SacLost Bother. , "Consumption rani in oar family, and through it I lost my Mother," writes E. B, Rld, ot Hnrmonyi M?. uTot tfce past five jenni, tYjwever, on the (lightest sign of a Congh or Cold, I hare taken Dr. KingV New" Discovery, for Con DiUjitiun, which has laved me from senoas laug trouble." Hi mother'! death waa a fad loss for Mr. Reid,. but he h'med that long trouble . most not in) neglected, and hovr tooureforeonghs I and colds. Price 60o and $1.00; - gnar nteed at all drngtsta. Trial bottle free. ' it would take more than asbestos . ) lining to keep money from burning a . ole in some fellows pockets. All - Service - Resumed. THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC & UNION PACIFIC Lines reach -nearly every State in the 'West with. Steamship hnet to China, Japan, Hawaiian Is'ands, Australia and India. - Round-trip Homeseekers rates to Loifisiana, Ti xas, Oklahoma " i .and Old Mexico, each first and third Tuesday. ; Through Pullman1 Tourist Car three days each week from Washington, D. C, to San Francisco, via Atlanta, Montgom - -, ery, Mobile and New Orleans and So. Pacific "Sunset Route.' " - f. 4 - ....... . Cheap one-way colonist rates from all points to California and Northwest from February 15th until April 7tb, 1906. - Requests for information cheerfully answered. J. F. VAN RENSSELAER, Gen'l. Agt. R- O.BEAN.T P. A; ; 124 Peachttee Street, Atlanta Ga. , JHe that knows, and knows that he knows, is wise. Follow him. . Arabian Pr. -! ' . . Wt S SWfarid knows that he ., l If ' - .IrMMnn.V'-.. Biscuit istwell: fed; Dine . ':- NATlONAi.BUCUrr COMPANY .4' On account tor , vougns, vo' iXrihsai Crackers V I IweXeMkCf Tal3 sCmSh1!1 I VSdCI Tea Vxtzlt I i , i -jJ La imitations with similar sounding names wuh - known reputation j .' f if. jWc originated HonevJand ,Tar as a Throat and Lung Remedy and unless get Remember the name and insist upon having Foley'sHoney and Tar . Du not risk eyour lif; or health by taking imitations, which: cost you the same as the genuine. k vr a ttr I t an s fkoA m m m -m T ' " .. SOFTNESS OF SEALSKIN. bj '. Urate kr Bma Bate Wfcssw '.. Dar t. BraAleato. - Sealskin ia admired the world over tot It aoftneaa) and glossiness; and ret the human hair la oquaHr aa soft and floss? when healthy; and the radioed cause of alt hatr trouble la dandruff, which la earned, by pestiferous parasite that saps the vitality of the hair at Its root Mewbro's Herplolda to the only preparation that la fatal to the dandruff germ. Without danj draff there Is no falUnf hair, but a lux uriant growth of (lossy, soft hatr la esr. tain. Boourlnr the seal? wont cure dan druff. , Kill the dandruff verm. . Thous ands of women owe their beautiful suits of hair to Newbro's Herptetda. Bold by leading druggists. Bend JOe. In stamps te The Berpiolde Co., Detroit, Wen. r M. L. Marsh, Special Agent. ii mm of the great merit and i; popularity FO LEY'S ;H OKT AND JT AR Co)ds,;;;andvXung,Jv-Tr6uble,; several mariu facturers" jarQfJadvertising-.iii'liM-t.'-ii-r-'j:!1 -' v ;.i '.t ' . ' r ' i;:.!i:rLl;i:'': ;r:'l ' 'i as, : ana 3 l.u ng oi FOLEY'S HONEY i DO HOT DEI Foley's IIoney and Tar is put up in V ALL OVER THE HOUSE. A Laundry Suggestion (n Which Par .; '; eTfin Flgursa. :r " ' Put B'jiled clothes to soak over night. Into S boiler half full of hot rater -cut a half bar of eoap and a piece-pf pareian one and a half inch es square.--Fill the boiler with fine pieces of cloLiiing nud-boU one-half hour1. For the second boilerful add the same amount of soap and paraf fin and boil the samo length of time. I'hei'o v.iit bo enough soap and par affin for the third boiling of towels and conro pieces. Scald, hut dojiot boil, black and white percales and ginghams, and they will not fade. Rub all soiled epota lightly on the washboard, using no more soap. After ringing through two waters and bluing hau4ip to dry. In win ter if the ilanncle are washed in the water left from white clothes .and rinsed in warnr .vatef softened with a little bor.;x t!:uy will be nice and soft. The Koniij witer in the wash boiler is very pood to clean floors, sinks, etc., if need wannr Empty the boilei' before