, pastor of the church, officiating. Within the chancel were banked evergreens and ferns, and suspended just above the chancel from an arch formed of cedar and ivy wu a hoop of ivy leaves, within which were a well-executed bow knot and a monogram freaed of the first letters of the names of the contracting parties D. T. Pendant below this were two blended hearts made of ivy leaves. The bridal party entered the middle dpors of the church and marched in couples half way up the center aisle, where they separated and marched up opposite aisles, passing in front of the chancel and forming a semi-circle, facing the audience. They entered in the following order to Mendelssohn's wedding march rendered by Miss Jes sie Fowler: Messrs. Ernest GaitheT and Bert Hughy; Jack Turner and Dr. J. Robert Lowrey, of Councy Line, ushers; Miss Edna Ramsey and Mr. J. R. Hill; Miss Toby Turner and Mr. John Turner, of Elmwood. The bride, wearing a handsome going away dress of brown silk and carrying bride's roses, and Miss Margaret Tur ner, maid of honor, gowned in white silk, entered the door on the right, marching up the right aisle while the groom and his best man, Mr. L. A. Weddington, of Concord, marched up the opposite aisle, and facing the audi ence within the semi-circle formed by the attendants, were made man and wife. The bridesmaids were all dress ed in white silk. . ... 'WhTle the, audience t waited -Miss Fowler played a march from Tann- h4Usfand Miss' Cidez sang sweetly, 4t Promu MeTaornis. Mr. and Mrs. Dayvault left tonight for their home at Concord. Miss Coltrane's Guest. Miss Jenn. Winslow Coltrane hu issued quite a number of invitations to a party to be given next Monday even ing from 9 to 12 o'clock, in. honor of her visiting friends, who are u follows: Miss Jennie Winslow Howe, of Car- rolton, Ky.; Miss Julia West Hun dley, of Lebanon, Ky.; Miss Juanita Coltrane Thorn,. ' of Neosho, Ma; Miss Margaret Ellis, of Hopkinsville, Ky.; Miss Chauie Brown, of Concord; Mr. Beverly : Winslow Howe, - of Knoxville, Tenn.; and Mr. John Cooper Winslow, of Harriman, Tenn. The wise virgin hu her auto mobile lamps trimmed and burning. Said it Before and Still Say That the Place to Buy Gifts for Men, Women and Children is at this Store." ' P Ladies Ilandllerchiefs, Silver Novelties, ' All Styles in Ladies Parses and ; r Fine Perfzr&ery, Hid Cloves, SilH Waist Patterns. WorK Boxes, Silver Thinhles, L&Zlts F&ncy Ccllirs, Childs Far Sets . Ladiss For Tiects, Iltas Canderchiefs, Mens - KeclTs7trr, Sus-tirrs, Half Hose, Glsves, tc Cur Tcj and China Departnents cZzr hsndreds ? - v - . cf Satitlcas. Do you know "The There are four verses. Verse nsir grow, verse z. Ayer's nair vigor stops railing Hair. Verse 3. Ayer's Hsir Vigor cures dandruff. Verse 4. Ayer's Hair Vigor always restores color to gray hair. ' V V:i 3 ' it. When you must make your Christmas purchases, come in often these last few days. You are almost sure to see many helpful hints on display here. Many attractive small pieces. A Leather Couch or Chair is an ideal Xmas gift. 7 i A Secret Worth Knowing. Xmas shopping is no longer a our btore we have your ideas in a nut shell. Just sug gest, we can helpyou, too, with our- conception of v t things, appropriate for men. unfioa, In Individual' boxes, au ma f Reswear, ia all colon and prices. TO J2r ttttMMMMiMv4a ti AobUst effect i ' . Handkerchief , initial and pUin! ' I B '.i Fancy Vesta, in all patterns. iiom, in every array 01 or Remember Everything BROWNS-CANNON COMPANY. IE Song of 60 Years?" 1. Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the perplexing problem. Visit - - '.?. - - : ,V;.C.v ; - "'' ..' . . :- r-.s - sTvory ymndng for " Mem If Im mat foflerf here. styie. for every man is here from head to foot. Calte Coloring. The ladies like to do their best on Xmas Cakes, and a First-Class Coloring adds wonderfully to to their appearance. Concord Drug Comp'y. Agents Huyler's Caneies. Si : , - : mi V.f

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