it tools, or the paraffin will form a rim, which only gasoline will remove. Enamsiing a Bst'ntub. First the old enamel should be cracked off v.iili o small hammer and ground down with sandstone. Next give it ore coat of one part lin seed oil and fo'ir parts turpentine, which will prevent any further cor rosion and at the same time forms a good surface for the. subsequent painting. Follow this with two coats of paint made as follows: Zinc white paste, three pounds; pale gold size, one-fourth pint. Stir well and thm with turpentine, llus pamt will dry hard and resist the action of hot water. For the 8ink Back. Measure sink from end to end and get a boat d that length and about a foot wide. Cover smoothly with oil cloth on o le side, tacking the raw edges on tho back. lut a screw eye about six inches from each end to hang it by. Uaug it so the lower edge will come over back of edge of sink instead of under the hnisu. This will keep it dry and clean, and when the oilcloth is soiled it can be cleansed with kerosene. Macaroons. Soak half a pound of sweet al monds in boiling hot water until the skins rub otf easily, wipe them dry, pound lifte and mix with rose wntqr. Beat the whites of three eggs to a stiff froth, stir in gradually half a pound of white powdered sugar and the almonds.. Drop the mixture in email parcels on buttered bake tins or huttered paper on tins separate from each other, sift sugar over them and bake slowly. A Cooking Hint. . When frying doughnuts have a large saucepan of hot water near the kettle Qf fat. As the doughnuts are fried take them out one by one from the fat and dip them for an instant in the hot water before setting asidt to cool.; This removes the superflu ous fat and renders them more di gestible. Have the water very hot and just pass them' through it as quickly as possible. .,. "" " . Concerning Paper Bags. It is well that housewives should know that paper bags are made of a compound of rags, lime, glue and similar substances mixed with chem icals and acids. When dry these do not hann, but if allowed to become damp a paper bag is unfit to touch articles of food. ; Never, therefore, keep food that is of a damp or juicy nature in a paper bag. . Care of 8tovss. " If the range or stove has got spot ted with grease while cooking and won't polish,, a good way to remove H ia as follows: Take a little hand brush, smear it well with soot from the-flue and rub-it well over the greasy parts. ' Afterward blacklead as usual, and yon will find the grease has disappeared, and a brilliant pol ish will be the result. ; - ; I. v ' A theatrical aneel and his" coinare quickly divorced. ' .:: i;;Hr -v : Hypocrites deceive themselves most. iiujj j mm i'mjh ii the view-o AND TAR." G POSED -U POH three sizes 25c, 50c r EVER WATCHFUL A Little Care Will Save Many : .-" Concord Readers Future , '' Trouble.--; Watch the kidney secretions. : Bee that they havethe amber hue of health; Vw";',:' The discharges not excessive or - in frequent; '; ' . Containno'trick-dnst like" sediment. : Doan'a Kidney PUla will do this for you. '. . . - : They watch the kidneys and core them when they're sick. W. J. Hill of 40 South . Union street, proprietor of a hardware and harness store, Jtutioe of the Peace, and one of the Peace, and one of the beet known oitizens of Concord, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills proved a very efficient remedy in my ease. , I got a box at the Gibson Drug Store and osed them for kidney 'disorders and. backache from which I liad experienced a great deal of annoyance, trouble and pain. The kidney secretions had bothered me for a long'while, were very irregular, dark and full of sediment The pills cleaned it all up and I have not had an ache in my back since taking the last dose. My back is mueh stronger and my health generally is improved a great deal. am glad to make public endorsement of the pills trusting that it may be the means of relieving some other sufferer." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn' Co.. Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Uemember the name Doau's ai d take no other. No, Maude, dear, a farmer doesn't have to be a magician to turn a cow into a ten-acre lot. A DisaatrousCalamity. It is a disastrous calamity, when you lose your health, because indigestion and constipation hbve sapped it away. Prompt relief can be bad in Dr. King's New Life Pills. They build np your digestive organs, and cure headache, dizziness, colio constipation, eto. Guar anteed at all druggists, 25c. If the fool killer should e::t really get down to work the lawyers would starve to death. "IThaakThelordl" cried Hannah Plant, of Little Hock, Ark., "for the relief I got from Buck ten's Arnica Salve. It cured my iearful running sores, whioh nothing else would heal, and which I had suffered for 5 years," It is a marvelous healer for cuts, burns and wounds, Guaranteed at all druggists, 85o. - Some people claim that heaven is their home and then move every time the rent comes due. " Nature needs only a Little Early Riser now and then to keep the bowels clean, the liver active, and the system free trom bile, headaches, constipation, eto. The famous little pills "Early Kir ers" are pleasant in effect and perfect n action, xney never gripe or sicken, but tone and strengthen the liver and kidneys.. Bold by Uibson Drug Store. A painter may feel that he is way up in art when his pictures are skied. A Oough Syrup whioh drives a cold out of the system by acting aa a cathartic on the bowels is Offered, in Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar..' Clears the throat, strengthens the-, lungs and bronchial tubes. The mother's friend and the children's favorite.! Best for Croup, W hooping-Cough, eto. Sold by When a man can't pay for his coal he expects it to be put on the slate. Do not be deceived by counterfeits when yon buy Witch Hazel Salve. . The name of E. O. DeWitt & Co. Js on every box of the genuine. Piles in their worst form will soon pass away if yon will apply De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve night and morning. Best for Outs, Burns, Boils, . Tertor, Eczema, ' eto. Sold by Qibson Drug Store. :' ; ' i.-. .. Most fellows Would marry for love if they felt they could afford it. ,. -: A liquid old cure and the only Couhg Syrup which moves the bowels works aU oold out of the svstem-o-is Kennedy a Laxative Honey and Tar.,, dean the head and throat and makes weak lungs strong. Beat foe Group, - Whooping Cough, eto. Children low it . Bold by Gibson Drag Store. ,.-. ; ' -ji ' . ,yrt.l! "''If '""w J 4 and $1.00. CONDENSED STORIES. Joke Was en the Senator, and Hs Acknowledged the Cm. - John A. Harris used to relate the following inoident, which happened in his home town of Plainfield : . "In 188(5 the late Senator Henry L. ' Dawes while driving near the town of Plainfield, not !:ar from Cummington, a native tcvn, lost his "OCE8S YOU HAVE LOST, SENATOIt " way and secured the services of Wil liam Keid, a simple minded youth, to direct him the right way. Mr. Dawes took the hoy in his carriage, and aa they were pasiny an extensive pasture the senator re marked that was "u fine lot of spear grass." "That's Herd's grass," remarked the boy. Vainly the senator tried to ex plain that the boy was wrong and finally made a bet of $10 to a cent that he (Mr. Dawes) was right and referred the matter to Andrew E. Wells, an old farmer, who knew Mr. Dawes by sight. "Guess you have lost, senator," said the referee, who decided the bet !n the boy's favor. "Why, that is Herd's grass, for it belongs to Tom Herd." So Mr. Dawes admitted that the joke was on him. Boston Herald. A Good Thing at a Bad Tims. Mme. Bougtiereau, the widow of the noted French painter, was Miss Elizabeth Gardner of Exeter, X. H., says the V ashington Post. "Mme. Bouguercau," said an artist, "has a fund of Xew England anecdote, which she repeats with a droll humor. "I heard her in her studio one day describing an aged woman of Exeter. This woman was always saying wise, true things' "at the wrong time. Her grandson got married, and a little while after the wedding she made the excellent re mark: "'I am glad Herbert had the sense to marry a settled old maid. Yonng gals is highty tighty, and widders is overrulin' and domineer in'. But old maids is generally tnankiul and willin to please. "And the aged dame crocheted away comfortably, with the con sciousness of having said a good tiling. But the look on the face of Herbert's new wife as she fixed the old lady with her glittering eye was suggestive of anything but meek ness." Proof For Colonel Crowninshisld. The estate . owned by the late Colonel Crowninshield, one of Mar blehead's most aristocratic citizens, adjoins the pasture of William fanner, a sturdy farmer. A valua ble dog owned by the colonel used to run into the pasture and annoy the farmer's cows. Farmer went to Colo nel Crowninshield and requested that the annoyance be stopped, only to receive, the reply, "How do you know it is my dog . "llow do 1 knowr" replied the other, with " rising ;: indignation. "Why,"haven't I seen him V ' "You , must bring me better proof," replied the colonel as he turned coldly away. , "All right, sir," said the farmer in an unmistakable tone. . "The next time the dog bothers my cows IH bring yon all the proof necessary in a wheelbarrow." , V : The dog never bothered the cows afterward. Boston Herald. ' r'.,:. He Needed Them. V "Skaggs Corners 1" !. : ; The young man leaped from the train and began hastily to look after his enormous mass of luggage. i rrhearter manacrer. hain't ver said a veteran in red mittens. . "No," tha young man answered. 1 am--aw landscape photographer, gathering snow scenes for a work on 'Beautiful America." 1 ' , H1 4 ' "Waal, I be gosh durnedl 'Wat ye doin', then, with thet thar mount ing o theayter BceneryP' ." " "Those canvases," said the young man, "are painted with rustic views. I use them to hide the medical and other advertisements upon the land scapes that l photograph." ft ew Orleans Times-Democrat. ' . Every ounce of food yon eat that fails to digest does pound of harm. It turns the entire meal into poison. This not only deprives the blood-of the necessary tissue-building material, bat it poisons it. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a perfect digeetant. It digests the food regardless of the condition of the stomach. - It dijnsts tiie food rc-vdless of the d "''ion of t'-e stomach. It allows Uu-t c.n to rebt and get strong again 7 ';,., -., i Heart T n, f r , I i, IV at ' i ... , - i The Duke Divorce Case Dp Again. Newark, N. J.. Dec. 21. -The hearing in the divorce suit of Jamei B Duke, president of the American Tobacco Company, against Mrs. Lil lian B Duke was resumed. The hearing ii to determine whethi r Mr. Duke is a resident of the state of New Jersey and whether his wife is an swerable to the New Jersey court In his divorce. Both Mr and Mrs Duke were on the witness stand. Man's Unreasonableness is often as great as woman's. Bat Thoe. S. Austin, Mg. of the "Repnblican," of Leaveuwortli, Ind., ws not unreason able, wtieu he refused to allow the allow the doctors to operate on his wife, for female trouble. "Instead," ho snys, "we concluded to try Electric Bitters. My wife was then so sick, she could hardly leave her bed, and five (5) phy sicians had failed to relieve her. After taking Electric Bitters, she was perfectly curnd, and can now ierfonu all her household duties." Guaranteed by all druggists, price 50c. Look rut for the men who should be locked into No mutter how long you nave had the onuih; if it hasn't already developed into consumption, Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup will cure it. At any drug 9iO)S THE HOLIDAY GIRL O. nht to be di lighted to krow that we are quipped to have all orders now placed for drying or cVaning work readv on time frr the Xinas H-litays Why not get active and see us about cleaning that party dress, silk waist, gloves or slippers. QUEEN CITY DYEING AND CLEANING WORKS. Phone 246. Charlotte, N C. MRS J. M. HESTER, Proprietress. JUDGE PARKER PENS BY THEIR MERITS... BECAUSE They are the " pens of pleasure." ' jj WHAT DOES m IT MEAN? It is the name of a patented Improve ment used exclu sively in the Parker Pen which prevents leaking or soiling. It's a good " habit to form that of using a Parker Pen. Com in and let iU4&ot you Marsh's Drug Store. Dr.J. S.LAFFERTY Treats Diseases of the Eye and Ear. Fitting Glasses with care a specialty. X-Ray Work. Office, Room 15 Mor ns Building Two Dyspeptics If veo are too f ft It Is because vour food turns to fat Instead of muscle strength. If 70a are too lean the 1st producing foods that yen sat are not vrsMrlr digested and Mshnusted, Lean, thm,- stringy people de not have enough Pepsin in the stomach, while fat people have toe muoh Pepsin and not nough Pancreatine. , .. Kbdol Dyspepsia Cure eon tains all the digestive Jukes that are found in hsalthv stomach, and ia exactly those proportions necessary te enable tne stomach and digestive organs to digest and assimilate all foods that may be eatealCodol b not only a perfect dinttant but it Is a reconstructive, tia- sue building tonle as well. Kodol cures ind'.fsuon, uyepepsis bour fetomacn. Heartburn. Palpitation ef the Heart and Cons-paUoa You will like it :- Dfr rts Vh-t Ycu Lzt if u' -ac r ' r 1 1 i ilf V a 1 64M - V MIS .Vbekl-.lalJ FAILED TO IZIZ'ZZ This Doctor TlMn Tried Head of tha reault. ' For ever 10 years I have euBersd with Wntsais my bunds. I tried leading sdmUUsm ia Burope and America, and none sould do Bie a Mtrtiele of Rood. If 7 hands were wollea nntll :hey were like hnge sores. I did not dare to rash them properly , as I found that erery sosp I used made the disease grew worse. The (Luropesn dootors knew no more tha the Smericui. I anally used Three S Kesema Sure, carefully following dlreotlons, and I find that it is all that you claim for it, it has com pletely cured me. I ahaU take great pleasure thereafter in recommending It te any patlenfc Yours truly. DR. & M. JONAS, ' Feb. S. 1906. St0 Prairie Are.. Chicago. What we do for others we can Just as nrrely do for yon. No use to dose the ' itomach; you can't reach the skin that way. So use to go to health resorts; water won't all parasites. There is only one scientific ind logical treatment; D. D. D. Prescrip ioa. It actually slaughters the parasites o the skin that result inEcxemaandallskm Kseases. '4Try a $1.00 bottle today, and on will be convinced. Remember, we ro und every cent it D, P; V, Presarptioa ; is 10 care; WE PROVE IT. To convinoa you we have arranged with the D. D. D Co., so that any sufferer from any ekin diseases can get direct from the D. D. D. Go's, laboratory a, large FREE sample bottle of D. D. D. prescription together with 83-page new : pamphlet on skin diseases and free ad vive ou your particular case from the world's greatest skin specialties. FRFF SAMPLE COUPON. -'- (MAO, THIS PROMPTLY) D. D. CO , MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 116-120 Michigan St., Suite 9, Chicago Please scud me free prepaid, a large A17.A anmnlfl hnr.r.lA nf TV: TY TV . Tiamnh 1 At and consultation blank. For .years 1 have been anhcted with a skin called ana nave never 4 . . . Died D,D. D. Name..- Address Gibson Drug , Store. PBSM DR. W. C. HOUSTON: DENTIST 1 7f Office 'Phone , as Residence 'Phone 11 " Office opposite Cannon A1 Fetaer Co. 1.(1 lllll BY Isaac Erwia Ayery. .. . , Late City Editor of Charlotte Observer. Proceeds to be ' used for Avery Memorial Scholar- . ships at Trinity College. Price $2,00 Delivered. ADDRESS . - GEORGE STEPHENS, Chairman, Charlotte, N. C. YOUTH'S cor.iPAUiG:j Will alva Ra readers In the a Issue of the I90S) Vol em - ' Berisl Sterlet, esck a keok a itself , retsstist Sissrioss Utsiak s. sajaaaasaelS. , 50 pedal Articles eoBtrlbateS Vf Faawes Wa sod Womes Stateaiaaa, Trsrsllers, Witters sa4 Sjcieatuts. . 200 Tkoa(MfBl aaS Timely Saltertal ArMeles OS) iaipertaBt PabUe ant DooMstts Qesatieas. , 250 ' Conplets Stories sy tk beet ef Urine Storjr WriUre Steries ef Charaetsc,. atones Si aekiereaMBt, Stsries of amaor, L j. . 1000 Rotes Os Csrrnt BVents est tHieeverles la tks Pield of Scieaoe a&it natiual kiatwy. . 2000 Brl(kt asS Arastlsf Aoeosotes, ttoms ef Ba7tcaes!a' Cal1'' "P""" Feea ua . losttk Articles, Peltirlns Article, Cbilaiea's Pat, ets Crkm e at atni Amu Aurut t . Wkeentseet s ef"" f- - t ui .wiiksaaw and "ii..-,. , win rtv.e: r. AH the ! T-'r i . j. Bew i. ,i .. , TM r 11 lC

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